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drushti-srushti vAda a query

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Hare Krishna


After seeing the extended discussion about creation theories in this

list...a fundamental query coming to my mind. I request prabhuji-s of this

list to bear with my ignorance.


First of all, kindly clarify whether this drushti -srushti vAda pertains to

jIva or Ishvara?? Since shankara does not use this terminology anywhere in

the prasthAna trayi bhAshya, I need the clarification. Scholars argue that

this type of vAda gained currency only in the posterior works after

shankara's bhAshtra traya. As per my understanding, drushti-srushti vAda

relates to jIva-s & their cognition...when one sees outside then only one

will find the world or srushti...this is what I've been thinking all these

days about drushti-srushti vAda (somewhat similar to vijnAnavAda). But

we've seen in the recent posts about this vAda, it is not jIva's drushti it

is Ishwara's drushti!!! I vaguely remember that I've read the somewhat

near to drushti-srushti vAda in one of the verses in yOgA vAshishTa (but

donot know the reference & not sure...Sundar prabhuji, if you could kindly

help)..but I dont think this work says it is talking about Ishvara drushti

and not jIva drushti & attributing cognition to Ishvara..it simply says

*where there is drushti there is srushti* (again quoting from memory..)...


So, according to me, in drushti-srushti vAda, mind is the creator!! As said

above, this is more or less close to vijnAna vAda of bhuddhist which is

contrary to bAhyAstitva vAda or realistic view. Since this list witnessed

somany realistic & eternality theories with regard to creation & Ishwara,

I think instead of drushti srushti vAda, srushti-drushti vAda will give

more weightage to their claims of eternality of creation.


While on the subject, I would like to draw the attention of our prabhuji's

to my guruji Sri Vidyashankara Sundareshan prabhuji's write up on the

subject matter in Advaita-L web site. (I firmly believe that he is one of

the authorities on the subject) He says that drushti-srushti vAda has more

proximity to yEka jIva vAda!! It is also interesting to note that he takes

this vAda as a third alternative & says shruti/advaita primarily leads its

followers to srushti-drushti vAda & then ajAtivAda. For more details

kindly see the below link :




I also have some queries with respect to holding the dualistic view point

that eternal difference between jIva & Ishvara with regard to creation &

other powers.....shankara does talk about jIva-s which have attained brahma

lOka through archirAdi mArga (upAsana) & limits its power to some

extent...but clearly says it is not the *final* emancipation from

avidyA...In my opinion, the eternal difference between jIva & Ishwara is a

cut from entirely different fabric of advaita !! More to follow on this



Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!



PS : I've marked a copy of this mail to my master Sri Vidya prabhuji,

just to keep him informed that I am quoting him.....I also humbly request

him to throw more light on the query raised by me.

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