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Know about need of SATSANGHA

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Jai Gurudev.


My dear all,

Satsangha is one which can be done by gathering of like minded people

easily and frequently, i have an article for you that tells you the

improtance of satsangha

so pls try to do satsangha when and wherever if possible dont foget

that in your lives....

Any how this ISSPLIST is also in a way a SATSANGHA.

i may post more on satsangha ...


Learn, implement and grow...






satsangatve nisamgatvam

niþsamgatve nirmohatvam |

nirmohatve nischalatattvam

nischalatatve jivanmuktii ||



By keeping the company of great Mahatmas, one becomes dispassionate.

He gets Vairagya.

He does not like the company of worldly men. Then he develops the

state of Nirmohatva. He

becomes free from infatuation or delusion. Then his mind becomes

steady and one-pointed and

rests on the Svarupa or Essence. Then he attains liberation or


>From the "Bhaja Govinda Stotram" of Sri Adi Sankaracharya


binu satsanga viveka na hoi |

ràma krpà binu sulabha na soi ||



The intuition of wisdom or the power of discrimination does not come

without having

Satsanga which is enjoyable or attainable only by those whom Lord

Rama chooses or upon whom

He bestows His Grace.


satasamgata muda mangala mulà |

satha sudharahim satasamgati pài ||



Even the worst rogues are changed into virtuous men only through the

association or Sanga

of the seers and sages, as Satsanga is itself an ever-beneficial joy-




Grace of God Alone Makes Satsanga Possible

It is very, very difficult to come into contact with a Satpurusha or

a saint. It is more so to

recognise a saint. A man of worldly Samskaras wants to weigh the

saintliness of a sage by his own

conceptional balance, and finding him lacking in weight, discards him

as a false saint and thereby

he does not get the instantaneous benefit arising out of the contact

of the sage. But, even then, the

company of the saint exerts an inexorable influence on the person

concerned, which he realises

sooner or later. Bhagavan Narada says in his Bhakti Sutras: "The

company of the great is very

difficult, inaccessible, but infallible."

Companionship of the great ones is difficult of attainment. It is

hardly possible to assign

how and when men may be taken into the society of the great. But,

once obtained, association with

the great ones is infallible in its operation. Love of God is

obtained principally and undoubtedly by

the grace of the great ones, or in other words, from the touch of

divine compassion. Companionship

of the great ones is gained by the grace of God alone, because there

is no distinction between Him

and His men.


There is no difference between God and a realised Bhagavata. Both are

identical. A sage is

God Himself. The Upanishad declares: "He who knows Brahman


Brahman." The glow of

a sage is infinite and eternal as that of Brahman.


Tulasidasji sings the glory of Satsanga in glowing terms: "O dear

one! Should you keep the

happiness of heaven and of all the higher worlds in one pan of the

balance and the happiness that

arises out of Satsanga in the other, the latter will outweigh the


There is no boat other than Satsanga to take you across the ocean of

Samsara. Blessed is he

who has come into contact with a Satpurusha, a realised sage. More

blessed is he who has cultivated


unflinching devotion to his feet. And the most blessed is he who has

attained communion with the

consciousness of the sage.

In case contact with a sage is not possible, one should try to be in

contact with sublime

books like the Upanishads, the Gita, the Yoga-Vasishtha, the

Ramayana, the Bhagavata, etc. He

should try to take resort to holy places and there engage himself in

discoursing upon, or hearing of,

the glory of God. This also is Satsanga for him.Whatever helps one

towards the attainment of purity

of heart should be considered as Satsanga.



The glow and power of Satsanga, association with the wise, saints,

Yogis, Sannyasins and

Mahatmas is indescribable. Even a moment's company is quite

sufficient to overhaul the old

vicious Samskaras of the worldly people. The magnetic aura, the

spiritual vibration, and the

powerful currents of developed adepts produce a tremendous influence

on the minds of worldlings.

Service of Mahatmas purifies the minds of passionate men very

rapidly. Satsanga elevates the mind

to magnanimous heights. Just as a single matchstick burns huge

bundles of cotton in a few seconds,

so also, the company of saints burns all thoughts and Samskaras of

passion within a short time. The

only potent specific for inducing burning Vairagya and burning desire

for liberation is Satsanga and

Satsanga alone.

The association with the holy sages is quite enough to instil in a

soul wisdom and love.

Vidya originates in those whose faults have been washed away by the

mighty force of Satsanga

which has independent power of destroying all faults and originating


Those who hear the life-giving words of good men have their heads

that are tainted with

evil, purified. They ultimately reach the lotus feet of the Lord.

This shows that the words of good

men have the power of purifying the soul and carrying it to the feet

of the Master.


How Satsanga Gradually Leads to the Vision of God

First comes keeping company of the righteous and good men and serving

them. By such

company and service, there dawns the knowledge of the essential

nature of one's own self and of the

divine or supreme Self. Then comes Vairagya or a total disgust for

everything of this world and of

the next, with a yearning for the Lord. This is Bhakti. When Bhakti

becomes strong, the man

becomes the beloved of the Lord, and because of such dearness to Him,

he is chosen by Him. Then

comes the direct vision of the Lord.


Vivekananda attended the Satsanga of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.

Jnanadeva had the

Satsanga of Nivrittinath. Gorakhnath attended Satsanga of

Matsyendranath. The practice of feeling

His presence in everything, of seeing God in every face and in every

object is, in itself, a grand

sublime Satsanga.



Satsanga Bhavans are a great need of the hour. Many people can gather

together. When

people join together and sing the Lord's Name and pray, a great

spiritual force is generated. That is

the glory of Satsanga. If you shut yourself up in your room and do

Japa and meditation, you may not

progress so fast, but if you form a small Satsanga group and all of

you do Japa together and meditate

together, the spiritual force generated will help you all. You will

make rapid and wonderful

progress. When you attend a Satsanga, you will forget the worries of

the world. You are in an

entirely different atmosphere.

It is Satsanga alone that can transform man in these days. Sublime

ideas must be constantly

dinned into the ears of man. Then only will his heart be transformed.

Nowadays there is such dishonesty in business that every article is

adulterated. Adulteration

of foodstuffs is rampant everywhere. Man is selfish and has no sense

of duty. At the moment of

death, your conscience will prick you. You will have no peace of mind

either now or at the time of

death or ever afterwards. Dishonesty kills your conscience; it is

worse than Atma-hatya. It is like

killing yourself. Be honest. Have a pure head, clean mind and clear

conscience. Even if you are

poor, you will be happy. If you are honest, the whole wealth of the

world will belong to you.


end 1.........




Jai Gurudev

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