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Gita Satsangh Chapter 10: Verses 27 to 30

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Namaste Satsanghis:


Let us continue hearing the glories of the Lord directly from Him

through the following verses. The implicit message from the Lord is

understand Him as the Best among everything that we perceive. This

will help us to spiritually grow to a higher plato and ultimately

enable us to reach Him.


Harih Om!


Ram Chandran


Ucchaihshravasamashwaanaam viddhi maamamritodbhavam;

Airaavatam gajendraanaam naraanaam cha naraadhipam. 27

Know Me as Ucchaisravas, born of nectar among horses; among lordly

elephants (I am) the Airavata; and among men, the king.


The celestial horse Uccaihsrava, was got during the churning of the

ocean along with nectar. Hence it is counted as one of the fourteen

gems of the world and is regarded as the king of horses, It is

therefore that the Lord calls Uccaihsrava His own self.


The leader of a herd of elephants is called 'Gajendra'. Among such

Gajendra's to the celestial elephant Airavata, owned by Indra, is the

best of all and is regarded as their chief. Like the horse

Uccaihsrava it was also got during the churning of the ocean. That is

why the Lord declares it to be His own self.


A king devoted to his duty and adorned with virtues enumerated in

the scriptures urges his subjects to righteous acts, determining them

from sinful pursuits, and protects them; hence he is regarded as

superior to other men. Such kings exhibit the divine power more than

ordinary man. It is therefore that the Lord calls him His own self.

The term 'Naradhipa' can also be taken to refer to the Manu presiding

over a particular anvantara, since he is the lord of men of that

Manvantara. It is well-known that Prajapati appointed Vaivasvata Manu

as the Lord men of the existing Manvantra.


Aayudhaanaamaham vajram dhenoonaamasmi kaamadhuk;

Prajanashchaasmi kandarpah sarpaanaamasmi vaasukih..28

Among weapons I am the thunderbolt; among cows I am the wish-

fulfilling cow called Surabhi; I am the progenitor, the god of love;

among serpents I am Vasuki.


Among all the weapons of the universe the thunderbolt (Indras weapon)

is the most powerful, because it embodies the glory of sage Dadhicis

austerities and the luster of God Himself; and it is said to be

unfailing in effect (Srimad Bhagavata, 19-20). Hence the Lord speaks

of it as His very self.


The celestial cow Kamadhenu (the cow of plenty) is the best of all

cows. She can satisfy all the desires of gods and men and was got

during the churning of the ocean. Hence the Lord declares her to be

His own self.


'Kandarpa' is an appellation of the god of sexual love. By adding the

qualification Prajana to it, the Lord shows that only that sexual

urge that leads to procreation as enjoined by the scriptures is

identical with Him. The same idea was expressed inverse 11 of Chapter

VII by adding the qualification Dharmaviruddhah (not in-consistent

with virtue) to the word Kamah(sexual desire). The intention is to

show that sexual enjoyment indulged in by sensual men for the

gratification of the sense is beastly and hardly consistent with

virtue; only such enjoyment as is indulged in by men of self-control

only for the sake of procreation, and as enjoined by the scriptures,

is consistent with virtue and therefore good. Hence it finds a place

among the glories of God.


Vasuki, being the king of serpents and a devotee of God, is regarded

as the best of serpents. Hence the Lord declares him to be His own



Anantashchaasmi naagaanaam varuno yaadasaamaham;

Pitreenaamaryamaa chaasmi yamah samyamataamaham.29

I am Ananta among the Nagas; I am Varuna among water-Deities; Aryaman

among the manes I am; I am Yama among the governors.


The serpent-god Sesa is the king of all Nagas and is endowed with a

thousand heads. Serving as a cozy bed for the Lord and rendering

other services to Him, he is constantly engaged in gratifying Him.

Besides he is a great devotee of the Lord, and often manifesting

himself along with the Lord he participates in His divine sports. His

birth also is attributed to God * Hence he is declared to be the

Lord's own self.


Varuna, being the Lord of all aquatic creatures and deities presiding

over the waters, the guardian of a quarter of the universe, a

celestial being and a devotee of God, is held to be an outstanding

personality. Hence the Lord speaks of him as His own self. There are

seven principal manes; Kavyaviha, Anala, Soma, Yama, Aryami, the

Agnisvittas and the Barhisads. Aryami, being the head of the Pitrs,

is recognized. As the best of them all; therefore, the Lord speaks of

him as His own self. Among all the rulers on earth, as well as in the

celestial world, Yama (the god of death) is the greatest. The awards

of Yama are all equitable and righteous, salutary as well as

expiatory in character. He is an enlightened devotee of God and the

guardian of a quarter of the universe. Hence the Lord speaks of him

as His own self *.


Prahlaadashchaasmi daityaanaam kaalah kalayataamaham;

Mrigaanaam cha mrigendro'ham vainateyashcha pakshinaam. 30

And, I am Prahlad among the demons; among the reckoners I am time;

among beasts I am their king, the lion; and Garuda among birds.


The progenies of Diti are known as Daityas. Prahlada has been

recognized as the best of the Daityas inasmuch as he is endowed with

all good qualities, an extremely pious soul, a faithful, loving and

disinterested devotee of God, and the ruler of the Daityas. Hence the

Lord speaks of him as His very self.

The word 'Kala' denotes time with its various divisions, e.g., a

moment, an hour, a day, a fortnight, a month, a year and soon. It is

the basis o all astronomical calculations. Hence the Lord declares it

to be identical with Himself.


The lion is recognized as the king of all beasts. It is the

strongest, the boldest and the bravest of animals and has a dignified

bearing. Hence the Lord counts it among His glories.

Garuda, son of Vinata, is the king of birds. Being the largest and

most powerful of all birds, he is regarded as,the best of them. More

than this, he is a great devotee of God and the Lords own carrier.

Hence the Lord declares him to be His ownself.


Easy references:

The Gita Supersite http://www.gitasupersite.org/ contains most of the

commentaries including commentaries in many languages.


Access Adi Shankara's commentary and Swami Chinmayananda's commentary

at URL: advaitin/files

First click and open the folder:

<Bhagawad Gita Commentaries and References>

Then click on the Gita related folders such as Sankara1 and Chinmaya

to access the files.

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