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jai gurudev shrimali ji ki,

dear harish i hv gone through

ur detailed book list written by pujya gurudev, but i

don't kw frm where to get that books and whether they

are beneficial to me. i m [amithesh] running frm very

bad patch, i mean suffering from financial crunch and

i don't kw how to overcome it. i dared in many

business but failed to achieve any. so plz harish i

don't kw wat to do, if u can gv me any advice i will

be grateful to u. i want to know wat type of pooja or

sadhna i should do overcome my debt crunch.

as i don't have any idea

of mantra or tantras, so plz somebody guide me, i

don't kw if i go to jodhpur ashram can i meet pujya

gurudev. i want to take "DIKSHA" PERSONALLY from pujya

GURUDEV. plz somebody advice me.


my e-mail id: amithesh


jai gurudev.






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dear amitheshji,

first of all relax. take a few deep breaths. we face many situations

in life when it seems the world has ended. but, it doesn't your

attitude to failure can chnage you, and the world. then thank God for

the fact that you are alive, you have two hands and a brain.


do not at this stage attempt reading books. brother, success in sana

requires a peaceful mind. but the good thing about sadhna is that

first it will give you a peaceful mind and then success.


i always ask in a tough situation what are my priorities, and what are

my options.

the best option for you is to go to GURUdham, and discuss the gravity

of the situation with GURUji and ask him for sadhna and solution. also

take GURU diksha. buya skatik/rudraksh rosary for guru mantra and a

guru yantra.

you will be provided a yantra for the diksha you take, and will have

to buy the rosary. but, brother for the diksha you will need money. a

typical amount is between 3000 to 5000. is it possible to arrange it.

i would say give it atry if you can.


how much time can you sit for and spare??

meanwhile start sitting and chanting some mantra--after a discussiobn

with ashish i was reminded of my love for gayatri. it works fast

especially for calming the mind so try to incorporate as much of it as

possible. then make a daily routine of the the following kind 4 mala

guru mantra 1 mala chetna+ atleast 1 mala gayatri.

the 1 mala guru mantra 5 mala of the mantra given to you, and 1 mala

of guru mantra. if possible perform guru aarti. only i have something

to say. buy an extra yantra and mala for the mantra given to you..

first complete the31 day schedule as given to you. then take water in

your hand and take a sankalp that you will continue to do so till your

problem is solved.

may guruji bless with you success. if there is any problem of any kind

there are many people out here for you. may you become e really rich


good wishes

jai gurudev





kw how to overcome it. i dared in many

> business but failed to achieve any. so plz harish i

> don't kw



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Jai Gurudev everyone


first things first. Kinkar Swamiji is a sanyaasi (ascetic) disciple

of revered Gurudev Nikhileshwaranand based in (real) Siddhashram.

>From time to time, he has rebuked us grihasth (worldly) sadhaks for

not realising the actual importance/significance of pujya Gurudev,

and for undermining His knowledge by asking solutions to simple

material problems of money, family etc. He has chided us for wasting

the golden time of Siddhashram Gurus by using deceit, treachery and

other petty matters. One such letter was sent in 1993, and again

published in July 99 mag. He is not the "third" disciple.


The traffic on the list has increased in recent times. Good to know

that total no of messages is going to be in 4 digits. I wrote the

message # 100, but , i will be careful not to hog the #1000 slot !

This is a bit big mail inspite of my best efforts to trim it!


Please read July 99 issue. This contains a highly inspiring letter to

disciples which pujya Bade Gurudev had written in 1998, to be

published in 1999, one year after His leaving for Siddhashram. Of

course, Pujya Gurudev knew when He was going to leave the world. In

some of His astrology books, He has given example_predictions by

taking example of His own horoscope.


I am trying to reply/add_my_views to various emails using my limited

knowledge. Just my two paisa worth.

>>Amithesh -> suffering from financial crunch and i don't kw how to

overcome it. i dared in manybusiness but failed to achieve any.

I empathise with u. You have come to the correct place. As a starting

point, can u send a detailed mail about your problems to


That is the email address of pujya Gurudev & Gurudham. Send all your

details there to get proper advice.

>>Amithesh -> as i don't have any idea of mantra or tantras, so plz

somebody guide me, i don't kw if i go to jodhpur ashram can i meet

pujya gurudev. i want to take "DIKSHA" PERSONALLY from pujya

GURUDEV. plz somebody advice me.

Have you gone through the www.siddhashram.org website. There is quite

a lot of info on this site. There is a specific Sadhana section

www.siddhashram.org/sadhna.shtml wherein details of various Sadhanas

are given. Some of them may be appropriate for you. However, take

advice from Gurudham, and perform Sadhanas. U sud also take Guru

Diksha, as that is the starting point. In fact, most of your problems

should get solved upon taking Guru Diksha itself. Where do u live?

Gurudham are in Delhi & Jodhpur; and u may visit there personally to

get advice.

However, u sud send email to mtyv to obtain advice.

>>Ramanji -> i stay in delhi and am interested in keeping in touch

regularly with all the guru-bhais as regard to meditation ...sadhna


Welcome. u r indeed very lucky to stay in Delhi. how far do u live

from Siddhashram (306, Kohat Enclave, Pritampura...). Are u a Mantra

Tantra Yantra Vigyan magazine member. Try to go to Gurudham at least

once a week. Regular Sadhanas are organised in Gurudham on 3 days

every month (meeting days). There are thousands of Guru bhai in

Delhi. u can get their details from Delhi Gurudham.

>>Ramanji -> furthermore my family is those of a staunch bhrahmins

and thus not belive in having guru-vuru [as my mother puts it] is

there anyone who stays in delhi and would lke to keep in touch with

me[via phone or mail ]

Happens. Keep your belief and try to perform Sadhanas after taking

Guru Diksha. u can do it at night time. Slowly, slowly, the light of

Sadhanas will make all family members favourable. Keep faith and

continue. Do not break in between or give way.

>>Charanjitji -> about pamphlet

Already sent. Posted twice on this list. Hopefully i havent got any

other actions.

>>Charanjitji -> about blood group

Just reemphasising others' view that u sud at least know yr & yr

family's blood group. This is the least what u can do for yr family

in an emergency. In fact I will go further, and suggest everyone to

donate blood at least once a year. It doesn't cost anything, the

human body makes up the loss in 24 hours, and moroever, it gives an

opportunity to body to circulate some fresh(!) blood. And it SAVES a

life. one sud give at least something back to the society. only a

good samaaj-sevak can attain spiritual upliftment. everyone demands

so much from the country, from society, from Gurudev. At least do

something for Them as well. wonderful and easiest way to earn some

plus points in your karmas_list ;-)

>>Amitji -> about plan to study computer science. & univ in Jodhpur

Jodhpur University is an excellent university, and has computer

science/engineering streams. it will be a wonderful opportunity for u

to stay close to Gurudham and do engineering. Moroever, now that u r

in 12th, i advice u to devote as much of your time to studies as

possible. Just school-exams are NOT sufficient. There are

competitions to every good college. u need to do separate study, at

least of B.Sc. (first year) level to succeed in competitions. please

send me a personal mail to desi_videshi , and we can

discuss this further. STOP all internet surfing, as it is time

consuming.i guess that ur involvement in this group sud be passive &

minimal, till u get into a good comp-sci college next year. u will

have all the time to devote to this & Guru Sewa after entering a good

univ., but before that, mere bhai, this time is very valuable, and do

not waste it.

>>>Harishji -> booklist

Thanks for compiling the excellent booklist. Harishji had sent this

list to me few months ago, and I am currently, adding more "unknown"

books to this list. will keep u updated.

>>vishalji-> about photo. about further education in USA

Thanks for the inspiring collective photo. The only downside of

education abroad is that it costs a lot of money. it is pretty hard

to get schols unless u have good scores in graduation. An alternative

career structure (if u want to go abroad) cud be to explore

possilility of job in Australia or Canada. These countries have

shortages in various professions, and u can easily get a residency if

yr skill is a high_in_demand skill. It takes 1-2 years for obtaining

migration_permission. u will need to apply to relevant embassy.

Details are available at their embassy websites.u can see various job

offers & apply for prospective jobs thru internet. Then, once u get

into cananda/australis, u can go for higher study after saving money

in 1-2 years.

>>anuji/mohanji-> about curbing these pseudo selfstyled Gurus

For starters, we can ask for and obtain list of valid Sidddhashram

Sadhak Parivars from Gurudham, and ask them to publish it on

www.siddhashram.org This will enable people to know about the

authentic Ashrams. This is the easy part. Now comes the difficult

part. Each of these pseudos has to be attacked with saam-daan-dand-

bhed. As in the past, we will have to combine together, and throw off

the misleading mask which these pseudos have wrapped around them.

Read April 96 issue. It contains info from pujya Bade Gurudev about

how to destroy this virus.

>>Bishnuji -> about Nepal programme.

Congrats. A real wonderful effort. I envy u all. Wish I was there in

this Lord Shiva Mantra anusthaan.

>>Anuji -> Rakhi

You wrong me sister. I reciprocated on the phone. I have no real

sister, and used to feel bad when I was a kid. And now, pujya Gurudev

has given me a sister like you, who is- "Suraj ka, taaro ka, sabka

kehna hai, aek hazaaron mein meri behena hai"

>>Anuji -> only Apsara Sadhana. No such Sadhana for women.

Such Sadhanas are there. Read "Samshaan Bheiravi" book authored by

Pujya Gurudev.

Morever, Apsara & other Tantrik Sadhanas are designed not to fulfill

the physical_desires, but for something much more enhanced. A person

ceases to be a man or woman, when (s)he enters deeply into Tantrik


>>Anuji -> for "gratification" of men? women do not need it. come on,

divine or highly handsome or kaam dev or whatever.

Correct. Love can be done only through a mindset of a real woman.

Love involves only selfless sacrifice. There is no room for any

expectation in love. If expectations creeps in, then it becomes a

"business-transaction" and not love. Love means sacrificing oneself

for the loved one, with no expectation in return. One sud not even

expect reciprocation of one's love by the "loved" person. Radha

abandoned her marriage, and just loved Krishna. She did not expect

anything in return. Same with Laila-Majnu or Romeo-Juliet, wherein

one cannot even bear to live on death of "loved person". Have you

read the bible on love - "Fir Door Kahin Paayal Khanki" ?

btw- A demon/rakshash had captured 16000 women, and kept them with

him. Lord Krishna killed that demon, and freed these women. Since the

society of that time was unwilling to take back these women (who had

been in other's house), so Lord Krishna married them in principal

(theory) to grant them respect. This is the fact about 16000 women.

>>Birendraji -> remember the sacrifice put forth by our freedom

fighters and the difficulties they have undergone, i think we are

forgetting them slowly and surely and i am ashamed of myself that i

dont even know all the details during the freedom fight other than

the knowledge i got during my education


Shameful isn't it. Many books on freedom struggle are available now.

info is available on internet as well. u sud read them. Read at least

the famous ones like "Discovery of India",

>>birendraji-> i have only one SADHNA thats filling myself with his

essence,dreams and working for it. Just thinking and saying such is

more like bhakti rather than

>>birendraji-> The people born can be safely divided into 2

categories 1)avtara purushas 2)ordinary peoplein category 1 people

like Lord krishna are born in higher consciousness so difficulties

that appear to ordinary people like us are not infact difficulties

to them as there is no illusion to them,

>>birendraji-> we have a Gurudev, we are doing Guruseva soon or later

will get married,sooner or later will have children(just mattter of

few years) then we will become way above ,then where we are now .

then its left


NO. you are NOT ordinary. There is no difference between u and

avataar-purush. pujya Gurudev has tried to tell this in so many

cassettes and books. Just loving and thinking about Gurudev isnt

enough. Don't become a bhakta. Pujya Gurudev never wanted anyone to

become bhakta and hated bhakti. Bhakti movement started in last

millenium (dark millenium) when religious leaders had to do something

to preserve religious prinicipals. Try to obtain spiritual energy by

performing Sadhanas. Dont lose this golden opportunity. Dont act like

a bhakta, and stand away from the shore. Come closer and take a dip

into the world of Sadhanas and meditation. u wont get any time to do

it once u r married. Do it now. Don't repeat the mistake which I made.

Gurusewa or disciplehood is the next stage after Sadhanas.

>>birendraji->and besides we are linked to Gurudev for past

few lives so sadhak face should have gone almost by now and we

should have entered sishyaface ,

>>birendraji-> to your will/Gurudev's will(becos he has

accepted us as disciples) whether to start worrying about buddha or

not , though we are below right now, i think its not that far away,

just few years away(atleast for me)


Yes, He has accepted. And He has accepted you in previous 25

births. and every time we indulged in worldly affairs and did not

care. At least, in this birth, we can start on the path of Sadhanas.


>>Vivekji -> about Sony

My condolences. Most assuredly, she should have moved into

the higher life form. So it should be a good thing for her. But, I

understand. simple words arent enough to substitute for such loss.

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--- In

dear arvind JI,


ise kehte hain ek teer se sau nishane marna. i was wondering why are

you quiet.


> >>Anuji -> Rakhi

> You wrong me sister. I reciprocated on the phone.

did you wish me?

sorry i forgot.

"Suraj ka, taaro ka, sabka

> kehna hai, aek hazaaron mein meri behena hai"


thank you very much, but i do not deserve it.

my best wishes to you.

> >>Anuji -> only Apsara Sadhana. No such Sadhana for women.

> Such Sadhanas are there. Read "Samshaan Bheiravi" book authored by


i was misunderstood. i was not seeking such sadhnas, nor complaining

about their non existence.



> >>Anuji -> for "gratification" of men? women do not need it. come

- " and kept them with

> him. Lord Krishna killed that demon, and freed these women. Since


> society of that time was unwilling to take back these women (who had

> been in other's house), so Lord Krishna married them in principal

> (theory) to grant them respect. This is the fact about 16000 women.



yes, i know that. the 8 wives bijendraji is reffering to were his pat


but he never went back to radha and i grudge him that. do not worry

about it, it is between him and me, we will settle it together.


love and jai GURUDEV



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dear arvind,


> not realising the actual importance/significance of pujya Gurudev,

> and for undermining His knowledge by asking solutions to simple

> material problems of money, family etc. He has chided us for


> the golden time of Siddhashram Gurus by using deceit, treachery and

> other petty matters. One such letter was sent in 1993, and again

> published in July 99 mag. He is not the "third" disciple.



good info but how does it prove that he is not "third" disciple.

you have not coupled it properly or was it just a info that you

are giving.


> The traffic on the list has increased in recent times. Good to know

> that total no of messages is going to be in 4 digits. I wrote the

> message # 100, but , i will be careful not to hog the #1000 slot !

> This is a bit big mail inspite of my best efforts to trim it!



You should get the good credit of starting the list and establsihing

a platform. Good job, well done.Lets pray to Gurudev that this list

should thrive and do great work in fulfilling Gurudev's dreams.



> Please read July 99 issue. This contains a highly inspiring letter


> disciples which pujya Bade Gurudev had written in 1998, to be


can you fax me? it will be a great help.



> I am trying to reply/add_my_views to various emails using mylimited

> knowledge. Just my two paisa worth.


dont bother its more than that






> In fact I will go further, and suggest everyone to

> donate blood at least once a year.


> It doesn't cost anything, the

> human body makes up the loss in 24 hours, and moroever, it gives an

> opportunity to body to circulate some fresh(!) blood. And it SAVES


> life. one sud give at least something back to the society. only a

> good samaaj-sevak can attain spiritual upliftment. everyone demands

> so much from the country, from society, from Gurudev. At least do

> something for Them as well. wonderful and easiest way to earn some

> plus points in your karmas_list ;-)


good thought! members should think about it seriously?



There are

> competitions to every good college. u need to do separate study, at

> least of B.Sc. (first year) level to succeed in competitions.


> send me a personal mail to desi_videshi , and we can

> discuss this further. STOP all internet surfing, as it is time

> consuming.i guess that ur involvement in this group sud be passive


> minimal, till u get into a good comp-sci college next year. u will

> have all the time to devote to this & Guru Sewa after entering a


> univ., but before that, mere bhai, this time is very valuable, and


> not waste it.


Amit listen to big brother what he is telling to you is true, i too

agree with him.




> >>vishalji-> about photo. about further education in USA

> Thanks for the inspiring collective photo.


Let him write back his views, he still didnt get back to me.

are you listening vishal?



> >>anuji/mohanji-> about curbing these pseudo selfstyled Gurus

> For starters, we can ask for and obtain list of valid Sidddhashram

> Sadhak Parivars from Gurudham, and ask them to publish it on

> www.siddhashram.org This will enable people to know about the

> authentic Ashrams. This is the easy part. Now comes the difficult

> part. Each of these pseudos has to be attacked with saam-daan-dand-

> bhed. As in the past, we will have to combine together, and throw


> the misleading mask which these pseudos have wrapped around them.

> Read April 96 issue. It contains info from pujya Bade Gurudev about

> how to destroy this virus.


Great idea why dont you go ahead and try to implement and get back

to the list with status and feed back as to where its going and

we will be willing to offer you whatever help is required.

can you fax me this also?IAM SERIOUS REGARDING THIS.







> Morever, Apsara & other Tantrik Sadhanas are designed not to


> the physical_desires, but for something much more enhanced.


well that is what i read from magazine, but in one shibir a sr

Gurubhai (90 yrs old)a himalayan resident told a bunch of us not to


apsara sadhana and he told it will drain energy besides he

told that for him, his wife is more than an apsara,

so that literally confused me becos in that shibir Gurudev has praised

this sadhak and sadhak was telling this thing, any how as i was not

into sadhanas i didnt take much curiosity to probe the matter any

further besides he was also not reaviling details that easily.







> Shameful isn't it.


defenitly , what are you trying to do? any plans






> the famous ones like "Discovery of India",


i have seen it with a friend,so will try to browse it.Thank you for

the info.Such sort of info will always be welcome for me.


> >>birendraji-> i have only one SADHNA thats filling myself with


> essence,dreams and working for it. Just thinking and saying such is

> more like bhakti rather than



Right now i am not thinking what it is.


pujya Gurudev has tried to tell this in so many

> cassettes and books. Just loving and thinking about Gurudev isnt

> enough. Don't become a bhakta. Pujya Gurudev never wanted anyone to

> become bhakta and hated bhakti. Bhakti movement started in last

> millenium (dark millenium) when religious leaders had to do


> to preserve religious prinicipals.


Bhakti is not a wrong thing,so Gurudev can't hate it.

arvind ill give you a simple example

in Medicine there are many branches of specilisations



internal medicine so on and so forth,

so i am just studying one branch of it, i dont know if its bakthi or

so but what i defenitely know is i have tried to study Gurudev in

HEART perspective which comprises of his action of encompassment,

love, care..... so i didnt had any interest in sadhanas from

day 1 nor i dont find any interest now. i just want to attempt

one thing how much ever time it may take iam least concerned and


would be the final thing.I dont know

how its going to happen, when its going to happen, i just want get

thru it in one attempt, right now iam not thinking of it.

some day Gurudev will provide me resources/situation and inspiration

and guidance, i am waiting for that day whenever it may come.












> Try to obtain spiritual energy by

> performing Sadhanas. Dont lose this golden opportunity. Dont act


> a bhakta, and stand away from the shore. Come closer and take a dip

> into the world of Sadhanas and meditation. u wont get any time to


> it once u r married. Do it now. Don't repeat the mistake which I


> Gurusewa or disciplehood is the next stage after Sadhanas.



iam highly pleased and overwhelmed by your concern for me.




> >>birendraji->and besides we are linked to Gurudev for past

> few lives so sadhak face should have gone almost by now and we

> should have entered sishyaface ,

> >>birendraji-> to your will/Gurudev's will(becos he has

> accepted us as disciples) whether to start worrying about buddha or

> not , though we are below right now, i think its not that far away,

> just few years away(atleast for me)


> Yes, He has accepted. And He has accepted you in previous 25

> births. and every time we indulged in worldly affairs and did not

> care. At least, in this birth, we can start on the path of Sadhanas.




what you are telling may be true, but it does not apply to all cases.

becos Gurudev himself told in many shibirs that we are already

developed souls , that we are lions and pounding himalayas is no big

deal for us,listen to 96 Gurupoornima shibir casettes you will know

that. i see you apply lot of reasoning, just reduce that, be women

like Gurudev always told that and to be women like we should not

use our head but our heart , look for divine quoatations or 'PHIR


dear arvind you are trying to take care of me and i am doing the same

for you if you recognise that you will understand me.



jai Gurudev

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