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On Christianity and Dualism

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Namaste all...


I don't mean here to be negative, and i am certainly not an anti-christ (at

least to my knowledge). But from my perspective (living in the largest

catholic nation in the world) i must say a few words, which i refrained from

doing so up until now.


I believe Tony-ji is very correct in warning us not to mistake Jesus for the

Bible. However, i must add that unfortunately, at the alleged time of

Christ's incarnation, western civilization could be considered far, far

behind the eastern world, as regards the transmission of culture,

establishment of written linguistical systems etc. That's why we instantly

identify purity in the scriptures related to the Sanatana Dharma that we do

not sense in most western religions. Mixed among Jesus teachings are a heap

of (yes) lies, that had the single purpose of erecting christianity (which

was obviously successful), and all through the middle-ages it becomes quite

clear (even the most deluded fools can see) that catholicism, and for that

matter also christianity, were always hand in hand with monarchy and the

governing forces of the western world.


"Divide and conquer" fits the description precisely here. Add to the mix a

quest for power, very low level of scholarity and certainly perverted

intentions, and any erudite, non-spiritual fool could have added pages and

pages to the bible, just to suit his own interest. And for that matter, any

of those could have also "put words in the mouth of Christ". Divide the

created from the creation, add a burning fiery pit below his feet and

install fear forever in his mind, and you will conquer. You will conquer

70-80% of the worlds population. You will have built the most successful

business ever in the history of mankind.


And since only a Mukta can recognize a Mukta, i (as in myself, i am not

speaking for anyone else) refrain from directing my attention to any

christianity-related teachings (even though having been raised in such

context), simply for the fact that as i am not advanced enough spiritually,

i could very well bite a large piece of the hollow dogmatic pie christianity

has become, and swallow a large amount of lies mixed in a small number of

real alleged Christ's teachings.


Bad intentions and corporativism have unfortunately diluted Christ in our

times to a myth (and i am not even adressing his existence or otherwise),

lost in the hands of those who tried to manipulate otherwise absolute truth

so that they could make it their own.


So i believe unless we truly are scholars of the subject, we step into very

thin ice when we address christianity. First because the underlying attached

dualist principle screams out in mostly everything that is said. For

instance, the same preacher that says "the kingdom of god is within" says

"god only asks you to come to his house 1hr a week".


In the sentence "the pure of heart will see god" we can easily extract (i am

very sorry, Vinayaka-ji, i don't mean to attack you in your faith, or in any

comfort that you may derive from such thoughts, i am just adding my own

views about it, which i don't even think would necessarily add, so if you

feel offended, please refrain from reading the rest) a heap of dualistic

concepts, that at least to me, lead mind astray from the absolute truth and

make mind further unstable. First there is "pure", as opposite to impure.

Then there is "will", which is in the future, and at the same time ascribes

causality to the thought proccess (one will get you to two). Lastly there is

"see", which could mean it is other than self, or outside, or to the senses.

And for that matter, the sentence could very well have been "those who

embrace purity realize god within". Very different sense for the seeker,

same meaning for the non-spiritual grammarian.


All in all, unfortunately through the ages and given the cultural obscurity

of early western civilization, christianity has been deprived from

practicity. If only one single page of Christ's own hand-writing could have

been found, i believe i would feel different about it. But even if that was

the case, i don't think the church would let such truth escape and blast its

walls erected with money, ignorance, hipocrisy and blood away.

Shankaracharya has a clear lineage that leads, for instance to the

Ramakrishna mission. Christ was killed and his teachings condemned by the

reigning establishment at the time. His lineages of followers were

persecuted time and time again, even by the romans (who later embraced

christianity, ironically) and who were the epithome of western civilization.

How much of "his" absolute truth could have reached our feet in that form,

in a state of purity? Practicality in Christianity wound up directed to the

outer-self, as in a social context, as in the collective organism, and to be

dealt with by the collective-consciousness. What are the 10 commandments if

not social regulating devices (even though they derive from the old

testament, this clearly states the cultural soup that christianity has



And when i say deprived of practicity, i mean to the truthful seeker. Even

though such system could yield a realized soul here and there, out of sheer

and absolute devotion, christianity is deeply practical to the

establishment. Very impractical in astriving to realize god, very practical

in shrouding mankind's judgment under a veil of dogmatic concepts, the

religion of the Kali Yuga. Very practical in loosing track of one's Dharma.

The same phenomenon is repeated right in front of our eyes, and this i can

say for brazilians as well as for americans. Take a look outside the window

and contemplate on the Evangelic Religions. There is a temple some blocks

away from my house, which is the biggest evangelic temple in the world, and

from which literally truck loads of large and small change are collected

every day. All because some impure low-life says he is pure enough to hear

god's word everyday, twist and turn the gospel and alleged Christ's

teachings, and empty the pockets of people (this is true, not a metaphore)

that live on less than 100 US$ a month. Divide as in "you are incomplete,

you will only be complete if Christ embraces you, and Christ speaks to you

thru our preachers, who are the only qualified holy men" (and - this is true

also - most of them have not even studied anything about anything, neither

highschool nor theology nor pure scriptural studies, and can barely read).

For whom anything outside (including Sanatana Dharma) "is satan's work",

"and you might be possessed". In the US, such "truth" serves the purpose of

sending over 2.000 sons of the land to be killed far away on some oil war.


I have never been as complete or as peaceful as i am now. 15 minutes of

meditation are more powerful than all the "holly father's" i have prayed

(because "thou art not in heaven"). When i need to read about peace, i open

the Brahma Sutras, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita or this list (why not). And i

only avoid christianity because it has become the religion of men, not

god's. And i avoid religion, because i do not believe connection has been

lost. What's more to say about this, other than just reminding our apparent

selves that Christ was gnostic?


My warmest regards, i am sorry if i offended anyone in this rather long


But i had to say this...


Namaste All, as time goes by the truth comes forth a step at a time,

entangled in the all-pervading mesh of the Sanatana Dharma








doce lar. Faça do sua homepage.


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What an outburst! It is the Christ speaking in you!


The Church has become a law unto itself and it keeps faithfully the

law of the its Own Kingdom.


Did not Jesus once say to a law-maker:


"Yes and do I blame you experts in law! For you pile up back-breaking

burdens for other men to bear but you yourselves will not raise a

finger to lift them. Alas for you, for you build memorial tombs for

the Prophets - the very men whom your fathers murdered. You show

clearly enough how you approve of your father's actions. They did the

killing and you put up a memorial to it."


Warm regards,




advaitin, "Felipe" <fcrema> wrote:


> I don't mean here to be negative, and i am certainly not

> an anti-christ (at least to my knowledge). But from my

> perspective (living in the largest catholic nation in

> the world) i must say a few words, which i refrained from

> doing so up until now.

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advaitin, "Felipe" <fcrema> wrote:


> Namaste all...


> I don't mean here to be negative, and i am certainly not an anti-

christ (at

> least to my knowledge). But from my perspective (living in the


> catholic nation in the world) i must say a few words, which i

refrained from

> doing so up until now.



Dear Felipe Ji,




As chittaji says what an outburst!! It shows your sincerity and your

thirst for true knowledge. Swami Vivekananda used to say i beleive in

christianity and hate churchianity :-)) There is a beautiful lecture

given by him on Jesus entitled Christ the Messenger. If you would

like to go thru i can mail it to you.


As you have rightly said real jusus and his sayings are lost





Yours in the lord,


Br. Vinayaka.

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