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Vedic chants enter the 'conservative' churches.

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"Ravichandran Mahalingam" <mravichandran

Sun, 19 Jun 2005 11:42:31 -0500




On saturday June 18, 2005 at the Womens Choir of Dallas (near the SW

Medical Center in Dallas where JFK was pronounced dead), 2 girls from

Reno, Nevada chanted the vedic mantras (with an accent though).


they call themselves Shanti Shanti group

(http://www.shantishanti.com/index2.php) the 'only' sanskrit rock

group in the US/world (if I can borrow CNN's word for the continental

US). they started off with Sahana Bhavathu, Asatoma, and Vakrathuda -

i was able to listen to each of the words clearly.


they have composed songs in english, most of which are translations

of the verses in the veda. they alternate between the vedic chants

and their 'english' songs they had composed. at the end of each

song/chant they talk about 'sanskrit' language



they seem to be fluent in Sanskrit. they listed out the words that

are currently used in English that are derived from Sanskrit - i can

related to a lot of words that are of sanskrit origin myself. they

listed guru, pandit, and a whole range of words such as duo, tri, and

whole list of words .. the one that caught me off guard -

'Stand' is derived from 'stha (thishta)' - the future forms use the

root 'stha' and the present tense uses 'thistha'. when I think

about the different words borrowed from Sanskrit - i could never

identify the word stand.


how they learnt sanskrit is in a book. the gist of it is mentioned

here: http://www.shantishanti.com/artists.php


They recited MahaNarayana Upanishad (though they announced it as

Narayana Upanishad) WITHOUT ANY READING material.


They also mentioned that vedas were scientific then - 5000+ years

ago and then recited: Brahma Jnanam Param....Aakashath vayuuhu..vayor

agnihi - to explain

the origin of life. and those 2 girls thought it was pretty cool.


they mentioned that the energy generated from their chants, has made

their house green with trees and growth - the only house in that

neighborhood that has a lot of trees/greenery - particulary in Nevada

state. sometimes, they do not even care to water the plants.


their mother came up on the stage (ayurvedic doctor - learnt it many

years ago) and also a friend of Deepak Chopra to tell the 'confusion'

they went through before identifying the fact that the kids knew

sanskrit and had to 'encourage' them.


In the webpage, it is mentioned that while learning Sanskrit, Andrea

felt that she was remembering (recapitualing) what she had learnt and

not learning a new stuff. I do not know whether they were some

sanskrit pundits in their previous life.


since they are learning the Devanagiri script, they composed a

song 'City of Angels'.


Overall, to 'bring' Sanskrit its recognition to the 'western world'

god gave them a great voice. her dad sings the engligh songs with

them and the whole family knows sanskrit.


PL. FORWARD THIS TO PEOPLE who might be interested. it might not

bring good luck like those chain letters.

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advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <RamChandran@a...>


> "Ravichandran Mahalingam" <mravichandran@h...

> Sun, 19 Jun 2005 11:42:31 -0500


> Namaskaram:


> On saturday June 18, 2005 at the Womens Choir of Dallas (near the SW

> Medical Center in Dallas where JFK was pronounced dead), 2 girls


> Reno, Nevada chanted the vedic mantras (with an accent though).


> PL. FORWARD THIS TO PEOPLE who might be interested. it might not

> bring good luck like those chain letters.




The above post of Ram Chandranji tempts me to narrate what was my good

fortune two days ago (on Saturday the 18th June) in a similar

connection. I was participating in a wedding of Shubha, a grand-

niece of my wife, with Christian Hoveland, at Philadelphia. The

Minister was from a Presbyterian Church. Just before the vows were

exchanged, I was called to the dais to give a vedic benediction.

Accordingly I recited a vedic benediction for a minute and a half and

also followed it up with 10 short paragraphs of blessings in Sanskrit,

along with their English translation and the assembled gathering

followed me in chorus with 'So Be It' at the appropriate places. I

give below the text of the vedic benediction as also the ten blessing-

prayers -- so that, any one who is favourably inclined may use either

the same or a similar benediction and blessing, if there is an




Vedic Benediction (in Sanskrit) from the dais


The recitation includes a permuting repetition, in a certain order,

of the words which together mean the following, in the context where

it appears in the Vedas:


May the dedication to a life-long commitment made this day ( between

this man and this woman) result in great prosperity, untarnished

reputation, success in all that they undertake together, and the

attainment of all worthy goals.


(In Sanskrit): paryAptyA anantarAyAya sarvastomotirAtra

uttamam ahar-bhavati / sarvasyAptyai sarvasya jityai /


sarvamevaiva sarvagum sarvamevatena tenaiva sarvagum sarvameva tena /


eva tena tenaiveva tenApnoty- Apnoti tenaiveva tenApnoti /


tenApnotyApnoti tena tenApnoti sarvagum sarvamApnoti tena tenApnoti

sarvam /


Apnoti sarvagum sarvamApnotyApnoti sarvam jayati

jayati sarvamApnotyApnoti sarvam jayati /


sarvam jayati jayati sarvagum sarvam jayati /


jayatIti jayati /


sarvasyAptyai sarvasya jityai sarvameva tenApnoti sarvam jayati/


A Sequence of 10 prayers followed by ten approvals by the assembly:


svasti mantrArthAs-satyAs-saha-phalAs-santviti bhavanto


(May there be peace and the noble persons present here so bless that

the meaning of the mantras and rituals be true and fruitful)

All: SO BE IT.


anayor-dampatyoH vedoktam dIrgham Ayushyam bhUyAditi bhavanto


(May this couple have the long life mentioned in the

scriptures and the noble persons present here so bless)



ayam muhUrtas-sumuhUrto bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May this moment of wedlock be auspicious to its fullest and

the noble persons present here so bless)


anayor dampatyoH sakala-devatAnAm atyantam AnukUlyam bhUyAditi

bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May the Divine Power pour forth their richest blessings on

this couple and the noble persons present here so bless)



anayor dampatyoH Subetara-phala-pradAtRNAm devatAnAm Sakter-nirasanaM

bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May the Divine Power overcome any forces that may affect the

well-being of this couple and the noble persons present here so bless)



anayor dampatyoH Subha-phala-pradAtRNAm SaktiH atyanta atiSayena

phaladA bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May the well-wishing Powers that be abundantly shower their

best on this couple and may the noble persons present here so bless)



anayor dampatyoH Ayur-balam yaSo varcaH paSavas-sthairyam siddhir-

lakshmIH kshamA kAntis-sadguNA AnandaH ityeteshAm sadA abhivRddhir-

bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May this couple continuously grow in health, good reputation,

beauty, prosperity, integrity, forbearance, friendship, love and

contentment and may the noble persons present here so bless)



anayor dampatyoH nityotsavo nityaSrIH nityamangalam bhUyAditi

bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May this couple be blessed with abundant joy, constant

prosperity and continuing good fortune and may the noble persons

present here so bless)



deSesmin sAntirastu; sarve janAssukhino bhavantu

(May this nation enjoy peace; May all people be blessed with




samasta-sanmangaLAni santu; uttarottarAbhivRddhir-astu

(Let there be all-round good fortune; and may we all continue always

to strive towards the Highest Good)





PraNAms to all advaitins.


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advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <RamChandran@a...>


> "Ravichandran Mahalingam" <mravichandran@h...

> Sun, 19 Jun 2005 11:42:31 -0500


> Namaskaram:




Yeah its great stuff, reminds me somewhat of Deva Prema's music...Her

treatment of the mantras, Gayatri etc...........ONS...Tony.

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Vedic Benediction (in Sanskrit) from the dais


The recitation includes a permuting repetition, in a certain order,

of the words which together mean the following, in the context where

it appears in the Vedas:



Hare Krishna


We, South Indians, use these vEdic maNtra-s on different

occasions...original text as it is in vEda-s called saMhitA pATha..the same

maNtra-s have been recited in different order like pada pATha, krama pATha,

jatA-pATha, ghana pATha & finally salakShaNa ghana pATha...Apart from

Ashirvachana maNtra-s (benedictory maNtra-s) we have this method of

recitation for all saMhitA portion of vEda-s that is including rudra

praShna (namaka & chamaka)...


other famous Ashirvachana maNtra-s that we use at the functions are *navo

navo bhavati jAyamAnohnAm

kEturushasAmEtyagraM............prachandramAstirati dhIrgamAyuhu*, *

shatamAnaM bhavati.......ShatEndriya AyushyEvEndriye

pratithiShTathi....dhanam, dhAnyam, bahuputra lAbham shata saMvatsaraM

dhIrghamAyuH etc. . these maNtra-s will be recited in ghana pATha style by

the group of vaidiks.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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2 girls from Reno, Nevada chanted the vedic mantras (with an accent





Hare Krishna


Is this allowed in our dharma shAstra-s?? can stree (women) recite vEda

maNtra-s with praNava (OmkAra) & namaH??...AFAIK, our dharma shAstra-s

prohibited non-dvija-s i.e. shUdra-s & stree from reciting vEdic



I know this opinion varies amond scholars & may trigger lot of

questions...but anyway, this is not for long discussions...just need a

clarification from senior members who accustomed to Hindu culture.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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advaitin, bhaskar.yr@i... wrote:


> these maNtra-s will be recited in ghana pATha style by

> the group of vaidiks.


> Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

> bhaskar




In continuation of the above remark by Bhaskar Prabhuji, may I draw

the attention of members to




where they can hear samples of veda-mantra recitations? In

particular, to hear the ghana recitation (with words repeated in the


12 - 21 - 123 - 321 - 123 - 23 - 32 - 234 - 432 - 234 - 34 - ...)

go to the above site and click 'ghanam' under Veda mantras. You

will have a feast (and an upsurge of the spirit) for the ears!


PraNAms to all advaitins.


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Namaste Bhasker Prabhuji:


First let thank you for recognizing the fact that opinion varies among

scholars and this topic can potentially divert our focus from the

list's scope.


The website below contains a very good account of the status of Women

in Hinduism.


URL: http://www.atributetohinduism.com/Women_in_Hinduism.htm


Also the list discussed this topic several times in the past and the

long discussions are available in list archives.


Most importantly, let us suppose that sufficient evidence can be

established to illustrate that women were not treated in the distant

past. The question that we should ask ourselves is - should we follow

the same rules and regulations at the present time? The answer is quite

simple and the Dharma Sastras (Manusmriti) do provide us change our

customs/beliefs/dharmas to accomodate change in time!


The ancient Tamil Grammarian Tokappiar states: " The only way to

protect us from committing errors is to Discard old rules and introduce

new rules that are more appropriate with the change in time."

(Tamil: Pazayana Kazithalum pudhiyana pukuthalam vazuvilai)


I hope this clarifies your questions. I also request members not to

engage in long discussions on this question and divert our focus on the

important points regarding the "benefits of Vedic Chanting."


Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran


advaitin, bhaskar.yr@i... wrote:

> Is this allowed in our dharma shAstra-s?? can stree (women) recite

> vEda maNtra-s .............


> I know this opinion varies amond scholars & may trigger lot of

> questions...but anyway, this is not for long discussions...just need a

> clarification from senior members who accustomed to Hindu culture.

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Namaste. Madhav-ji writes in a personal note:


The Ghanam recital is excellent. It really made a feast for ears and

mind. Thank you for sharing such a treasure.


It had a special significace to me. I follow Shri Gajanan Maharaj

of Shegaon, who was a great saint of Maharashtra. In his Charitra,

there is a mention of Ghana Paatha. I always used to wonder what

that could be. Today, because of you, i was able to hear it. Now you

can imagine what a special feast it was for me.


Sir, I felt the recital was too short. Can you refer any other URLs

which can provide me similar recitals. Or even some CDs I can get





Can some one help Madhav-ji with a suitable reference? Thanks.


PraNAms to all advaitins.


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