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[4all] info on swars (surya/chandra) et al.

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Jai Gurudev everyone,

I am overwhelmed with this tremendous shower of love and affection by

everyone. I dont know if I am suitable for so much love which I am

getting thru pujya Gurudev's grace.


Birendraji, I remember reading in lots of places that one cannot

perform Guru-Sewa without Sadhanas. Disciple/Shishya is a higher

stage (like post-graduation) than a Sadhak (like graduation). One

cannot become a good shisya without becoming a good sadhak first. It

is mentioned in various books/mags etc. that one major quality of a

good shishya is that he has interest and proficiency in Sadhanas.

Moroever, there are some advantages which i can think of-

a. there are always thousands of people criticising one's Gurudev and

trying various tantrik prayogs on Gurudev & his disciples. A good

sadhak can counter such tantrik prayogs himself, and wont trouble his


b. a good sadhak can avert and solve his various problems himself

without disturbing his Guru. everyone should generate his own

spiritual energy thru sadhanas, and not disturb or always depend upon

his Gurudev for small problems/aims.


There are many different types of Guru & Gurutatva Sadhanas. Your

thoughts are excellent, that if one achieves Guru tatva, then one can

achieve everything else. i aint qualified to say so, however, as a

brother, i am asking u to do some Guru Sadhanas or at least anusthaan

of Guru Mantra. Whenver I meet Shrivastav uncle, he always stresses

on every disciple to keep performing some sadhana or the other at

all times.


Charanjitji, u wrong me. i had prepared the pamphlet contents and had

posted the english & hindi versions of the pamphlet on this group

long ago. Even Ashishji had put them on the Sadhak website. I am

again attaching the pamphlet (English & Hindi) at the bottom of this



Ashishji, pl. dont call me as a senior Gurubhai. I am not senior to

you or anyone else at all. I am at a very junior entry level, and

have just joined the kindergarten when everyone else is at least in

First-Second or higher class. I am at a very junior, elementary

starting level. And i belong to same age-group as yorself. i only

call everyone as "ji" as a sign of respect (like the Japanese call

everyone as san).


My bloodgroup - AB+ univeral recipient!!


I was concerned few days ago when the membership total went down in

eighties. Thankfully, it has again come back to 91 today. Highest

till now is 92. Don't know when will we reach a century!


There are some astrology websites wherein one can get one's horoscope

generated for free. I will recommend everyone to use them instead of

disturbing Anuji as she is very busy with her exams. Or, you cud

always contact Jodhpur Gurudham.


Just wanted to relate an experience with Pujya Nand Guruji when He

was in UK for mini-shivir. I took the liberty of requesting pujya

Gurudev to come out to market to do some shopping. pujya Gurudev

said - "There is nothing to shop for". I suggested about clothes etc.

Pujya Gurudev replied - "I wear only dhoti and kurta. I have enough

of them, and they are anyway not available here. I don't wear any

other clothes. For winter, I already have a jacket. So, what clothes

do I require?".

And thus ended my attempt to offer some clothes (vastram

samarpayaami). Confined to offering only mouli during puja (vastra

samarpan), and no real_cloth in person.


Everyone: Pl. tell me if there are any more pending actions on me.


Following are some PEARLS excerpted from Dec 97 page 58 of Mantra

Tantra Yantra Vigyan magazine.-

A person breathes either through right nostril, or left nostril or

both nostrils. Breathing through right nostril is called "Surya

Sawar" , through left nostril is called "Chandra Swar", and through

both nostrils is called "Sukshumna/samshaan Sawar". A person can

change Swar through some specific Yogic Kriyas.

During Sukshumna Swar, the energy/capacity of body is at its minimum.

One should not do any worldly task during it, and should only

concentrate on Praying to God and Sadhanas in this Swar.

One should perform Sadhanas of Strong, Powerful & Angry Gods during

Surya Sawar, and perform Sadhanas of Peaceful, cool Gods during

Chandra Sawar. One should perform only Sadhana of Isht Dev during

Sukshumna Swar.

One can also correlate body's clock before starting any work. The

Swar changes every hour after sunrise. All the 12 months start from

Sunrise, and finish in a day. Each month takes 2 hours. Bhadrapad

month completes at Sunset. The Rashi-chakra (mesha (aries) etc.) also

starts at sunrise. The Kanya rashi (virgo) completes at sunset.

Sankranti occurs before start of each Rashi. These Sankranti moments

are ideal for Sadhana.

Half an hour after 11:25 is considered best for all tasks. Makar

Sankranti occirs at night 1:30 am, which is best for all Mantra

Sadhanas. Every good muhurat (moment) of wach month occurs daily for

some time.

If chandra swar runs during cheitra, Jayestha etc. (odd months), then

one faces problems during Sadhanas. Similarly surya swar during even

months (beisakh, aashaad etc.) is not appropriate for Sadhanas.

Chandra swar during sankranti of beisakh, aashad, bhadrapad etc. &

Surya swar during sankranti of cheitra, jyestha, shravan etc. is best

for Sadhanas.

There is relation with days too. A lot of info on appropriate days

and moments for sadhanas etc is also given in this article.



Here is an extract from an old hindi mag - maybe, we can work up on

it, and take

it as a starting point.


The english translation is -


Subscribe to annual edition of Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan magazine,

and obtain these twelve wonderful benefits for each of the twelve

months -

1. Rare Mantra and Sadhanas

2. Tantra Practices for complete Siddhi and success

3. Authentic, consecrated Yantras and accurate Sadhanas based on


4. Detailed accounts of mysterious puzzling and inexplicable


5. Sadhanas to eradicate poverty and contemporary Lakshmi Sadhanas

6. Practical Knowledge on Kundalini Activation

7. Easy and straighforward explanations of Yoga and Asanas with


8. Detailed knowledge on Astrology and Clairvoyance

9. Accurate descriptions of rare Ayurvedic medicines and herbs

10. Resolution of various problems and tensions of family life

11. Details on rare Dikshas granted by Reverent Gurudev

12. A free consecrated and sanctified Yantra , within a month of

annual subscription


The original hindi version in (romanised script) -


Aaj Hi Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan Patrika Key vaarshik sadasya

baniye, aur Varsh key 12 mahino mey yeh 12 laabh utthayiye -

1. Durlabh Mantra evam Sadhanayen

2. Nischit Siddhi Key liye Tantraatmak Prayog

3. Pramanik Yantra aur un par aadhaarit Safal Sadhanaye

4. Rahasya, Romanch sey bhari rochak va manoranjak ghatnaaon ka

pramanik vivaran

5. Arthabhav door karney ki vishisht sadhanaye evam Lakshmi Sadhanaon

ki navintam prastuti

6. Kundalini Jaagran key ksetra mein praapt ho rahe adhyatan gyaan ki


7. Yog evam Asana ka sachitra vivaran, saral evam aakarshak dhang sey

8. Jyotish evam bhavishya darshan ka niHshulk vivaran va gyaan

9. Ayurved ki durlabh oshdhiyon kaa praamanik vivaran

10. Grihasth Jeevan mein nitya prati aane vaali samasyaaon ka narikan

11. Pujyaapaad Gurudev dwaara pradaan ki jaaney vaali durlabh

dikshaaon ka varnan evam vivaran

12. Pratyek naye vaarshik sadasya ko praapt hota hai - ek maah ke

bheetar hi bheetar - apratim uphaar



Jai Gurudev

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my dear arvind,


> I am overwhelmed with this tremendous shower of love and affection


> everyone. I dont know if I am suitable for so much love which I am

> getting thru pujya Gurudev's grace.



what you sow is what you reap,Give love you will get love in return.



> I remember reading in lots of places that one cannot

> perform Guru-Sewa without Sadhanas. Disciple/Shishya is a higher

> stage (like post-graduation) than a Sadhak (like graduation). One

> cannot become a good shisya without becoming a good sadhak first.


> is mentioned in various books/mags etc. that one major quality of a

> good shishya is that he has interest and proficiency in Sadhanas.

> Moroever, there are some advantages which i can think of-

> a. there are always thousands of people criticising one's Gurudev


> trying various tantrik prayogs on Gurudev & his disciples. A good

> sadhak can counter such tantrik prayogs himself, and wont trouble


> Gurudev.

> b. a good sadhak can avert and solve his various problems himself

> without disturbing his Guru. everyone should generate his own

> spiritual energy thru sadhanas, and not disturb or always depend


> his Gurudev for small problems/aims.

> There are many different types of Guru & Gurutatva Sadhanas. Your

> thoughts are excellent, that if one achieves Guru tatva, then one


> achieve everything else. i aint qualified to say so, however, as a

> brother, i am asking u to do some Guru Sadhanas or at least


> of Guru Mantra. Whenver I meet Shrivastav uncle, he always stresses

> on every disciple to keep performing some sadhana or the other at

> all times>

i am pleased by your concern for me.


i see your point, i understand that sadhak to sishya pattern if

described by Gurudev then its true.

In general we go to Gurudev to seek solutions for our day to day

irritating problems and once they start getting solved due to Gurudevs

grace and in that process of our interaction with Gurudev we slowly

start understanding him and develop respect for him and we try to

implement his teachings in our day to day life and which gradually

transforms out respect for him into love and thus in us Gurudev

causes a birth of sishya.


so the path from sadhak to sishya is seen above, i never disputed that

but in my case i was telling my own limitation i was not telling that

it was an ideal case and that peopel should emulate it...

every one has their own natural preferences....


for ex i didnt go to Gurudev for any material problems, i liked his

ideolgies , his character, his knowledge, i read extensively about

him in various book and at every step fell for him and one day i

decided i couldnt stop my self and just went and met him.


for me Gurudev is more personal, iam really not bothered if he dosent

solve my problems, or creates new problems for me.

i love him just for his sake....

well let me come to sadhak sishya mode well if i have to do sadhana

there are no SADHNAS for me i have only one SADHNA thats filling

myself with his essence,dreams and working for it.

Even as a sishya thats my aim , so you can see sadhak and sishya are

merging into one thing, one aim.


and besides we are linked to Gurudev for past few lives so sadhak

face should have gone almost by now and we should have entered sishya

face ,if we try to reason and argue things may go on, so my dear all

lets not sit and confuse between sadhak and sishya thing instead try

to do what all we can to make Gurudev's dream.


i want you all people to be real sadhaks and sishyas and both in one

as Bade Gurudev is....

so lets not forget in trying to be sishyas thinking that we are just

sadhaks and not even and sadhaks and so....


Besides i appreciate that you too see Gurudev in a personal sense

when you say that we will not be distrurbing Gurudev when we do

sadhanas,i agree with you 100% , Gurudev for me is also the infinite

without limitations.He is the master of universes. so its all how we

see..... i dont want to argue....




> Ashishji, pl. dont call me as a senior Gurubhai. I am not senior to

> you or anyone else at all. I am at a very junior entry level, and

> have just joined the kindergarten when everyone else is at least in

> First-Second or higher class. I am at a very junior, elementary

> starting level. And i belong to same age-group as yorself. i only

> call everyone as "ji" as a sign of respect (like the Japanese call

> everyone as san).


ashish call him Jr Gurubhai, thanks for his respect in terms of JI.

> My bloodgroup - AB+ univeral recipient!!



looks like i too should join the gang, other wise i may be boycotted.

my blood group is O+


CHARANJIT get your blood group checked its a worthwhile thing and has

lot of utility it dosent take much time/money just a needle prick in

your finger and 5-10m for the result and few bcuks.

get it checked in some diagnostic lab and let us know ur blood group

otherwise you will be boycotted mind it.


> I was concerned few days ago when the membership total went down in

> eighties. Thankfully, it has again come back to 91 today. Highest

> till now is 92. Don't know when will we reach a century!



pretty soon, ashish i knew that he was always counting


> There are some astrology websites wherein one can get one's


> generated for free. I will recommend everyone to use them instead


> disturbing Anuji as she is very busy with her exams. Or, you cud

> always contact Jodhpur Gurudham.



well as i know of anu 's position i will not disturb her and wish Good

luck for her exams on behalf of the members.let us know once ur are

done with exams so that we can disturb you a lot.


> Just wanted to relate an experience with Pujya Nand Guruji when He

> was in UK for mini-shivir. I took the liberty of requesting pujya

> Gurudev to come out to market to do some shopping. pujya Gurudev

> said - "There is nothing to shop for". I suggested about clothes


> Pujya Gurudev replied - "I wear only dhoti and kurta. I have enough

> of them, and they are anyway not available here. I don't wear any

> other clothes. For winter, I already have a jacket. So, what


> do I require?".

> And thus ended my attempt to offer some clothes (vastram

> samarpayaami). Confined to offering only mouli during puja (vastra

> samarpan), and no real_cloth in person.



nice to learn about your experience.It would be nice if people would

post such experiences


> Everyone: Pl. tell me if there are any more pending actions on me.



ill let u know later




Jai Gurudev

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