Guest guest Posted January 6, 2006 Report Share Posted January 6, 2006 praNAms Hare Krishna To the followers of this thread : This is going to be extremely long mail...Kindly have enough patience to go through it in detail. Ofcourse, if at all you are interested :-)) praNAms Sri V. Subramanian prabhuji Hare Krishna avasthAtraya (three states) prakriya (methodology) is an important prakriya wherein shruti mAta establishes the fact that Atman is avasthAtIta & transcends all the apparent three states. So, before embarking with our views, we should always keep in mind that avasthA traya is *kalpita saMvrutti* in shAstra-s. As said earlier, there are two types of superimpositions one is due to avidyA of the common man and another is a deliberate device which has been employed by the shAstra-s...paNcha kOsha prakriya, kArya-kAraNa prakriya, avasthAtraya prakriya etc. etc. are all comes under the category of shAstra-s kalpita saMvrutti to teach the highest reality of Atman. As we have seen in the Part-I, the superimposition is seen in the common man's day to day experience of life and is evident for all irrespective of their cast & creed without any room for doubt. This attribution will be deliberately extended by scriptures to teach the ultimate non-dual nature of brahman. This is what is exactly called *kalpita saMvrutti* in gaudapAda kArika..devices like these only meant for purpose of teaching we should not hold it as eternal reality in brahman/Atman. Further the question is why avasthAtraya prakriya (the methodology of three states) to be considered as mere device despite the fact that it is a main subject in one of the principal upanishads mAndUkya?? shruti itself answers this question. Let us see how: First of all what will be our normal course of procedural thinking?? we all invariably think I am a man/woman born to such & such parents, born in this world and grown in such and such a way and one fine day I am going to die!! this is how our stream of thinking goes normally...these are all common preconceived ideas which are as we have seen in part-I is nothing but *man made* adhyArOpa or loukika saMvrutti or paratantra saMvrutti. To remove this attribution to Atman, scripture first attribute the vaishwAnara status in Atman (mAndUkya maNtra -3). This attribution by scripture is aimed to remove the common idea that I am an individual soul (jIva), I am a waker etc. etc. Likewise taijasa state also has been explained in shruti to remove the man made adhyArOpa that we are dreamer, we are seeing this dream world through our mind etc. This is kalpita saMvrutti..Shastra graciously removes this adhyArOpa by saying na antaH prajna, na bahisprajnaM ( see mAndUkya maNtra-7)then this adhyArOpa is gone and the non-dual Atman remains. Atman is never ever bound to any of the state to call him in one state he is ignorance+misconception & in another state he is immersed in ONLY ignorance etc. etc. He is untainted nitya, shuddha, buddha, mukta Atman always in totality. That is the reaon why ItarEya shruti says Atman apparently has three states but all the three states are dreams!! ( tasya traya avasathA trayI svapnAH) Shankara while commenting on the *tadabhAvAdhikaraNa* in third chapter of vEdAnta sUtra says " there is no time when jIva has not become one with brahman for one's intrinsic nature cannot be alienated. Only in view of the *seeming* foreign aspect which he assumes in dream and waking owing to contact of conditioning adjuncts (upAdhi-s), it is proposed to say that he attain his own form on the dissolution of that foreign aspect" So, avasthAtraya is merely a device & not a reality in itself to attribute differently in different states.... With this backdrop in our mind, now, we shall see how your special affiliation to kAraNAvidyA holds water in the below scheme entries :-)) Shall we proceed prabhuji?? VS prabhuji: The Mandukya up. provides us a beautiful scheme, verily a template, for understanding this: 1.Turiya 2. Praajna 3. Taijasa 4. Vishwa For our present discussion we shall not consider the Turiya. bhaskar : Though in the present context turIya will not come into picture, I reiterate that Atman is *always turIya* irrespective of his apparent identification with vishwa, taijasa & prAjna. Actually strictly speaking there is no need at all to bring prAjna here either...why?? we will see that below. VS prabhuji: The Kaarika uses the terms Nidra/kaaranam/beejam/Agrahanam for the Praajna state. bhaskar : Please quote the numbers of those kArikA-s we shall study it together as per its context. You missed one important point here i.e. analysing the sushupti from shAstra drushti & loukita drushti. From shAstra drushti its been said in scriptures that jIva embraced with brahman in sushupti...that holds the key here..again in sUtra bhAshya shankara says " since, in sushupti jIva is merged in pure being is not conscious because of unity" VS prabhuji: And the terms Svapna/karyam/ankura (not popular)/Anyathaa-grahanam to denote the Taijasa-Vishwa combine. The idea is that there is Ignorance alone in the Praajna state and Ignorance+Error in the Taijasa-Vishwa states. Ignorance, non-apprehension, agrahanam of the vastu leads to Error, mis-apprehension, anyathaa-grahanam of that vastu as something else. bhaskar : Again, here too two different view points to be considered before making any sweeping statement against sushupti...From the vyAvahArik thought position we regard sleep as a passing cloud of ignorance in which we are daily entangled...pramAdAlasya nidrAbhiH tanni bhadhnAti says Lord in gIta. But when you started looking sleep from the position of witness (sAkshi), this nidrA/kAraNam/bIjaM/agrahaNam whatever you say above will wear entirely different look and throws us entirely different meaning which we can ill afford to ignore...after all you know we are doing brahma jignAsa here!! From that transcedental view point, the deep sleep state seen to be an intuition of our true nature divested of its socalled individuality and it is an *experience* unburdened with the complexities of upAdhi-s. This is a state that which is not enmeshed with time & space..shruti-s says in this state we have been lifted to our own true nature which is bliss unconditional..since in this state there is no entrace for waking & dream states, the state which is uniform to one and all...all shed their respecitve limiting adjuncts before they embracing themselves with their true nature of Atman. yatra suptO na kaNchana kAmaM kaNchana svapnaM pashyati tat sushuptaM...see prabhuji, how beautifully bruhadAraNyaka shruti explains this *pure ignorance* state!!??? Further, if the deep sleep state is purely an ignorance state, shankara would not have taken this state as an example to show mOksha state...he describes sleep state in bruhadAraNyaka shruti *saMprasAda sthAnaM mOksha drushtAnta rUpaM.. & he continues *sushuptAvastamiva *nirvishEshaM* *advaitaM* *alupta chidrUpa jyOtiswabhAvaM* AtmAnaM pashyate...if you study this bhAshya vAkya in detail, you will come to know *the pure ignorance state* has been used to describe paramArtha jnAnaM!! For further details you can refer bruhadAraNyaka shruti maNtra-s in 4-3-21 to 32 and also chAndOgya shruti maNtra-s 8 - 3 to 6 & kindly let me know in which context sushupti has been glorified in these maNtra-s. so, prabhuji, your statement that sushupti is kAraNa, bIja, agrahaNa etc. etc. are from vyAvahArika drushti and holds good only in relative phase, where we can admit sleep state also a state of ignorance since we uphold the unwarranted reality of waking state...but sushpti, when taken into consideration from shAstra drushti, it is a reflect upon its intrinsic worth *in its own realm*...mAndUkya shruti equates prAjna state with that of Ishwara & asserts this is the Lord of all, he is omniscient, he is the internal controller and he is the one source of all the origin and dissolution of all beings!! the sruti-s set prAjna in total contrast with jIva which you are saying suffering from kAraNAvidyA and our shankara bhagavadpAda categorically asserts that *shruti invariably refer to Ishwara when they use the term *prAjna*... From the above, it is quite evident that there must be a need of taking two different view points while objectively analysing the *prAjna state* of ours... Now, with this, we will look into *kAraNA vidyA* state of prAjnA. VS prabhuji: If, as you contend, adhyasa which is synonymous with avidya ( preceding the adhyaropa), and involves a mental activity of misconception which you had described in your first post as 'a feeling', which is the kaaranam of the wrong cognition or the 'actual seeing' of the snake, where would you place the adhyasa/avidya in the above template? Obviously it cannot be in the Praajna state as you have not admitted a non-apprehension, agrahanam, state at all in your scheme. bhaskar : Reason for not accepting agrahaNaM in prAjna state has been explained above... VS prabhuji: You start from mis-conception , for which, right now click Tools and see the thesaurus. It gives two words: 'misapprehension' and 'error' among others, which we have used in the Taijasa-Vishwa state!! bhaskar : Yes ofcourse prabhuji, based on shankara's adhyAsa bhAshya which says without any ambiguity...naisargikOdhyAsaha anAdi anantaH... VS prabhuji: There will be a question, what caused the misconception (your meaning: adhyasa/avidya)? bhaskar : do you still need locus for adhyAsa prabhuji?? when shankara telling it is anAdi & naisargika?? It is really funny to search for kAraNa for adhyAsa when adhyAsa itself been described anAdi.. VS prabhuji: Will you say Avidya? or Maya? In that case you will have to say what is this avidya which resulted in the adhyasa/avidya. bhaskar : the problem does not arise at all since we are not searching kArNa for adhyAsa the way how do you explain the avidyA - adhyAsa - mAya as per your understanding prabhuji?? VS prabhuji: And you will not be able to put anything in the Prajna state legitimately as you have 'exhausted' , ie. used up avidya by making it a synonym for adhyasa. bhaskar : There is absolutely no need for preserving anything for sleep state...adhyAsa is coz. of antaHkaraNa.(prabhuji, I think you know where shankara says adhyAsa is antaHkaraNa dharma)...but in sushupti there is no trace of this limited adjunct...Hence no question of avidyA... VS prabhuji: Instead, if the Mandukya scheme is adopted, there will be no difficulty at all. bhaskar : it is really fascinating to notice your enthu in keeping avidyA in deep sleep state...inspite of our Acharya's clear declaration. VS prabhuji: The first non-apprehension, Agrahanam, 'I did not know' is placed in Praajna and the mis-apprehension, anyathaagrahanam spoken of by the various examples in the Adhyasa bhashyam, can be put in the Taijasa-Vishwa state. bhaskar : OK prabhuji, let us take your version of avidyA and said first there is non-apprehension (avidyA) and then its baby (adhyAsa)...with this we will analyse the analogy of rope and snake...After the dawn of knowledge, the mis conception of snake will go and we will get the real nature of the rope...But, according to you, this knowledge is not sufficient...coz. this knowledge has helped us only to remove mis-conception (adhyAsa) and NOT non-apprehension (avidyA) the analogy where did you show the annihilation of avidyA...inspite of correct knowledge of rope, still non-apprehension (avidyA) staring at our face which needs to be what stage and through which knowledge can this non-apprehension (avidyA) be removed?? if the both (non & mis apprehension) are going simultaneously there is no need to identify it differently...if it is totally different from one another...the father avidyA (non-apphrehesion) will ever be there despite removal of misconception....that which is bhAva rUpa cannot be removed from any amount of knowledge!! you know krishna explicitly says this in gIta & shankara in sUtra bhAshya. VS prabhuji: The question that remains to be answered is: How to explain the bhaashyavaakyam: Tametam Evam-lakshanam Adhyasam Avidya iti panditaaH manyante? Perhaps this sentence is what led you to conclude Adhyasa is synonymous with Avidya. bhaskar : yes, context & shankara's declaration about adhyAsa is crystal clear in adhyAsa does not call for any convoluted interpretation just to accommodate the avidyA before adhyAsa... VS prabhuji: In the complete Bhashyam literature, the Acharya uses terms like this: 1.Avidya-pratyupasthaapita-kaarya-karanopaadhi-nimitto'yam ?(Sutra Bhashya 2.Avidya-adhyasta?. 3.Avidya-adhyaaropita? 4.Avidya-kalpita? (Parameshwarastu Avidya-kalpitaat shaariiraat?.anyaH (Su.Bh. bhaskar : Can you give me shankara bhAshya vAkya reference for (2) and (3) above prabhuji?? (3) can be acceptable coz. adhyArOpa is there due to avidyA-adhyAsa...(2) also acceptable for the reason that adhyastha (adhyArOpita) is coz. of avidyA...and (1) & (4) used by shankara to define *mAya* and not to distinguish between kAraNA or mUlAvidyA & adhyAsa or toolAvidyA... shankara elsewhere uses terms like avdiyAkruta, avdiyAkArya, avidyAtmaka etc. etc. too...but I dont think these quotes donot going to help you to establish the differnce between avdiyA and adhyAsa... VS prabhuji: It may be noted that in all such places, the term avidya is compounded (samasta-pada) with the other words : adhyasta, adhyaaropita, etc. Evidently, in the compound, the two terms cannot mean the same. The translation for the first cited sentence is: ?.is based on the limiting adjunct of body and senses, conjured up by ignorance?.. (conjured means pratyupasthapita and ignorance is avidya.) For the sentence cited under 4. above, the translation is: Iswara is different, to be sure, from the one, imagined through ignorance?. ( imagined means kalpita.) bhaskar : OK agreed prabhuji...but how can you conclude from this avidyA is diffrent from adhyAsa?? here shankara saying nAma rUpa, katrutva bhoktruva lakshaNa of jagat/mAya is due to avidyA/adhyAsa... VS prabhuji: And the samaasa, to the best of my limited knowledge of the language cannot be explained in any other way in this context : Avidyayaa pratyupasthaapita?Avidyayaa kalpita.. Avidyayaa adhyastha?Avidyayaa adhyaaropita..etc. bhaskar : No, this is just to show mAya is not avidyA...but conjured up by avidya/adhyAsa.. VS prabhuji: The above sentences were taken up to show that : The Acharya distinguishes Avidya, ignorance, non-apprehension, agrahanam, from adhyasa, adhyaropa, kalpanam, pratyupasthaapanam, etc. which all mean error, mis-apprehension, anyathaagrahanam. Here we are able to see the cause is avidya and the effect is adhyasa, adhyaropa, etc. Herein is the Kaarana-avidya mentioned by the Acharya. bhaskar : then prabhuji you have to tell us the difference between mAya & adhyAsa also...mAya cannot be avidyA (even I dont agree with that) but since you are using avidyA-adhyAsa-mAya differently you have to show us the difference between adhyAsa & mAya & avidyA's role in it....would you mind to explain it prabhuji. VS prabhuji: In the Adhyasabhashya vaakyam, cited above, Tametam Evam-lakshanam Adhyasam Avidya iti panditaaH manyante, the Acharya is referring to Avidyaa-karyam as what is adhyasa. bhaskar : I am sorry to say avidyA kAryaM to denote adhyAsa is mere fabricated, convoluted interpretation as against plain meaning. VS prabhuji : This clarification is quite logical and has also been pointed out by the Ratnaprabha vyakhyaanam for this portion. bhaskar : prabhuji shall we stick to prasthAna traya bhAshya in this discussion?? when bhagavadpAda's commentaries are there no need to bring ratnaprabha, nyaya nirNaya grantha-s to prove a point...Hope you understand my insistence. VS prabhuji: But why does the Acharya call adhyasa by this name, Avidya? Let us consider this real-life example: A teacher gives a test to the students. A boy gives all wrong answers. The teacher reacts: This is sheer ignorance!! What have u been doing in the class when the concept was being explained? Thus to call avidya karyam as avidya is quite appropriate and this is what the Ratnaprabha has also pointed out. bhaskar : My objection with regard to removal of non and mis apprehension holds good here too... VS prabhuji: There is another difficulty, Bhaskar ji, in considering adhyasa and avidya as synonymous. As we have seen above, adhyasa is vyakta avastha, whereas as per your earlier explanation,'there is a feeling that it is a snake..etc' there is already mind activity. Whereas, non-apprehension, the Prajna avastha, is avyakta avastha, also called avaakrta avastha., the state prior to the manifestation of nama-rupa. So, for this reason also the two are not the same. bhaskar : if that is the case kindly clarify... (a) if kAraNAvidyA is uniform in all the three states can we not conclude that this kAraNA vidyA too on par with ATman & it is also paramArtha?? if the answer is no...why NO?? in which state do you find the absence of kAraNAvidyA then?? (b) you are saying kAraNAvidyA invariably exists in all the three states right prabhuji?? if so, are these avasthA-s not a pariNAma (transformation) of kAraNAvidyA prabhuji?? or else, these states are entirely different from kAraNAvidyA?? Please answer to these questions with the support of bhAshya vAkya then we will resume our discussion further. VS prabhuji: To conclude, on the lines of the method shown by Sri Vidyaranya swami in the Panchadasi 6th chapter, we can 'run' the concept of Adhyasa through a certain process with a view to know about it comprehensively. He says, by considering the hetu=cause, svaruupam=nature and kaaryam=effect of a thing on hand, we can know about it clearly: The hetu, cause of adhyasa is : Avidya , ignorance, avivekena? as the Adhyasabhashyam itself says. bhaskar : Not so, already shown above.... VS prabhuji: The svarupam, nature of adhyasa is: Atasmin tad buddhiH; anyathaa grahanam, misapprehension. bhaskar : there is nothing precedes this...if anything precedes this there is no tool to remove it ..since it is as strong as Atman in all the three states :-)) VS prabhuji: The karyam, effect of adhyasa: All the undesirable results it leads to mentioned by the word: anartha by the adhyasabhashyam itself at the end: anarthahetoH. Anartha is the effect and its hetu is adhyasa and its hetu in turn is avidya. bhaskar : In that case main hEtu avidyA does not get sublated at any point of time...all our efforts ends with removal of kArya i.e. adhyAsa... VS prabhuji: Bhaskarji, all through the discussion, I imagined as though both of us were sitting in a class when the Acharya had gone out for a short break . bhaskar : I cannot imagine a split second of absence of our bhagavadpADa even in my wildest dreams prabhuji...that too when discussing his siddhAnta...let us both prostrate unto the lotus feet of that mahAjnAni & feel his presence always with us... Pranams. subbu Humble praNAms onceagain Hari Hari Hari Bol!!! bhaskar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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