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Hindu Article-Key to eternal happiness

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Key to eternal happiness




CHENNAI: The Kathopanishad offers spiritual vision and philosophical

argument while explaining the subtle truths of the individual Self

against the background of the fascinating universe. Young Nachiketa

who had the unique opportunity to encounter Yama face to face,

typifies the quest of the individual soul for a transcendental

awareness of its existence. In this interaction dealing with the

ultimate and the sublime, both preceptor and student fulfil their

respective stringent demands. There could not have been a better,

qualified teacher than Yama to answer the enigmatic questions of

Nachiketa, and no better spiritual aspirant than Nachiketa who showed

tremendous verve at that early age to grasp the highest truth.


While clearing Nachiketa's doubts about the phenomena of birth and

death, Yama clearly indicates that the universe on a macro level, and

the individual at the micro level are merely manifestations of the

Supreme Being, said Swamini Satyavratananda in a lecture.


Even as the sun's reflection that is caught in a bucket of water, or

in a pond or in the sea might appear large or small depending on the

size of the reflecting surface, though the sun itself remains

unchanged, He remains unchanged while manifesting in the infinite

variety of the objects of creation, sentient and insentient. All

differences are only superficial.


He had existed always even before the universe with all its

distinctive differences had been created; and He alone will continue

to exist even after all that is perishable in this universe has



He dwells as the inner self in beings, has always been, is and will

always be the same. He is independent, transcending space and time,

subsuming the past, present and future. Death and decay can never

affect the immortal Self that is a manifestation of the Supreme

Being. The soul undergoes the process of getting embodied according

to the Karma in previous births. Realisation of the ultimate truth

that perceives the dichotomy between the impermanent body and the

undying soul on the one hand and the evanescent world and the eternal

principle is the key to eternal happiness, as it enables the

individual to strive for liberation from the bondage of human

existence. The value of all scriptural teaching lies in the depth of

the spiritual knowledge it expounds.

copy right: The Hindu-Daily

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