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Advaita and Einstein----------*Medha* ..........

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Respected Sunder-ji ,


Thanks for posting the link




and You further state


Perspectives from Einstein, Godel, Friese, Russell, and a

host of others, are here. One of them discusses intuition

(? 'medhA').


Intuition (? 'medha')


i take this to mean that you are wondering if 'Intuition'

means 'Medha' ?


My understanding of the term 'Medha '


According to Monier willimas - Medha means 'intelligence' or

wisdom .


'Medha' can also mean 'Right understanding' or Intellect.


One of the names of Goddess Saraswati ( goddess of LeARNING and

wisdom) is 'Medha' -


In VishNu Sahasaranama, Sri Vishnu Bhagwan is described


As *Su-medha* - One with great and beneficent *intelligence.*

AS *Satya-medhah*: One whose intelligence is fruitful.


also, In Taittriya Upanishad,


The prayer is for `medhA' (Right knowledge)


(Professorji - thank you - reference from your Saundarya Lahiri

discourse - verse 99 -explanation )


and then this


brahmameva madhu medhayA | - Verily brahman (which is) bliss (is

attained) by the purified 'intellect'-


(courtesy -aMbaa-l -group - post by seeksha-aravind )


and finally,


na 'medhaya' na bahuna srutena

yam evaisa vrnute tena labhyas

tasyaisa atma vivrute tanum svam


The Supreme Self can never be known by argument, reasoning,

intelligence, or scholarship. The finite can never know the infinite.

By His (Her) own sweet will, however, the Infinite may reveal Himself

(Herself)the finite in His (Her) personal divine form. Those who wish

to know the infinite must therefore submit to him (Her) ) through


(Katha Upanisad 1.2.23)



my 'intuition' is i may be wrong in not equating 'intuition'

with 'medha' ? :-) may be they go hand in hand !


with warmest regards

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advaitin, "adi_shakthi16"

<adi_shakthi16> wrote:


> Perspectives from Einstein, Godel, Friese, Russell, and a

> host of others, are here. One of them discusses intuition

> (? 'medhA').


> Intuition (? 'medha')


> i take this to mean that you are wondering if 'Intuition'

> means 'Medha' ?


> My understanding of the term 'Medha '




Thank you for the various explanations. Yes, I did wonder

if 'medhA' meant a faculty superior to intellect, the latter

adhering to a step-by-step logical path to reach a conclusion, and

the former reaching the (right) conclusion and then seeking the







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