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Jai Sri Ram to everyone at this group.i know i am supposed to go beyond the

name & forms when i am in advaita....but...i hav not realised this state...

i hav some Q's-

1)has anyone in this group experienced Nirvikalpa Samadhi?

2)has anyone read the teachings of Swami Vivekananda & Sri Ramakrishna &

if yes,whts their contribution to the spread of the Advaita Vedanta?

3)does anyone know of the genuine yogis or swamis in india who hav experienced


4)mention any 5 best books on advaita vedanta until now.

5)when does a person renounce the world(become a Sanyasin)?

i'll be grateful to anyone who answers my Q's.

May everyone be illumined.

Jai Sri Ram


- Aditya.Bhat





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Guest guest

> Jai Sri Ram to everyone at this group.i know i am supposed to go

beyond the name & forms when i am in advaita....but...i > hav not

realised this state...

> i hav some Q's-

> 1)has anyone in this group experienced Nirvikalpa Samadhi?

> 2)has anyone read the teachings of Swami Vivekananda & Sri Ramakrishna


> if yes,whts their contribution to the spread of the Advaita Vedanta?

> 3)does anyone know of the genuine yogis or swamis in india who hav

experienced Samadhi?

> 4)mention any 5 best books on advaita vedanta until now.

> 5)when does a person renounce the world(become a Sanyasin)?

> i'll be grateful to anyone who answers my Q's.

> May everyone be illumined.

> Jai Sri Ram

> - Aditya.Bhat




Hari AUM Aditya,




Even though I am not qualified enough to answer your questions, but will

try to answer from whatever little I have learned so far.




1) It depends on what you call Nirvikalpa Samadhi - Yoga Vasistha

says about Nirvikalpa as




Kanaka avyatirekENa kEyooram yena bhaavitam


Kanaika mahabuddhih nirvikalpa sah uchyathe




He who sees the various gold ornaments as not different from gold - he

is one who sees GOLD alone, this is called Nirvikalpa


Vasistha also explains this with Aditya (Sun) and its ray. Thus it is

also extended to the world and Brahman.




As Sankara says in Brahmajnaanaavalimaala


Ghata kutyaadikam sarvam mrittikaa maatrameva hi


Tadvad brahma jagat sarvam ithi Vedanta dindima




Pot, wall are all Mud alone - similarly the world is Brahman alone (of

course in technical terms - associated with names and forms which are

mere illusions only), this is the statement of Vedanta or Upanishads.




If you mean to ask about Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Nirbeeja Samadhi of Yoga

Darshana - I haven't yet experienced it.


And it doesn't matter for a seeker because all experiences are mithya

only - the experiencer alone is real (Ramana Maharshi among others

stress on this aspect very much).




2) Teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,

most would have read. I have read some teachings (not completely



3) Ramana Maharshi was one who experienced Samadhi - Sri Sri

Ravishankar, Mata Amritanandamayi are some of those present currently

who have experienced Samadhi (yes, if you are asking about yogis and

swamis - I am not very much aware about those who have experienced it).


4) Mentioning 5 books would be rather tough question to answer.

There are some books which are merely based on logic and some others

based on anusandhaanam alone. The very little that I have learnt till

now, I would mention Advaita Makaranda of Lakshmidhara (highly logical

work), Upadesa Saram of Ramana Maharshi (introductory work dealing with

all paths leading to non-dual Brahman), Laghu Vasudeva Mananam (author

unknown if I am right), Panchadashi of Vidyaranya and Viveka choodamani

of Sankaracharya.


5) When a person has developed dispassion or vairagya (teevra

vairagya is the best as it is not mere dispassion towards objects but it

is attachment to the reality which in turn causes dispassion to the

objects - I believe Patanjali terms it Para Vairagya) and wants to

pursue the reality, he can renounce the world - I don't know whether

this explanation is right or wrong as I don't know what Upanishads or

scriptures tell about the qualifications for sanyaas.




Not very sure whether the answers are right or not. Hoping that some

senior and learned members would throw some light on the questions.




May the ever illumined Self be illumined by its own illumination.








Let a moment not pass by without remembering God





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