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The Magic Snake

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Namaste Chandramauli,

To remove the darkness of ignorance

the best thing is viveka which works

like those torches that charge when

you wind a handle. If you are sincere

and not making a sectarian point try

reading the New Testament particularly

the Sermon on the Mount which Gandhi

found uplifting. The Gospel of Thomas

which Tony recommends is a mixum

gatherum of mostly Gnostic origin

with some genuine sayings of Jesus in it.

That is the opinion of scholars and the

supposed adventures of Issa/Jesus in

India are fanciful and something read in a book from Lemuria Library.

Happy New Year T.



Best Wishes,


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advaitin, "Vinayaka" <vinayaka_ns> wrote:


> advaitin, "Purusha" <purush_artha>


> >

> > Ref post number 29875


> > You state :

> >

> > (Sri Ramakrishna initially followed Tantra (yoga) and when he


> > ready for Advaita, he 'followed' Advaita. )

> >

> > It was indeed very ignorant of me not to remember that phase of

> > Thakore's SPIRITUAL life when his first guru was none other


> > Yogini 'Bhairavi Brahmani' under whom Sri Ramakrishna practiced


> > facets of Tantric Sadhana. ( including Shava sadhana and of


> > not 'maithuna'). It was the Advaitic Guru Totapuri ( from the

> > Trialinga Swami lineage) who brought the truth of 'Formless


> > of Advaita to Sri Ramakrishna. It was under Totapuri that Sri

> > Ramakrishna had the full spiritual awakening of Brahman.


> Dear Purushaji,


> Namaste,


> Chittaji has given chronology of gurumaharaj's sadhana in


> paths. I have got one doubt now.




The chronology is not quite accurate.


Ref.: Sri Ramakrishna, The Great Master ,transl. Sw.

Jagadananda , 5th rev. ed. 1978, publ. Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore,

Madras - (Orig. in Bengali by Sw. Saradananda), Ch. VIII, p. 177 ff.

R. had achieved the ultimate during the first 4 yrs. of his sadhana,

initiated by Kenaram Bhattacharya. (R. was appointed priest at the

Kali temple in 1856 after his priest-brother's death).


Bhairavi Brahmani came in 1861, and Tota Puri in 1864.


His practices in different disciplines between 1860 and 1868

were only to confirm the scriptural descriptions of experiences of

the various paths.


[Purusha-ji - will you kindly quote the reference for the

statement that Tota Puri was from Trailanga Swami lineage? -






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advaitin, "Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh>


> Namaste,


> The chronology is not quite accurate.


> Ref.: Sri Ramakrishna, The Great Master ,transl. Sw.

> Jagadananda , 5th rev. ed. 1978, publ. Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore,

> Madras - (Orig. in Bengali by Sw. Saradananda), Ch. VIII, p. 177 ff.

> R. had achieved the ultimate during the first 4 yrs. of his


> initiated by Kenaram Bhattacharya.



Dear Sir,


Can you quote where it is said that Sri Ramakrishna achieved the

ultimate after the initiation of Kenaram Bhattachrya?



(R. was appointed priest at the

> Kali temple in 1856 after his priest-brother's death).


> Bhairavi Brahmani came in 1861, and Tota Puri in 1864.


> His practices in different disciplines between 1860 and 1868

> were only to confirm the scriptural descriptions of experiences of

> the various paths.


You have mentioned that he reached the ultimatum in the first four

years of the sadhana and have made the aforesaid statement. But when

toatapuri initiated him into sanyas and advaita sadhana why he was in

difficulty to go to nirvikalpa state if he was already

achieved/established in that state. It clearly shows that he achieved

the ultimatum in the presense of totapuri.


[Purusha-ji - will you kindly quote the reference for the

> statement that Tota Puri was from Trailanga Swami lineage? -

> Thanks.]


As far as my rememberence is concerned nowhere in the great master

this aforementioned statement appears.




Yours in the lord,


Br. Vinayaka.

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Dear Sri Purushartha-ji,


Refer your post 29914


advaitin, "Purusha" <purush_artha> wrote:

> (If you read my post on the Magic Snake, you will see that

> this is exactly what i said. The Advaita sadhaka has only

> one thing to do - he has only to hear the Sruti. )


> Sri Chitta, please say it again and again. Some of us need

> to hear it again and again..... It is said, if one wants

> to realize the Truth of Vedanta , one must be ready for it.

> If it is taught to One who is not qualified, it will be

> fruitless; on the contrary it will produce adverse results.


Yes, I believe that it is so. I put myself into the category of those

sadhakas who are not ready for Advaita. I am not sufficiently full to

have the kind of vairagya that is demanded of the Advaita sadhaka.

Those that have desires and do nothing about it are hypocrites, says

Lord Krishna in the Gita. There is only one way for this supreme

vairagya to come - one must become full so that there is nothing

outside of oneself to desire. Advaita is a path only for those whose

limitations have fallen away, and who are already full. Only the

ribbon of Celebration remains to be cut!


> Sri Chitta, It is true Adi Shankara does not mention

> about 'Mata Kundalini'in his Bhasyas or Viveka chudamani

> but can we ignore the Other major work that is often

> attributed to the Acharya- 'Saundarya Lahari' - the Wave

> of Divine splendor ' - the great poetic composition.

> verse 9 of Saundarya Lahari reads


Adi Shankara has given us two paths to the same goal of Advaita. The

goal of Advaita is the same, the paths are different. One path is

Vedanta, the path of vairagya, for those that are full and have

supreme vairagya. The other path is the path for those that still

have desires - it is the path of bhoga and yoga. It is the path of

Saundaryalahari, the path of Mantra and Kundalini Yoga. Every verse

of the Saundaryalahari is a mantra. Mantra is the word and Yantra is

the object. Therefore every verse of the Saundaryalahari, which is a

mantra, has its own yantra. The Saundaryalahari has encapsulated in

One Wonderfully Brief Work the entire secrets of Tantra. That is the

genius of Shankara who is none other than the Supreme Mantra-Virya,

Lord Shiva Himself, who is not different than Shakti.


Warm regards,


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ref post 29925


Sri Chitta:


(Yes, I believe that it is so. I put myself into the category of

those sadhakas who are not ready for Advaita. I am not sufficiently

full to have the kind of vairagya that is demanded of the Advaita

sadhaka. )


If you recall in my earlier post, Iwas trying to recall a Sanskrit

Verse about the prerequisite for learning Vedanta.


The verse is from Yoga- Vasishta , a favorite text of Swami

Vivekanada and Sri Ramana.


Here it is :


' Agyasaya Ardhavyutpannabuddhestu Sarvam Brahmeti yo vadet;

Mahanaraka-jaleshu sa tena viniyojitah'


If one teaches the Brahma-jnana to an unprepared mind , the teacher

along with the student will go to hell. ( note the word Mahanaraka).

It is not appropriate to tell an uninitiated spiritual aspirant ( a

sadhaka who does not have the four fold qualtifications -sadhana

chatushtyam ) that 'Sarvam khalvidham brahman' ( all is brahman) . It

will not have the desired resulsts and the student will be confused

and will not grasp the doctrine of Brahman.


Sri chitta mentioned about 'Vairagya' or dispassion. To this can be

added , unshakeble faith in Shastras and devotion to Guru/God.


Sri Chitta mentioned anout 'snakes and ladders' . WHen you climb the

ladder , you take one step at a time otherwise , you would fall into

a pit like a snake. What does this mean? That is to prepare for the

study of vedanta , one must first go through Bhakti Yoga, Upasana ,

nishkamya karma yoga etc and it is then that the sadhaka is ready to

swim into the Ocean of vedanta. This is called the period

of 'preperation'. One cannot cross the English channel unless one has

learned to swim in the local swimming pool . It is all about stamina,

steadfastness of purpose, determination . This is called Drida



Sri Chitta thank you for your endorsement on Saundarya lahari. But

this great scriptural text is Sri Vidya Upasana itself and one needs

to be initiated into this Sri Vidya by a qualified Guru.


That is why it is said


Athato Brahma jignasu ....


(now you are ready to learn about brahman ..... )


ref post 29920


I may very well be wrong in claiming that Totapuri comes from the

Trialinga swami lineage except to say that I have seen this being

mentioned in one of the spiritual retreats I attended on Chandi Path

by Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Sree Ma. Swamiji took the names of

Trialinga swami and Totapuri in the same breath.


Vinayakaji, I enjoy reading all your posts on Swami Vivekananda and

it is very nice of you to share all your experiences with us. Several

posts ago, You asked about 'infinite' and 'happiness' Please read

Sadaji post number 29825 - Here Sadaji explains that scripture tell

us that 'anantam eva aanandam' -unlimited infiniteness alone is

aanandam or happiness since any limitation cause unhappiness. This

may answer your earlier question on this subject.


I am not good about Chronology etc. But I know for sure that Thakore

exhibited all the outward symptoms of Kundalini Awakening. Do you

remember his fampus 'kalpataru' pose with the 'raised' hand ? His

Divine madness ? It is immaterial whether Sri Ramakrishna was in

Nivikalpa samadhi or he had Kundalini awakening, the fact of the

matter is He is a great soul and the foremost among all saints in

modern times . When you think of Vedanta, you think of Adi Shankara,

Sri Ramana and Sri Ramakrishna .


"A bit of Mother, a drop, was Krishna; another was Buddha. The

worship of even one spark of Mother in our earthly mother leads to

greatness. Worship Her if you want love and wisdom."


Swami Vivekananda, "Inspired Talks, My Master and Other Writings",

Wednesday, July 2,1895,

Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, NY, pp. 48-49.


Warm regards


ps I would like to adhere to the list policy of 2 posts per day in

letter and in spirit = I apologize for crowing this message with

responses to several posts.

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advaitin, "Vinayaka" <vinayaka_ns> wrote:


> Dear Sir,


> Can you quote where it is said that Sri Ramakrishna achieved the

> ultimate after the initiation of Kenaram Bhattachrya?


> You have mentioned that he reached the ultimatum in the first four

> years of the sadhana and have made the aforesaid statement. But when

> toatapuri initiated him into sanyas and advaita sadhana why he was


> difficulty to go to nirvikalpa state if he was already

> achieved/established in that state. It clearly shows that he


> the ultimatum in the presense of totapuri.





Ref. Post 29920


The refeence for the quotations was already given.


Ref.: Sri Ramakrishna, The Great Master ,transl. Sw.

Jagadananda , 5th rev. ed. 1978, publ. Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore,

Madras - (Orig. in Bengali by Sw. Saradananda), Ch. VIII, p. 177 ff.

R. had achieved the ultimate during the first 4 yrs. of his sadhana,

initiated by Kenaram Bhattacharya. (R. was appointed priest at the

Kali temple in 1856 after his priest-brother's death).


Kindly read the following pages and lines:


p. 153 lines 8-12

p. 120 " 20

p. 163 " 2-3, 7-8, 14, 34-36

p. 166 " 3-5, 10-12, 26-27

p. 178 " 39-40

p. 179 " 1

p. 180 full page

p. 190 " "

p. 195 " 1-6

p. 196 full page


p.195 - ".....The Brahmani, Tota Puri, and others came and taught

me afterwards what I had heard......-they taught me what I had already

known....." "....they came as Gurus in my life in order that the

authority of the scriptures , such as the Vedas, might be maintainedby

my honoring their injunctions. No other reason can be found for

accepting the 'naked one' and others as Gurus".


It must be remembered that Krishna went to Sandipani Gurukula,

Adi Shankara to Govindapada, and Ramakrishna to the above teachers

despite knowing their true svarupa.


Now, Br. Vinayaka, would you kindly give the source of your

information with the same details as above? Thank you.





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Purusha said:


"Jesus. This has generated a few posts when I mentioned Jesus. What

is the 'sepent of wilderness that Moses Lifted up' that is in the Old

Testament. KUNDALINI."


So according to Purusha, lifting up of serpent symbolically or

metaphorically represents the rise of Kundalini (coil) in Moses. If

that is so than a snake must be an object of worship rather than

derison to the followers of Moses. But we all know the reality.


More than that, do you (Purusha) think a person whose Kunadalini

has become active talks and acts like Moses?.




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Ref. Post 29920




You have mentioned that he reached the ultimatum in the first four

> > years of the sadhana and have made the aforesaid statement. But


> > toatapuri initiated him into sanyas and advaita sadhana why he


> in

> > difficulty to go to nirvikalpa state if he was already

> > achieved/established in that state. It clearly shows that he

> achieved

> > the ultimatum in the presense of totapuri.

> Kindly read the following pages and lines:


> p. 153 lines 8-12

> p. 120 " 20

> p. 163 " 2-3, 7-8, 14, 34-36

> p. 166 " 3-5, 10-12, 26-27

> p. 178 " 39-40

> p. 179 " 1

> p. 180 full page

> p. 190 " "

> p. 195 " 1-6

> p. 196 full page


> It must be remembered that Krishna went to Sandipani


> Adi Shankara to Govindapada, and Ramakrishna to the above teachers

> despite knowing their true svarupa.


Dear Sir,


What a precision! i liked it very much. But sir my base for

arguementation was why he faced difficulty in the presence of the

tota puri to attain samadhi? and secondly when totapuri asked

gurumaharaj why he went to divine mother to ask whether it is

advisable to undertake the nirguna advaita sadhana if he has already

practiced and experienced that state? If you can shed light on these

two question it would be helpful.




Yours in the lord,


Br. Vinayaka

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advaitin, "Vinayaka" <vinayaka_ns> wrote:




> You have mentioned that he reached the ultimatum in the first four

> > > years of the sadhana and have made the aforesaid statement.


> when

> > > toatapuri initiated him into sanyas and advaita sadhana why he

> was

> > in

> > > difficulty to go to nirvikalpa state if he was already

> > > achieved/established in that state. It clearly shows that he

> > achieved

> > > the ultimatum in the presense of totapuri.

> > Kindly read the following pages and lines:

> > But sir my base for

> arguementation was why he faced difficulty in the presence of the

> tota puri to attain samadhi? and secondly when totapuri asked

> gurumaharaj why he went to divine mother to ask whether it is

> advisable to undertake the nirguna advaita sadhana if he has


> practiced and experienced that state? If you can shed light on


> two question it would be helpful.




If you would kindly read ALL the LINES if not ALL the pages

(153-196) you will find the answer yourself. If His own words quoted

before* do not convince you, it is beyond my powers and futile to

counter your argument. Even if any answer satisfies you, its

relevance to sadhana would be questionable.








* [".......they came as Gurus in my life in order that the

authority of the scriptures , such as the Vedas, might be maintained

by my honoring their injunctions. No other reason can be found for

accepting the 'naked one' and others as Gurus."........]

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advaitin, "Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh>



> Namaste,


> If you would kindly read ALL the LINES if not ALL the


> (153-196) you will find the answer yourself. If His own words


> before* do not convince you, it is beyond my powers and futile to

> counter your argument. Even if any answer satisfies you, its

> relevance to sadhana would be questionable.


Dear Sir,


I have now no other option left but to agree with your view. His ways

are mysterious indeed :-)) He is beyond the reach of my puny

intellect i will be able to understand him only through his infinite

compassion on baddha like myself.




Yours in the lord,


Br. Vinayaka

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i belive the snake in question is only in theory,the writer was

try to make a medaphor and with a point.

i remeber some wise philosphy i read some where that said...

the student is to take not face value,but yet the moral of


well this is what i have correct me if you feel i am worng


chandramauli_s <chandramauli_s wrote:

Purusha said:


"Jesus. This has generated a few posts when I mentioned Jesus. What

is the 'sepent of wilderness that Moses Lifted up' that is in the Old

Testament. KUNDALINI."


So according to Purusha, lifting up of serpent symbolically or

metaphorically represents the rise of Kundalini (coil) in Moses. If

that is so than a snake must be an object of worship rather than

derison to the followers of Moses. But we all know the reality.


More than that, do you (Purusha) think a person whose Kunadalini

has become active talks and acts like Moses?.




















Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman

and Brahman.

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"i belive the snake in question is only in theory,the writer was

try to make a medaphor and with a point."


I would really appreciate if writer himself can clarify it for me.











advaitin, jennifer spears

<jenny44212001> wrote:


> nameste,

> i belive the snake in question is only in theory,the

writer was try to make a medaphor and with a point.

> i remeber some wise philosphy i read some where

that said...

> the student is to take not face value,but yet the

moral of it..

> well this is what i have correct me if you feel i

am worng


> chandramauli_s <chandramauli_s> wrote:

> Purusha said:


> "Jesus. This has generated a few posts when I mentioned Jesus.


> is the 'sepent of wilderness that Moses Lifted up' that is in the


> Testament. KUNDALINI."


> So according to Purusha, lifting up of serpent symbolically or

> metaphorically represents the rise of Kundalini (coil) in Moses.


> that is so than a snake must be an object of worship rather than

> derison to the followers of Moses. But we all know the reality.


> More than that, do you (Purusha) think a person whose Kunadalini

> has become active talks and acts like Moses?.


> Regards

> Chandra











Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of

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Dear Sri Chandramauliji :


Yes! Jennifer is right. It is a metaphor and thanks Jennifer for

recognizing it.


"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the

Son of Man be lifted up "


More on Chakras and Kundalini in the Revelation :


"For example, Revelations may also symbolically describe the chakras

in St. John's spiritual vision;" I saw seven standing lamps of gold"

(the chakras emitting the divine light?), John sees Christ as one of

the seven lamps , Christ is holding the "seven stars" (demonstrating

his command of the chakra system?) and speaks of the "seven churches"

(the divine institution within each chakra?).In Genesis Jacob

envisions a divine ladder directly connecting his earthly being with

God in Heaven- this precisely describes the experience and purpose of

the kundalini! "



Consider this tract from the Book of Hymns of the Dead Sea

Scrolls: "I have reached the inner vision and through Thy Spirit in

me I have heard Thy wondrous secret, through Thy mystic insight Thou

hast caused a spring of knowledge to well up within me, a fountain of

power, pouring forth living waters, a flood of love and of all

embracing wisdom, like the splendour of eternal light". The "fountain

of power", "spring of knowledge", "Living water", "flood of

love", "eternal light" all directly describe the experience of

Kundalini awakening! Consider this from the Nag Hammadi Library, the

Apocryphal Gospel of Phillip "The Tree of Life is in the centre of

Paradise, as is the oil tree from which the anointment Chrisma comes.

The is the source of resurrection". Krishna, the divine being,

c4000BC, also described the Kundalini as an inverted Tree of

spirituality, whose roots lay in the brain. The 'Tree of Life' is a

well recognised symbolic parallel of the Kundalini. So too is the

Holy Grail, the cup from which Christ drank at the last supper its

symbolic significance being that Christ's sustenance arose from a

cup, that is, an object whose receptive qualities reflect the nature

of the divine feminine -- yet another parallel of the Kundalini. "


http://www.sol.com.au/kor/8_01.htm - 32k


The kundalini lies dormant in the Muladhara chakra of all humans. It

is not the monopoly of only those humans who practice hinduism.











-- In advaitin, "chandramauli_s"

<chandramauli_s> wrote:


> "i belive the snake in question is only in theory,the writer was

> try to make a medaphor and with a point."


> I would really appreciate if writer himself can clarify it for me.





advaitin, jennifer spears

> <jenny44212001> wrote:

> >

> > nameste,

> > i belive the snake in question is only in theory,the

> writer was try to make a medaphor and with a point.

> > i remeber some wise philosphy i read some where

> that said...

> > the student is to take not face value,but yet the

> moral of it..

> > well this is what i have correct me if you feel i

> am worng

> >

> > chandramauli_s <chandramauli_s> wrote:

> > Purusha said:

> >

> > "Jesus. This has generated a few posts when I mentioned Jesus.

> What

> > is the 'sepent of wilderness that Moses Lifted up' that is in the

> Old

> > Testament. KUNDALINI."

> >

> > So according to Purusha, lifting up of serpent symbolically or

> > metaphorically represents the rise of Kundalini (coil) in Moses.

> If

> > that is so than a snake must be an object of worship rather than

> > derison to the followers of Moses. But we all know the reality.

> >

> > More than that, do you (Purusha) think a person whose Kunadalini

> > has become active talks and acts like Moses?.

> >

> > Regards

> > Chandra

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of

> nonseparablity of Atman and Brahman.

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> http://www.eScribe.com/culture/advaitin/

> > To Post a message send an email to : advaitin

> > Messages Archived at:

> advaitin/messages

> >

> >

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> >

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> >

> >

> >

> > Visit your group "advaitin" on the web.

> >

> >

> > advaitin

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

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> >

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> > Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in

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