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Learning/Reciting Sri Rudram Namakam Chamakam

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I am planning to learn Sri Rudram Namakam Chamakam on my own (using Books &

CDs) and recite regularly. I do not know sanskrit (except reading up the

word by word translations of some works not much understanding of Sanskrit).


My questions to you all are

1. Can Sri Rudram be recited without su-swara? If so what could be the


2. Can it be recited while travelling / walking / in office (not aloud but

can i play it in my mind / in iPod?)

3. What precautions should I take while learning / reciting?

4. What references(books / websites/ CDs) would you all suggest?




PS: I am based in Hyderabad.




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Jnanarthi-ji, I don't think you can learn Sri Rudram all by

yourself. Every syllable has to be chanted correctly and you can do

that only when initiated and taught by a Guru. Any mistake in

chanting may actually cause a negative impact. Just my opinion.

Chanting the panchakshari mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" and Mrutyunjaya

mantra (both occur in the Namakam) is the best option in my opinion.


Try these websites for info on Namakam





(You may have to to this group)








advaitin, "Jnanarthi J" <jnanarthi wrote:


> All,


> I am planning to learn Sri Rudram Namakam Chamakam on my own

(using Books &

> CDs) and recite regularly. I do not know sanskrit (except reading

up the

> word by word translations of some works not much understanding of



> My questions to you all are

> 1. Can Sri Rudram be recited without su-swara? If so what could

be the

> reason?

> 2. Can it be recited while travelling / walking / in office (not

aloud but

> can i play it in my mind / in iPod?)

> 3. What precautions should I take while learning / reciting?

> 4. What references(books / websites/ CDs) would you all suggest?


> rgds,

> Mahesh.

> PS: I am based in Hyderabad.





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Thanks Mahadevadvaita Ji,


Pardon my ignorance. Please enlighten me as why it causes negative impact.

When I read the english translation I see the prayer & boon seeking.


Thanks in advance.






On 3/8/06, mahadevadvaita <mahadevadvaita wrote:



> Jnanarthi-ji, I don't think you can learn Sri Rudram all by

> yourself. Every syllable has to be chanted correctly and you can do

> that only when initiated and taught by a Guru. Any mistake in

> chanting may actually cause a negative impact. Just my opinion.

> Chanting the panchakshari mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" and Mrutyunjaya

> mantra (both occur in the Namakam) is the best option in my opinion.


> Try these websites for info on Namakam


> http://www.advaita-

> vedanta.org/series/shri_rudram/verses_from_the_shri_rudram-1.htm


> (You may have to to this group)





> regards,



> advaitin, "Jnanarthi J" <jnanarthi wrote:

> >

> > All,

> >

> > I am planning to learn Sri Rudram Namakam Chamakam on my own

> (using Books &

> > CDs) and recite regularly. I do not know sanskrit (except reading

> up the

> > word by word translations of some works not much understanding of

> Sanskrit).

> >

> > My questions to you all are

> > 1. Can Sri Rudram be recited without su-swara? If so what could

> be the

> > reason?

> > 2. Can it be recited while travelling / walking / in office (not

> aloud but

> > can i play it in my mind / in iPod?)

> > 3. What precautions should I take while learning / reciting?

> > 4. What references(books / websites/ CDs) would you all suggest?

> >

> > rgds,

> > Mahesh.

> > PS: I am based in Hyderabad.

> >

> >

> >

> >


Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of

> Atman and Brahman.

> Advaitin List Archives available at:

> http://www.eScribe.com/culture/advaitin/

> To Post a message send an email to : advaitin

> Messages Archived at: advaitin/messages



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sri.Mahesh ji, if you purchase a sri.Rudram book (why in English-even in

Sanskrit) and read the Syllables (Paatam) of one Rk(one sentence) such as given



"Siva-Chara-Vyaaya-Thava-Dhayaano-Rudra- Mrdaya"--for each syllble you will

find the meaning from a Sanskrit-English Dictionary.But while reciting in

Anuptup Chandas(Anushtup metre)it should sound:-

"Sivaacha-Ravyaayatha-Vadhayaano-Rudra Mrdaya"- I have carefully used

different colours for you to Understand-Siva+Cha joins-Ra of the previous

syllable+Vyaaya+tha of the folowing syllable joins.-this can be leaned only from

a Teacher--secondly different metres like

Gayatram-Anushtup-Trishtup-Bangthi-Jagathi etc can be learned only from a




Jnanarthi J <jnanarthi wrote:

Thanks Mahadevadvaita Ji,


Pardon my ignorance. Please enlighten me as why it causes negative impact.

When I read the english translation I see the prayer & boon seeking.


Thanks in advance.






On 3/8/06, mahadevadvaita <mahadevadvaita wrote:



> Jnanarthi-ji, I don't think you can learn Sri Rudram all by

> yourself. Every syllable has to be chanted correctly and you can do

> that only when initiated and taught by a Guru. Any mistake in

> chanting may actually cause a negative impact. Just my opinion.

> Chanting the panchakshari mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" and Mrutyunjaya

> mantra (both occur in the Namakam) is the best option in my opinion.


> Try these websites for info on Namakam


> http://www.advaita-

> vedanta.org/series/shri_rudram/verses_from_the_shri_rudram-1.htm


> (You may have to to this group)





> regards,



> advaitin, "Jnanarthi J" <jnanarthi wrote:

> >

> > All,

> >

> > I am planning to learn Sri Rudram Namakam Chamakam on my own

> (using Books &

> > CDs) and recite regularly. I do not know sanskrit (except reading

> up the

> > word by word translations of some works not much understanding of

> Sanskrit).

> >

> > My questions to you all are

> > 1. Can Sri Rudram be recited without su-swara? If so what could

> be the

> > reason?

> > 2. Can it be recited while travelling / walking / in office (not

> aloud but

> > can i play it in my mind / in iPod?)

> > 3. What precautions should I take while learning / reciting?

> > 4. What references(books / websites/ CDs) would you all suggest?

> >

> > rgds,

> > Mahesh.

> > PS: I am based in Hyderabad.

> >

> >

> >

> >


Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of

> Atman and Brahman.

> Advaitin List Archives available at:

> http://www.eScribe.com/culture/advaitin/

> To Post a message send an email to : advaitin

> Messages Archived at: advaitin/messages



> Links

















Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman

and Brahman.

Advaitin List Archives available at: http://www.eScribe.com/culture/advaitin/

To Post a message send an email to : advaitin

Messages Archived at: advaitin/messages






Advaita vedanta





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Namaste Sri Jnanarthi:


Here is my understanding of the reasons for the negative impact. When

we listen to music that we like, we feel mentally relaxed and our

mind becomes calm and quiet. We do keep the best audio system so that

the music that we listen is perfect. But if the CD or the system is

bad, music is no more enjoyable and our mind is disturbed. For a

music lover, that is a negative impact, though it is mostly



In our daily life whenever we recognize the violation of our self-

defined code of ethics (swadharma), our subconscious mind signals

guilty feelings and this is the negative impact. Papa (sin or guilty

feeling) or Punya (positive mental satisfaction) is the outcome that

we experience while completing any action. To avoid the negative

impact, we take necessary precautions and conduct our duties with

shraddha to avoid violating our swadharma.


We want to recite Vedic mantras such as the Rudram because we believe

that chanting will grant us with mental peace and happiness. This is

pure Bhakti and shraddha is the most important component of Bhakti.

Recitation of Rudram is considered as a Vedic Ritual and

consequently, we should follow stipulated conditions with shraddha

during recitation. By strictly following the rules for chanting the

Mantras, we are able focus our mind and the entire recitation

transform as a form of meditation. Vedic mantras require precise

pronunciation with correct intonation so that memorization becomes

easier. If we do not recite these mantras correctly, the negative

effect is reflected through mind disturbance. Please note that this

reference to the recitation of Rudras is in the context of performing

a prayer (a form of Bhakti) to experience peace and tranquility.


Ideally, the learning and practice of recitation of Vedic Mantras

should be done in a homogeneous group of individuals. That is why the

Vedic Padasalas (schools) select homogenous group of students at

young age (around 7) and train them appropriately. This oral

tradition of group recitation of the Vedas generally starts at the

very early morning (starting around 5 AM just before the Sun Rise

(considered the most auspicious time for Vedic recitation and also

known as Brahma Muhurtham). The recitation continues for several

hours, the students repeat the recitation rendered by the teacher. In

order to perfect the recitation, children learn and continue

recitation of the Mantras for nearly 12 years. Even today,

established Vedapadasalas follow this ancient tradition in India,

though they are fewer in number and with fewer students.


Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran


Note: The question, whether there will be `negative effect' mostly

rests on the level of `faith' and respect that we have on Rudram and

the words of our elders. The elders have the good intention to

emphasize the role of `shraddha' while learning Rudram so that we can

perfect our recitation.


-- In advaitin, "Jnanarthi J" <jnanarthi wrote:


> Thanks Mahadevadvaita Ji,


> Pardon my ignorance. Please enlighten me as why it causes negative


> When I read the english translation I see the prayer & boon seeking.


> Thanks in advance.

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Swaram(Swaritham/Udhaattham/Anutdhattham/Deerga swaritham) is very important in

reciting Vedam-sri Rudraadhyaayee.


There is a mantram:- "Indra chatru" --Swaritham is "Indra chatru"--Deerga

Swaritham is "Indddra Chatru"---if it is recited in one swaram the meaning is "I

shall kill Indra" -if the Swaram is wrong (Swara Bhedham) the meaning is "Indra

will kill me"- Indra killed the king who performed the Yagjna with wrong




Jnanarthi J <jnanarthi wrote:



My questions to you all are

1. Can Sri Rudram be recited without su-swara? If so what could be the





PS: I am based in Hyderabad.











Advaita vedanta





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  • 7 years later...

Dear Learned,


I had similar question but I think I could deduce answer to my question from the post. Thanks to you all. Though I had guru upadesam and attended couple of classes, I'm currently not reciting rudram. Unfortunately, I had to move to a different city and I asked my guru if I could recite it on my own. I did not get any response, so comprehended as I can't. However, my guru does mentor interested students (absolutely free though) on phone or skype every weekend. Its just due conflict of time zones I'm unable to benefit. I for one, do not want to experiment as I fear of swara dhosham.






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