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My dear Moderator,


I am a member of your esteemed group. I have written MAHABHARATA

COMMENTARY in SIMPLE ENGLISH and SIMPLE TELUGU (a south indian language).


Please visit the following groups for reading Mahabharata in simple English

and telugu.






Please also read the following message about Mahabharata and about myself.










Maha Bharata is a great epic. It is the story of mainly Kouravas and Pandavas

and the great battle between them at a place called Kurukshetra. Mahabharata

contains Bhagavadgita, a Code of Conduct for all Human beings. In Mahabharata

itself it is said by veda vyasa “what you find in the entire world, it is in

Mahabharata but what is not in Mahabharata you cannot find any where in the

world” Therefore Mahabharata is a complete dharma saastra.


Mahabharata was originally written in Sanskrit by Bhagavan veda vyasa for a

period of three years. Later it was translated into telugu (a south indian

language) and many other languages. Though it was written in Telugu, it is in

verse form mostly with Sanskrit words. Now a days, English is an international

language. Sanskrit has almost become a dead language. Hence, Mahabharata could

not reach the common man ..


Now a days, human values are deteriorating. The relationship between

brothers,sisters, father and son, and mother and son are evaporating. Joint

families are not heard anywere. The fact that old age homes are increasing in

number itself shows that children are not caring their parents in their old

age. Youth are attracted to terrorism for immediate gains. Causing harm to

fellowmen has become an order of the day. Every minute breach of peace, breach

of civil rights are occurring.


. At this juncture, it is highly essential to make our children read

Mahabharata and understand the moral values followed by our ancestors.

Therefore, I have taken the task of writing commentary on Mahabharata in simple

English and Telugu, understandable even by school going children.

For this I followed the Mahabharata written in telugu by Kavitrayam. I have

not missed any single detail and also the dharma sutras enunciated in

Mahabharata. I request all of you to kindly read Mahabharata. You also

encourage your children to read Mahabharata. If any one who reads this, cares

for his parents as pandavas cared for their mother kunti, if any one respects

his brothers and live amicably as pandavas, if any one acts like Vidura, an

embodiment of morality, I feel happy that all my efforts are fructified.



About myself:

I worked and retired as an officer. . Since my child hood, I used to

accompany my mother to places where Puranas and Mahabharata lectures were

conducted. I used to hear Swami Chinmayananda geeta Jnana Yagna lectures since

1964. After my retirement, I bought one computer and learnt how to operate

it. Then I began to prepare Mahabharata commentary in simpe English and simple

telugu. Nowadays, internet and e mail have become part of the life of a common

man. Hence, I thought to keep Mahabharata in .


Visit the following groups for Mahabharat – in simple English and simple






Wish you all the best.








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