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Jai Gurudev





Jai Gurudev

dear all,

the series continues..






In Memory of

Lord Buddha, Raja Bhartrihari and Raja Gopichand,

who were embodiments of Vairagya,

who renounced their kingdom,

throne and their all for the

attainment of the Infinite


the final beatitude of life

or Kaivalya,

the Supreme Abode of Immortality


Eternal Bliss



PRASNOTTARI= question and answers


PRASNOTTARI of Sri Sankaracharya



Q. 1. Who is really enslaved?

A. One who is attached to the objects of the senses.

Q. 2. What is freedom (or liberation)?

A. Non-attachment to worldly objects.

Q. 3. What is the most horrible hell?

A. Your own body.

Q. 4. What is the path to heaven?

A. The total annihilation of all desires.

Q. 5. What is the gate to hell?

A. Woman(in case of Man).Man(in case of woman)

Q. 6. What leads to heaven?

A. Non-violence or harmlessness to all creatures.

Q.7. Who are the enemies?

A. Our own Indriyas. They are our friends when subjugated.

Q. 8. Who is really poor?

A. One who has many desires.

Q. 9. Who is rich?

A. He who has full contentment.

Q. 10. What is nectar?

A. Delightful desirelessness.

Q. 11. What is the real betters?

A. Egoistic sense of "mineness" and "thineness."

Q. 12. What is that which intoxicates as if it were wine?

A. A. Woman(in case of Man).Man (in case of woman)


Q. 13. Who is the most blind?

A. One actuated by lust.

Q. 14. What is the deadliest of all poisons?

A. All sensual enjoyments.

Q. 15. Who is miserable for ever?

A. He who is attached to worldly enjoyments.

Q.16. What is beyond the reach of everybody's knowledge?

A. A woman's heart and her doings.

Q. 17. Who is a beast?

A. One without knowledge.

Q. 18. Whose company should we shun off?

A. The company of the fools, the mean minded, the wicked and the


Q. 19. What is at the root of degradation?

A. Begging.

Q. 20. What is at the root of becoming great?

A. Never to beg.

Q. 21. Who is really born?

A. He who has no birth again.

Q. 22. Who is really dead?

A. One who is not to die again.

Q. 23. Who is the greatest of all enemies?

A. Kama (desire), anger, untruth, greed and craving.

Q. 24. Who is not gratified by (all) objects of (enjoyment)?

A. Desire (lust).

Q. 25. What is at the root of all miseries?

A. The sense of "mineness" or I-ness."

Q. 26. Who are the real dacoits?

A. Evil desires.

Q. 27. Who is the beast of all beasts?

A. One who does not fulfil his duties and has no knowledge of the




Q. 28. What is fleeting like-lightning?

A. Wealth, youth and life.

Q. 29. What should be constantly thought of?

A. The illusory nature of the universe and the existence of Brahman.

Q. 30. What is real action?

A. That which is pleasing to Lord Krishna.




just like ashish and anu and other like minded people i am of the

same opinion that either we dont need moderation or moderator should

do his job atleast once a day(minimum)or co transfer the


with some volunteer like ashsih(while he is away or busy), pls some

one take action, this is, as anu said ,really cutting the flow of the

thought which is very harmful.... and should be not taken lightly


more to come...



Jai Gurudev

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