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Jai Gurudev

Dear All


I m happy to happy to note that Hon'ble Anuji and Hon'ble Ashishji

has accepted our request (fooling myself) to stop for the benefit of

other members. You peoples r really great. Gurudev will certainly

bless you and all of us.


Reg. my Blood Group, I m a extreme case. Furtunately I never got a

chance to check up my BG.

> She is also a graduate in Artificial Intelligence and now, doing

Well, I m also having some experience of AI. I had choosen that as my

Project while studying computer.


Anu, u can write long mails that was a particular case.


Now few questions:-


- Bishnuji has posted an article for organising shivir, can u tell

me the approximate expenses also on my personal mail.


- I had requested for a pamphlet from ARvind, that is still awaited


Jai Gurudev


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Jai Gurudev

, "C Kumar" <ckumar99> wrote:

> - Bishnuji has posted an article for organising shivir, can u tell

> me the approximate expenses also on my personal mail.


The expenses for a shivir depend upon the shivir. Typically the tent

charges for a medium size shivir (around 10,000 sadhaks) will be

around 3-4 lakhs for 2-3 days. Then, there is cost of food for all

these people, and cost for other facilities (water, sulabh etc.),

transport, flowers etc. etc. Total cost cud be around 5-6 lakhs at

least (same as marrying cost for a daughter!). cud be more for larger

shivirs. A single day shivir cud typically have an expense of around

3-4 lakhs.

However, having said that, it is a TRUE & authentic fact that pujya

Gurudev arranges and blesses all the shivirs. He takes care of all

the expenses etc. I was lucky enough to be a part of organisation of

some shivirs, and, really, it was a wonderful experience. Miracles

occured every minute. We had a starting amount of only 1 lakh, and we

dont know where the rest came from (pujya Gurudev's power arranged

all the money). We ran out of milk at 1:30 am in night in delhi

during one of 1-jan. shivir, and there were expectations of ten

thousand sadhaks thronging the stall for Tea in bitter cold at night

(food was served at 5 am in morning!). And myself and some other

Gurubhais set out to look for milk at 1:30-2 am in night. We just

started on delhi ringroad on scooters with empty milk container. And,

within 10-15 minutes, we spotted 2 milk tankers which were stopped on

road side due to tyre puncture! And we cud obtain all the milk we


Similarly, in Prayag shivir, we ran out of rice & aata at 11 am in

night. there were around 15,000 sadhaks, and many thousands of

sadhaks had arrived on the last day of Guru Poornima shivir. And

Prayag city is an early sleeper, shops close at 6-7pm & it was

raining heavily (as usual in any shivir). And then , someone managed

to find 100 kilos of aata & rice in one of unused room in the college-

hostel where sadhaks were camping!! we still dont know where that

aata/rice came from!

As I told u earlier, such miracles occur every minute in a shivir.

live electricity wires got yanked to ground in heavy rain, and

luckily noone got eletrocuted. heavy storm uprooted poles & threw

tables in the townshops near shivir-campus, and still nothing

happened to tent. managed to get all the articles in adverse circs.

people got cured of illness. i cud stay here all night recollecting

all these incidents,

i sure miss those days. i am sure that Bishnuji and other shivir

organisers would have had similar miracles and divine experiences.


Participating in a shivir is a unique and divine experience in itelf.

since u live in delhi, it cud be a better idea to contact the shivir

organisers who organise the Navraatri and 1-January shivir. They try

to arrange everything on their own, and keep Gurudham expenses to

very minimal.


Any donation or participation from any delhi based Gurubhai like u,

are always welcome! u may get their details from Delhi Gurudham or



Note to myself- I sud try to keep my emails short. i keep on writing

and writing and end up with long emails.


Jai Gurudev

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