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Misc questions about Gita

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Namaste, In chapter 13 (13:4)the Lord refers to

Brahmsutra. Was there Brahmsutra at the time of

Mahabharata ? Dr Sadananda's Brahmsutra notes say that

Brahmsutra was probably written around the time of

Buddha or when Buddhism was on rise. Bhagavan is not

referring to the Brahmsutra as written by Vyas ?


Secondly, I see a remarkable consistency between the 4

Mahavakyas and Bhagavad Gita. Had Vyas already

formally compiled the 4 Vedas at the time of

Mahabharata battle ? Vedas are beginningless ??


My last question is for folks who have deeply studied

Shruti . Is the word Nirguna used anywhere in Shruti.

Bhagavan Krishna talks about it in chapter 13 of Gita

and I believe there is one more instance. Do the

Upanishads/Brahmsutra state anywhere that satyam,

jnanam and anantam are not attributes and that Brahman

is attributeless.


thanks and regards,







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advaitin, Shailendra Bhatnagar

<bhatnagar_shailendra> wrote:

Do the

> Upanishads/Brahmsutra state anywhere that satyam,

> jnanam and anantam are not attributes and that Brahman

> is attributeless.




Nir Guna means what it says 'no gunas' or modifications, indescribable

to the mind. There are other ways of saying the same thing.


Jnanam, anantam and satyam are describing states or conditions or

qualities in the positive, therefore could be said to be attributes.

Any description or modification is an attribute.


That is how I understand it. In a way even Nirguna is giving a name

but it is in the negative. For any level of mind cannot ever

understand Nirguna Brahman...........ONS..Tony.

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Hare Krishna


SB prabhuji:


Is the word Nirguna used anywhere in Shruti.


bhaskar :


Precise quote of the word *nirguNa* can be found at the famous maNtra of

shvEtAshvatara upanishad yEko dEvaH sarva bhUtEshu gUdAH...........(and at

the end of the maNtra) kEvalo nirguNascha..(thats the only upanishad comes

to my mind right now...Sunder prabhuji will help you to find more) ...Apart

from this, there are somany maNtra-s which lead us to the understanding of

attributelessness of brahman...achintya, agrAhya, aprAmEya, nishkala,

niraNjana, nirAkhyAta, nirvikalpa etc. etc. are some of those.


SB prabhuji:


Bhagavan Krishna talks about it in chapter 13 of Gita

and I believe there is one more instance. Do the

Upanishads/Brahmsutra state anywhere that satyam,

jnanam and anantam are not attributes and that Brahman

is attributeless.


bhaskar :


Kindly refer shankara's commentary on taitirIya upanishad vAkhya satyaM

jnAnaM ananthaM brahma....bhagavadpAda discussed this issue in a

comprehensive way & concludes that nirguNa brahman is the ultimate verdict

of shruti-s.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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veda vyaasa is said to have codified all the vedas

and upanishads existing at that point of time, and to

have given it to us as arranged into the four shakhas:

rig, yajur, sama and athharva.

therefore it is obvious that brahma sutra existed

even before veda vyaasa.

subsequently though, only some 6 [six] per cent of

all then available scriptures are found to have

survived the onslaught of the invaders, whose

destructive attitudes remain identically the same even

in the 21st century!











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