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Gita Satsangh Chapter 10: Verses 34 to 36

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Gita Satsangh, Chapter 10: The Yoga of Divine Glories(VibhuutiyogaH)

Verses 34 to 36.


Mrityuh sarvaharashchaaham udbhavashcha bhavishyataam;

Keertih shreervaakcha naareenaam smritirmedhaadhritih kshamaa. 34


And I am all-devouring death, and prosperity of those who are to be

prosperous; among feminine qualities (I am) fame, prosperity, speech,

memory, intelligence, firmness and forgiveness.


It is God Himself who appears as Death to destroy all. That is why He

speaks of Death as His very self in the present verse. He has already

stated in verse IX. 19 that He is Death and Immortality both.

Even as God appearing as Death destroys all living beings, i.e.,

disunites them from their body, so does He unite them with other

bodies and thus causes their birth. This is what is meant when the

Lord declares Himself to be the origin of all that are to be born.


Prasuti, daughter of Svayambhuva Manu, was married with Daksa

Prajapati and gave birth to twenty-four daughters. Kirti, Medha,

Dhrti, Smrti and Ksama are included in them. Of these, Kirti, Medha

and Dhrti were given in marriage to Dharma; Smrti was married to

Angira, and Ksama to sage Pulaha. Sri is a daughter of Bhrgu, born of

Daksas daughter Khyati; her hand was espoused by Bhagavan Narayana.

And Vak is an offspring of Brahma. All these seven are deities

presiding over the seven virtues indicated by their names, viz,

glory, prosperity, speech, memory, intelligence, steadfastness and

forbearance, and are recognized as the best among women. It is

therefore that the Lord speaks of them as His glories.


Brihatsaama tathaa saamnaam gaayatree cchandasaamaham;

Maasaanaam maargasheersho'hamritoonaam kusumaakarah. 35


Among the hymns also I am the Brihatsaman; among metres Gayatri am I;

among the months I am Margasirsa; among seasons (I am) the flowery



Among the different varieties (Ratha tara etc,) Of hymns appearing in

the Samaveda, the variety known as Brhatsama is the most prominent

and therefore the best. Hence the Lord speaks of it as His very self.


The Gayatri is the most important of all the hymns or metrical

compositions comprised in the Vedas. The glory of the Gayatri is

scattered through the entire body of sacred literature consisting of

the Vedas, Smrti-texts, Itihasas and Puranas.* It is due to this

excellence of the Gayatri that the Lord speaks of it as His very self.

In the days of the Mahabharata, the year used to begin with the month

of Margasirsa (Maha, Ante, Ch. 106 and 109). Hence it is the first of

the twelve months. Besides, the scriptures promise great rewards to

those who observe sacred vows and fasts tin this month. The offering

of the newly harvested crop to the sacred fire has been recommended

in this very month. The Ramayana of Valmiki speaks of this month as

the ornament of the year. Thus the month of Margasirsa is superior to

all months of the year in many respects. Hence the Lord declares it

to be His very self.


The spring is the best of all seasons and has been recognized as

their queen. During this season the whole plant kingdom wears a

sprightly appearance and is clothed in fresh leaves and flowers even

without water. The weather in this season is neither too hot nor too

cold, and almost all creatures feel cheerful and happy. That is why

the Lord declares it to be His own self.


Dyootam cchalayataamasmi tejastejaswinaamaham;

Jayo'smi vyavasaayo'smi sattwam sattwavataamaham. 36


I am the gambling of the fraudulent; I am the splendour of the

splendid; I am victory; I am determination (of those who are

determined); I am the goodness of the good.


Of the various methods of defrauding others, I am gambling, such as

dice-play. Gambling is My manifestation. I am power in the powerful.

I am victory in the victorious. I am effort in those who make that



God is present in all living beings and objects, good, bad or

indifferent, existing in this world. It is His presence and

inspiration that lend activity to the whole creation. There is hardly

any substance that is devoid of the presence or power of God. Of all

such beings and objects exhibiting the Sattvika, Rajasika and

Tamasika qualities, only that being or object which is possessed of

some extraordinary virtue, exceptional glory and special attraction

exhibits the presence and power of God in a special degree. It is

from this point of view that the Lord has briefly mentioned in this

connection even abstract ideas and virtues like victory, resolution,

glory, righteousness and knowledge along with sentient beings like

gods, demons, men, beasts, birds and serpents etc, and inanimate

objects like the thunderbolt, senses, mind and ocean, It is for

brevity's sake that the Lord has mentioned only the main categories

or groups. The intention is to show that whatever being, object,

action or concept may be thought of, He alone should be contemplated

in that form. It is from this point of view, and not with the object

of extolling gambling and encouraging people to practice it, that of

all deceitful practices the Lord declares it to be His own self.


In this connection it should be remembered that the Lord speaks of

the most ferocious and blood thirsty lion and shark as well as the

all-consuming fire and all-devouring Death as His very self. This

does not mean that anybody should take into his head to play with a

lion or a shark, jump into fire or deliberately enter the jaws of

death. The objection that lies in adopting these courses of action

holds good in the case of gambling as well.


Glory, victory, resolution and goodness-all these virtues and

achievements are helpful in God-Realization; hence the Lord declares

them as His own self. This declaration is further intended to show

that the glory of the glorious really belongs to Him. He who prides

himself on it as a manifestation of his power commits a blunder. Even

so all such virtues and achievements as the victory of the

victorious, the resolution of the resolute and the goodness of the

good is also His. Priding oneself on these also constitutes the

height of folly. * Besides the above idea the statement also

indicates that those who are blessed with these virtues should be

regarded noble inasmuch as the divine glory is manifested in them in

a special degree.



Easy references:

The Gita Supersite http://www.gitasupersite.org/ contains most of the

commentaries including commentaries in many languages.


Access Adi Shankara's commentary and Swami Chinmayananda's commentary

at URL: advaitin/files

First click and open the folder: <Bhagawad Gita Commentaries and


Then click on the Gita related folders such as Sankara1 and Chinmaya

to access the files.

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Dear 'Ones' !


i just returned from a trip to Sacramento where i had gone to attend

my Niece's 'valaikappu' ceremony ( one of the 16 hindu samsakarams)!

Believe it or not , just when i was thinking 'Spring' has at last

come here in U.S.A , we were greeted by turbulent weather in Denver

where our flights to washinngtion dc were delayed by inclement

weather ( a snow storm) !


so when i read sri Ramji's post on Vibhuti yoga i was overcome with

an inexpicable thrill - specially these lines in his post - verse 35


maargasheersho'hamritoonaam kusumaakarah. 35


Among seasons (I am) the flowery season.


YES! flowery season- THE SEASON OF 'SPRING' .... a poet says when

winter comes , can 'spring' be far behind ? but looking at washington

dc weather, it does appear that we have to wait forever for the

advent of spring !!


what is so special about the spring season and why is it the 'queen'

of all seasons ?


Yes- The season of Spring is the season of Love !


Poet Kalidas sings raptuorously in Ritusamhara


"Trees put forth flowers,waters abound in lotuses,women's thoughts

turn to love,the air is sweetly scented;mornings are pleasant and

days delightful;all things are more alluring in springtime, my



"Drunk on the honey mango blossoms,the koel rapturously kisses his

mate;the bee, too, hummming among the lotuses,whispers sweet

flatteries to his sweet love"


Now, this is how pet describes the season of Spring as a season of

Love ( kama)


now from 'kama' ( small love) we turn to 'prema' ( the big love) -

Krishna Prema ! For a bhaktin situated in 'krishna prema' everything

is centered around Love for Krishna Paramatma only !


In Gita Govindam , Poet Jayadeva expresses his divine sentiments in

the following manner - the spreingtime of lovers!



The southern breeze

is softened by the enchanting

clove-scented vines

and the woodland hut is tuned

by the blended song of the humming honey-bees

and the cooing of the Kokilas^.


The parted ache,dear friend,

while in this delicious Spring

Krishna* dances with the youthful girls-

sporting, loving.


Maddened by passion,

as girls with straying loves

lament their loss,

bees, in waves, descend

on the flowers of Spring.


Buds on the branches of the tamala trees

rule the air with their musk.

The blossoming claws of the scarlet palAsha

-fierce as the nails of the God of love-

tear the heart of the young apart.

While the petals of paaTali,

prickled by bees,

appear as the quiver of Love's five arrows,

the golden keshar, the sceptre of desire,

is lord of the land.


Flowering citrus laughs at the world-

Shameless in Spring.

Laughter, laughter, in all directions

as those with pain of parting fall,

pierced by the spearlike ketaki,

the open teeth of the fragrant grass.


Vibrant with the perfume of sweet flowers,

the season of Spring, a friend of the young,

lures the ascetic astray.

As stalwart trees tremble with delight

clasped in desire by blossom-laden vines,

the Jamuna washes the shores of BrindAban

and in forests flourishes the Spring.


(translation of 'Spring Song' of 'Gita Govinda' by Deben Bhattacarya

from the book -"Songs of Krishna"-)


Enjoy the Bliss of raga-anuragha bhakti of Sri Krishna in this great

season of spring!


Being a 'divine 'feminist, i enjoyed also these lines very much


"Keertih shreervaakcha naareenaam smritirmedhaadhritih kshamaa." 34


"among feminine qualities (I am) fame, prosperity, speech,

memory, intelligence, firmness and forgiveness. "


These are all qualities of the Divine Feminine!




smriti - memory - women have 'memory' like Elephants.


Gurudeva used to say when one recites' the Gayatri mantra , one

develops great memory.


'Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah Tat Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat'


Gayatri devi is an incarnation of Saraswati Devi and

She sharpens our intellect ( Buddhi ) and purifies our Manas (

chitta) and improves our Smriti ( memory) and of course grants us

Shakti ( strength)! She is veda-mata herself !If one is well versed

in vedas ( AND UPANISHADS), do we really need any other scriptures ?


and if one has 'medha' and 'smriti' all other qualities will follow -

such as Fame( kirti)and Fortune ( spiritual wealth).


Why are some qualities considered feminine?


That is the beauty of the 'Sanskrit' as well as Hindi Grammer ....

In English, we have no succh distinction like some qualities

are 'feminine' or 'masculine ' in the usage of Grammar.


In Hindi as well as in Sanskrit , the following qualities are always

associated with Feminine Gender



Karuna- compassion

DayA- Kindness

Buddhi- Intelligence



In Hindi, even 'Atma' has a feminine Gender - it is always said 'MERI

Atma'never Mera ATMA ! Amazing, is not it? smile! of course, we know

the soul is genderless!


Sri Krishna Paramatma says


Chaper 10, verse 10


tesam satata-yuktanam

bhajatam priti-purvakam

dadami buddhi-yogam tam

yena mam upayanti te


To them who are continuously devoted, and worship Me with eternal

love, I give Buddhi Yogam (Yoga of intelligence), by which they come

to Me.


Buddhi Yogam ! We have heard of Buddhi Balam but Buddhi -yogam ?


Yes- Intelligence , wisdom , intuition , understandinng ( right) ,

Memory, and all the faculties the jiva can attain by surrendering to

the Lotus feet of Lord Krishna! Without 'union' with the Lord,( or

for advaitins - 'oneness with BraHman) what is the use of 'BUDDHI'?


Yes! without the grace if Goddess/guru , therwe is no 'medha' and

no 'smriti' and no 'buddhi' and of course no Yogam!


The Katha Upanisad (1.2.23) STATES


nayam atma pravacanena labhyo na medhaya na bahuna srutena

yam evaisa vrnute tena labhyas tasyaisa atma vivrnute tanum svam


"God cannot be attained by preaching lectures, nor with the

intelligence, nor by hearing a lot of scripture. He is attained only

by him upon whom He confers His grace. To this person He will reveal

His transcendental body."


Let Lord Krishna shower his divine grace ( anugraham) on us so that

in this season of Spring and in all other seasons as well , we

cultivate PREMA (divine love) towards one and all!



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Namaste Satsanghis:


The list reinstated the Gita Satsangh from the beginning of this year

hoping for fruitful discussion with sharing of personal experiences

and insightful thoughts. Somehow after first few weeks of posting,

the Satsanghis have shown little interest in participation in the

discussions. Honestly, there is no need to just post the verses with

the translation and commentary due to the fact that there are plenty

of Web pages with detailed commentary and discussions. Consequently

at the end of completion of chapter, I plan to discontinue posting

the verses, their translation and commentary. Alternatively, we will

take up key topics/concepts from Gita and conduct the Satsangh on

those subject matters. Our dear Sadanandaji has already undertaken

several key topics of Gita and also by providing the chapter

summaries through Gita Navaneetam.


I have been participating and conducting Gita Satsangh in the

Washington Metropolitan area and I find them more effective when the

Satsanghis are physically present. It seems that eye-contact is quite

essential for getting the message of Gita more effectively. This may

also explain why Chinmaya Mission, Arsha Vidya Gurukulam and other

institutions encourage Gita Satsangh meetings instead of conducting



In verse 34, Lord Krishna makes this profound statement - " I am all

devouring death." Oppenheimer, the scientist and chief architect of

the "Manhattan Project" is known to have recalled several verses from

Gita during the first test (Trinity ) of Nuclear explosion.

The "Trinity" test was the first test of a nuclear weapon, conducted

by the United States on July 16, 1945 at 33.675° N 106.475° W. ,

thirty miles southeast of Socorro on what is now White Sands Missile

Range near Alamogordo, New Mexico. It was a test of an implosion-

design plutonium bomb, the same type of weapon later dropped on

Nagasaki, Japan. The detonation was equivalent to the explosion of

around 20 kilotons of TNT, and is usually credited as the beginning

of the Atomic Age. Oppenheimer displayed an early aptitude in

science and earned his college degree in chemistry in only three

years at Harvard. He continued his graduate studies at both the

Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University (where Kapitsa had

worked earlier) and the Gottigen University in Germany in the 1920's.

During his college days, he was very much interested in Hindu

philosophy especially Gita. He learnt Sanskrit and understood

Bhagavad Gita and other Sanskrit texts well enough to formulate his

own code of living (Swadharma).


There are many references to Oppenheimer's quote seen on the web but

it is virtually impossible to get at the original verse, for

Oppenheimer had formulated the sentence from two different verses as

follows: "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once

into the sky that would be like the splendor of the Mighty one. I am

the Death, the destroyer of the worlds."

The first part of his quotation comes from chapter 11, verse 12 and

the second part comes from verse 34 of chapter 10.


Divi sooryasahasrasya bhavedyugapadutthitaa;

Yadi bhaah sadrishee saa syaadbhaasastasya mahaatmanah. 11-12


If the splendor of a thousand suns were to blaze out at once

(simultaneously) in the sky, that would be the splendor of that

mighty Being (great soul).


Mrityuh sarvaharashchaaham udbhavashcha bhavishyataam;

Keertih shreervaakcha naareenaam smritirmedhaadhritih kshamaa. 10-34


And I am all-devouring death, and prosperity of those who are to be

prosperous; among feminine qualities (I am) fame, prosperity, speech,

memory, intelligence, firmness and forgiveness.


I recommend everyone to read the electronic version of the text, "The

Gita of J. Robert Oppenheimer" by James A. Hijiya, Professor of

History, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. According to

him, "Oppenheimer truly followed a short list of three principles –

duty, fate and faith. He believed that he had a job to do; that he

should do it only because it was his job and not because he was

intent on obtaining any particular result;; and that following these

principles would bring a saving measure of serenity into his

profoundly discontented existence. In Oppenheimer's philosophy these

three precepts were not ornamental but structural: without them he

would have a different man."

(Source: http://www.aps-pub.com/proceedings/1442/Hijiya.pdf )


Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran


advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <ramvchandran


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Sri Ram-ji !


i am very disappointed to know that you will be discontinuing the

Gita SATSANGH series which you had begun with such earnestness ,

vigor and enthusiasm.


You may not be aware how many members may be benefitting from reading

the series on 'vibuthi yoga' .... Every topic may not elicit

discussion and debate ; This does not mean members are not silently

cotemplating on what is being written under this series . I have read

many versions of the Gita From Srila Prabhupada's to Mahatma

Gandhiji's and so many commentaries in between. Every time i read a

commentary on BG verses , i get a different perspective

and 'insight' on this great scriptural text.


As you know , many topics generate more 'heat' than light as was

evident from a discussion on Varnashrama dharma .


Gita teaches us 'SANATANA DHARMA' -the eternal truth of Hinduism. Our

duty is only to present a topic and not worry about whether it is

generating a discussion or not . One has to perform one's duty and

have no right to its results ! Smile !


s you know members love controversial topics but there is nothing

controversial about BG - it is beyond Time and space. BG DOES NOT




As the great western transcedelist philosopher Henry David Thoreau

says :


"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal

philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita, in comparison with which our modern

world and its literature seem puny and trivial."



a 'satsangha' is different. Real satsangha is not where there aRe

thousands of members - Real satsangha is when even if one person is

speaking the Truth and there is only one listener - Ramana maharishi

said THat is the hallmark of a true satsangha - when you are in the

company of Truth , it does not need an audience! Gita is the Truth!


Please continue Your good work. A job well begun is half done.







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Namaste Satsanghis:


The comments from Srimathi Dhyanasaraswati is well taken and I look

forward to comments from other members regarding the continuation of

Gita Satsangh in the present format.


I honsestly believe that a "topic by topic" Gita Satsangh may be more

beneficial than posting by verses, translation with additional

commentary. It is upto all the Satsanghis to decide how we want to

proceed. Please provide your input so that we can conduct the

Satsangh in the most fruitful way,


Warmest regards,


Harih Om!


Ram Chandran


advaitin, "dhyanasaraswati"

<dhyanasaraswati wrote:


> Sri Ram-ji !


> i am very disappointed to know that you will be discontinuing the

> Gita SATSANGH series which you had begun with such earnestness ,

> vigor and enthusiasm.


> You may not be aware how many members may be benefitting from


> the series on 'vibuthi yoga' .... Every topic may not elicit

> discussion and debate ; This does not mean members are not silently

> cotemplating on what is being written under this series . I have


> many versions of the Gita From Srila Prabhupada's to Mahatma

> Gandhiji's and so many commentaries in between. Every time i read a

> commentary on BG verses , i get a different perspective

> and 'insight' on this great scriptural text.


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Hari OM!


Dear Ramji,


Please continue to post the Gita Satsang, it will defintiely benefit people

like me who is just budding student on the path, and it is helping me a lot,

reading and Mananams, Please have the good heart to complete all the 18

chapters and also we can make it a pdf file finally and it should be in our

Advaitin file sections. My humble opinion.


some times it helps to kill the Great Vanity!


with Love repects & OM!


Krishna Prasad



On 3/27/06, Ram Chandran <ramvchandran wrote:


> Namaste Satsanghis:


> The comments from Srimathi Dhyanasaraswati is well taken and I look

> forward to comments from other members regarding the continuation of

> Gita Satsangh in the present format.


> I honsestly believe that a "topic by topic" Gita Satsangh may be more

> beneficial than posting by verses, translation with additional

> commentary. It is upto all the Satsanghis to decide how we want to

> proceed. Please provide your input so that we can conduct the

> Satsangh in the most fruitful way,


> Warmest regards,


> Harih Om!


> Ram Chandran


> advaitin, "dhyanasaraswati"


> <dhyanasaraswati wrote:

> >

> > Sri Ram-ji !

> >

> > i am very disappointed to know that you will be discontinuing the

> > Gita SATSANGH series which you had begun with such earnestness ,

> > vigor and enthusiasm.

> >

> > You may not be aware how many members may be benefitting from

> reading

> > the series on 'vibuthi yoga' .... Every topic may not elicit

> > discussion and debate ; This does not mean members are not silently

> > cotemplating on what is being written under this series . I have

> read

> > many versions of the Gita From Srila Prabhupada's to Mahatma

> > Gandhiji's and so many commentaries in between. Every time i read a

> > commentary on BG verses , i get a different perspective

> > and 'insight' on this great scriptural text.

> >



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Krishna Prasad


.. Yad yad aacarati sreshtah, tad tad eva itaro janah. As the Gita puts it,

consistency of purpose and a spirit of dedication and, if necessary,

sacrifice, should characterize the new spirit.

We Must



- Swami Chinmayanada




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