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Two Questions - Forwarded Message from Sri Subbu

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Message author: "V Subrahmanian" <subrahmanian_v


Namaste Shyam:


Your questions are very interesting. They involve a very

detailed answer. One will have to gather a lot of references

from various works of Vedantic literature. However, a small

attempt is made here.


For your question 1. Is Self-Knowledge



Yes. It is intellectual. The Shastra makes it clear that

Atmajnanam is a Buddhivritti, a transformation of the intellect,

or antahkaranam, and is known as the Akhandakara vritti. Vritti

can be of the antahkaranam alone. When objects like pot, etc.

are also known by buddhivritti alone, the Atman is realized

through the buddhivritti which has Atman for its 'object'. The

Antahkaranam 'takes' the 'form' of the Atman. There is a

discussion on this aspect in some work wherein the term

'Kshanatrayaatmikaa vritti' is used and this will throw much

light on the question. My appeal to any learned member or the

esteemed Moderators like Sri Gummuluru Murthy or Sri Sadananda

to come up with a detailed dissertation on this subject. In

fact, a month long discussion could also be taken up to

understand this seemingly elusive topic of the 'Nature of



2. secondly, some people have the view that after going through


"sravanam", "mananam" , niddhidhyasanam

should be undertaken to culminate in aparoksha anubhuti or

direct experience of the atman. What does acharya shankara say

about this?


Reply: At the outset, Yes. Nididhyasanam should be undertaken to

culminate in aparoksha anubhuti. While commenting on the famous

vaakyam: Atma vaa are drashtavyah. Srotavyo, Mantavyo,

Nididhyaasitavyah occurring in the Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad

II.4.5, Acharya Shankara says: …………..Tato nididhyaasitavyah =

nischayena dhyaatavyah. After sravanam and mananam,

nididhyaasanam has to be undertaken. That which has been

decisively grasped as a result of mananam (reasoning), has to be

meditated upon. The Acharya further says: Evam hi asau drshto

bhavati, sravana manana nididhyasana saadhanaih nirvartitaih.

Thus,when these three means are carried out, performed, gone

through, then alone this Atma becomes realised. He further

says…………….. not otherwise, by just sravanam.


The Anandagiri gloss on this portion clarifies this portion of

the Bhashyam thus:

Since sravanam involves the enquiry of the pramana, the

authority that is the Veda in this case, verily the instrument

without which this knowledge cannot arise, (like the eye which

is a sine quo non for perception of colours and forms), sravanam

is the pradhanam, the Principal element. Since there could be

obstacles to the successful operation of the vedapramanam gained

through sravanam in bringing about the result of direct

realisation, the other two, mananam and nididhyasanam, acquire

the status of subsidiaries. These two perform the function of

removing the obstacles like doubt and misconception. Doubt

regarding the nature of the Atman like for example: whether it

is sagunam or nirgunam, whether it is karyam or karanam, etc. is

removed by ratiocination, mananam = tarkatah mananam.

Misconception, the deadliest enemy, has to be removed by

resorting to nididhyasanam. The obstacle takes the form of : I

am the body, the mind, the thinker, karta, bhokta, I am subject

to death, disease, etc. So, even if sravanam and mananam are

successfully carried out, due to the wandering nature and other

proclivities the mind is given to, the goal of decisively

relating to, identifying with, the Atman will remain unattained

unless the indispensable exercise of nididhyasanam is gone



Thus, the conclusion is: All the Three Are required. Pl.

pardon me for the long elucidation of the Anandagiri gloss.


There are other works of Acharya Shankara where the need for

nididhyasanam is mentioned: the Dakshinamurtistotram tenth verse


Tenaasya sravanaat, tadartha mananaat, dhyaanaacha….. Learned

members could contribute other sources, specifically Shankarite,

to strengthen our understanding.





> Shyamsundar Venkataraman <sundar_venkat007

two questions





I have the following two questions:


1. Is Self-Knowledge intellectual?


2. secondly, some people have the view that after going


"sravanam", "mananam" , niddhidhyasanam should be undertaken to


in aparoksha anubhuti or direct experience of the atman. What


acharya shankara say about this? can the

learned members of the list please





harih om

Shyam Venkataraman

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support to list policies and guidelines. Please do not include the previous

posters' messages in the tail end (or in the beginning) of your message while

sending your replies. Both the new members and other members do seem to continue

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message crisp and clear by removing all unnecessary parts of previous messages.

(As it is done in this message!)



Namaste all,


Thanks for your responses Nairji, Sanjayji, Subrahmanianji, padmaji,

Krishnaji, Sankarramanji.


Regarding the first question


1. Is Self Knowledge Intellectual?


I chanced upon a guru poornima day lecture on this exact topic by Swami

Paramarthananda Saraswati. I will upload it to the advaitin files tomorrow. can

the list moderators give me permission to do this? Swamiji says that

self-knowledge is intellectual and addresses this question brilliantly using

acharya shankara's references to this topic and several verses from the

upanishads. The lecture is in mp3 format.


2. aparoksha anubhuti

my question on this was not on whether niddhidhyasanam is necessary. I fully

agree that niddhidhyasanam is absolutely required. My question was more on the

lines of "is niddhidhyasanam enough or that one should perfect nirvikalpaka and

sahaja samadhi after niddhidhyasanam to gain direct experience of the atman."

The people who are advocating the samadhi route are quoting the taittriya

upanishad verse "yato vaacho nivartante... apraapya manasaa saha.. What does

acharya sankara say on this? does he accept or reject that samadhi is



harih om

Shyam Venkataraman



Message author: "V Subrahmanian" <subrahmanian_v


Namaste Shyam:


Your questions are very interesting. They involve a very

detailed answer. One will have to gather a lot of references

from various works of Vedantic literature. However, a small

attempt is made here.

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Namaste Sri Shyam:


Thanks for the clarifications and they reconfirms our 'perceptional

problems of life!' The will not allow the storage of MP3

files on the file folder, and I suggest that you provide the link for

members to access. Since you have already heard Swamiji't tapes and

we highly respect the wisdom of Swami Paramathanandaji, I suggest

that you write up of what you absorbed from the MP3 files.



Your second question is 'over loaded' and there can be no easy

answer. There is no 'yes' or 'no' answer to such question. The

following discussion that took place several years back can throw

some insights to your question:








Basically the purpose of sravanam, mananam and niddhidhyasanam is for

the 'anthakarana suddhi' or mind purification. When does we recognize

that our mind is fully purified can't be answererd. One needs to

absorb the entire Vedanta Knowledge to get the answer. We need to

have 100 percent faith on Vedantic Knowledge and I should believe

that the True Wisdom of the Vedantic Knowledge is the solution. It

is again not 'memorizing the words of Vedanta' but it is beyond the

words that are spelled out in the Upanishads! It is beyond our

perception but only the purified mind has the capacity to abosorb the

Truth! This is the Sastra Pramana and we can neither prove nor

disprove this metaphysical assertion.


warmest regards,


Harih Om!


Ram Chandran



advaitin, Shyamsundar Venkataraman

<sundar_venkat007> wrote:


> Namaste all,


> Thanks for your responses Nairji, Sanjayji, Subrahmanianji,

padmaji, Krishnaji, Sankarramanji.


> Regarding the first question


> 1. Is Self Knowledge Intellectual?


I will upload it to the advaitin files tomorrow. can the list

moderators give me permission to do this? Swamiji says that self-

knowledge is intellectual and addresses this question brilliantly

using acharya shankara's references to this topic and several verses

from the upanishads. The lecture is in mp3 format.


> 2. aparoksha anubhuti

> my question on this was not on whether niddhidhyasanam is

necessary. I fully agree that niddhidhyasanam is absolutely required.

My question was more on the lines of "is niddhidhyasanam enough or

that one should perfect nirvikalpaka and sahaja samadhi after

niddhidhyasanam to gain direct experience of the atman." The people

who are advocating the samadhi route are quoting the taittriya

upanishad verse "yato vaacho nivartante... apraapya manasaa saha..

What does acharya sankara say on this? does he accept or reject that

samadhi is atmasakshaatkara?



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Namaste Ram Chandranji and namaste to all,


Thanks for your response. I'm providing the link for swami paramarthananda's

lecture on "Is Self Knowledge Intellectual?". This is the link from where the

lecture can be downloaded:



This link will be available for 7 days from today and for a limited number of



harih om

Shyam Venkataraman




Ram Chandran <ramvchandran wrote:

Namaste Sri Shyam:


Thanks for the clarifications and they reconfirms our 'perceptional problems of

life!' The will not allow the storage of MP3 files on the file

folder, and I suggest that you provide the link for

members to access. Since you have already heard Swamiji't tapes and we highly

respect the wisdom of Swami Paramathanandaji, I suggest that you write up of

what you absorbed from the MP3 files.







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