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Fw: Hinduism

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| Dear All


| Please take a few minutes to read and act on this email.


| In May 23rd 2001 the Taleban authorities in Afghanistan confirmed that all

| Hindus will be required to wear a strip of yellow cloth sewn onto a shirt

| pocket

| in order to identify themselves. They claim that the measure is for


| "protection". The world has faced this before, in 1939 the world was

| required,

| at great cost, to rid itself of Hitler's tyranny, it is not hard to spot


| child. Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to relive it.


| The Taleban's record on respecting other religions gives great cause for

| concern

| that their ultimate aim, upon which they are intent, is "religious

| cleansing".

| They have already demonstrated their disdain and intolerance for other

| religions

| and traditions by the desecration and destruction of the ancient Buddhist

| statues, our collective heritage, within the Afghanistan. Whatever your

| religion, or even if you have none, we hope that you will agree that this

| fundamentally wrong. Remember, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for


| men

| to do nothing". Please do not do nothing, add your voice.




| PLEASE COPY this email on to a new message, add your name and those of


| household who wish to participate to the bottom and forward it to everyone

| on

| your distribution list. If you receive this petition and you find that you

| will

| be the 251st name on it, please e-mail a copy of it to:


| alastair.


| It will then be forwarded to the UN. Please then delete all

| the names, add your own as the 1st and pass it on.

| Even if you decide not to sign, please be considerate and do not kill the

| petition as you will be denying your friends, and theirs, their legitimate

| voice. Instead return it to

| alastair


| The Secretary General, Security Council and General Assembly of the

| United

| Nations.


| We the undersigned are appalled by the decision of the Taleban government


| Afghanistan to require all Hindus to wear a piece of yellow cloth sewn


| a

| shirt pocket in order to identify themselves. An individual's communion


| God, however they find him, is a matter of personal conscience and must


| be

| the subject of intimidation or persecution. The right of everyone to


| as

| they wish is fundamental and inalienable. The United Nations was founded


| order to defeat Hitler and his henchmen who required the same from another

| religion with all it's horrific consequences. It is completely


| that

| nearly 60 years later history is repeating itself. We ask the following:


| 1. That the Taleban government is made aware in the strongest possible


| that the world will not countenance this perversion of human rights.


| 2. That prior to the United Nations and/or it's constituent members


| recognition of the Taleban government this obscene policy is reversed.


| 3. That the United Nations widen the terms of the trade sanctions


| in

| force.


| 1. Alastair Mitton - London UK

| 2. Robert Mitton - London UK

| 3. Paulette Budd - London UK

| 4. Andrew Peake - London UK

| 5. Pippa Howell - London UK

| 6. Cecile Kusters - Arnhem, the Netherlands

| 7. Sarah Malpas - London UK

| 8. Susan Donnelly - Newcastle UK

| 9. Paul Donnelly - London UK

| 10. Pauline Bartholomew - London UK

| 11. Isabel McMillan London UK

| 12. Fiona Adamson

| 13. Minka Emina Kulenovic La Jolla, US

| 14. Cath Dolan, London, England

| 15. Liz Murphy, Murcia, Spain

| 16. William M. Rueter, Wisconsin, US

| 17. Jaclyn A. Knapper, Tennessee, US

| 18. Louise Morris, Tennessee, US

| 19. Joe Stoud, Matsuyama, Japan

| 20. Keiko Stroud, Matsuyama, Japan

| 21. Larry Asher, Nepal

| 22. Phyl Asher, Nepal

| 23. Reiny de Wit, Nepal

| 24. Helen Johnston, Nepal

| 25. Isaac Thompson, Northern Ireland

| 26. Anne Thompson, Northern Ireland

| 27. Paul Carter, Vancouver, Canada

| 28. Lois Carter, Vancouver, Canada

| 29. Bronwyn Short, Vancouver, Canada

| 30. David Short, Vancouver, Canada

| 31. Mark Calder, Sydney, Australia

| 32. Graham Wintle, Surbiton, UK

| 33. Geoff Chivers, Surbiton, UK

| 34. Derek Nathan New Malden UK

| 35. Mary Nathan New Malden UK

| 36 Rosalind Preston, London UK

| 37 Marlena Schmool, UK

| 38 Ephraim Borowski, Glasgow, UK

| 39 Peter Sheldon, UK

| 40 Judith Sheldon, UK

| 41 Jeremy Sheldon, UK

| 42 John Corre, Israel

| 43 Tabby Corre, Israel

| 44 Rabbi Moshe Rudner, Israel

| 45 Kareen Gordon , South Africa

| 46 Eric Krowitz , South Africa

| 47 Sharon Krowitz , South Africa

| 48 Nili Couzens, USA

| 49 Joel Klein, USA

| 50 Madhur Deora, UK

| 51 Amit Dalmia, India

| 52 Anal K. Jain, India

| 53 Mrinal Jain, USA

| 54 Shashank Garg, India

| 55. Rajan & Devayani, India

| 56. Shekhar & Shivani Chitnis, USA

| 57. Ameet Sonalkar, USA

| 58. Kirti Sonalkar, USA

| 59. Sivaraman Barathamani, Chennai-India.

| 60. Mudit Sharma, Agra, India.(14th Sept.)

| 61. Shailesh Dixit, Mumbai India (14th Sept.) shailesh_99


| _______________

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| Mudit Sharma.

| Be Indian, Buy Indian.


| Digital Globalsoft

| Digital Centre,

| Khanija Bhavan,

| Race Course Road,

| Bangalore.

| Off: 080-2268003 (4239)

| Resi:080- 5212486

| Mail: mudit.sharma



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