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Question regarding Kailash Nath

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Hari OM!


Dear Scholars,


We all know Kailash Mountain is the only GOD's abode we can go with this

physical body and comeback, they say in the shores of Manasarovar there are

wish fulfilling trees etc. If the ancient people can see Lord Shiva and

Parvathi in Kailash, why can't we see now. and they say Ravana have danced

with Kailas mountain. and he want to carry it to Sri Lanaka, is it only

stories or is it really happened? Please clarify. Symbolism and other things

we can explain but in this mayaic world is it true??


With Love & OM!



Krishna Prasad


.. Yad yad aacarati sreshtah, tad tad eva itaro janah. As the Gita puts it,

consistency of purpose and a spirit of dedication and, if necessary,

sacrifice, should characterize the new spirit.

We Must



- Swami Chinmayanada




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Ref post number 29762


Namaste RKP :


A seemingly simple question with profound implications. I am not a

scholar but a simple spiritual pilgrim but I am taking the liberty of

answering your wonderful questions.


You write :


(Kailash Mountain is the only GOD's abode we can go with this

physical body and comeback, they say in the shores of Manasarovar

there are wish fulfilling trees etc.)


This is true. Kailash is situated in Manasarovar, Himalayas and many

pilgrims go on Tirthayatra to this holy place. That is the ouTwatd

pilgrimage that everyone is aware of.


However, there is an inner pilgrimage- The human body itself is a

sacred holy place where the soul's journey starts from the Muladhara

chakra and reaches the Sahasarachakra, upon which the YOGIS reach the

goal of Self Realization is realized. . In this Sahasara chakra of

Thousand petalled Lotus , Devi (shakti) herself sports with her

eternal consort (shiva) in cosmic union. This is the celestial abode

of the yogis - this is the 'Kailas' of all self realized yogis. Devi

herself is the Wish fulfilling tree ( kalpavriksha) who resides as

Kundalini Shakti ( Devatma Shakti - Divine Power) in the Muladhara



This is the great Kundalini Sadhana practiced in Tantric circles.

Shankara talks about this type of Sadhana in his Saundarya Lahari.


Many self realized souls after successfully completing Inner

pilgrimage undertake outer pilgrimage like Adi Shankara for Loka

Sangraham or Loka kalyanam. The parivrajaka sanyasis do the same. So

did Swami Vivekananda.


Also, Parvati is Prakriti and Parameshwera is Purusha.

Purusha is Soul. Prakriti is Cosmos. They are not opposite

principles , conscious and unconscious . They are here recognized as

identical in the highest spiritual experience.


VERSE 51 in Avadjuta Gita says thus


As water, when water has been poured into water, has

no distinctions, so purusa and prakrti appear nondifferent to me.


http://www.starwon.com.au/~soham/avadhuta/chap01.htm - 56k - Cached -


Shivaa and Shiva are 'One' - duality is only in the mind.


Narada Bhakti sutra says


Athato Bhaktim Vyakhasamah


Now we shall explain the path of devotion


Meditate on the great cosmic couple and Reach Kailash with your mind,

body and soul. Athato.....


Best regards

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Krishna Prasad-ji wrote:

If the ancient people can see Lord Shiva and Parvathi in Kailash, why can't we

see now. and they say Ravana have danced

with Kailas mountain. and he want to carry it to Sri Lanaka, is it only stories

or is it really happened?



Thats quite an interesting Q, but inasmuch our belief says that it was true

then, our disbelief tells us that it must not be true now! Nitesh Bharadwaj (who

played krishna in the TV series Mahabharata) has mentioned about his experiences

of seeing hanumAn (considered to be shiva/rudra avatAr) on kailAsh parvat in his

book Kailash-Manasarovar.


There are many others who follow the vedic dharma even today who claim to have

seen god, etc. Ramakrishna paramhamsa's visions of the Goddess are pretty much

well known.


Krishna Prasad-ji wrote:

Symbolism and other things we can explain but in this mayaic world is it true??



IMHO, in this mAyic world, everything is as true or false as mAyA. If our seeing

everything *physical* is considered true, then someone seeing Ishvara is equally



shivam shaantam advaitam,


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Om Sri Gurubhyo Namah


Om Namah Shivaya



Refer post 29763


advaitin, "Purusha" <purush_artha> wrote:

> A seemingly simple question with profound implications.

> I am not a scholar but a simple spiritual pilgrim but

> I am taking the liberty of answering your wonderful

> questions.


I don't know why i say this, but you are no ordinary being. I see

Shiva in you.


> Devi herself is the Wish fulfilling tree (kalpavriksha)

> who resides as Kundalini Shakti (Devatma Shakti - Divine

> Power) in the Muladhara chakra.


Thank you for the lead.


> This is the great Kundalini Sadhana practiced in Tantric

> circles. Shankara talks about this type of Sadhana in

> his Saundarya Lahari.


Advaita through the body! The path of the Beautiful One!



With love and regards,


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