Guest guest Posted December 9, 2005 Report Share Posted December 9, 2005 Namaste Friends: My special thanks to Brother K. Sadananda for his excellent piece on the subject. I am quoting a portion of his post: Bhakti is essential for jnaana - that leads to ananya chinta or single pointed inquiry in jnaana yoga. Here bhakti for Iswara turns into Bhakti for the aatmavichaara - Hence Shankara says: moksha kaaraNa saamaagryaam bhaktireva gariiyasi| swaswaruupa anusandhaanam bhaktiH ityabhidheeyate|| swaatma anubhava sandhaaanam bhaktiH ityapare jaguH|| Of all the paths, bhakti is the supreme for moksha and that bhakti is called one's intense contemplation on one's own self or self-realization. Therefore, Bhakti is essential for jnaana as well as karma to transform them into yoga. Hence, it is not bhakti vs jnaana since Jnaana involves bhakti - and it is not bhakti vs karma either since karma also involves bhakti. Bhakti for saguNa brahman is easier until one appreciates Brahman is nirguNa or guNa atiita. Without proper understanding, bhakti can lead to fanaticism. Jnaana without bhakti can lead to arrogance. Bhakti is the platform required for all saadhana-s. I unquote. In the vivekachoodamani verse he has quoted, i have found the reading to be svaatma-tattvaanusandhaanam. Here is a verse from Adi Shankara's Shatpadii stotram which reflects Sri Sadananda's remark: Jnaana without bhakti can lead to arrogance, and how Shankara teaches the right approach and attitude which gives no room to arrogance: Satyapi bhedaapagame Naatha, Tavaaham, na maamakiinastvaM Saamudro hi taranga, kvachana samudro na taaranga: O Lord, even though difference between you and i has gone, I belong to you and not that You belong to me. For the wave is ever that of the ocean and never is the case where the ocean is of the wave; (even though as water the ocean and the wave are non-different.) What an ideal coexistence of Jnana and Bhakti !! Look at the way he forcefully brings out the idea through an apt example !! In fact the Samudra-taranga example figures in his Sutrabhashya and elsewhere too, if i remember right. Amazing is the genius in him to use that same example of the jnaanaprakarana to convey the right attitude in the language of Bhakti !! Thank u Sri Sadanandagaru. Pranams subbu Shopping Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Shopping Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 9, 2005 Report Share Posted December 9, 2005 V Subrahmanian <subrahmanian_v wrote: Namaste Friends: What an ideal coexistence of Jnana and Bhakti !! Look at the way he forcefully brings out the idea through an apt example !! In fact the Samudra-taranga example figures in his Sutrabhashya and elsewhere too, if i remember right. Amazing is the genius in him to use that same example of the jnaanaprakarana to convey the right attitude in the language of Bhakti !! Dear sir, I have not read Soundaryalahiri, that being by virtue of my not being possessed of Sanskrit knowledge. But I am fortunate enough to have gone through the soul-stirring poetry of the four Saivaite apostles, of whom saint Manickavachagar is considered to have attained the final consummation with the merger with Sivam as understood in the Saivate theology. Saiva siddhantha speaks of the four steps of work, worship, yoga and finally jnana the understanding of the true being of Siva. Ramana Maharishi, who has come upon the highest state of unbroken abidance in the Self, a consummation given to very few, is having the highest veneration for the poetic work Tiruvachakam, excellently rendered into English by G.U.Pope. I am quoting these verses from this great work in which saint Manickavachakar reveals the highest state of devotion. This is available in the following site. The members who are not Tamilians can have the rare joy of going through this great work. With warm regards and love Sankarraman document.cookie = "WStz=" + (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() + "; path=/; expires=Mon, 16 Aug 2010 10:20:00 UTC;"; THE CREATION OF THE WORLD. HE CAUSED THE PHENOMENAL UNIVERSE TO APPEAR. Lines 1-10 The Feet of Civan While the Four-faced and other heavenly dwellers rose, Adoring, sacred MAl, whose head with rays is crowned, With His two feet measured the threefold world,- While saints from the four quarters praised with all their sentient powers, Eager that day Thy foot and crown to know, (5) He then became a fierce strong boar, and rushing on Dug down through sevenfold regions, wearied cried at last: Eternal Source of all, to Thee be triumphs manifold !' Yet though He worship paid, Thy pair of Feet-flowers saw he not; Yet Thou to me Thy worshipper art easy of access ! (10) Lines 11 - 35 Human embodiment On earth girt by the watery seas, from elephant to ant, Through many matrices I passed, Obtained a human form within my mother's womb. .. Thus was I born into the sad sea of th' afflictive life. (25) Then during each year as it met me I gained and hoarded gains. How varied was my life!. Morning's routine, hunger in noontide hour, and night For sleep. In journeys oft I lived. Jet black locks, and crimson lips, and radiant smiles were hers; (30) Into love's sea I plunged. .. (31-35) In the wide marts where foolish worldlings toil I lived, still slave to fierce desires. I lived by sea of learning multiform; I lived in sorrow men call wealth; I lived 'mid ancient stings of poverty, (40) And thus in varied forms and fortunes spent my days. Lines 42-51 The idea of God comes into his life Then wondrous thought of the Divine, so-called, arose. Soon as I knew that BEING, free from hate, unique, Delusive powers in ever-changing millions Began beguiling varied play. (45) Relations, neighbours, came around, With fluent tongue they urged their 'atheism' Friends around (such herds of cattle old !)- Seiz'd me, call'd, hurried to and fro; The BrAhman said 'the way of penance is supreme'; (50) And others showed the law of trusting love ! Sectarian disputants complacently Discordant tenets shouted loud and fought. Then haughty VedAnt creed unreal came, Whirled, dashed, and roared like furious hurricane. (55) LOkAyathan a glistening mighty snake Brought cruel poisoned heresies. Whilst these delusions, endless, girt me round, Lines 59 - 86 His conversion Lest I should go astray, He laid His hand on me ! As wax before the unwearied fire (60) With melting soul I worshipt, wept, and bent myself, Danced, cried aloud, and sang, and prayed. They say: 'The tooth of elephant and woman's grasp relax not,' So I with love, real, interrnitting never, Was pierced, as wedge driven into soft young tree. (65) All tears, I like the refluent sea was tossed; Soul was subdued, and body quivered with delight. While the world called me demon, mocking me, False shame I threw aside; the folk's abusive word I took as ornament; nor did I swerve. (70) My mind was rapt;-a fool, but in my folly wise,- The goal I sought to reach infinity ! All wondering desire, As cow yearns for its calf, I moaning, hurried to and fro. Not ev'n in dreams thought I of other gods. The One most precious Infinite to earth came down; (75) Nor did I greatness of the Sage superne contemn, Who came in grace. Thus from the pair of sacred feet Like shadow from its substance parting not, Before, behind, at every point, to it I clung. My inmost self in strong desire dissolved, I yearned; (80) Love's river overflowed its banks; My senses all in Him were centredl; 'Lord !' I cried. With stammering speech, and quivering frame I clasped adoring hands; my heart expanding like a flower. Eyes gleamed with joy and tears distilled. (85) His love that fails not day by day still burgeons forth ! To the end : Praises Like mother, Thou hast brought me up, I praise ! God, strong to cancel deeds of ours, Who didst become in truth a Sage, I praise ! King of golden Madura ! (90) Guru Pearl, in KUdal shining bright ! Dancing in southern Tillai's court, This day to me precious ambrosia Thou ! Source of the fourfold mystic Scroll that ne'er grows old ! Civan, whose conquering banner is the Bull ! (95) Thy varied form gleams as the lightning;-Thee I praise ! In me the stony heart Thou softenest. Guard me, Thou guarded hill of gold ! Ah, give Thy grace to me ! Thou dost create, Thou tost preserve, Thou dost destroy ! (100) Father, who dost remove all griefs, I praise ! Ruler, I praise ! My King, I praise ! Mount of shining crystal,-praise ! Monarch, to Thee be praise ! Ambrosia,-praise ! Unfailing refuge are Thy fragrant-feet ! (105) Thee VEdic Sage, I praise ! Spotless One,- praise ! Thee First, I praise ! Wisdom, I praise ! Thou Goal I seek,praise ! Sweet fruition, Thee I praise ! Our Lord, on Whose bright crest the river flows, Our Master, praise! Understanding,praise ! (110) Thou hast beheld the servitude of lowliest me, O Teacher,-praise ! Minute as atom,-praise ! O Caivan, -praise ! Our Chief, I praise ! Our Sign, I praise ! Virtue, I praise ! ThouWay, I praise ! O Thought, I praise! (115) Balm, hardly by celestials gained, I praise ! King, easy of access to others, praise ! Monarch in grace, Who savest lest we sink In hell's hated one-and-twenty rounds, I praise ! Companion,-praise ! My Helper,-praise! (120) O Bliss of life, I praise ! My Treasure,praisc ! O free from bonds,praisc ! First One,praise ! Father,praise ! Haran,praise ! Thou One, transcending word and understanding,praise ! Yield of the world girt by the extended sea, praise! (125) Beauty rare, yet easy of access, I praise ! Eye like an azure cloud, I praise ! Abiding Mount of sacred grace, I praise ! Me, too, Thou mad'st a man,Thy twin feet Thou placed'st on my head, O Warrior,praise ! (130) Thou dost wipe off all sorrow from adoring hand, praise ! Sea of imperishable rapture, praise , Thou dost transcend all forms that pass and come renewed, praise ! First One surpassing all, praise ! Bridegroom of Her with fawnlike eyes, praise ! (135) Mother of the Immortals in the heavenly land,praise! Fivefold Thou dost in earth extend,-praise ! Fourfold Thou dost exist in the water,-praise ! Threefold in fire Thou shinest,-praise ! Twofold in the air Thou art all glorious, -praise ! (140) One in the ether Thou hast sprung forth,praise ! Ambrosia of the troubled mind,praise ! Hard to be approached by gods e'en in a dream,praise ! In waking hour to me a cur Thou gavest grace,praise ! Father, Who dwell'st in Idai-maruthu,praise ! (145) Thou bearest Gangai on Thy crest, praise ! King in ArUr abiding,praise ! Lord of glorious Tiru-aiyAru,praise ! Our Prince of AnnAmalai,praise ! Sea of ambrosia, filling all the place,- praise ! (150) Our Father dwelling in Ekambam, praise ! Thou Who in form art half a woman,-praise ! Who dwell'st supreme in Perun-turrai,-praise! Civan Who dwell'st in Sira-palli,-praise ! None other refuge here I know, -praise ! (155) Our Dancer in KutRAlam,-praise ! Our King dwelling in GOkazi, praise ! Our Father of IngOy's Mount, praise ! Beauteous One of seemly Paranam, praise ! Idangan Who dwell'st in KadambUr, praise ! (160) Father, gracious to those that come to Thee, praise ! Beneath the Itti tree to six, King, Thou wert gracious, and to th' elephant,-praise ! Civan, Lord of the southern land,praise ! King of our country folk,-praise ! (165) Thou wert gracious to the litter of the boar,-praise ! Lord of glorious Kailai's Mountpraise ! Father, Who grants us grace,-praise ! King, Who our darkness dissipates,-praise ! I Thy slave languish all alone,-praise ! (170) In grace remove my guile,-praise ! In grace say to me ' Fear not,-Ôpraise! Poison became ambrosis by Thy love,-praise ! Father,-praise ! Guru,-praise ! Eternal,-praise ! Pure One,-praise! (175) Brother,-praise ! Existent One,-praise! O Great One,-praise ! O Lord,-praise ! O Rare One,-praise ! O Pure One,-praise ! Glorious Path of Vedic sages,-praise ! I make my plaint,nor can endure, O First One,-praise ! (180) Hymn 4 poRRith thiru agaval THE SACRED AGAVAL OF PRAISE. Shopping Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Shopping Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 9, 2005 Report Share Posted December 9, 2005 ananta koti Namaskarams Sri Subramaniyam-ji! Thanx for quoting my favorite verse from Adi shankara's shatpadi stotram ---- i have also quoted the same verse just a few posts ago while discussing Bhakti and Jnana ! But, it is worth repeating again and again as it is so true! " Satyapi bhedaapagame Naatha, Tavaaham, na maamakiinastvaM Saamudro hi taranga, kvachana samudro na taaranga: O Lord, even though difference between you and i has gone, I belong to you and not that You belong to me. For the wave is ever that of the ocean and never is the case where the ocean is of the wave; (even though as water the ocean and the wave are non- different.) " incidentally, if you notice the Subject of the this months topic it is also named - Bhakti and Jnana Wave wooing the Ocean ! Yes! A TRUE BHAKTA-JNANI DOES NOT SAY 'GOD BELONGS TO ME' RATHER, HE SAYS'I BELONG TO GOD' ! This is the highest bhava or maha bhava ! Subbuji, in the concluding verse in Shatpadi stotra, Adi shankara prays in a mood if total surrender to the lotus feet of Sriman Narayana thus Narayana Karunamaya Sharanam Karavani tavako charanam Iti shat pado madiye Vadana saro je sada vasatu May the combination of the six words (the honey-bee) , Narayana, Karunamaya , Sharanam, Karavani, Tavako, CharanNAO, REVEL for ever in my lotus-mouth. (May this prayer - ''Oh Náráyaïa! Oh Merciful One! Let me resort to your two feet as my refuge'' ever revolve in my mouth. yes! the honey bee has six feet and it is the poetic genuius of our beloved shankara bhagvadapada that he has used this metaphor to describe the sharanagati tattwa to Sriman Narayana in this exemplary fashion! SUBBU-JI, THE FEET IS THE OBJECT OF VENERATION IN HINDUISM ! be it the lotus feet of the god/ess or the lotus feet of the Guru! Saundarya lahari- verse 84 Srutinam Murdhano dadhati tava yau sekharataya mamapy etau Matah sirasi dayaya dhehi caranau : yayoh padyam patah pasupati -jata -juta-tatini yayar laksa -laksmir aruna-Hari-Chhudamani-rucih 'O Mother ! The crest of the veda ( i.e. the vedanta known as the the Vedastras ) bear they feet as the head ornament. Mayest Thou Condescend to place those feet on my head too - the feet the water- offerings on which form the Ganga in the matted locks of Siva, and the bright red dye of which gives briiliance to the jewels on the diadem of Vishnu! i would like to reproduce here verses quoted by our most respected Sundar-ji in the ambaal group regarding 'bhakti' while commenting on the Narada Bhakti sutras! i think they are great and need to be repeated here! Sunderji writes : For the most terse and yet the most profound depiction of Bhakti, it would be hard to excel verses 9 & 10 of Ramana Maharshi's Upadeshasara: bh˜va þ¨nyasadbh˜va susthirti× | bh˜van˜bal˜dbhatiruttam˜ || 9|| By the strength of the thought (HE am I) firm abidance in the Existence Principle is gained which is free from all thought modifications. This is Supreme Devotion. h®tsthale mana× svasthat˜kriy˜ | bhaktiyogabodh˜þca niþcitam || 10|| It has been ascertained that the goal of the Yoga of Action, Devotion, Ashtanga Yoga, and Yoga of Knowledge is the abidance of the mind in the heart (one's own nature). (tr. Sw. Tejomayananda) This is a mirror image of Shankara's Vivekachudamni, shlokas 31 and 32: .. mokÿak˜raõas˜magry˜Õ bhaktireva garŸyasŸ | svasvar¨p˜nusandh˜naÕ bhaktiriyabhidhŸyate || 31|| Among paths conducive to liberation, devotion alone holds the supreme place. The seeking after one's real nature is designated as devotion. sv˜tmatattv˜nusandh˜naÕ bhaktirityapare jagu× .....(32) Others maintain that the inquiry into the truth of one's own Self is devotion. i have several upagurus on the internet and i am grateful to professorji and sunderji for making such wonderful contributions to discussion groups on and they are a great legacy for spiritual aspirants like me who are still struggling on the path! Thank you subbuji for your erudite comments - may be you can help me completing this month's topic successfully! i would encourage you to read the thread on Bhakti and jnana and please comment on the verses that have already quoted or add new verses! thank you ! SALUTATIONS TO THE LOTUS FEET OF Devi Adi Parashakti! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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