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Kill this silence

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Hi all...


I am sorry. It seems that silence is going to rule this group. Arvind (Or should

I call you Mr. Moderator Sir) please remove the approval lock. It really blocks

the flow of thoughts. Why do we need approval anyway? Are we afraid of people

like Rajesh Parmar? There are many other ways of taking care of such people

instead of locking our own group. I really can't live with such unnecessary

restrictions. I request you to remove this lock.



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i too hold the same view as ashish...


Jai Gurudev


, "Ashish Marathe" <nikhilashish> wrote:


> Hi all...


> I am sorry. It seems that silence is going to rule this group.

Arvind (Or should I call you Mr. Moderator Sir) please remove the

approval lock. It really blocks the flow of thoughts. Why do we need

approval anyway? Are we afraid of people like Rajesh Parmar? There

are many other ways of taking care of such people instead of locking

our own group. I really can't live with such unnecessary

restrictions. I request you to remove this lock.


> Ashish...

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>>Arvind (Or should I call you Mr. Moderator Sir) please remove the


Jai Gurudev

Dear Ashishbhai,

I am sorry but you are wrong. Absolutely wrong. I am NOT the

moderator of the group. I dont know how u got this idea, but I aint

the moderator. I am just like u, a normal participant.

Moroever, I dont think that it is right to put blame on moderator or

approval for the silence.

To be fair, The moderator can moderate only if people write messages.


I agree that a group cant survive just on the basis of 2 or 3 active

members. But I am as helpless as yourself. We cant do anything if

people dont want to participate.

I am , anyway, highly depressed with this group. sometime ago I wrote

a set of questions , which were supposed to be asked to pujya

Gurudev. Everyone ignored it. So, I assume that no one on this group

has any problems, no one has any queries, no one has questions. So,

if everyone is perfect, and happy, then, okay, it is the best thing.

And the attempt to collect questions collapsed.

Discussions can happen only if people have curiosity, have some

interest or enthusiasm or problems/questions. We can talk about any

topic, but it has to be a dialogue (not a monologue). These things

are absolutely lacking here, and everyone seems to be a passive


This silence is as deafening to myself as it is to you.

I guess that the best thing for us to continue with our monologues on

various themes like Diksha, Sadhanas etc. Hopefully, junta will wake

up sooner or later. Nobody even says if they want to have these

articles on sadhanas/diksha or not. let us assume, however, that

silence = approval, unless shown/told/proven otherwise.


And, I dont agree with u about moderation , I am absolutely in favor

of moderation/approval. This has the benefit of filtering out the

unwanted junk, trash and flames.

Long long ago (in another life !), wayback in early ninties, we used

to have a India-D discussion list. This was before the advent of

WWWeb. It was a email community consisting of indian professionals

(engineers, doctors etc.) outside india. We started out by someone

actually typing & regularly posting the headlines of timesofindia,

hindu etc. in bombay. Initially we discussed stuff like

newsheadlines, "where-is-indianshop-in-NJ", "best-way-to-send-money-

to-india", "volunteers-to-accompany-old-parent-flying-home" , "list-

of-baby-names" , "how-to-make-curd-overseas" etc. Over a period of

time, as more people joined in, it started to degenerate into a

platform for petty quarrels, regionalism, religion-fundamentalism

etc. And we guys actually had to start moderating the discussion,

which eventually became a full time job, and money was collected to

offer it as a scholarship-job to an indian student.

So, i am fully supportive of moderation/approval, and the sooner it

becomes a cultural thing within the group, the better. I fail to

understand how a control (on abusive terms/flames etc.) affects your

freedom. Go to any newsgroup on dejanews.com, and u will see hundreds

of trash postings daily. We dont want to become that. A good example

cud be fully moderated family/marriage related discussions on



Jai Gurudev


PS- I think that the best way to break this silence is by starting a

fight ;-)

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Dear Arvind Bhai (Mr. Normal_Participant Sir),

> I am sorry but you are wrong. Absolutely wrong.


Nice, very nice. Being wrong helps me think that I also have the

potential to be Right, Absolutely Right. Moreover, it was just a

hunch, an effort to make you break your silence.

> Moroever, I dont think that it is right to put blame on

> moderator or approval for the silence.


Sorry big brother, now you are wrong. I am not blaming the moderator,

not at all. I fully agree with you (only on moderation) and here's my

pick on it. Without moderation, our messages were posted instantly.

If, fortunately, someone happened to be online, he/she had a better

chance to respond. This way, things progressed faster.

> I am , anyway, highly depressed with this group. sometime ago I

> wrote a set of questions , which were supposed to be asked to

> pujya Gurudev. Everyone ignored it.


Yes, I had problems / questions. But, when I was able to call Guruji

himself, I prefered to tell Guruji about them along with other

matters and got instant solution. I still have many problems and I

would love to tell Guruji about them and get them solved.

> everyone seems to be a passive listener.


Or as Birendra once said, everyone is waiting to become Hanuman.

> I guess that the best thing for us to continue with our

> monologues on various themes like Diksha, Sadhanas etc.


Okay. From various issues of MTYV, various pravachans by Guruji and

fact I learned in shivir, I am trying to create a post on the power

of Guru Mantra. I would post it tomorrow.

> Go to any newsgroup on dejanews.com


Dejanews.com got sold out to Google a long ago.

> PS- I think that the best way to break this silence is by

> starting a fight ;-)


Good idea. I am sure, you are married. Maybe, I should tell Bhabhi

about your girlfrieds. Would that start a fight between us or it will

simply send you to hospital after being beaten by Bhabhi ;-D


May Guruji bless us all...



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Jay Gurudev

Dear A's and brothers/Sisters


What Ashish says is very correct but u know there is a recession

everywhere, so we can expect a slow down here also. And u may agree

that up and downs are part of our life. So don't feel bad about the

silence, we have seen the good days also and we have seen the bad

also. So don't worry, be happy.


Moderation is good, but as Ashish pointed out, this delay messages

and you know just because of ignorance I had written to also

for this.


Passive members may have their own understandings and I think peoples

are contributing as and when they feel so.


Arvindji - you article about Sadhna Camp is excellent, please put it

the sadhak site, it's really very useful, let others also benefit

from this.


REg. the questions list, don't think that things have just gone

waste. This is an on-going process, right now you can only post

answer to the questions you have in hand. There are many many

questions are waiting for you in the near future.


Arvindji, I am trying to find the dates for the Mystery India, I will

post them asap.


I am preparing a list of question for anusthan, I will post them soon.


Jay Gurudev


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