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To Lead or not to Lead ? That is the question?

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advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <ramvchandran>



> Namaste AdiShakthiji:


> First let me thank you for your active participation in the list


> also for posting on a variety of topics and subjects. As Benjaminji


> pointed out that you are quite talented and you have mastered the


> of searching and finding materials that are hidden underneath the


> ocean of the Internet.


> Given your versatility, dedication to Hindu religion/philosophy,


> your eagerness to share the information with the list members, the

> time has come for you to take up an interesting topic of your


> and lead the discussions on that topic. This will greatly help the


> to focus on its discussions on one topic at a time. For spiritual

> seekers like us, it is very important to contemplate on only one

> subject matter at a time to meet our spiritual goals by


> one step at a time.


> Those who have been provided with an energetic and enthusiastic


> have the tendency to wander in wilderness without focusing. Arjuna

> allowed his mind to wander over thoughts that became uncontrollable


> consequently he broke down.. Bhagawan Sri Krishna in chapter 2 and


> in other chapters very emphatically points out the importance of

> keeping the mind under control. Our spiritual goal obviously is to


> the mind stable and the very important first thing is to focus on


> one!


Namaskarams Sri Sri Ramji !


You are not kidding? are you ?


i never thought of myself as a 'leader' - always a 'follower' i am !

But in a limited sense, i am a leader of 'sorts' - may be a

cheerleader ! i do love to encourage members and lend them support if

and whenever necessary ! i know when to 'app;aud' and 'appreciate '

and i also know when to use the compassionate 'knife' of a surgeon to

slice 'ego's ! YOU have this shakthi's 'gora' (malevelent )

and 'sowmya'( (beneveloent ) rupam !


Anyway, i am flattered , honored and above all really overwhelmed

with joy to know you have faith and trust in me to lead ths

discussion in December ! Of course , if i were you i will not take

ben-ji's comments seriously! There is this 'unspoken' love between

the two of us ! so , he may be 'colored' in his vision of my so

called talents !


As you have rightly pointed out, i do have a certain talent - no

doubt about that - of cruising around the internet and diving deep

into the pearls of wisdom in the vast ocean of the web ! BUT THAT




i thought long and hard last night ! Gurudeva came in my dream ' why

fear ? Mother ! when i am there '? so, I DECIDED TO RISE UP TO THE



So, here it goes ......


Shankara and Saguna Brahman !


This is a pleasant surprise - so please give me time ! i am not well

versed in Shankara's bhasyas like Chitta, Nairji, Bhaskara

prabhuJI ,sadaji, Gummamuluruji, professorji, ananda woodji

dennisji, michaelji etc etc and yourself among a host of others in

this group whose name i cannot readily recall ! But i know for a fact

that all of you are all more 'advanced' than me in every sense of the

word !


Folks, i will need help and encouragement from each one of you in

doing this . Chitta , my shining Knight in armor , will be thee to

save me from moments of 'embarrasment' , i am sure! smile!


This will be an exercise in Self-knowledge ( atma bhodha - any pun

intended is unintentional)




"Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a



Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met

the soul walking upon my path."


For the soul walks upon all paths.


The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.


The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals. "


Thank you sri sri Ramachandran-ji ! ( note the two 'sri's - one is

for the jiva and the other for Lord Rama ! smile)


Sri Gurave Namaha !


Ramji writes:


( I look forward to see your positive response on my suggestion


> you to lead a discussion topic. The month of December is the most

> important month of the year (Holiday Season!) and Topic that you


> will certain to bring joy and smile to everyone. )

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Namaste AdiShakthiji:


I am happy to note that you have agreed to lead the

discussion, "Sankara and Saguna Brahman" during the month of December

2005. This is an excellent topic for contemplation and focusing and

I want to assure you that I will provide you all the assistance that

you need for conducting these discussions.


Since you have sincerely seek the help from the veteran members of

this list, let me provide you with the following suggestions:


First, I want to emphasize the importance of focusing our attention

on `one topic' at a time. This is even more critical for those who

volunteer to lead the discussion topic.


Second, as a member of this list, it is very essential that we

determine to move from the role of `cheer leaders' to become

spiritual seekers. This means that whenever you feel like sending

an `cheer-leading' post, please address such mails to the author of

the post instead of sending it to the list. Most of the list members

know that you are a kind and compassionate person and there is no

need to over do it!


Most importantly, as a discussion leader, you should make sure that

the posts appear under this discussion topic do not move away from

the `subject matter.' An enthusiastic mind always has the tendency

to wander and it is the responsibility of the intellect to control

the mind. Focusing our full attention on one subject matter is in

fact `meditation,' and with dedication and discipline we can

certainly awaken our spirit.


Finally, I look forward to see your insights on "Sankara and Saguna

Brahman" during the upcoming Holiday Season!


Happy Holidays!


Harih Om!


Ram Chandran


advaitin, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>



> You are not kidding? are you ?


> ……

> Shankara and Saguna Brahman !


> …………

> Folks, i will need help and encouragement from each one of you in

> doing this . Chitta , my shining Knight in armor , will be thee to

> save me from moments of 'embarrasment' , i am sure! smile!


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A very learned Member has suggested THIS TOPIC AND FEELS I WILL DO







Adi Shankara and 'Devi' WORSHIP


WOW! in this male dominated world of religion, we do need all the

Shaktis - Adi shakthi and Parashakthi? DON'T YOU AGREE ?


also the topic i chose was too general and i will be like a spider

caught in its own web !


already, i feel like a lamb walking into the lion's den !my 'ego'

will be slaughtered and butchered in no time by All the LIONS in this

group ! MAA ! Simhavahini! protect me !


Shakespeare said 'give everyone thy ear , few thy voice' - i should

have listened to him -




as POET GIBRAN SAYS " Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith

is her twin sister."


let the first man ( without Doubt ) cast his stone ! for we all are

doubting thomases !





love and regards

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List Moderator's Note: List wants to thank the members for their continued

support to list policies and guidelines. Please do not include the previous

posters' messages in the tail end (or in the beginning) of your message while

sending your replies. Both the new members and other members do seem to continue

to repeat doing this. The list appreciates your cooperation in keeping the

message crisp and clear by removing all unnecessary parts of previous messages.

(As it is done in this message!)



Hari OM!


Dear Adiji,


Great email, and thanks for leading this December topic, but we cannot

follow you because you are a real Leader, (not flattering at all), why

because, "We really cannot follow a real leader for the reason, he/she is

always behind us, guiding us, motivating us. So How can we follow???!!!


Expecting a lot of Advaitic knowledge to flow this December.


With Love & OM!


Krishna Prasad



On 11/30/05, adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote:


> advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <ramvchandran>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste AdiShakthiji:

> >

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