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YogAmRRitaM by R. Visvanatha Sastri - 15

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upadekShyanti te j~nAnaM iti satsu pravartanaM .

saMshayAshca nivartyantAM iti satsu pravartanaM .. 160 ..


AcAraH prathamo dharmaH iti satsu pravartanaM .

bhImAdayo na gaNyante iti satsu pravartanaM .. 161 ..


j~nAninA hRRidayaM vedyaM iti satsu pravartanaM .

bahirveShAnmA.astu mohaH iti satsu pravartanaM .. 162 ..


The noble ones teach the Knowledge and clear doubts.

Regulated behaviour is the first dharma. “bhIma, etc.” are

not of any value. The resident inside has to be known only

by a jnAni. Do not be carried away by outer glamour. Thus

may you seek the company of the noble sAtvic ones.




yAvatA svAtmani vishrAntirna bhavati tAvatA vicAraNaM

kAryameva . indriyebhyaH parA hyarthAH iti

sapta-prAkAra-madhyasthaH parameshvaro ra~NgarAjaH

koshavicAreNa vij~nAtavyaH paritaH . parItya lokAn parItya

bhUtAni parItya sarvAH pradisho dishashca iti

sarvatastadastitvameva vicArya j~nAtavyaM . dharma-mArgaM

caritreNa iti sadAcArasya abhilaShitvAt ..


Synopsis: So long as you don’t see Peace in Your Self, that

long the enquiry (into the Self) has to be pursued. Recall

the saying about Sri Rama: ‘dharma-mArgam charitreNa’.


evaM turIyAdhyAyAnte tRRitIyAmArukSati .

j~nAninaH kAma-saMkalpavarjitA iti shAsanaM .. 163 ..


Thus by the end of the fourth chapter one ascends the third

step of ‘tanu-mAnasI’ – thinning of the mind. The wise men

are supposed to be devoid of all sankalpa, that is, wishful



yasyAM ca procjhitAsheSha-saMkalpa-kalanaH pumAn .

saMkalpanaM mano viddhi manasA nyAsa iShyate .. 164 ..


Man has to erase all such wishful thinking without any

residue whatsoever. Such fanciful thinking is purely a

mental activity. The mind has to renounce it.


mAyA sRRiShTe ca manasi pratyayAshca sahasrashaH .

vividhAH kalpanAstyaktvA mano yu~njyAcca shAntaye .. 165 ..


All these imaginations have been created by me in my own

mind. Renouncing all such imaginations, the mind has to be

yoked to the Absolute on the road to Peace.


mano nikShipya sAmye ca nirdoShe brahmaNi sthitaH .

sa brahma-yoga-yuktAtmA dhIndriyANi niyacchhati .. 166 ..


Having established the mind in that Equanimity that is

Brahman the blemishless, the yogi now yoked in brahma yoga

controls his intellect as well as the senses.


sarva-saMkalpa-saMnyAsI hyAste ca nitarAM sati .

nivAtasthita-dIpena sAmyaM prApnoti sarvathA .. 167 ..


Such a renouncer who has relinquished all imaginations

remains always like the lamp in the windless environment

and attains the Equanimous state of Peace.


cittaM niruddhaM yogena nistara~Nga samudravat .

guNAtItaH shAntamanAH ArUDhaH samadarshanaH .. 168 ..


Yoga has dammed the mind and made it like an ocean without

waves. He is the one who has transcended the gunas, with

Peace in the mind, and an equanimous view all around. He is

the one who has made the Ascent.


akhaNDabhagavadrUpe yogArUDhashca vartate .

upAyena tu vashyAtmA shabda-brahmAtivartate .. 169 ..


The Yogi who has got to the peak of yoga lives in that

conscious presence of the Infinite. Having conquered the

Self by proper means he goes beyond the shabda-brahman,

that is, the scriptural literature.


AtmAkAramano vRRittyA sarvadA sthIyate tviti .

bhUmikAtritayaM jAgrat ShaShTenaiva samApyate .. 170 ..


With his mind engulfed by the Self he stands there. Thus

the three steps of the ascent (considered as corresponding

to the waking state) are concluded in the sixth chapter of

the Gita.


Note: The word ‘jAgrat’ is significant here. The next

(fourth) step that is going to come in shloka 171 is being

declared by the author to correspond to the ‘dreaming

state’ and later on the ‘sleep state’ is also coming. But

the logic, rationality or significance of this

correspondence is not clear to me: VK


tRRitIyA bhUmikA tanumAnasItyucyate .

saMkalpa-vikalpAtmakatvameva manaH . kAyena manasA buddhyA

.. sarvakarmANi manasA . sAmye sthitaM manaH. yatInAM

yatacetasAM . yatendriya-manobuddhiH .

samaloShTAshma-kA~ncanaH . samabuddhirvishiShyate . ekAgraM

manaH kRRitvA . manassamyamya maccittaH . yogI

niyatamAnasaH . yadA viniyataM cittaM . yogino

yata-cittasya . AtmasamsthaM manaH kRRitvA . yato yato

nishcarati manaH . prashAnta-manasaM . caMcalaM hi manaH .

mano durnigrahaM calaM . ityAdi gItA shlokeShu

manastAnavapratipAdakeShu tRRitIyA bhUmikoddharaNaM kriyate



The third Step is ‘tanumAnasI’ – thinning of the mind. Mind

is nothing but resolution and perturbation. How the

thinning of the mind happens – is portrayed in several gita

shlokas quoted here; V – 11, 13, 19, 26, 28; VI – 8, 9, 12,

14, 15, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27. 34, 35.


PraNAms to all advaitins and to my father.




Prof. V. Krishnamurthy


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