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Emotional Health--- excerpts from Swami Paramarthanada's New Year 2006 Talk.

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Hari OM! Sri Gurubhyo Namaha! Jai Poojya Gurudev!


Dear Ones,


Emotion means Energy in Motion--------E-Motion.


Moksha is not avoidance of emotion, Humaneness of Human beings is because of

their Emotion, if we do not have emotion we

will be stones!


We have to learn to handle them in such a way and they do n't take me a

hostage and completely disable me. We should be able to withstand the impact

of the emotion.


The Person who can handle the impact, survive or continue with living is an

integrated person he alone can have a happy life or happiness in life. He is

only a NARAN! Other wise he is a NARI means animal!


There are four ways to solve the problem of Emotion.


1. Communication with out emotional outburst


We can always communicate to the other peson if he/she is making emotional

problem for us. most of the time after we communicate

diplomatically he or she is not even aware of that their behaviour is making

us uncomfortable and giving pain to us and they feel sorry about it

And the Communication should not be direct, it should be in such a way that

it will not hurt the other person's ego. If the other person's ego is hurt

then he will say that we have some psychological problems so we can say that

like may be in this way.


I have a problem because of your behaviour so please consider and

adjust this is only an example.


2. Expression of our emotion.


Suppose if the concerned person is not available and we are confirmed that

he will not listen to our request, then always say your problem to a friend

or to a close relative which you can trust. Never Bottle up your emotions.


If no other person is available our ISTADEVATA is always available for us to

communicate. God as a personal friend, as a Mother, Father, Sister, Brother

(of course not girl friend!) Saint Tyagaraja poured out his emotions to Sri

Rama that we can see in his Krithis!


3. Neutralisation of the Emotion within


If Communication and Expression is not possible or fails then, within the

mind itslef we need to neutralise that emotion, one may ask how it can be

done, the method is, All the Emotions in the mind are in the form of

thought, and a pattern of thinking which is repeated over and over in the

form of thought flow, We can have the Emotion come as a first thought

without our knowledge but that thought process cannot remain in the mind

with out my co-operation. So non-co-operation of that thought process is one

method and it is called Neutralisation. The thought process is like the

Cycle without our repeated peddaling it cannot function,. so stop the

repeated thought process. Definitely the arrival of Emotion is not in my

control. It might be the behaviour of one person, it might be a business

loss, it might be a love failure. Any event catches without our knoledge. I

need not feel about that thought process again and again, because if we

entertain that it will do bad to us only. the person or event does not have

any problem with that. Continuation of the Emotion does not help any one,

but it harms the person.


So the Method is the moment the thought process arises we have to

autosuggest the mind not to entertain it. if might be jealousy, anger,or any

type of emotion for that matter. we should feel let it go I AM RELAXED! I am

free from that particular thought pattern turn the attention away Neutralise

the thought by a counter thingking process, then I AM FREE FROM EMOTIONAL

Burden! Say I AM DE-STRESSED NOT distressed.


4. The final method is if all other 3 methods do not work. or not possible.

then If you find that your are totally helpless and cannot handle that

particular Emotion any more TAKE THE GUIDANCE OF THE LORD! your own

Istadevata/ BHAKTHI becomes very very useful here/ Bring the Istadevata into

the heart. because Bhagwan is waiting eternally outside and if we are ready

to give the admission pass you can cross over all emotional pain.


Let The GOD bless all the learnerd scholars and members in this elite list.


Again the above article is the excerpts of the talk given by SWAMI

PARAMARTHANDAJI at Chennai during the New Year 2006!


With Love & OM!


Krishna Prasad


.. Yad yad aacarati sreshtah, tad tad eva itaro janah. As the Gita puts it,

consistency of purpose and a spirit of dedication and, if necessary,

sacrifice, should characterize the new spirit.

We Must



- Swami Chinmayanada *




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