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Towards A Mathematical Theory of Spirituality Based on Advaita (MTS-1)

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Today is the Saraswathi Puja day. As a student, I seek Devi Saraswathi's grace

and blessings.


Following a suggestion by Ram Chandran-ji, I propose to review the contents of a

paper available to you at the following link:



As an introduction, I should say a few words on what this paper is about and

what it is not and what I hope to accomplish by presenting it to this elite

forum of Advaitins. Talk of a mathematical theory of spirituality might sound

outlandish and in fact that is how I also would have felt a year ago. But with

the work done in the last few months, such a theory does appear both possible

and useful. The paper presents the first elements of a possible theory based on

Advaitic principles, noting that it is not “the” theory but only “a” theory. As

it stands at this time, it is not a complete theory of everything spiritual, but

hopefully it is a modest beginning towards one. Whether it does get developed

further towards a more complete, full blown theory would depend much on the

future contributions others may care to make. That in fact is the reason why I

am presenting it to you in this and the following several postings. After

reading the paper, it is my hope that many of you in this group, who undoubtedly

possess the necessary skill to pursue work in similar lines, will in fact do so.


I expect a very valid question at this juncture. Why bring mathematics now into

a field which is millennia old? What useful purpose does it serve? Each of us

must answer these questions independently, but let me state my present views.

First of all, I do not think a mathematical theory should be expected to reveal

any new spiritual truth that has not been intuited already by the Masters. But

it may help visualize these truths in a different manner. Secondly, while

insights gained through mathematics are helpful intellectually, they are no

substitute for the rigorous sadhanas which alone can guarantee spiritual

progress. Personally speaking, my faith in Vedanta, as I have understood it from

Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji’s teachings, is important to me as a guide to

truth. Therefore it is a matter of great satisfaction that the results derived

so far from the mathematical model are consistent with Vedanta and this I take

as a validation of the model.


Mathematics has been enormously successful in transforming everything it

touched, be it physical sciences, engineering, or economics. The strength and

appeal of mathematics is primarily due to the twin disciplines it enforces:

precision of reasoning and economy of concepts. In building a mathematical

model, one consciously tries to use the minimum number of concepts and

assumptions necessary to make the model work. Each concept is to be defined as

precisely as possible and every assumption explicitly stated. Building the

model is often the most challenging and satisfying part of the exercise.


Once the model is set up, there should be little need for depending on verbal

arguments in order to reach conclusions; instead results are derived by

analyzing the model using true and tried methods of mathematical reasoning, be

it geometry, calculus or whatever else that is appropriate. The pay off is in

being able to understand the complex relationships that exist among the concepts

in a precise and even quantitative way. Relationships not suspected before also

do surface from time to time. A notable feature of the model used in the paper

is that the material and spiritual realms appear to be seamlessly integrated in

the model, making it possible to move from one to the other rather with ease.

A picture is worth a thousand words: the geometrical visualization used

throughout the paper should prove useful in communicating Advaitic concepts,

especially to young scientific minds.


It will be necessary to refer to the paper frequently while reading the

postings, but with its availability just one mouse click away, that should pose

no logistical problem to the reader. In the next posting, I will start with an

overview of the paper itself.


Finally, a request. Please consider the paper as work in progress. Your helpful

comments will be valued. If you intend to quote or use results from the paper in

any of your own work, I would appreciate if I can be informed in advance.


Hari Om!


- Raju Chidambaram

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