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Hi all...


Many think that taking Guru Diksha and chanting Gayatri Mantra, Chetana Mantra,

Guru Mantra etc. makes them perfect for any sadhana. This might be true for

some gifted ones, but not for all. Let's do a small experiment. Go to your

sadhana room and try to concentrate on any single thought for an hour while

sitting still in a single position. Were you able to do it? If yes, then you

are ready for any sadhana. If not, then your mind and body need more



For a sadhak, a wandering mind and an aching body are impurities. To get rid of

these, we need to practice yog, pranayam, dhyaan (meditation) etc. Let's learn

the basic method of pranayam from December '96 issue (page 73) of MTYV. It is

called 'Nadi Shodhan Kriya'. Sit erect, close your right nostril with your

right thumb and inhale slowly using your left nostril. You should try to feel

that the air has reached the bottom of your backbone. Now, without holding it

in, exhale slowly using your left nostril. Then, close your left nostril with

your left thumb and repeat the whole process. This completes one round.

Practice regularly and try to reach 60 rounds. In Guruji's book 'Dhyaan,

Dhaarana aur Samaadhi', you'll find a variation of this kriya. In that method,

the same nostril is used to exhale which was used to inhale.


The Nadi Shodhan Kriya is very useful. It purifies our blood, helps us

concentrate better, helps control wandering of mind, makes us feel more

energetic and thus, helps us sit longer comfortably.


For more details, refer to December '96 issue of MTYV and Guruji's book 'Dhyaan,

Dhaarana aur Samaadhi'. These topics (and many more) are also covered in

Guruji's book 'Practical Hypnotism' published by Pustak Mahal. Please, don't

forget to consult Gurudham before trying any other method of pranayam, traatak

etc. These could be dangerous without proper guidance.


For better, deeper and longer Meditation, here's a mantra from Guruji's book

'Kundalini Naad Bramha':


Om param vai pratant poorvaah sahsataam sadeerghaa sahadhou sachaitanyam saparipurnataam.

Paripurnataam purnataam vaam poorvaah samaadhirvaih satah saa shatah saa shatah sahastramayi.


To get rid of bodily impurities; rise before sunrise; exercise regularly; take

vegetarian, nutritious, light and healthy lunch; drink a lot of water althrough

the day; limit the dinner to a glass of milk, salad and fruits and quit all bad

habits like smoking, drinking etc.


Remember, tantra is just another method of worship, it's a way of life. It's

tough, but pleasant. If adopted, it's a win-win scenario. It's a challenge.

Dare to accept it.


Hummff...... That was exhaustive. Finally, I gotta do a sadhana. Oh, no. Not

again. What? The purification continues. Okay, don't panic. The final step of

purification is Guru Mantra Anushthaan, i.e., chanting the Guru Mantra 1.25

lakh times (or 1250 rosary rounds) in 21 days. Don't worry; if you have come

this far, you'll easily do it. It is every disciples utmost duty to perform 1,

5 or 11 Guru Mantra Anushthaan before commencing any other sadhana. It helps

purge all past sins and increases chnaces of success in every wake of life. It

also advances a Sadhak to intermidiate level. This is the point where one feels

the difference between a real Sadhak and a mere bhakta. This is the point where

one feels the pleasure of being a disciple of the most powerful Guru of all

times. This is the point where one faces the world with fire in his/her eyes




May Guruji bless us all...



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, "Ashish Marathe" <nikhilashish> wrote:


> Hi all...


> Many think that taking Guru Diksha and chanting Gayatri Mantra,

Chetana Mantra, Guru Mantra etc. makes them perfect for any sadhana.

This might be true for some gifted ones, but not for all. Let's do a

small experiment. Go to your sadhana room and try to concentrate on

any single thought for an hour while sitting still in a single

position. Were you able to do it? If yes, then you are ready for any

sadhana. If not, then your mind and body need more purification.


> For a sadhak, a wandering mind and an aching body are impurities.

To get rid of these, we need to practice yog, pranayam, dhyaan

(meditation) etc. Let's learn the basic method of pranayam from

December '96 issue (page 73) of MTYV. It is called 'Nadi Shodhan

Kriya'. Sit erect, close your right nostril with your right thumb and

inhale slowly using your left nostril. You should try to feel that

the air has reached the bottom of your backbone. Now, without holding

it in, exhale slowly using your left nostril. Then, close your left

nostril with your left thumb and repeat the whole process. This

completes one round. Practice regularly and try to reach 60 rounds.

In Guruji's book 'Dhyaan, Dhaarana aur Samaadhi', you'll find a

variation of this kriya. In that method, the same nostril is used to

exhale which was used to inhale.


> The Nadi Shodhan Kriya is very useful. It purifies our blood, helps

us concentrate better, helps control wandering of mind, makes us feel

more energetic and thus, helps us sit longer comfortably.


> For more details, refer to December '96 issue of MTYV and Guruji's

book 'Dhyaan, Dhaarana aur Samaadhi'. These topics (and many more)

are also covered in Guruji's book 'Practical Hypnotism' published by

Pustak Mahal. Please, don't forget to consult Gurudham before trying

any other method of pranayam, traatak etc. These could be dangerous

without proper guidance.


> For better, deeper and longer Meditation, here's a mantra from

Guruji's book 'Kundalini Naad Bramha':


> Om param vai pratant poorvaah sahsataam sadeerghaa sahadhou

sachaitanyam saparipurnataam.

> Paripurnataam purnataam vaam poorvaah samaadhirvaih satah saa

shatah saa shatah sahastramayi.


> To get rid of bodily impurities; rise before sunrise; exercise

regularly; take vegetarian, nutritious, light and healthy lunch;

drink a lot of water althrough the day; limit the dinner to a glass

of milk, salad and fruits and quit all bad habits like smoking,

drinking etc.


> Remember, tantra is just another method of worship, it's a way of

life. It's tough, but pleasant. If adopted, it's a win-win scenario.

It's a challenge. Dare to accept it.


> Hummff...... That was exhaustive. Finally, I gotta do a sadhana.

Oh, no. Not again. What? The purification continues. Okay, don't

panic. The final step of purification is Guru Mantra Anushthaan,

i.e., chanting the Guru Mantra 1.25 lakh times (or 1250 rosary

rounds) in 21 days. Don't worry; if you have come this far, you'll

easily do it. It is every disciples utmost duty to perform 1, 5 or 11

Guru Mantra Anushthaan before commencing any other sadhana. It helps

purge all past sins and increases chnaces of success in every wake of

life. It also advances a Sadhak to intermidiate level. This is the

point where one feels the difference between a real Sadhak and a mere

bhakta. This is the point where one feels the pleasure of being a

disciple of the most powerful Guru of all times. This is the point

where one faces the world with fire in his/her eyes and tells the




> May Guruji bless us all...


> Ashish...

Dear Marathe

It is true pranayam etc are very good but GURU MANRTA alone

carries the SHAKTI of the GURU it is the seed of all the sadhana of

the GURU.hence it repeating it only can siddha any sadhana, GURU

being the sum total of evrything that existed, exists or will exist

in the world.is it o.k. if I call you Marathe sience new here I do

not know who you are.



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Dear Pranay,

> hence it repeating it only can siddha any sadhana


Then why pranayam, yog etc. are taught in various sadhana shivirs?

What I wrote was extracted from MTYV. Yog, pranayam etc. are also

recommended by Guruji himself in many of his books.

> is it o.k. if I call you Marathe sience new here I do

> not know who you are.


Why not just call me Ashish instead of Marathe? You don't need to

know who I am to use my first name.


Have a nice day...



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