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Dear spiritual, respected and very valuable brothers and sisters,


I wish every moment shower of peace and happiness is coming from God

Father forever to all.


Who is real Advaitin (here real Advaitin mean pure soul)? A real

Advaitin gives real love, respect, support, bliss, closeness, sympathy and help

to remove pain, to all. They are free from five vices that are lust, anger,

greed, attachment, and ego. Sankaracharyaji was free from these vices. I am not

free from these vices that mean how I can say real Advaitin to me. Here thoughts

are arising in my mind that either Sankaracharyaji were in up stage or I went

down stage. Now to become up stage like Sankaracharyaji one must do effort for

the same. If simply I will say, I am real Advaitin or I am like Shankaracharyaji

that is not right. By this way, first I am cheating myself and second I closed

my way to get that stage. If I think that I am like him or I am in up stage then

I will not do any effort to get that stage.


There are two things for real Advaitin stage (1) to know the real

Advaitin stage (2) to stay in real Advaitin stage. When one is able to stay in

this stage for him or her all are same and for all he or she has a spiritual



I do not have any difference with anybody or any religious but I have

heartily respected for each and every soul. All are acting as per their

sanskars, so it is not their fault. Anyhow, we all are spiritual brothers.


Unbelievably but fact is right. Any souls originally in diamond state,

and in this condition souls are dwelling in Soul-world. Here every soul is free

from all vices and there are no acts so there is not any binding for them and

just dwell in their original religious state that is peace, purity, and might.

Just like Supreme Soul.


Souls, which are coming on this earth for act, they are coming down

from their original diamond state to four states that are golden, silver,

copper, and iron state this is for all souls including Deities, Religious

Father, Messengers, and Saints and so on. When all are coming in iron state, at

this point by non-physical link with Supreme soul, they are getting their

original Diamond state back.




How to be real Advaitin stage? For perfection effort is necessary.


Who is taking body for act actually they came down from their original

state. Now suppose I wish to get my original up stage easily then I must take

help who is remaining in his original stage forever. Because there is law as

your connection with whom you will be like him. Now who is remaining in his

original stage forever? Supreme Soul is remaining forever in His original stage.






So how to get power from Supreme Soul (God Father) and by this way

to achieve self-realisation or to get our originality back, God Father

Realisation and Connection (non-physical) of soul and God Father?


First step SELF (SOUL) realisation or to get real Advaitin stage: -


Before starting this one should keep some important points in mind



(1) in this process always keep your eyes open.


(2) Here you are going to use power of mind (non-physical) and intellect

(non-physical) so during practice not to use mouth or lips.


(3) Change of thought process from physical to spiritual.


(4) Try to detach your mind (N-P means NON-PHYSICAL) and intellect (N-P) from

thought process which is busy with your surrounding world.


(5) Soul’s residence - Temporary: - soul has taken this body on live licence

basis and staying inside the body between two eye-brows. Permanent: - every soul

originally staying in Soul-World with God Father and coming on this earth stage

for acting with the help of corporeal (body).


Soul has three faculties. That are (1) Mind (N-P): - Whatever we see

through eye or hear through ear or read on the subject it creates thoughts (2)

Intellect (N-P): - after creating thought but before come in action by intellect

we judge this is right or wrong and according to soul’s past or present

experience he or she use to put in action. (3) Sanskars: - Every past thought,

words and actions are remains as memory in every soul and this is not limited

only for this birth but it can be any number of past births taken by soul.


Sit at any place convenience to you at any posture and start

creating thoughts by mind (N-P) as under: - I am a real Advaitin or pure soul; I

am a pure soul, very small, self luminous point of light (N-P). I am eternal

energy neither created nor destroyed. I am indivisible, invisible but very well

realizable. I am peaceful, powerful, joyful, blissful, loveful, Master

sat-chit-anand state soul. At the same time tries to visualise the self (soul)

by Intellect (N-P) between your two eye-brows inside your body.


But most important fact is that during this process for every

thought you try to visualize self as per your thought by your divine Intellect

(N-P). So Mind (N-P) and Intellect (N-P) both should work to-gather than only

you will experience that you are getting some benefit. (For example, in our

house light connection only possible when there is connection of two wires. Same

way here also, when you use mind (N-P) and intellect (N-P) together then it is

very easy to realise the self (soul).




In addition, during whole day at work, or at home you are coming in

Contact with other people, they may be your relatives or friends or anyone, you

try to see them as real Advaitins or pure souls or behave with them as real

Advaitin or pure souls and think that as a real Advaitins or pure souls they are

also God Father’s children and as a real Advaitins or pure souls all are in form

like me.


Slowly and slowly you will be able to realise that you are not body

but different being and controlling your body and this way you are able to

control all bodily organs very easily just like driver is controlling any

vehicle. By this way you will be able to free from five vices that are lust,

anger, greed, attachment, and ego. By practise when you are able to realise the

self (soul) or real Advaitin then it is very easy to go for second step that is

God Father Realisation. But one fact keep in your mind that just to know that

you are a real Advaitin state or pure soul and to stay in that state both are

different stage. To know that is theory but to stay in that stage that is

practical. If you are getting success that mean your approach is right.











































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