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Bhakti and Jnana

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Bhakti and Jnana


Namaste To All:


Here are some more inputs to contemplate on the fusion of Bhakti and Jnana:


In the Svaraajyasiddhi-tiika III-39 there is a very interesting thought

depicting paraabhakti in the sloka :


Siva it-yahamit-yubhau na bhinnau, siva evaaham aham siva: sa eva |

Yadi naivam anaatmataa sivasya prasared-apy-asivatvam atmanopi ||


The two, Siva and I are never different. I am Siva Himself; that Siva is I

myself. Otherwise, insentience would pervade Siva and inauspiciousness, the

Self. Here, the enlightened devotee explains the reason for his claiming

identity with Siva: Whatever is other than I, the Atma, is anatma and inert

like a pot. If Siva is not me the Atma, He will have to be an inert object.

This the devotee can never bear. And if I am different from Siva, the

mangalasvarupa, whatever is not mangala has to be amangala and I will be reduced

to amangalasvarupa. This too nobody would desire to be. Therefore, it is better

for both me as well as for Siva to be identical.



In the famous Gopikaa-giitam of the Srimadbhaagavata we have a nice sloka :


Na khalu gopikaa-nandano Bhavaan

Akhila-dehinaam antaraatma-drk….(10.31.4)


This means: The gopis and cowherds realised that their familiar Srikrishna is

not merely the child of a gopi (Yashodha) but the inner perceiving Self of the

embodied jivas.



We find a verse in the Guudaarthadiipika, commentary on the Srimad

Bhagavadgita 18.66:


Depending upon the fruition of the practice undertaken, three stages viz, 'I

am His alone', 'He is mine alone', and 'I am He alone' are recognised:


Tasyaivaaham mamaivaasau sa evaahamiti tridhaa |

Bhagavaccharanatvam syaat saadhana-abhyaasa-paakataH ||


Bhagavaan, in the Gita, spells out the practice, evolution and culmination of

the Bhakti-saadhana in the Tenth Chapter, 9, 10 and 11 verses:


MacchittaaH Madgata-praanaaH bodhayantaH parasparam |

Kathayanthascha Maam nityam tushyanti cha ramanti cha ||


Teshaam satata-yuktaanam bhajataam priiti-puurvakam |

Dadaami Buddhiyogam tam yena Maam upayaanti te ||


Teshaameva anukampaartham Aham ajnaanajam tamaH |

Naashayaamy-aatma-bhaavastho Jnaana-diipena bhaasvataa ||


The meaning: The wise with their minds fixed on Me, their lives dedicated to

Me, enlightening one another and ever discoursing about Me, are happy and


On such, ever devout, worshipping Me with love, I bestow the faculty of

discrimination with which they realise Me (their very Self).

Only in the case of such, out of compassion, I, dwelling in their hearts,

shining as the light of (discriminatory) knowledge, destroy the darkness of




In the Svetasvatara Upanishad we have a mantra depicting the inseparability

of Bhakti and Jnana:


Yasya Deve ParaabhaktiH, yathaa Deve tathaa Gurau |

Tasyaite(a)kathitaa hyarthaaH prakaashante mahaatmanaH || (6.23)


It is to him alone who has paraabhakti unto the Lord, and as unto the Lord so

unto his Guru, that Enlightenment flashes forth in respect of the teaching

explicitly given and also that subtle truth that has not been explicitly taught.

The idea is, this kind of devotion earns for the devotee the Grace of Isvara and

the Guru, by which alone the complete meaning of the upadesha is grasped. Does

this not convey the idea of the Gayatri mantra: Dhiyo yo naH prachodayaat?


Let me end this post with a beautiful teaching of the scriptures:

Santosham janayet praajnaH, tadeva Isvara-puujanam.

Let the wise one generate joy ( to the surroundings, among his friends,

satsanghis ); that alone constitutes worship of the Lord!! ( I could not miss

to notice the similar sound in the words 'janayet' and 'generate'!!)


Om Tat Sat







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Thank you sri Subramaniyan-ji!


what a beautiful post !


Your post is full of *rasa*


i am reminded of the following verse


"raso vai saH rasaM hyevAyaM labdvA ''nandI bhavati"


- Taittiriya Upanishad 2.7.2


"The Supreme GOD HIMSELF is Bliss

it is only by realizing HIM that

the individual can become blissful'


i think the time is now 'ripe for me to step down and request you to

continue this month's topic on Bhakti and Jnana as you are very

competent and knowledgeble .... So, please from this moment on ,you

are in charge for this month's topic ! i will be a silent lurker

enjoying the beauty and wisdom of your posts ! i will be also looking

forward to your posts on Sri Dakshinamurthy stotra!




zuddhayati nAntarAtmA kRSNa padAmbhoja bhaktimRute"-


('Prabodha Sudhakar'- Jagadguru Sri Sankaracarya)


The 'antaratma' (heart, mind, intellect and ego) cannot be completely

purified without Sri Krishna Bhakti, loving devotion to Lord Krishna.

All other external methods and rituals of purfication are simply a



on this note, let me take leave aqnd wish you sucees in this and all

other endeavors!


Keep the 'rasa' flowing in this discussion ; let the Sea never

become 'dry' for want of bhakti in the name of so called jnana of

the intellect!


MY THANKS TO SRI RAMJI - i am sorry if i did not meet your

expectations ; i never quit but even i am quitting! DEVI MUST HAVE



with warmest regards














-- In advaitin, V Subrahmanian <subrahmanian_v>



> Bhakti and Jnana


> Namaste To All:


> Here are some more inputs to contemplate on the fusion of Bhakti

and Jnana:


> In the Svaraajyasiddhi-tiika III-39 there is a very interesting

thought depicting paraabhakti in the sloka :



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Namaste Sri Subbuji and Srimathi adimaji:


I fully respect the recommendation from adimaji requesting Sri

Subbuji to lead the discussions on the monthly topic - "Bhakti and

Jnana" from now on. Few days back Sri Subbuji has indicated that he

would like to post a series of articles on "Sankara's Dakshinamoorthy

Stotram." I believe that this fits very much with this month's

topic, "Bhakti and Janana," and a discussion of Dakshinamoorthy

Stothram fits most appropriately.


Let me take this opportunity to thank Adimaji for her splendid

contribution as a discussion leader of Bhakti and Jnana. Her

enthusiasm and cheerleading motivational spirit is admirable. I can

appreciate why she wants to take a break and contemplate silently to

uplift her spirit. Let Devi's Grace provide her the strength to

silently witness and enjoy Sri Subbu's postings of Dakshinamoorthy



I and other members of the list look forward to read and contemplate

on the postings of Dakshinamoorthy Stothram from Subbuji.


Warmest regards,


Harih Om!


Ram Chandran



advaitin, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>



> Thank you sri Subramaniyan-ji!


> what a beautiful post !


> Your post is full of *rasa*


> i think the time is now 'ripe for me to step down and request you


> continue this month's topic on Bhakti and Jnana as you are very

> competent and knowledgeble .... So, please from this moment on ,you

> are in charge for this month's topic ! i will be a silent lurker

> enjoying the beauty and wisdom of your posts ! i will be also

> looking forward to your posts on Sri Dakshinamurthy stotra!



> Keep the 'rasa' flowing in this discussion ; let the Sea never

> become 'dry' for want of bhakti in the name of so called jnana of

> the intellect!


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