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Lodging complaint: Shiva Keshava Maha Yajnam

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Sir you do not seem to have heard HariHara Mahadeva - Shiva means

auspeciousness and vishnu means that pervades everthing. That which

pervades that which is auspecious and that which is infinite is ever

pure and that my friend is Brahman.


I compliment the Liverpool temple people for their efforts.


Hari OM!



--- veera saiva <vsaiva wrote:


> Hara Hara Maha Deva!


> The livermore temple is performing Shiva Kesava Maha

> Yagnam. Here they have combined half Vishnu and Half

> Shiva. Please visit website at

> http://www.livermoretemple.org/ to see the distortion.


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Namste Sadannada-Ji:


This reminds me of a shloka from vishNu purANa, where advaita

between viShNu and shiva is expressed.




tvayaa tadabhayaM dattaM taddattamakhikaM mayA |

matto.avibhinnamaatmaanaM draShTumarhasi sha.nkara ||

yo.ahaM sa tvaM jagaccedaM sadevaasuramaanuSham |

avidyaamohitaatmaanaH puruShA bhinnadarshinaH || viShNu purANa

5.33.47-48 ||


Meaning - (Lord viShNu says to shiiva) Whatever you have promised

to folks is given by me. You do not consider me as separate from

you. In this world filled with deva, asura & human beings, I am

there (everywhere) just like you. It is because of ignorance folks

see the difference between us


Saint Tukaram talks about dvita understand pertaing to this to

bhaagavabhakta in general:


viShNumayajaga vaiShNavaacaa dharma | bhedaabheda bhrama ama.ngaLa ||

aa{}ikaa jii tuhmi.n bhakta bhaagavata | karAla te.n hita satya karA


koNAhii jivAcaa na ghaDAvaa matsara | varma sarveshvara-puujanaace.n


tukAmhaNe ekaa dehAce avayava | sukha duHkha jiiva bhoga pAve || 21



Meaning - To realize the whole universe is vShNu-ruupa is the real

vShNudharma. dvaita thoughts are ama.ngaLa (dirty, not acceptable).

Dear bhaagava bhakta do good whatever you can do as being the

truth. tukaaraama mahaaraaja says, j~naa.nnedriya & karme.ndriya

belong to same body and the information acquired through them is

perceived by the soul (aatmaa) is same.


hari OM!


Dr. Yadu


advaitin, kuntimaddi sadananda

<kuntimaddisada> wrote:

> Sir you do not seem to have heard HariHara Mahadeva - Shiva means

> auspeciousness and vishnu means that pervades everthing. That which

> pervades that which is auspecious and that which is infinite is


> pure and that my friend is Brahman.


> --- veera saiva <vsaiva> wrote:


> >

> > Hara Hara Maha Deva!

> >

> > The livermore temple is performing Shiva Kesava Maha

> > Yagnam. Here they have combined half Vishnu and Half

> > Shiva. Please visit website at

> > http://www.livermoretemple.org/ to see the distortion.

> >

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advaitin, "ymoharir" <ymoharir> wrote:

> Namste Sadannada-Ji:


> This reminds me of a shloka from vishNu purANa, where advaita

> between viShNu and shiva is expressed.



Namaste, Yadu-ji and Sada-ji,


Our friends who object to the Shiva-Keshava yajnam in the Livermore

Temple should read the following declaration of Lord Vishnu Himself

from Shrimad BhagavataM (IV - 7 - 50 to 54):


*ahaM brahmA ca sharvashca jagataH kAraNaM paraM/

Atmeshvara upadrashhTA svayam-dRRig-avisheshhaNaH //*


I, the supreme cause of the universe, its soul, its ruler, the

witness of everything, the self-effulgent Being and attributeless

Absolute -- in truth I am both BrahmA and Rudra.


*Atma-mAyAM samAvishya so'haM guNamayIm dvija /

sRRijan rakshhan haran vishvaM dadhre samjn~AM kriyocitAM //*


Verily I assume different names (Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshvara)

appropriate for the creation, preservation and destruction of the

universe which I perform by assuming my Yoga-mAyA, which has its

three constitutent GuNas (of Rajas, Sattva and Tamas).


*tasmin brahmaNy-advitIye kevale paramAtmani /

brahma-rudrau ca bhUtAni bhedena-ajn~o'nupashyati//*


In Me, the all-comprehending and all-pervading non-dual Self, known

as brahman, the ignorant man sees Brahma, Rudra and other entities

as distinct entities.


*yathA pumAn-na svAngeshhu shiraH pANyAdishhu kvacit /

pArakya-buddhiM kurute evaM bhUteshhu matparaH //*


Just as a man will not consider the parts of his body like the head

and the limbs as different from himself, so does not one who has

taken refuge in Me, regard living entities as distant from himself


*trayANAm-eka-bhAvAnAM yo na pashyati vai bhidAM /

sarva-bhUtAtmanAM brahman sa shAntim-adhigacchati //*


He attains eternal peace who does not perceive any difference

between the three (Brahma,, Vishnu, Maheshvara) who are identical in

essence and who are the very self of all beings.


PraNAms to all advaitins.


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I have a bit of veera saiva in me. Lord shiva comes first all GODs come

next. I am writing this reply as a devotee of Lord Shiva. My views do not

represent in anyway the broad Advaitin views.


There is a valid point here that Lord Shiva's other half is always Mother

Parvati. However, we also do know from Mohini Bhasmasura story that Lord

Shiva fell in love with Lord Vishnu who is disguised as Mohini (a beautiful

maidan of course). But still Siva is shown in his masculine qualities and

the other half as feminine.


I think this matter has to be referred to the Agama -sthapati sastras. I

think there is no idol/statue described in sastras which has half vishnu and

half siva.


In the eagerness of showing the siva-kesava / hari-hara abheda they may have

made a mistake, perhaps a considerable mistake in creating that idol. I am

not an expert on the sthapati sastra but what ever little I know from that I

can say there is no such idol described. Also the sthapati sastras have a

curse on such distortions, if such thing is done/or/shown then the nature

will show its wrath by unleashing natural disasters. Remember Mother

Parvati is also the mother of nature (Uma).


However, I would please request Veera Saiva to speak over phone to solve

this matter. Please have an acadamic discussion about this solve this

matter behind the doors. A fight in public about the status of our idols

would destroy the image of Hinduism.



Om namah Sivaayah - siddham namaH,




veera saiva [vsaiva]

Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:06 AM

info; advaitin-owner;


Lodging complaint: Shiva Keshava Maha Yajnam



Hara Hara Maha Deva!


The livermore temple is performing Shiva Kesava Maha Yagnam. Here they have

combined half Vishnu and Half Shiva. Please visit website at

http://www.livermoretemple.org/ to see the distortion.



We request Livermore temple to apologize to the devotees of Maha Shiva. How

can you combine two differet 'half' Gods? Shiva's other side only is Mother

parvathi not vishnu. You can't seperate Mother Parvathi from Shiva.


This is serious matter and you are deeply hurting our feelings. If this is

not withdrawn soon we will launch a campaign against the distortion and file

a defamation suite.


You can do Maha Shiva Yagnam and Maha Vishnu Yagnam seperately. You don't

need to combine, distort, destroy and create half gods.


Let Shiva open his third eye towards all those trying to distort this.


Hara Hara Maha Deva!






Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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The origin for this thread of discussion is an email sent by Veera

Saiva (Staunch Devotees of Lord Siva) to Liverpool Temple with a copy

to the email address: advaitin-owner. This person has

also tried to send a copy to the advaitin list. Since this person is

not a member, the email never appeared in the list. All the

moderators of the list have received the email and it is impossible

for us to stop emails addressed to the email address

advaitin-owner. I would consider any discussions

regarding the subject matter of complaint by Veera Saiva is certainly

beyond the scope of this list.


Those who have responded to this email thought (they honestly did not

know that this email never appeared in the list). This is one of

problems that we all face when we try to reply an email with the

option of "reply to all addresses." In conclusion, members are

notified that the appearance of this discussion in this list happened

due to an inadvertant error. Please do not discuss any more on this

subject matter because it is a very delicate subject and take the

discussions to unintended horizons.


Thanks again for your cooperation and understanding,


Ram Chandran


> veera saiva [vsaiva]

> Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:06 AM

> info@l...; advaitin-owner;

> advaitin

> Lodging complaint: Shiva Keshava Maha Yajnam

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Hari OM!

Dear Ones,

Shiva, and Vishnu is Lord Ayyappa, Ayyappa is the Son of Shiva and Vishnu

there is no harm in doing Hari Hara Yagna, Ayyappa is hte Abode of Advaitam,

'TAT TWAM ASI" That Thou Art.

With Love & OM!

Krishna Prasad

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> Hara Hara Maha Deva!

> How

> can you combine two differet 'half' Gods? Shiva's

> other side only is Mother

> parvathi not vishnu. You can't seperate Mother

> Parvathi from Shiva.

> You can do Maha Shiva Yagnam and Maha Vishnu Yagnam

> seperately. You don't

> need to combine, distort, destroy and create half

> gods.


Respected Members,

While many of you have rightly quoted instances

from the Scriptures upholding the Ekatva between Shiva

and Vishnu, I wish to further bring to your notice

(ancient) temples which infact have both Hari as well

as Hara as a single deity.

The ancient (11th Century) temple in Harihar

(Karnataka) is one such temple. Infact, the deity here

is Half Vishnu & Half Shiva.



Shankaranarayana, another town in Karnataka, also

has a ShivaVishnu temple. So does a temple in

Rajasthan (near Jaisalmer).


To fail to see the Oneness of Supreme Being

reflects on our immaturity.







Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Madhava Turumella <madhava wrote:



I think this matter has to be referred to the Agama -sthapati sastras. I

think there is no idol/statue described in sastras which has half vishnu and

half siva.

>n the eagerness of showing the siva-kesava / hari-hara abheda they may have

made a mistake, perhaps a considerable mistake in creating that idol. I am

not an expert on the sthapati sastra but what ever little I know from that I

can say there is no such idol described. Also the sthapati sastras have a

curse on such distortions, if such thing is done/or/shown then the nature

will show its wrath by unleashing natural disasters. <




Dear Advaitins,


There is BRAHMAN. Everything else are reflections.


Even taking this posting about the Yajnam as Dvaita concept, there are Temples

for Sankara Narayana (as one vigraha) for sure in TamilNadu and other states.I

have had the opportunity to work with one of the greatest Sthapati, who comes

from the direct lineage of the Temple architect of the BIG Temple in Tanjavur

(Brahadeeswarer Temple)and before


over the thousands of years. After a full discussion of the concept of Siva and

Vishnu, we reflected that in the Rajagopura of Sri Siva Vishnu Temple, Lanham,

Maryland as SankaraNarayana and RishabaKunjera with a statement ABEDHA DARSANAM



There is absolutely nothing wrong in doing the Shiva Kesava Maha Yajnam by

Livermore Temple and we should refrain from any finger pointing.


If one wants to pray with one or other representations that should be

fine. Even one can do this in an abstract fashion that is great. What ever

works in the right direction should be fine.


Tat Tvam Asi




Siva Subramanian







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Namaste Sri Siva:


I request you visit the homepage of the temple. According to

reliable information from my friend that the temple

doesn't have a deity with half Siva and half Vishnu as you

described. Pleaase access the Homepage:




It only portrays a picture with half siva/half vishnu and nothing

more. The picture is just like the statue of Arthanareeswar (half

siva/half sakti) at the Sri Meenakshi temple. The picture is

presented to announce the Shiva Keshava Maha Yajnam

The Yajnam consists of separate Homams for Siva Pariwar and



I went through the temple homepage thoroughly and they are well

aware of the Agama Shastras and Vedic rules of conducting

rituals and the installation of deities.


Their only mistake probably is the posting of this picture.

Honestly, they did not forsee that it can offend some Veera Saivas

and Veera Vaishnavas. The temple there is quite similar to the

Siva Vishnu Temple in Maryland with separate Sannathis for Siva,

Balaji, etc.


Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran



advaitin, Siva Subramanian <doc4baby>




> Madhava Turumella <madhava@m...> wrote:



> I think this matter has to be referred to the Agama -sthapati

sastras. I

> think there is no idol/statue described in sastras which has half

vishnu and

> half siva.


> >n the eagerness of showing the siva-kesava / hari-hara abheda

they may have

> made a mistake, perhaps a considerable mistake in creating that


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Hare Krishna


shivAya vishNu rUpAya shiva rUpAya vishNave

shivasya hrudayaM vishNu vishNoscha hrudayaM shivaH

yaTha shivamayO vishNurEvaM shivamayaH


iti skanda purANa vachanaH


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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During 12-13th centuries veera shaiva and veera vaishnava sects became

very dominant in the south India. These veera sects were causing more

disintegration of the Hinduism than what was done by Sultans. To

integrate the people, concept of Harihara was developed around that

time. One of the famous telugu poet by name Tikkana somayaji who

traslated bulk of Mahabharata into telugu is bhakta of Harihara.


Madhava perhaps can quote the pertinent poems from Mahabhaarat with

meaning - It starts with


Shree yana gourinaabaragu chelvagu chittamu pallavimpa bha

draayita muurtiyai hariharambagu ruupamu daalchi vishNuruu

paaya nama shivaaya ani palkedu .......

....... paratatvamu golcheda nishhTasiddhikin


Where the authors identifies shree and gouri as one with vishnu and

shiva as one.


Hari Om!


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List Moderator's Note:

While replying a post, please do not include the entire message of previous

poster's message in the tail. Remove the tails so that your message becomes

easy to read. This request is for all new members and existing members who do

not observe this unwritten net ethics.


Knowledgeable advaitins like you do not give importance to form and shape.

However, devotees who haven't reached that higher stratum are not comfortable

and temples should respect the sentiments of those bhaktas.



I want to quote from "Mantra Pushpa" which is read often


Akashat UtPathitam thoyam

yatah gatchati Sagaram

Sarva Deva Namskaaraha

Keshavam Prati Gatchati"


and why "Narayana" name is being highly used in Hinduism is not that

he is different from Shiva. Narayana means nara+ayana, the goal for

Naras(Human Beings), or the path for all human endevours. Its just the

same "Brahma" which appears in different forms.


So I request you not to view Shiva as One God and Vishnu as another,

yea for worshipping sake you can do that (This is called Ananya bakti)

and this reduces distractions and help oneself to attain ekagratha,

but please have the concious that there is "No Two". As two leaves

come out of the seed so do Shiva and Keshava from the Brahma, indeed

if you look at it keenly there is no differnce between all the three

except in the upadhi, they appear different for "Human Indriyas"






advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <RamChandran@a...> wrote:


> Namaste Sri Siva:


> I request you visit the homepage of the temple. According to

> reliable information from my friend that the temple

> doesn't have a deity with half Siva and half Vishnu as you

> described. Pleaase access the Homepage:


> http://www.livermoretemple.org/


> It only portrays a picture with half siva/half vishnu and nothing

> more. The picture is just like the statue of Arthanareeswar (half

> siva/half sakti) at the Sri Meenakshi temple. The picture is

> presented to announce the Shiva Keshava Maha Yajnam

> The Yajnam consists of separate Homams for Siva Pariwar and

> Mahavishnu.


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Namaste Sri Rama Chandran,

You are correct that the Livermore Temple which I have visited

many times, does not have a vigraha of SankaraNarayana. I should have made it

more clear in my posting that the SankaraNarayana vigraha that I was mentioning

about is in the top 7th tier of the RajaGopuram of the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple in

Lanham, Maryland as an example of such a concept exist both in USA and in

TamilNadu, India. It is not against the Silpa Aghama of the Sthapathya Veda (as

per books as well as according to the expert Sri Ganapati Sthapati, Ex-Principal

of the only College of Temple Architecture located in Mahabalipuram, Tamilnadu).

Hope this clarifies the posting.




Ram Chandran <RamChandran wrote:

Namaste Sri Siva:


I request you visit the homepage of the temple. According to

reliable information from my friend that the temple

doesn't have a deity with half Siva and half Vishnu as you

described. Pleaase access the Homepage:




It only portrays a picture with half siva/half vishnu and nothing

more. The picture is just like the statue of Arthanareeswar (half

siva/half sakti) at the Sri Meenakshi temple. The picture is

presented to announce the Shiva Keshava Maha Yajnam

The Yajnam consists of separate Homams for Siva Pariwar and



I went through the temple homepage thoroughly and they are well

aware of the Agama Shastras and Vedic rules of conducting

rituals and the installation of deities.


Their only mistake probably is the posting of this picture.

Honestly, they did not forsee that it can offend some Veera Saivas

and Veera Vaishnavas. The temple there is quite similar to the

Siva Vishnu Temple in Maryland with separate Sannathis for Siva,

Balaji, etc.


Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran



advaitin, Siva Subramanian <doc4baby>




> Madhava Turumella <madhava@m...> wrote:



> I think this matter has to be referred to the Agama -sthapati

sastras. I

> think there is no idol/statue described in sastras which has half

vishnu and

> half siva.


> >n the eagerness of showing the siva-kesava / hari-hara abheda

they may have

> made a mistake, perhaps a considerable mistake in creating that








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