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Thank you Dr. Yaduji on a very interesting Explanation of the

vakya'Hari OM Tat Sat '


And it is quite interesting how you combine 'humor' while describing

great spiritual truths.


Swami Sivananda also used this technique quite effectively ...


He once remarked "The Cow is dyslexic ; That is why it Reads 'MOO'

instead of 'OOM' ! Smile-:-)


Anyway, may i also post another explanation of 'Hari OM Tat Sat' That

i retrieved from Group 'BraHmanshakti'?


Whenever a holy name of the supreme lord is uttered we add

OM as a prefix or a Suffix.


'Om ity etad brahmano nedistham nama '(Rg Veda) indicates the first



Then Tat Tvam Asi ((Chandogya Upanisad ) indicates the

second goal. which literally means "you are THAT." OR



And 'Sad eva saumya' (Chandogya Upanisad ) indicates the third goal.

Truth is beautiful.


combined they become 'Om Tat Sat'


Formerly when Brahma, the first created living entity,

performed sacrifices, he indicated by these three words the

Supreme Personality of Godhead.


So this vakya HARI OM TAT SAT has great SCRIPTURAL significance.


Bhagavad-gita recommends, therefore, that any work done should be

done for 'Om Tat Sat,' or all fruits of your actions should be

dedicated to HARI, another name of Bhagwan Sri Maha-Vishnu !!!!!



Yaduji, One of the names of Sri Maha-visnu in Sri Vishnu Sahasaranama



Om EkAtmane NamaH.(103)


This is Adi Shankara's explanation


SrI Sa'nkara `s vyAkhyAnam isekaSca asau AtmA ca iti ekAtmA - The

oneSelf. He gives the following in support:


AtmA vA idameka agra AsIt |nAnyat ki'ncana mishat | sa

IkshatalokAnnu sRjA iti | (Aita. 1.1.)


"In the beginning all this was this Atman alone. There was nothing

else that winked. He willed "Let me create the worlds".


He also gives the li'nga purANa in support:


yaccApnoti yad-Adatte yaccAttivishayAniha |

yaccAsya santato bhAvas-tasmAd Atmeti gIyate || (li'nga. 70.96)


"That which pervades, thatwhich receives, that which enjoys the

objects,and that which exists always, is called the Atman".


(Source:http//home.comcast.net/~chinnamma/sahasra/sloka103.htm )


Thank you for quoting this popular verse!


Hari OM Tat Sat


(Hari also means 'one who steals' - so when you chant OM along with

Hari , HE STEALS YOUR HEART ! this is the truth and it is

beautiful !)


Jai Gurudeva!

















advaitin, "ymoharir" <ymoharir> wrote:


> Namaste Mani-Ji:


> For similar reasons shaakaTayana (one of the contributors in

> nirakta) uses an example of the word "satya" and how to understand

> it? He recommends to do the vibhakti as "sat + ya" : Where the

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