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Exp. "Adwaita" Nididhyasan

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Prayojan - Suggestions for those who do not want to enter “Sanyas” life

style but want to take advantage of Vedanta knowledge.


Adhikar - All those who like Vedanta including new readers/listeners


Vishay - Meaning and Practicability of Nididhyasan in general.


I am not a master of words. I write the words of my masters. Mistakes if any

in this writing are mine and please forgive me for that. This is not taken from

any book or told by any Acharya. However, this can not be beyond Shastra limits.


Vedanta philosophy is like reading and studying how Sherpa Tensingh climbed

Mount Everest. There are two types of readers of these kinds of adventure

stories. Some people like only reading and enjoying the thrill and others want

to get inspired by the actual experience of the conquerors and practice it in

their own mountaineering expeditions. The people who are attracted to reading of

adventure stories sitting at home derive happiness of thrill. In the same way

the people who are attracted to read Vedanta enjoy the intellectual happiness.

They become masters of Vedanta, but when it comes to Brhamcharya, Vairagya, Guru

etc. they are so scared that they give up reading those pages and jump to next

chapters. This fear is very common and nobody be blamed for that. One difference

in mountaineering and Vedant reading is that, in later one gets involved by mind

and hence is always subject to change in his mental set up and consequently

physical habits, whether he wants it or not.


One remarkably wonderful thing is that, even if any body is a new reader of

Vedant Shastra, every page which he reads adds to his confidence that he is

understanding the most complicated science of God and he gets happiness and

encouragement to read further. Also, with every page he understands that

something which his mind is searching is not on that page and might be on the

next page, or a next chapter or different book or might be that he will be able

to find it next day. He always experiences a very little restlessness in the

corner of his mind because intelligent mind travels fast to Jidhnyasa stage. In

fact his Jeeva had started the Anusandhan (the quest) of its original form

without formally taking permission from his mind. (Sanyas). This starts

“Sundhopasundhi” (dual fight) between Jeeva and Mind. Mind understands duties,

responsibilities, love, appointments, pleasure in activities etc. Jeeva tries to

make the mind nervous in worldly matters. During this fighting Jeeva

continues with the process of clearing “Adhnyan” with Sravan-Manan

advancement. Jeeva being powerful, ultimately wins over the mind like Dara

Singh , let how long the battle continues. In old days there would be free

style fighting bouts (show) between Dara Singh and King Kong, and people used to

be very sure that Dara Singh would win after a few rounds of loss to King Kong,

despite what ever was written in paper advertisements about the strength of King




So, the Nididhyasan process secretly starts in the person who starts reading

or listening Vedanta. Most of the people who start reading Vedanta would never

like to become Jeevan Mukta, if they have not made up their mind for such a

change in their life style in company of enlightened Guru, because the happiness

enjoyed by Jeevan Mukta is beyond their understanding capacity. A company of

Guru is a chance to observe and understand, what really a bliss could be. It is

difficult for them to imagine “AtmaneWatmanaTushtah”, though they can deliver a

three- hour lecture on this Geeta sloka and keep the audience spell bound. It

is difficult that their mind can come out of Bandhan of family, society and

money earning activity.



However, like those who read books for guidance in actual mountaineering, the

people with determination to obtain “Atmadhnyan” make up their mind for

gradually giving up the bodily concerns. Rest of the people do get enjoyment and

intellectual satisfaction of reading Vedanta, but it is impossible for them to

come out of Sukh-Dukh of life and out of the Janmantar cycle.




Sravan, Manan and Nididhyasan is often not understood by the new readers of

Vedanta literature correctly. Here is a sloka which describes about this.


1. Shravan Shabda Shakti Vishayam Nirupanam Uktitah Shravanam



2. Manan Vastu Tatwa Vishayam Nirupanam Uktito Mananmitudiryate


3 Nididhyasan Chetsastu Chitimatrasheshata Dhyanam Iti Abhivadanti





Shravan is the reading or listening of Vedant Vichar. Only reading or listening

however, do not suffice the purpose. “Shabda Shakti Vishayam Nirupanam” is

necessary. Upanishad verses are not simple poetry, those are Mantra(s), may be

in prose form sometimes. A new reader/listner who is not a Sadhak (has not

undertaken sadhan) has therefore, to understand the Lakshyartha from Acharya and

should not be confident about the meaning which he thought unless verified.

Acharya though not Brahmanishta, should atleast be Nishnaat. In Brahmavidya.




Manan is to understand BrahmaVastu; “Vastu Tatwa Vishayam Nirupanam”. I have

seen some poor people engaged in business of collecting dusts from the shops of

the gold-ornament makers. They know the process of finding out gold particles

from the dust. Manan is the similar process. Out of many words one has to find

out only “Tatwa” and rest of the words may be understood with secondary

importance. This is a process of deeper thinking and one gets habituated to his

very soon.




Nididyasan is frequently trying to become “Chitimatra Shesha” (practice to live

as if one has no body, but only Ekagra consciousness). Vaidika say , “Chetsastu

Chitimatrasheshata Dhyanam” is Dhyan or Nididhyasan. Sadhak should remain only

“Chaitanyarupa” by his “Antahkaran”. This is expected from Sadhak when he

practice Nididhyasan, and this not a easy job. He has to be almost in Samadhi

while performing his routines. This is very difficult without Vivek, Vairagya,

Sham-damadi and Mumukshatwa the four Sadhan prescribed by Shastra.


If this is difficult for even the senior Sadhka (s), what should new

readers/listeners do for the Nididhyasan ? This is the question to be dealt in

this writing.


Lokmanya Tilak has said in his famous “GeetaRahasya” that if everybody is

Adwaitin in this country and observes Vairagya, who will look after the defense

and administration ? If everybody observes Brahmacharya, (eight points), what

will be the population of this country after five decades ? Lokmanya had uttered

this only to advocate Karma Yoga and make people aware of their right of

independence and need to fight for it. We can not say that Lokmanya did not know

that Vairgya was not everybody’s carrot. The fact is that Vairagya is the

greatest gift of God to human being, because all his agonies and penuries end

with Vairagya. It is a Anugraha of God and everybody can not get it. Jagatguru

in his Shatshloki (14) has described Vairagya of two kinds. 1. Nairvedya and 2.

Dhnyangarbha. Both of these kinds are only curse (in Vyawahar) or gift of

providence. Even if a thought of Sanyas arises in mind, it is a blessing,

because it is a step towards knowledge that nothing in this world can

satisfy the human mind for more than few moments.


How then new readers/listeners can take up Nididhyasan without resorting to

Sanyas and without observing the Sadhan Chatushtaya ?

“Asupteramruteh Kalam Nayed VedantChintaya”


Till you sleep or till you breathe last, continue thinking on Adwaita Vedanta

is the only possible way advises Shastra for those who are not inclined to

renounce the worldly life. This has to be understood in perspective and not to

the word.


The people with higher responsibilities like politicians, executives,

businessmen and many others shall find it impossible to keep up the Vedanta

thoughts till going to bed. If they loose their concentration in their jobs,

they will loose many things of their own and others. How maximum time out of day

could be spared for Vedanta thoughts should be decided by them, and should be

planned in such a way that this time will be increasing day by day so that when

they will think that they are free from the responsibilities of life, they will

be able to enter Vidwat Sanyas. Every second of time when they find leisure, is

expected to be spent in Chintan of the Almighty Parmatma who is well within

everybody’s body and nowhere.




Please believe me that let Parmatma be Nirguna Nirakar, He will be with you like

your loving father every moment of your life if you surrender to him by giving

up your thought of “I am”, and just continue your Sadhan of

Sravan-Manan-Nididhyasan during every possible period of time of your life. You

are not required to go for Vairagya with the above process of Nididhyasan and

not to be away from you family and work. Let me tell you that Parmatma comes to

your help and rescue, anytime with any name and form whenever you are in

“KimKartavyam” perplexity. He will advice you what to do, He will bring himself

food for you if you are hungry, He will bring money for you if you need it,


He will come in any disguise and help you in adversities, provided you do not

at anytime give up the Adwaita Vedanta thinking. This is true and this is

Pratidhnya of the great Indian Saints. This can also be everybody’s experience.


You do not have to do anything. Absolutely nothing ! No Sanyas or no Sadhan

Chatushtaya. Just you have to be in Brahma Chintan for maximum time you can. It

is an


experience that Nityanitya Vivek, Vairagya, Sham-dam-titiksha and all is taken

care by Parmatma automatically. You need not to bother for anything. Though He

is Asang you


will surprisingly realise the Shruti, "Tadejati Tanneijati" and Brahma shall be

with you.


Do not think of Samadhi, Sakshatkar or Atmadhnyan. It becomes His

responsibility and


He is very generous to grant you everything you desire.






Note from Moderator: Thanks and Appreciation for an excellent post.




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Jeeva had started the Anusandhan (the quest) of its original form without

formally taking permission from his mind. (Sanyas). This starts

"Sundhopasundhi" (dual fight) between Jeeva and Mind. Mind understands

duties, responsibilities, love, appointments, pleasure in activities etc.

Jeeva tries to make the mind nervous in worldly matters.


Shri Anilji,


I share List Moderator's appreciation for this excellent post. However a

small query.


You have posited Jeeva as an entity that 'thinks' and opposes mind. So far

as I know Jeeva is just a spark of consciousness. Jeeva does not think. It

is just a witness of thoughts that go on in the mind. It is the mind (though

empowered by the power of Jeeva) that thinks. Opposing thoughts go on in the

mind itself. That is why we use the phrase 'two minds'. At the most we can

say that the same mind runs after wordly matters at times, and at other

times awakens to spiritual pursuits.

Kindly clarify.

PranAms to all advaitins.


Ravi Shivde

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Shri Raviji,


This is in reply to your following doubts :


"You have posited Jeeva as an entity that 'thinks'

and opposes mind. So far as I know Jeeva is just

a spark of consciousness. Jeeva does not think. It

is just a witness of thoughts that go on in the mind.

It is the mind (though empowered by the power of Jeeva)

that thinks. Opposing thoughts go on in the

mind itself. That is why we use the phrase 'two minds'.

At the most we can say that the same mind runs after

wordly matters at times, and at other times awakens

to spiritual pursuits. Kindly clarify.

PranAms to all advaitins. Ravi Shivde



Please refer to the following Shruti :


1) Esh hi Drshta Sprashta Shrota Ghrata Rasayita Manta

Boddha Karta Vidhnyatma Purushah : Pra. Up. 4/9


This is suffiicent to understand that Vidhnyanmaya can

do anything including independent thinking or thinking

through mind. He is called "Manta". He may or may not

require mind for thinking.


2) Jakshat Kridat Ram manah : Chh. Up. 8/12/3


This very clear


3) "Dhyativa Lelayativa" : Bri. Up. 4/3/7


He appears like doing everything, being Upadhi Yukta.


4) Please refer to Bhagwan Shankar Bhashya : Bri. Up. 3/8/12


"Avidhya Kam Karma Vishishta Karya Karanopadh Atma"


So, we can come to conculsion that Jeevatma is not dependent

on any particular Sthool or Sukshma Indriya for his Avidhya

Karya, including thinking. (He can get it done from substitute,

like blind man gets sense of Jyoti by ears, say Shastra.)


This is experience of all of us that when our mind is

busy in thinking seriously on some material decision, we get

hints from in side. Also, we observe that many a times

when our mind tends to take decisions which will be harmful

to us in future, Vidhnyanmay helps us by giving us hints

with the help of other Indriyas, if mind is busy.Flickering

of left eye, suddenly accelerated beating of heart, itching

of left hand etc. are the symptoms. These are different in

individual cases. If he does not think how it is possible

that he can give us warnings ?


Many people have the experience of listening of actual

voice/sound from inside. This is true.


Thank you,











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Hare Krishna


AB prabhuji:



Please refer to the following Shruti :


1) Esh hi Drshta Sprashta Shrota Ghrata Rasayita Manta

Boddha Karta Vidhnyatma Purushah : Pra. Up. 4/9


This is suffiicent to understand that Vidhnyanmaya can

do anything including independent thinking or thinking

through mind. He is called "Manta". He may or may not

require mind for thinking.


bhaskar :


When the shruti telling us that our own svarUpa ultimately nothing but

brahman, how can we attribute this individuality & independent thinking

capability to vijnAnamaya kOsha?? kindly refer shankara bhAshya on

taiterIya shruti where shankara clearly distinguishes our svarUpa from all

the 5 kOsha-s. Ofcourse, we can attribute this *independent thinking

faculty* to jIvAtman *as long as* he is wrongly identifying himself with

nAma & rUpa upAdhi...that you've correctly mentioned below from shankara

bhAshya :


//quote //


4) Please refer to Bhagwan Shankar Bhashya : Bri. Up. 3/8/12


"Avidhya Kam Karma Vishishta Karya Karanopadh Atma"


// unquote//


AB prabhuji:


So, we can come to conculsion that Jeevatma is not dependent

on any particular Sthool or Sukshma Indriya for his Avidhya

Karya, including thinking. (He can get it done from substitute,

like blind man gets sense of Jyoti by ears, say Shastra.)


bhaskar :


The individual self which you are saying devoid of stUla & sUkShma

indriya-s is nothing but advitIya parabrahman...coz. according to advaita,

the individual self is by very nature no doer of action as he is identical

with paramArtha tattva as pure being. At the end of the *tattu samanvayAt*

sUtra bhAshya shankara quotes three shlOka-s (source unknown...Sri Sunder

prabhuji kindly help) the first sloka which starts from

gauNamithyAtmanOsattvE.......clearly tells us being too much attached to

BMI through avidya the socalled jIvAtman mentally transfers their mundane

features to himself...it is because of this anAdi avidyA he thinks he is

the doer & enjoyer... (ahaM katru, ahaM bhOktru etc.).


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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List Moderators Note: Please do not include the previous messages as a tail of

your message while sending your replies. Both the new members and other members

do seem to continue to repeat doing this. The list appreciates your cooperation

in keeping the message crisp and clear by removing all unnecessary parts of

previous messages. (As it is done in this message!) Please note that Sri Bhasker

has provided you a detailed reply stating why he disagrees with you and it is

your responsibility to clarify with more details. Please read his message again

and answer him appropriately. Thanks in advance.



Shri Bhaskar ji'


I request you to read the post again, you may require

to take help of seniors and/or think on the points again.


Thank you,





bhaskar.yr wrote:



Hare Krishna


AB prabhuji:



Please refer to the following Shruti :


1) Esh hi Drshta Sprashta Shrota Ghrata Rasayita Manta

Boddha Karta Vidhnyatma Purushah : Pra. Up. 4/9

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Shri Bhaskar ji'


praNAms AB prabhuji

Hare Krishna


AB prabhuji:


I request you to read the post again, you may require

to take help of seniors and/or think on the points again.


Bhaskar :


Prabhuji, to the best of my ability I've clarified my stand on *individual*

jIvatva....Kindly educate me if I strayed anywhere from the advaita

siddhAnta. Your above remark does not help me to learn anything about your

view points or my mistakes.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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> Please refer to the following Shruti :

>He is called "Manta". He may or may not

>require mind for thinking.


Dear Shri Anilji,


Your knowledge of Shruti is highly appreciated. I lack the erudition to

interepret these Shrutis. But IMHO Shruti also has to be logical. If Purusha

starts undertaking functions like thinking, then what is the necessity for


> This is experience of all of us that when our mind is

> busy in thinking seriously on some material decision, we get

> hints from in side. Also, we observe that many a times

> when our mind tends to take decisions which will be harmful

> to us in future, Vidhnyanmay helps us by giving us hints

> with the help of other Indriyas, if mind is busy.Flickering

> of left eye, suddenly accelerated beating of heart, itching

> of left hand etc. are the symptoms. These are different in

> individual cases. If he does not think how it is possible

> that he can give us warnings ?


I feel that such hints are given by the Subconscious Layer of mind, rather

than Jeevatma.


PranAms to all advaitins


Ravi Shivde

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advaitin, bhaskar.yr@i... wrote:

> At the end of the *tattu samanvayAt*

> sUtra bhAshya shankara quotes three shlOka-s (source

unknown...the first sloka which starts from

> gauNamithyAtmanOsattvE.......clearly tells us being too much

attached to

> BMI through avidya the socalled jIvAtman mentally transfers their


> features to himself...it is because of this anAdi avidyA he thinks

he is

> the doer & enjoyer... (ahaM katru, ahaM bhOktru etc.).




Sw. Gambhirananda's translation gives the reference as

sundarapANDya kArikA (Sundarapandya Karika).




http://advaitacentre.org/articles.htm has reference to

Sundarapandya, but not to the verses specifically.





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“I feel that such hints are given by the Subconscious Layer of mind, rathert

than Jeevatma.”


PranAms to all advaitins


Ravi Shivde


Shri Raviji,


You have written about the probability of sub-conscious mind, that could hint

us and prognosticate about the forthcoming evil or happy events. As far as I

understand, the concept of sub-conscious mind is not Hindu or Indian. Some

people say that the western psychologists who would have otherwise found

difficult to explain the cause of dreams have found out this sub-conscious mind

theory. Ancient Indian sciences are not experimental sciences. There are no

chances of changes in Indian theories. Our Rishis who knew the psychology, knew

the roots of this science. They knew how, why and where the mind is created and

when it is inserted in to human body. Modern science has so many opinions on

this “mind” subject. Our Shastra(s) have clearly defined Antahkaran Chastushtaya

which is comprised of Man (mind), Buddhi, Chitta and Ahankar. I am of the

opinion that we should go according to our Shastra.


Inner voice is true because the people including politicians have its

experience. Senior members in this group must not have forgotten the “inner

voice” theory told by Smt. Indira Gandhi, when she divided Congress and departed

from Nijaligappa. Her theory was accepted by most of the Indians. Nobody asked

her whether it was a voice of Jeevatma or Sub-conscious mind ? Political

BrahmaDnyan appears to be Vilakshan !


You have written as under :


“But IMHO Shruti also has to be logical.”


Kindly understand that Mother Shruti need NOT be logical. Logic often fails,

like Buddha had tried going logically against Vedas. His “Kshanik VidhnyanWad”

and “ShunyaWad” could not stand against Adwaita Vedanta, and his religion could

survive only by copying Patanjal and Sankhya. Hindus who are most tolerant

people in the world due to Samskars of Shruti-based religion, could face the

aggressions of many religions in past like Muslims and Christians, only due to

Akshay knowledge of Shruti. There is absolutely no doubt about the

“Apouresheyatwa” of Upanishada. Many Yogees still listen (shrut) the holy Vedic

hymns in their Dhyanawashtha. So, Shruti are undoubtedly the words of Brahma.

Logic is not at all necessary.



If we say ”Shruti has to be logical”, it will mean that we doubt the knowledge

of Shruti. This is unfortunate. All the educated and Shraddhawan Hindu people

have some responsibilities, because the aggressions are not over. Hinduism need

to be saved from the people like Jesus-Adwaitins who are converting thousands of

Hindus from remote areas to their religion in India. This is why Drashta

Mahapurush like Pujaniya saint Chinmayanand had to organize mission to save our

knowledge and culture. This is my request that any word about Shruti be written

with full thinking.


You have written, “If Purusha starts undertaking functions like thinking, then

what is the necessity for Prakriti?”


We all know that Prakriti has no functions, not even existence till Purusha

starts undertaking it after gaining Upadhi. If we debate on the subject of

necessity of Prakriti, it will be a Dosha of keeping aside what is in existence

and arguing on the matters those have not cropped up (those appear to eyes for

moments). Shastra say that there is no Hetu. (particular intention to create



The famous saint of 17th century from Maharashtra, Sant Ramdas Swami has

written, “Phoduni Shabdanche Antar, Vastu Dakhavi Nij Saar” (He is Dhnyani who

can break the word and show the BrahmaVastu to his disciple). Breaking of word

is to find the secret meaning of the words. We must understand the secrets of

the words. There are many hidden meanings of the words of Shastra, which are

neither Wachyartha nor Lakshyartha. These meanings are known to the saints and

are passed on to generations through their disciples (sampraday) who keep it

great secret. Had Max Muller known those secrets, he would have become Saibaba

of the world or bigger than Jesus. Only knowledge of words is not Atmadhnyan.

Shruti, Smruti and incarnations like Bhagwan Shankar have therefore, repeatedly

told us that we should get the meanings understood from Guru without stretching

our own logic. We in our country have many Dhnyani Gurus. Osho (this is not the

praise of Osho or his doctrines) in his book “Vedanta, an

art of dying” has rightly written, “if Jesus had born in India, except few

disciples, nobody would have attended what he said and would have never

crucified him. We in India have many Jesus in towns and villages and they also

speak not only like “ I am a king of Jews”, but they say, “I am Brahma.” So,

Dhnyani Guru are not in shortage in India,if we try to find out.



If our quest for knowledge is genuine, we have to take help of the Dhnyani

persons by making some sacrifice of Sewa, Money or Time or all three. Why do not

we understand that they (Dhnyani) also have paid cost of their life to

understand the knowledge of God. We know that Janak Raja had paid heavy

donations to Yadhnyawalkya, and also we know the story of Janashruti. Most of

the Dnyanis do not ask for money, but this is not a test of Dhnyani. We ought to

spare some time and give them service and time. We should understand that they

give up their families and relations and everything they possess to keep the

great Parampara of Dhnyanis by understanding and following Hindu Shastra(s). Why

we can not become their children and give them time and service, at least for

our own advantage.


If we understand the meanings of the words, it becomes easier for us to find

our own way in spiritual life. Let us take for example “Bhaj Govindam,

Moodhmate”. Millions of people chant the name of Govinda. Millions go to

Tirupati Balaji Mandir from all over world, and with great Bhakti Bhav shout

“Govinda Govinda” There are beautiful songs and Bhajans praising Govinda. There

are thousands of people who get tears in their eyes if they utter the word

“Govinda”. If I tell you that “Bhaj Govindam” is a secret message to Sanyasi to

attend to Brahmacharya, and never let it loose, you will probably disagree with

me. You can get this confirmed from any self-realized Saint, if I am wrong.


Shruti hints the Saints mysteriously. If we read the Anand Mimansa in Taitreya

(2-8), we only get confused and think that Brahmanand is something which

probably is impossible to be achieved by human being. Shruti say that Sansari

get Leshmatra Anand. What is the difference in the taste of a spoonful of sugur

and taste of a store full of sugur ? There are great secret teachings to the

Adhikari(s), in this Anuwak. Scholars gain nothing from Shruti except knowledge

of words and little ego,”I have knowledge of Upanishad”. Who really gains is the

person who surrenders to Parmatma and forgets logic. If one really surrenders

completely, please be cent per cent sure that whether one gets human Guru or not

Shruti herself tells the secret meanings to the readers and make them Dhnyanis.







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Dear Sri Anil ji


Pranam to you & all the members of this site. ,


Anil ji, your words are so refreshing & awakning in our advaitin site.

Thank you for your time & sharing your experience.


S. Raghabananda






advaitin [advaitin] On Behalf

Of Anil Bharatey

Saturday, June 04, 2005 7:54 AM







* ....

Had Max Muller known those secrets, he would have become Saibaba of the

world or bigger than Jesus. Only knowledge of words is not Atmadhnyan.

Shruti, Smruti and incarnations like Bhagwan Shankar have therefore,

repeatedly told us that we should get the meanings understood from Guru

without stretching our own logic. We in our country have many Dhnyani Gurus.

Osho (this is not the praise of Osho or his doctrines) in his book "Vedanta,


art of dying" has rightly written, "if Jesus had born in India, except few

disciples, nobody would have attended what he said and would have never

crucified him. We in India have many Jesus in towns and villages and they

also speak not only like " I am a king of Jews", but they say, "I am

Brahma." So, Dhnyani Guru are not in shortage in India,if we try to find




If our quest for knowledge is genuine, we have to take help of the Dhnyani

persons by making some sacrifice of Sewa, Money or Time or all three. Why do

not we understand that they (Dhnyani) also have paid cost of their life to

understand the knowledge of God. We know that Janak Raja had paid heavy

donations to Yadhnyawalkya, and also we know the story of Janashruti. Most

of the Dnyanis do not ask for money, but this is not a test of Dhnyani. We

ought to spare some time and give them service and time. We should

understand that they give up their families and relations and everything

they possess to keep the great Parampara of Dhnyanis by understanding and

following Hindu Shastra(s). Why we can not become their children and give

them time and service, at least for our own advantage.







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