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Hindu Article-Light on Dharma

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Light on Dharma




CHENNAI: : The declaration of the Lord in the Bhagavad Gita during

His incarnation as Krishna, "For the protection of the virtuous, for

the extirpation of evil-doers, and for establishing Dharma

(righteousness) on a firm footing, I am born from age to age," is

well-known but it bears repetition to appreciate the significance of

this statement. It is Dharma that sustains not only the world but

also the entire creation and hence any threat to it will disturb the

rhythm in the cosmos. Lord Vishnu among the Trinity sustains the

creation and thus maintains order in the world.


In his discourse, Sri Krishnamurthy Sastrigal said human beings

should follow Dharma to enable the Lord to maintain the moral order.

All human actions, good and bad, result in Karma and the Lord

dispenses the result. While the Karma of those who uphold Dharma

gives merit, which results in good for both the individual and

society, the Karma of the sinner has to be enjoyed by the perpetrator

only. There is no escape from this. There are obligatory duties

enjoined on every person. The merit of these rituals ensures the

welfare of the world.


The Mahanarayana Upanishad says that the Sun is the storehouse of the

merit accrued from the performance of the mandatory rituals and other

meritorious deeds like recitation of the Vedas and performance of

sacrifices. The Vedas posit that the Sun and the Moon sustain life on

the Earth and this establishes the interdependence between human

action and nature. Though Dharma is included as one of the four goals

of human life, the other three being sensory pleasures (Kama),

material wealth (Artha) and liberation from bondage (Moksha), in

reality Dharma is the foundation of the other three human pursuits.


As Dharma encompasses the entire spectrum of existence it is

classified variously when applied to human life. One is its division

into two: the first gives temporary results, which are necessary for

worldly life and the other leads to eternal bliss — liberation from



Besides, Dharma varies during the different stages of life. There are

certain prescriptions, which are applicable to everyone while some

are specific and thus meant for a few. Every individual has to adopt

these guidelines according to what bounds him.


copy right: the Hindu Daily

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