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Hindu Article-The sole refuge

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The sole refuge

CHENNAI: The oft quoted saying, "When all the doors are shut God

opens a window," bears repetition because it is apt for the doctrine

of Self-surrender to God (Saranagati, Prapatti) as a means to

liberation. For one who is unable to adopt the paths of Karma yoga

(action), Bhakti yoga (devotion) and Jnana yoga (knowledge)

prescribed in the scriptures, Prapatti is the only resort in which he

must take refuge in God as the means for his redemption.

King Janaka, Prahlada and Jadabharata are paradigmatic examples for

having realised God through Karma, Bhakti and Jnana yogas

respectively. If one studies their lives and extraordinary

perseverance in their spiritual quest in all probability one's

shortcomings will become all the more glaring resulting in diffidence

to pursue the spiritual path, though the intention of the scriptures

in highlighting their lives is just the opposite — to inspire. But,

the fact remains that the majority in this Kali Yuga do not fulfil

the prerequisites for pursuing these means to liberation. For the

laypeople study of the scriptures is difficult; they neither have

devotion nor detachment. So the only path open to them was surrender

to God, said Velukkudi Sri V.Krishnan in his discourse.

The Lord has out of compassion for humanity opened this pathway to

liberation to suit the nature of this Kali Yuga when human beings do

not have the necessary lifespan, determination to achieve the goal

and the necessary merit to realise God. But the desire to be

liberated from worldly suffering and serve the Lord in His

transcendental abode remain strong, which are enough to become

eligible for divine grace. There is no need to despair because the

Lord is the Master (Swami) and man is His property. Hence God will

claim what belongs to Him.

Does that mean that man need not strive on his part? Certainly he

should have abiding faith in God that He would receive His benevolent

grace and it requires constant nurturing. He should also be firm that

the only recourse is surrender to God and not take resort to other

means. Nammazhwar says that one should not try to protect oneself as

that would tantamount to relying on other sources besides God.

Vedanta Desika also reinforces that the Lord is the Master by

repeated references to Him as `Swami' in his hymn, Nyasa Dasaka.


copy right: The Hindu-daily

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