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cerebral tendencies-changes

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Respected People-Pranams.

Changes in the chemistry of the Brain do take place whenever there is an intense

meditation, or even in Japa. meditation is emptying the thoughts, and trying to

be still both in the body and in Antahakrana. This is the real menaning of

"shumma Iru" of Baghavan Ramana. Over the years I have observed, that several

tingling sensations, goose pimples and shivering, and hair raising happens. At

times these bodily experiences last for hours together and body though aware

will not be able to respond to stimulus of any kind. I request people having

had similiar experiences share it. Shocks will run in the centre of the brain. I

consulted some psychologists and brain surgeons. They dis not have answer. It is

my intution that, the two spheres of Brain start merging and the cerebral

grooves gets creased out. The brain also starts emitting a different kind of

wave pattern. Please come forward.







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advaitin, jayantha srirama

<jayanthasrirama> wrote:


> Respected People-Pranams.

> Changes in the chemistry of the Brain do take place whenever there

is an intense meditation, or even in Japa. meditation is emptying

the thoughts, and trying to be still both in the body and in

Antahakrana. This is the real menaning of "shumma Iru" of Baghavan

Ramana. Over the years I have observed, that several tingling

sensations, goose pimples and shivering, and hair raising happens.

At times these bodily experiences last for hours together and body

though aware will not be able to respond to stimulus of any kind. I

request people having had similiar experiences share it. Shocks will

run in the centre of the brain. I consulted some psychologists and

brain surgeons. They dis not have answer. It is my intution that,

the two spheres of Brain start merging and the cerebral grooves gets

creased out. The brain also starts emitting a different kind of wave

pattern. Please come forward.




These bodily phenomena are described in Narada Bhakti Sutra-s

as the 8 sAttvika bhAva-s (aShTa-sAtvika-bhAva). If one is fortunate

enough to meet an enlightened sage, one can experience the same.


The phenomena are related to the involuntary (sympathetic and

para-sympathetic) nervous system, and their centers are in the sub-

cortex of the brain.


EEG (electro-encephalography) changes in the brain during

meditation have been well-documented.






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Namaste Sri Srirama-ji,


advaitin, jayantha srirama

<jayanthasrirama> wrote:


> Respected People-Pranams.

> Changes in the chemistry of the Brain do take place whenever

> there is an intense meditation, or even in Japa. meditation

> is emptying the thoughts, and trying to be still both in the

> body and in Antahakrana. This is the real menaning of "shumma

> Iru" of Baghavan Ramana. Over the years I have observed, that

> several tingling sensations, goose pimples and shivering,

> and hair raising happens. At times these bodily experiences

> last for hours together and body though aware will not be

> able to respond to stimulus of any kind. I request people

> having had similiar experiences share it. Shocks will run

> in the centre of the brain. I consulted some psychologists

> and brain surgeons. They dis not have answer. It is my

> intution that, the two spheres of Brain start merging and

> the cerebral grooves gets creased out. The brain also starts

> emitting a different kind of wave pattern. Please come forward.

> JS


Even if the brain surgeon had an answer to the question, would the

answer have been satisfactory? Why is it that we look to brain

surgeons and neuro-scientists for answers to these questions? Isn't

it because there lies deep within us a belief that our experiential

states are caused by the mechanisms of the body?


There is certainly a change in the body during meditation. It is an

empirical fact that there is a correlate between the meditational

state and the cerebral mechanisms of the brain. But this correlate

does not lead logically to the position that the brain is the cause

of the experiential state. Indeed, if the brain is posited as the

cause it leads to a logical circularity.


The brain is a vrtti. The vrtti does not cause the meditational

state. Rather it is the fruition of meditation that dissolves the

notion of material things as the causes of phenomena and places these

causes in the chitta out of which vrttis arise.


The notion of cause as something belonging to physical things is deep-

rooted within us. It is the knot of the heart. It is the kundalini

chakra that has inverted our perspective of the world. The rise of

the kundalini enkindles the fire that burns this inverted perspective

of the world and lets the Radiance of the Cause shine through in the



Warm regards,


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JS-ji wrote:

The brain also starts emitting a different kind of wave pattern.



Even if the doctors had replies to this and even if you go on to get EEG

patterns of alpha and beta in these states, they're only partial reports,

they're never going to be complete since the tests are biological while the

spiritual awakening and experiences that follow are a lot more than that! It

would be like measuring the sweetness of sugar syrup using lab experiments

instead of tasting and enjoying the bliss.


The kundalini experiences of a person are similar to that of a madman's

experience, if you refer to Gopi Krishna's

account. I point to this since any medical reply to this kind of behavior

has a good chance of declaring the experiencer as a madman :)


shivam shaantam advaitam,


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advaitin, praveen.r.bhat@e... wrote:


> praNAm,


> JS-ji wrote:

> The brain also starts emitting a different kind of wave pattern.


> praveen:

> Even if the doctors had replies to this and even if you go on to

get EEG

> patterns of alpha and beta in these states, they're only partial


> they're never going to be complete since the tests are biological

while the

> spiritual awakening and experiences that follow are a lot more

than that!




For some curious developments at the interfase of

religion/mediation/science/politics, :








Plan for Dalai Lama lecture angers neuroscientists


Wednesday July 27, 2005

The Guardian


"...The Dalai Lama is at the centre of an unholy row among

scientists over his plans to deliver a lecture at a prominent

neuroscience conference.

His talk stems from a growing interest in how Buddhist meditation

may affect the brain, but researchers who dismiss such studies as

little more than mumbo-jumbo say they will boycott the Society for

Neuroscience annual meeting in November if it goes ahead.

Jianguo Gu, a neuroscientist at the University of Florida who has

helped to organise a petition against the Dalai Lama's lecture,

said: "I don't think it's appropriate to have a prominent religious

leader at a scientific event............"







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Pardon me, but as far as Self Knowledge is concerned, cerebral

tendences/changes, kundalini raising, etc. have no place. It is all in Mithya

level. Only knowledge can remove(?) ignorance and self ignorance, and that

knowledge is Sabda pramanam, through the Upanishads.

All such "events" can happen but I doubt whether they will help in knowig the

Swaroopa of Self.

Hari Om





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