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On drishti-shristi-vada-What is 'Sri Chakra'

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Dear All !


A member wrote to me off list and asked me what a 'sri chakra' is ?

As you may recall, we have been using this term rather frequently of



Shri Chakra is an inmportant 'Yantra' in Sri Vidya Upasana , used

mostly in Devi Worship. All gods have their Yantra , no doubt ! But

Gods are worshipped in their 'sone image also . But Devi is always

worshipped in her 'yantra' image ! Each God and goddess have their

own 'yantras'


Sri Chakra is called the 'King of Yantras'- it is a powerful symbol/


Sri Chakra is most commonly used in the worship of Maha Tripura

Sundari - Sri Lalita Sahasaranama DESCRIBES dEVI AS 'SRI CHAKRA RAJA



Why is this considered a powerful symbol?


It is said "Sri chakra embodies all the tattwas, traditions,

vidyas, anushthanams, branches, aamnayas ()quarters) of



"This chakra is the symbol of eternal harmonic unity

between the microcosm and the macrocosm. It signifies the

inner and outer relationshhip between the triad

Jeeva-Prapancha-Ishwara and also the Avasthhana Panchakam.It is

representing both saguna as well as nirguna brahman. It is the

very form of Lalitha Mahatripurasundari and Shiva

Kameshwara.It has nine aavaranas or fortresss, which have

significance in the tantric outer worship as the abode of

different deities conferring different siddhhis. Though

it's real meaning remains hidden in the sastras, not

expalined explicitly, for it is to be imparted by guru

himself! "


( Harshananda16 in group Brahmanshakti )


The description of Sri chakra and its diagrammatical reprsentation as

Sri yantra is beautifully described in the following sloka in Adi

Shankara Bhagvadapada's Soundarya Lahari :


Caturbhih shri-kanthaih shiva-yuvatibhih pancabhir apiPrabhinnabhih

sambhor navabhir api mula-prakrtibhih;Catus-catvarimsad vasu-dala-

kalasra-tri-valaya-Tri-rekhabhih sardham tava sarana-konah parinatah.



The four Shri-Kanthas ( Shiva-Chakras ) and the five Shiva-yuvatis (

Shakti-Chakras ) are the nine. Mula-prakrtis or basic manifestations,

and these are apart from Sambhu ( the Bindu or small circle in the

center). Then there are two lotuses, one of eight petals and another

of sixteen, besides three surrounding circles and three lines. This

forms Thy mansion with forty-four Konas ( Triangles ).


The sri yantra is made of metal , mostly Copper ! It can also be

hand drwan but there are specific rules and if you are

not 'mathematically' oriented, do not attempt it! smile! !


i would encourage all members to access Professor-ji's website to

read more about Saundarya Lahari in Paramacharya's own words .


On another note , realized shaktas say " the body tself is a Sri

Chakra ' and the Body itself is a 'kalpavriksha -the wish yielding

tree' - it is not for me to explain this esoteric truth !


A Hymn in the Mahakala-Samhita addresses Mother Shakti thus :


"Thou art neither girl, nor maid, nor old. Indeed Thou art neither

female nor male, nor neuter. Thou art inconceivable, immeasurable

Power, the Being of all which exists, void of all duality, the

Supreme Brahman, attainable in Illumination alone."


Does this not remind you of a upanishadic saying ?


and here is more !


"Shakti is merely the Potency of Becoming in Being and, as such, is

wholly one with it. The Power (Shakti) and the possessor of Power

(Shaktiman) are one. As therefore He is Being-Bliss-Consciousness, so

is She. She is also the Full (Purna), which is no mere abstraction

from its evolved manifestations. On the contrary, of Her the Mahakali

Stotra says: "Though without feet, Thou movest more quickly than air.

Though without ears, Thou dost hear. Though without nostrils, Thou

dost smell. Though without eyes, Thou dost see. Though without

tongue, Thou dost taste all tastes." Those who talk of the 'bloodless

abstractions' of Vedanta, have not understood it. The ground of Man's

Being is the Supreme 'I' (Purnosham) which, though in Itself beyond

finite personality, is yet ever finitely personalizing as the beings

of the universe. "Sa'ham," -- "She I am.""


( Arthur Avalon - SHAKTI AND SHAKTA - A Must Read)




Sri unmesha-nimishotpanna-vipanna-bhuvanAvaLih!


The appearance and disappearance of the universe is attributed to the

opening and closing of the eyes of Supreme Goddess !


SALUTATIONS TO The Fish-eyed Goddess MADURAI MINAXI AMMAN ( who like

a Fish keeps her eyes open to guard her young ones - us , her divine

children! )

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