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Time alteration experiences

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Time alteration experiences:


Dear Sri Raju ji:

Namaste. Thank you for your response. Let me tell you how I looked at the

time alteration incident quoted by me: After hearing the detailed description

of Acharyal's vision-experience, the disciple, in the normal state, estimated it

to have taken about one hour. But actually it had taken only 3 minutes in the

vision as the 'replay' of the vision confirmed. From this I decided that

relative to the estimated time of a normal person, the actual time taken in the

extraordinary vision is less and therefore there has been an instance of time

contraction for the one who actually had the vision.


Let me present a few more incidents, initially from the experiences of the

Acharya Himself and later from the life of the revered disciple.


From the book 'Yoga, Enlightenment and Perfection':

Page. 66:


(Acharyal:) The words relating to the pañcopacàra-pujà (following the

dhyàna-sloka) took only some seconds for Acharyal (Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati

Mahaswamigal) to utter and for Me to repeat. Yet, I experienced no shortage of

time in elaborately worshipping the Lord (Narasimha) mentally in My heart with

offerings of sandal paste, flowers, incense, lamp, food and so on. I can

attribute only to divine grace the irresistible urge that led Me to begin the

worship. During naivedya, I served the Lord a variety of dishes in a

jewel-studded golden plate, put a little food into His mouth, waited for Him to

masticate and swallow and only thereafter offered another morsel. It was as if

the several seconds miraculously became extended to over half an hour from My

perspective. Even while performing the worship with concentration and

dedication, I was able to see Acharyal and repeat His words without delay.


(I think this is a case of 'Time expansion')


Page 109:


In a matter of seconds, I could feel a tingling sensation between My brows.

This gradually increased in intensity. I also began to see an attractive, blue

disc of light. This resembled the light from the jewel on the Mother’s face. The

main difference was that this was diffused. I then visualised a diminished

version of Her idol emerging from the disc and occupying the lotus of My heart.

The great clarity of the image in My heart and the readiness with which I had

been able to visualise it pleasantly surprised Me. I focused on the form. My

chanting of the Pranava stopped.


Moments later, I opened My eyes. Actually, about half an hour had passed.

During this time, I was unaware of the surroundings and My body. I realised that

while it is perfectly possible to picture a form without adopting the procedure

taught by Acharyal, the latter facilitates the visualisation of, and focus on,

the form. Further, I understood that the light apprehended mentally can be

related to the light seen before gazing at the space between the brows.


Page 144

(Acharyal:) As I focused on the form, My awareness of the surroundings and the

body vanished. Soon, My mental chanting of the Pancakshari-mantra (Om NamaH

Shivaaya)came to a stop and My mind thoroughly locked on to the divine form in

the heart. Suddenly, the form became extraordinarily vivid. No effort to

concentrate was needed any more. I could then literally experience the immediate

presence of Siva. The affection and smile that I beheld in the Lord’s

ishaana-mukha (upward face) in particular still enthral Me. I was overwhelmed

with joy.


After about one and a half hours, as I discerned later but what then seemed to

Me to be just a moment, I became lightly aware of the body. I opened My eyes. I

could see the sun close to the horizon and feel a gentle breeze. I could, at the

same time, clearly apprehend the Lord associated with Ambà in My heart-lotus.

The Lord appeared to be emerging from within and expanding. A deep long sound of

Om was audible. I then definitely beheld Siva in front of and facing Me. Oh,

what a glorious sight that was!


Page 157:

I initiated My meditation as usual by gazing at the space between the brows

and chanting the pràõava. I apprehended a blue hue, just as I often did. At this

point, instead of conceiving any divine form, I mentally uttered once the words:


Ahameva Param Brahma Vaasudevaakhyam-avyayam |

(Brahmànucintana 1ab)

(I am indeed the Supreme Brahman, the One free from decay and known as

Vàsudeva (He who resides in and shines in all).)


Then, without repeatedly chanting the words like a mantra, I strongly held on

to the idea conveyed. Immediately, I felt Myself expanding and becoming

pervasive like space. A great wave of joy arose and submerged Me. After what

seemed a trice, I gained mild awareness of the body; actually, about 30 to 45

minutes had passed.


Page 159:

Consciousness shone clearly without any object and without limitations. I was

overwhelmed by bliss, which was far greater than on the previous evening. The

awareness of any distinction between the bliss and Myself was almost absent.

About an hour passed thus but I was totally oblivious of the passage of time. I

then emerged from savikalpa-samàdhi and gradually became aware of the body.


Page 174:

The notion, “I am the non-dual Brahman apart from which nothing whatsoever

exists” that was prominent and naturally persistent since the previous evening

had been intensified by My savikalpa-samàdhi-s of the morning and by My reading

and reflection of the afternoon. So, I did not have to cultivate it. I had

barely seen the soothing expanse of blue when it vanished. I felt Myself

expanding and becoming like space. The sense of I nearly vanished and My mind

entered savikalpa-samàdhi.


The bliss was very great. However, with effort, I restrained Myself from being

overwhelmed by it and thought, “I am not the one experiencing bliss but am bliss

itself.” In a trice, a sharp change occurred. Awareness of the distinction of

the concentrator, concentration and the object of concentration completely

disappeared. No more was there any sense of individuality or of space, time and

objects. Only Brahman, of the nature of absolute existence, pure consciousness

and ultimate bliss, shone bereft of the superimposition of even a trace of



After about two hours, the mind descended to the level of savikalpa-samàdhi

and mild awareness of the distinction of the concentrator, concentration and the

object of concentration reappeared. Though the bliss of savikalpa-samàdhi was by

far greater than the joy of any worldly enjoyment, it was nothing compared to

the absolute, non-dual bliss of nirvikalpa-samàdhi. Gradually, I became lightly

aware of the body and of the build up of breathing that must have almost totally

stopped earlier.


Now the experiences of Time alteration in the case of the disciple, Sri

R.M.Umesh as reported in the book 'The Crest Jewel of Yogis Vol.II':


Page 148:

Assuming a meditative posture I gently closed my eyelids. The Mantra rumbled

on but slowly faded away. The mind became increasingly calm and in a few

moments I lost all awareness of the body and surroundings. I felt as if I was

expanding. I beheld a vast expanse of intensely bright illumination and had the

experience of merging into it. Waves of bliss submerged me and the sense of

time was lost. In what seemed a trice I regained light consciousness of the

body. Actually an hour had passed.


Page 164:

Acharyal asked me to accompany Him to the Kalabhairava Temple and there He sat

down for meditating. He asked me sit close to Him and then remarked "We will

meditate". I saw His eyes close partially. Slowly the heaving of His chest

became slower and slower and soon no trace of breathing was discoverable by me

though I was very close to Him. He seemed to radiate peace. Suddenly I felt a

force dragging me into meditation. I too closed my eyes and my mind soared to

the heights of concentration. I thought that a moment had elapsed before I was

able to regain awareness of the body. I opened my eyes and observed Acharyal.

Slowly His breathing commenced and in a few moments He opened His eyes. Turning

to the Kalabhairava idol He shouted out the Lord's name and after prostrating,

came out of the temple. Actually over half-an-hour had elapsed. On coming out

of the temple He said, "Nirvikalpa Samadhi is very nice. Is it not?"


Page 166:

Acharyal then said, "He is now in Nirvikalpa Samadhi". This passed on.

Finally Acharyal decided to bring him out of Samadhi. He told me that He would

be erasing the memory of the Samadhi state because the time was not yet ripe for

this state which He had granted (to that boy) in response to my wish. He said

further, "He will feel as if only a few minutes have elapsed and that he never

went into any firm concentration at all, for he continuously heard other



Accordingly, as per Acharyal's instructions, I repositioned my hands and

gradually observed the boy. He opened his eyes and I asked him what had

happened. Exactly as predicted by Acharyal, he said that he felt that only a

few minutes had elapsed. Actually a long period had passed.


Page 169:

In 1982, however, He permitted me to spend long durations in meditation and I

went over to Sringeri on 4th October. At that time Acharyal was on tour and had

directed me to stay at Bhairava Kripa, a house built by Him on the way to

Kalabhairava Temple. I was the sole occupant of the place and had all my time to

myself. By Acharyal's grace, for over two months I was able to spend my time in

Samadhi spending as long as 20 hours a day in that state itself. I found that

the need for food became almost nil and I was taking a very meagre amount of

food merely because of Acharyal's instructions. Sleep, however, could be

dispensed with for days without any problem at all.


This following one is excerpted from the book 'Divine Discourses', p.55:


The Goal and the Means:


There is a disciple of mine. Owing to the special merit acquired by him in

his earlier birth, on his sitting in Samadhi, the acme of Yoga, he does not get

up even when three days have passed. One may ask, " Has Sandhya Vandanam not

got omitted?" He is doing something that is far superior to Sandhya Vandanam.

LiinaH Pare Brahmani (He is absorbed in the Supreme Brahman)


I(Acharyal): What was it like when you remained for three days in Samadhi?

Were you aware of day and night?

Disciple (Sri R.M.Umesh): No, I was aware of nothing external. I just abided

in that state.

I: How did you know that three days had passed?

D: I had kept a watch with me. When I got up, I learnt from it that three

days had passed.


When he has attained such a high state, is it necessary for him to perform

Sandhya Vandanam or to perform Abhisheka to a Shiva Lingam? No.


On the other hand, suppose there is a person who desires to eat tiffin, drink

coffee and go out and wander in the streets, and also does all this but remains

without performing worship of God. What can we say to him except "You are a

thorough Nastika"?. On the other hand, it must be said about this disciple of

Mine that he is the ultimate Astika. Why? Because, in Samadhi, he does nothing.

If he were to engage in activities then it might be suggested to him to do

Sandhya Vandanam too. But he does nothing whatsoever, even food is not needed

by him. There do exist such persons.


What I am saying is what I have seen in My disciple. His achievement is

because of the special merit acquired by him in his previous birth. He told Me,

"I wish to go to a forest and sit in penance".


I: For how many days?

D: One month.

I: What will you eat?

D: I shall keep with me a little Aval (flattened rice).

I: What will you do if a tiger comes?

D: "Oh am I not there as food for that tiger? If it feels like eating, let it

do so."


That is the extent of his firmness of mind. One day, when he was seated, a

tiger actually came there. He saw it and felt, "God has come to me in the form

of this tiger. He is revealing himself like this." He just remained seated.

The tiger observed him and saw whether he was moving his hands, or legs or head.

He did not move at all. What did the tiger think? Perhaps, it concluded that

this person must actually be some stone. It went away. If we get that kind of

capacity, need we do worship of God? No, God would be experienced by us right

where we are.



Om Tat Sat.













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V Subrahmanian <subrahmanian_v wrote: Time alteration



Have you not read the accounts of Gadhi and Lavana in the work

Yogavasishta, these two individuals having had the experience of a whole life

time in a waking trance that lasted for an hour from the viewpoint of waking

state? The peculiar thing about it is that whatever dream trafficking they

had, was proved to be a waking state actually, the individuals confronted in

the dream state having been verified to exist in the waking state. According to

Yogavasishta, we are all the dreamed figures of somebody else, and the dramatis

personae of the dream having actual waking experience in their own right,

ultimately there being dreams within dreams. The story of Lila is also

mind-boggling, the eight days' experience of her waking state after the demise

of her husband having amounted to a whole life-time for the future incarnation

of her husband, the whole drama being enacted within the space of the heart.

Yogavasishta attributes the whole creation to the individual

dreams, separate universes being experienced for separate individuals.

Yogavasishta treats the dream experiences on par with the waking states, and

does not accept superior reality to the waking state unlike the traditional

vedanta, a view unequivocally stressed by the great sage Bhaghavan Ramana







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