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Vishnu and Shiva

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Jai Gurudev


I want to share with you all about what i have come to

realize about spirituality.


I have always believed in analyzing everything

scientifically.. I was asking questions to myself..


Who is Vishnu?

Who is Shiva?


Where are they? Why are they?


Why is it that in the hindu mythology, it is only

shiva who gives maximum boons to everybody and after

each boon, it is vishnu who comes in one of his

"avatar" to destroy the person who recieves the boon?


Where is the balancing factor?



After a lot of pondering, me and my wife came to this



Vishnu is everywhere. he is our feelings, our

emotions, life. So he is known as the creator. He is

present in each of us in varying degrees.


Shiva is the concentrated form of vishnu. he is an

energy form who is so nutral, that none can touch

him.. he is very intense in his nutrality.


to explain this in a better manner:


Vishnu can be considered as the sun. the magnitude of

each ray of the sun is equal. When the sun rays

reaches earth, it is spread everywhere equally with

equal intensity. These rrays cannot burn us because

the heat is comfortable, and not scorching.. like the

life around us, like the feelings around and within



If we focus the sun light to onepoint, with the lense,

it immediately burns anything which comes at the

concentrated centre of the point. This point is shiva.


So shiva is the concentrated form of vishnu, who is

present everywhere like the sun light.


Each one of us has vishnu and shiva within us.

Surrendering to a guru is to become shiva or in other

words, a nutral or a big zero. We can achieve this

only if we can concentrate our soul to focus the

vishnu within us to expose shiva.


Shiva is so powerful, that at his nutrality, he is the

most powerful god. He is the concentration of energy..

thus all the boons were asked from him. No one even

thinks about vishnu to give a boon as they dont know

his essence.


Let me put it this way:


Vishnu is everywhere. so he can be considered as free

particles in and around us. these free particles can

be considered as a "+" or a "-" (these are not to be

considered as good and evil as one mans food is

another mans posion).


Shiva is the concentrated combination of "+" and "-"

which is "0".


He is so nutral, that he maintains the "0" factor at

all times and at all costs. He cannot loose the

nutrality in anyway.


All of us are also a combination of these "+" and "-"

in us. when we ask for a boon from shiva, he releases

one of his "+" or "-" to us, and gives us the boon.


Once we get these extra "+" or "-", we become powerful

as our balance of these "+" or "-" gets oriented to

either a + or a - (it is not to be considered as a

good or evil as mentioned earlier).


If our ego comes in the way, then this orientation can

then be used to do what ever a man wishes.


If the deed of the man is of a selfish nature, then he

must be nutralized. For which shiva need not do

anything. When he gives a boon (say "+") to the

person, then he also releases an anti boon (say"-") so

that he remains nutral in the process. As these "+" or

"-" is a part of vishnu, the man ultimately gets

nutralized by these. Shiva cannot and will not

interfere in this as he is a nutral factor.. the free

radicles of vishnu will do the job of nutralizing the



So each boon has always been counter acted by an

opposite of it. Vishnu is in shiva and shiva is in



This is the solution I could think of about the

energies known as Vishnu and Shiva.


All of us can attain shiva or Sharanagati only if we

understand shiva.


The balance is always there in the universe, it is

only that we dont see it. Everyaction has an equal and

opposite reaction. This applies to these great

energies also.


The same concept can be derived from the structure of

the atom also.


The atom has a center known as a nucleus and

surrounded by electrons. Each electron has is own



Our soul is like these electron.. moving in our own



The electron jumps the orbit when it looses energy,

and moves closer to the nucleus.


When we loose our ego, and our other material

feelings, we move closer to our "self" or our

nutrality or "shiva".


We have to learn to get this art of loosing our egos

to move closer to the self.


What we are still not clear about is this:


If we are vishnu and we are shiva, then why have we

been born? Is it a mandatory factor to be born

everytime to take births after births (I am yet to

believe in this re-birth concept as I am not convinced

about why we are born) to get closer to our soul

center or sharanagati?


Why should we be born in the first place?

Cant we achieve the completeness with out being born?


What is religion? why should it be there? Why were the

GITA, BIBLE, and the QURAN written? why should we

follow those as the books of our religion?


Which religion do the animals follow?


What religion do native tribals of the african jungle

follow? They dont have books. why should the concept

of a religion exist?


For a pure soul, does religion matter? do these holy

books matter?

Why should we be born????????


Please send me your comments on these.


Jai Gurudev




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Hello there...

> I have always believed in analyzing everything

> scientifically.


Scientific analysis requires intense knowledge of science and the

concerned subject.

> I was asking questions to myself..

> Who is Vishnu? Who is Shiva? Why are they?


Have you considered asking yourself; "Who am I?", "Why am I?"? Also,

why limit our thoughts to only Vishnu and Shiv? What about Bramha?

What about mother Bhuvaneshwari?

> Why is it that in the hindu mythology, it is only

> shiva who gives maximum boons to everybody

> and after each boon, it is vishnu who comes in

> one of his "avatar" to destroy the person who

> recieves the boon?


In Hindu Mythology, you'll find incidents where each one of Bramha,

Vishnu, Shiv has given maximum boon to someone. Moreover, Vishnu

never took his "avatar" to destroy someone who received boon.He took

his "avatar" to guide humans, give them knowledge and destroy those

who had misused their powers. There are many other incidents where

Shiv and Bramha took "avatar".

> Vishnu is everywhere. he is our feelings, our

> emotions, life. So he is known as the creator.


According to Hindu Mythology; Bramha is the creator, Vishnu is the

operator and Shiv is the destroyer.

> Shiva is the concentrated form of vishnu.


Bramha, Vishnu and Shiv are three separate entities. They are not

concentrated or diluted forms of each other. After all, they are Gods

not chemicals.

> he is an energy form who is so nutral,

> that none can touch him.


Scientifically, you can touch neutral things. Everything tends to

become neutral that's why we find compounds rather easily than


> he is very intense in his nutrality.


Intensity is not a feature of neutrality. Simple science :)

> Vishnu can be considered as the sun.


According to Hindu Mythology, Vishnu and Sun are different.

> the magnitude of each ray of the sun is equal.

> When the sun rays reaches earth, it is spread

> everywhere equally with equal intensity.


Then, why do we have diverse places like the two poles and Sahara


> These rrays cannot burn us because the heat

> is comfortable, and not scorching.


Have you ever heard of Sun Burns, deaths due to heat waves and sun

screen lotions? Have you ever been to a desert? Scientific analysis

should be universally applicable.

> like the feelings around and within us.


Scientifically; feelings, emotions, touch, smell, pain, hunger etc.

are all electro-magnetic pulses interpreted by our brain.

> If we focus the sun light to onepoint, with the

> lense, it immediately burns anything which comes

> at the concentrated centre of the point.


Try focussing the sun light on a rock.

> So shiva is the concentrated form of vishnu, who

> is present everywhere like the sun light.


Then, what about nights when we don't have sun light around us? Are

you saying that Gods are effective only during the day and that too,

in broad daylight and not in rainy season?

> No one even thinks about vishnu to give a

> boon as they dont know his essence.


If no one thinks about Vishnu, then what about those two little kids,

Prahllad and Dhruv? What about Tulsi? Also, why do we perform Satya

Narayan Pujan. Also, in Kanakdhara Strotra, godess Mahalaxmi is

worshiped as Vishnu-Patni. Kanakdhara Strotra is recited in front of

a Shaligram, a form of Vishnu. Your name suggests that you are a

south indian. Ever been to Tirupati?

> when we ask for a boon from shiva, he releases

> one of his "+" or "-" to us, and gives us the boon.

> Once we get these extra "+" or "-", we become

> powerful as our balance of these "+" or "-" gets

> oriented to either a + or a -


According to our Guruji, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali, we are born

as "Shav" (corpse) and we must become "Shiv" (alive, complete).

According to you we are neutral and neutral is Shiv. Then, why Shiv

makes us +ve or -ve when we are already what we must become?

> Vishnu is in shiva and shiva is in vishnu.


But, where are you?

> All of us can attain shiva or Sharanagati only

> if we understand shiva.


I am sure, you don't know the meaning of "Sharanagati".

> The atom has a center known as a nucleus

> and surrounded by electrons.


And, what about Photons, Neutrons, Positrons, Neutrinos etc.?

> Each electron has is own orbit. Our soul is like

> these electron.. moving in our own orbit.

> The electron jumps the orbit when it looses

> energy, and moves closer to the nucleus.

> When we loose our ego, and our other material

> feelings, we move closer to our "self" or our

> nutrality or "shiva".


According to my Guruji, we are incomplete / Shav / Corpse because we

do not have enough energy to be closer to ourself or Shiv and we gain

this energy by sadhanas to become complete. Thus, if we consider your

electron theory, we and electrons are totally opposite.

> If we are vishnu and we are shiva, then why

> have we been born?


We are born because we are not Vishnu or Shiv. Only the time of our

birth and death has been predetermined. For everything else (our karm

which decides whether we would be re-born) we are given a brain and a

concious. Our sole purpose, for all births, is to become complete.

Once we attain the objective, we are not reborn.

> What religion do native tribals of the african

> jungle follow? They dont have books. why

> should the concept of a religion exist?


Hindu Religion existed long before Gita was conceived. Gita, Vedas

or any other holy book is not religion. They simply help someone

follow a religion.


Sorry friend, your "scientific" theory has many flaws. Maybe, you

should study things more with a universal perspective. Look for your

answers inside yourself rather than looking outside. Try performing

any sadhana.


Have a nice day.


Ashish Marathe

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Jai bhavaani!


Dear Sir,


I am not anybody to answer on Shri Gurudev-ji's behalf. But I see that

your mindset has come out of the Western belief system.


Keep in mind that "Shiva" or "Vishnu" or the deities that Hinduism

upholds are DIVINITIES.


We people with our materialistic outlook look at the LABELS and we

look upon DIVINITY as a material thing. This is a total mistake.


First, when we speak of divinity we are TALKING ABOUT THE INFINITE,

ABSOLUTE, INDESCRIBABLE GLORY OF GOD. His attributes are infinite. His

beauty is infinite. His glory is endless.


When we remember that, then all the *functional* divinities of

Hinduism will make perfect sense.


For a pure soul, SPIRITUALITY DOES MATTER. The aim of material life is

to evolve spiritually. This is the challenge before all people.

because God has given us HUMAN souls. And human souls are the highest

spirits in nature, and hence are the closest aspect of God in material



For the animals, he has given animal spirits. Hence there are grades

of SOUL perfectly ordered in nature. Only problem is we don't

understand this clearly.



SUPERIOR & EVOLVED SOUL. Keeping this in mind it is easier to

understand WHY Shri Ram was what he was (an avatar) , and WHY Shri

Krishna was what he was - an avatar...


Jai Sai Ram!


- S




, vijay bhaskar <thesoulstealer> wrote:

> Jai Gurudev


> I want to share with you all about what i have come to

> realize about spirituality.


> I have always believed in analyzing everything

> scientifically.. I was asking questions to myself..


> Who is Vishnu?

> Who is Shiva?


> Where are they? Why are they?


> Why is it that in the hindu mythology, it is only

> shiva who gives maximum boons to everybody and after

> each boon, it is vishnu who comes in one of his

> "avatar" to destroy the person who recieves the boon?


> Where is the balancing factor?



> After a lot of pondering, me and my wife came to this

> conclusion:


> Vishnu is everywhere. he is our feelings, our

> emotions, life. So he is known as the creator. He is

> present in each of us in varying degrees.


> Shiva is the concentrated form of vishnu. he is an

> energy form who is so nutral, that none can touch

> him.. he is very intense in his nutrality.


> to explain this in a better manner:


> Vishnu can be considered as the sun. the magnitude of

> each ray of the sun is equal. When the sun rays

> reaches earth, it is spread everywhere equally with

> equal intensity. These rrays cannot burn us because

> the heat is comfortable, and not scorching.. like the

> life around us, like the feelings around and within

> us.


> If we focus the sun light to onepoint, with the lense,

> it immediately burns anything which comes at the

> concentrated centre of the point. This point is shiva.


> So shiva is the concentrated form of vishnu, who is

> present everywhere like the sun light.


> Each one of us has vishnu and shiva within us.

> Surrendering to a guru is to become shiva or in other

> words, a nutral or a big zero. We can achieve this

> only if we can concentrate our soul to focus the

> vishnu within us to expose shiva.


> Shiva is so powerful, that at his nutrality, he is the

> most powerful god. He is the concentration of energy..

> thus all the boons were asked from him. No one even

> thinks about vishnu to give a boon as they dont know

> his essence.


> Let me put it this way:


> Vishnu is everywhere. so he can be considered as free

> particles in and around us. these free particles can

> be considered as a "+" or a "-" (these are not to be

> considered as good and evil as one mans food is

> another mans posion).


> Shiva is the concentrated combination of "+" and "-"

> which is "0".


> He is so nutral, that he maintains the "0" factor at

> all times and at all costs. He cannot loose the

> nutrality in anyway.


> All of us are also a combination of these "+" and "-"

> in us. when we ask for a boon from shiva, he releases

> one of his "+" or "-" to us, and gives us the boon.


> Once we get these extra "+" or "-", we become powerful

> as our balance of these "+" or "-" gets oriented to

> either a + or a - (it is not to be considered as a

> good or evil as mentioned earlier).


> If our ego comes in the way, then this orientation can

> then be used to do what ever a man wishes.


> If the deed of the man is of a selfish nature, then he

> must be nutralized. For which shiva need not do

> anything. When he gives a boon (say "+") to the

> person, then he also releases an anti boon (say"-") so

> that he remains nutral in the process. As these "+" or

> "-" is a part of vishnu, the man ultimately gets

> nutralized by these. Shiva cannot and will not

> interfere in this as he is a nutral factor.. the free

> radicles of vishnu will do the job of nutralizing the

> man.


> So each boon has always been counter acted by an

> opposite of it. Vishnu is in shiva and shiva is in

> vishnu.


> This is the solution I could think of about the

> energies known as Vishnu and Shiva.


> All of us can attain shiva or Sharanagati only if we

> understand shiva.


> The balance is always there in the universe, it is

> only that we dont see it. Everyaction has an equal and

> opposite reaction. This applies to these great

> energies also.


> The same concept can be derived from the structure of

> the atom also.


> The atom has a center known as a nucleus and

> surrounded by electrons. Each electron has is own

> orbit.


> Our soul is like these electron.. moving in our own

> orbit.


> The electron jumps the orbit when it looses energy,

> and moves closer to the nucleus.


> When we loose our ego, and our other material

> feelings, we move closer to our "self" or our

> nutrality or "shiva".


> We have to learn to get this art of loosing our egos

> to move closer to the self.


> What we are still not clear about is this:


> If we are vishnu and we are shiva, then why have we

> been born? Is it a mandatory factor to be born

> everytime to take births after births (I am yet to

> believe in this re-birth concept as I am not convinced

> about why we are born) to get closer to our soul

> center or sharanagati?


> Why should we be born in the first place?

> Cant we achieve the completeness with out being born?


> What is religion? why should it be there? Why were the

> GITA, BIBLE, and the QURAN written? why should we

> follow those as the books of our religion?


> Which religion do the animals follow?


> What religion do native tribals of the african jungle

> follow? They dont have books. why should the concept

> of a religion exist?


> For a pure soul, does religion matter? do these holy

> books matter?

> Why should we be born????????


> Please send me your comments on these.


> Jai Gurudev




> Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

> http://greetings.

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jai gurudev,


do read http://www.sambavi.com/Sri%20Vidya/DashaMahaVidyas.html


it is a different explanation from the usual. however, a note of

caution to all new comers, do not fool around with mahavidya sadhnas..


i learnt the lesson the hard way. do make sure that you have been

chanting guru mantra every single day for atleast 6 months before you

try any. and i suggest starting with bhuvaneshwari or mahakali where

broken sankalps and mistakes are forgiven.



> I have always believed in analyzing everything

> scientifically.. I was asking questions to myself..


good wishes

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>Jai Gurudev > >I want to share with you all about what i have come to >realize

about spirituality. > >I have always believed in analyzing everything

>scientifically.. I was asking questions to myself.. > >Who is Vishnu? >Who is

Shiva? > >Where are they? Why are they? > >Why is it that in the hindu

mythology, it is only >shiva who gives maximum boons to everybody and after

>each boon, it is vishnu who comes in one of his >"avatar" to destroy the

person who recieves the boon? > >Where is the balancing factor? > > >After a

lot of pondering, me and my wife came to this >conclusion: > >Vishnu is

everywhere. he is our feelings, our >emotions, life. So he is known as the

creator. He is >present in each of us in varying degrees. > >Shiva is the

concentrated form of vishnu. he is an >energy form who is so nutral, that none

can touch >him.. he is very intense in his nutrality. > >to explain this in a

better manner: > >Vishnu can be considered as the sun. the magnitude of >each

ray of the sun is equal. When the sun rays >reaches earth, it is spread

everywhere equally with >equal intensity. These rrays cannot burn us because

>the heat is comfortable, and not scorching.. like the >life around us, like

the feelings around and within >us. > >If we focus the sun light to onepoint,

with the lense, >it immediately burns anything which comes at the >concentrated

centre of the point. This point is shiva. > >So shiva is the concentrated form

of vishnu, who is >present everywhere like the sun light. > >Each one of us has

vishnu and shiva within us. >Surrendering to a guru is to become shiva or in

other >words, a nutral or a big zero. We can achieve this >only if we can

concentrate our soul to focus the >vishnu within us to expose shiva. > >Shiva

is so powerful, that at his nutrality, he is the >most powerful god. He is the

concentration of energy.. >thus all the boons were asked from him. No one even

>thinks about vishnu to give a boon as they dont know >his essence. > >Let me

put it this way: > >Vishnu is everywhere. so he can be considered as free

>particles in and around us. these free particles can >be considered as a "+"

or a "-" (these are not to be >considered as good and evil as one mans food is

>another mans posion). > >Shiva is the concentrated combination of "+" and "-"

>which is "0". > >He is so nutral, that he maintains the "0" factor at >all

times and at all costs. He cannot loose the >nutrality in anyway. > >All of us

are also a combination of these "+" and "-" >in us. when we ask for a boon from

shiva, he releases >one of his "+" or "-" to us, and gives us the boon. > >Once

we get these extra "+" or "-", we become powerful >as our balance of these "+"

or "-" gets oriented to >either a + or a - (it is not to be considered as a

>good or evil as mentioned earlier). > >If our ego comes in the way, then this

orientation can >then be used to do what ever a man wishes. > >If the deed of

the man is of a selfish nature, then he >must be nutralized. For which shiva

need not do >anything. When he gives a boon (say "+") to the >person, then he

also releases an anti boon (say"-") so >that he remains nutral in the process.

As these "+" or >"-" is a part of vishnu, the man ultimately gets >nutralized

by these. Shiva cannot and will not >interfere in this as he is a nutral

factor.. the free >radicles of vishnu will do the job of nutralizing the >man.

> >So each boon has always been counter acted by an >opposite of it. Vishnu is

in shiva and shiva is in >vishnu. > >This is the solution I could think of

about the >energies known as Vishnu and Shiva. > >All of us can attain shiva or

Sharanagati only if we >understand shiva. > >The balance is always there in the

universe, it is >only that we dont see it. Everyaction has an equal and

>opposite reaction. This applies to these great >energies also. > >The same

concept can be derived from the structure of >the atom also. > >The atom has a

center known as a nucleus and >surrounded by electrons. Each electron has is

own >orbit. > >Our soul is like these electron.. moving in our own >orbit. >

>The electron jumps the orbit when it looses energy, >and moves closer to the

nucleus. > >When we loose our ego, and our other material >feelings, we move

closer to our "self" or our >nutrality or "shiva". > >We have to learn to get

this art of loosing our egos >to move closer to the self. > >What we are still

not clear about is this: > >If we are vishnu and we are shiva, then why have we

>been born? Is it a mandatory factor to be born >everytime to take births after

births (I am yet to >believe in this re-birth concept as I am not convinced

>about why we are born) to get closer to our soul >center or sharanagati? >

>Why should we be born in the first place? >Cant we achieve the completeness

with out being born? > >What is religion? why should it be there? Why were the

>GITA, BIBLE, and the QURAN written? why should we >follow those as the books

of our religion? > >Which religion do the animals follow? > >What religion do

native tribals of the african jungle >follow? They dont have books. why should

the concept >of a religion exist? > >For a pure soul, does religion matter? do

these holy >books matter? >Why should we be born???????? > >Please send me your

comments on these. > >Jai Gurudev >

> > >Send your

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--- nikhilashish <nikhilashish wrote:


> Hello there...


> > I have always believed in analyzing everything

> > scientifically.


The scientific approach is to first to observe if a

specified approach leads to a foreknown result. Do

scientists know much about their subjects- their

knowledge is purely empirical. Consider Newton's law

of gravitation; it has an exact and mathematical

relationship that can be verified by experiment. But

the very formulation of the rule was based on

observation in the first place and not on knowledge

inferred beforehand.


Also consider Einstein's statement(who had excellant

samyama skills) that after 50 years of pondering about

light, he still does not have any clue as to what

photons are; if this comes from Einstein, then rest

assured that nobody else has any clue about the

properties of light.


Science is only a reflection of certain physical laws;

these physical laws are a small portion of a larger

set of laws called metaphysical laws. Metaphysical

laws are what permit the saint to perform so called

miracles and he can bypass the lower physical laws. So

analyzing anything scientifically has the problem of

not taking you beyond your own comprehension which may

or may not be limited. All the major scientific

discoveries were by a process of creative

insight(numerous examples abound) that did not involve

thinking in words. The true scientist has inspiration

from the lower regions of the superconscious mind but

the saint has a revelation from the higher regions of

the superconscious mind.

> > members of this list are not interested in self


Two of the paths to the self are Vaidika and

Tantrika-in the vaidika path there is clear

delineation between

karma kanda and jnana kanda meaning living in the

world and working to self realistion. But the tantrika

path both are one and the same; afterall this

manifested world is nothing but a play of the divine

mother. So in a sense living in the world and enjoying

it are also a path to the self without self-tortury

and asceticism.


> In Hindu Mythology, you'll find incidents where each

> one of Bramha,

> Vishnu, Shiv has given maximum boon to someone.

> Moreover, Vishnu

> never took his "avatar" to destroy someone who

> received boon.He took

> his "avatar" to guide humans, give them knowledge

> and destroy those

> who had misused their powers. There are many other

> incidents where

> Shiv and Bramha took "avatar".


> > Vishnu is everywhere. he is our feelings, our

> > emotions, life. So he is known as the creator.


> According to Hindu Mythology; Bramha is the creator,

> Vishnu is the

> operator and Shiv is the destroyer.


> > Shiva is the concentrated form of vishnu.


Your observation is a very profound observation. In

the Lahiri lineage of kriya yoga, where one gets

different kriyas as he advances, in the third kriya

when he is able to conciously reach a breathless

state(BTW the state of prologed breathless for several

hours has been shown in the laboratory a number of

times, any scientific explanation for that??) he comes

face to face with Lord Visnu. When he gets to the

fourth kriya, he comes face to face with Siva. Also in

hatha yoga, an aspirant passes through the Brahma

granthi(lower chakras along the spine), then through

the Visnu Granthi(middle chakras) and then finally

reaches Sadasiva in the Rudra granthi(upper chakras).

So in a sense Siva is the distilled essense of Visnu

but this attitude is specific to a particular

tradition. Several of the Saiva and Vaishnava puranas

speak of the unity of Siva and Visnu and they are one

and the same. But this knownledge should not something

read from books and should be realised by oneself.

Till one has got to the unity consciousness of the

whole universe with his own self, Siva is Siva and

Visnu is Visnu and all the gods are individual



The great saint Subramuniya swami(www.gurudeva.org)

used to say that 200 years of westernized education

made the Indians think that their deities are a only a

representation of one Universal god and have no

meaning by themself. But the deities are very real and

become visible to you once your astral vision is

developed as seen by the testimoneis of numerous





> > Vishnu can be considered as the sun.


Visnu is in fact worshipped as the sun- this form of

Visnu is called Surya-Narayana. The sun in the solar

system is only a small manifestion of Surya Narayana.



> > What religion do native tribals of the african

> > jungle follow? They dont have books. why

> > should the concept of a religion exist?



We are merely children when compared to state that

most saints are in. If you have children then, you

would regulate their behaviour so that they can

blosson into responsible adults. Likewise our

parent-saints have imbibed a religious code so that we

can grow to adulthood of conciousness. Therefore

concept of a religion is to guide man till he know for

himself what the mystery of creation is!!


Aum Namasivaya,

Vijay Pillai


> Hindu Religion existed long before Gita was

> conceived. Gita, Vedas

> or any other holy book is not religion. They simply

> help someone

> follow a religion.


> Sorry friend, your "scientific" theory has many

> flaws. Maybe, you

> should study things more with a universal

> perspective. Look for your


=== message truncated ===





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Swami Sivananda in one of his books had precautioned

that SriVidya should be learned only from the guru and

the aspirant should not practise it on his own.


Could you elaborate what the malefic effects were

specifically as I myself was thinking of taking this

sadhana from Gurudev.


Aum Namasivaya




--- devi_bhagat <devi_bhagat wrote:

> -


> jai gurudev,


> do read




> it is a different explanation from the usual.

> however, a note of

> caution to all new comers, do not fool around with

> mahavidya sadhnas..


> i learnt the lesson the hard way. do make sure that

> you have been

> chanting guru mantra every single day for atleast 6

> months before you

> try any. and i suggest starting with bhuvaneshwari

> or mahakali where

> broken sankalps and mistakes are forgiven.

> .

> >

> > I have always believed in analyzing everything

> > scientifically.. I was asking questions to

> myself..

> >

> good wishes









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, Yoga man <childofdevi> wrote:

> Namaste!





> Could you elaborate what the malefic effects were

> specifically


things in my life went topsy turvy in a totally unexpected

manner, and i had/ still have to cope with a lot of stress.


as I myself was thinking of taking this

> sadhana from Gurudev.



do go ahead, but perhaps start with chanting 4 rounds of guru mantra

+ 1 chetna + 1 gayatri daily. and try to concentrate your mind

chanting whatever mantra appeals you, though i strongly recommend

gayarti as and when you can. then, when you feel that you are someone

who is regular with his practice (i still am not, my sadhna breaks and

starts and breaks and starts, a sign of lack of self control, poor

planning or whatever) you can start chanting the shri vidya mantra.

why not in april, the coming navratri? that is the best time to start

any mahavidya.


My personal notion is that with all this talk of if you do not have

faith you will not get successs ina 1000 times, how does one develop

faith suddenly for a new person as teacher? the best solution is to do

start and say honestly that this is experimental, and be sincere and

give the chanting time day a few months and see if it gives you



i also think that people should start with sadhnas of GOD's they have

natural devotion for, which may be something you have grown with in

the family environment, or may be coming from prev lives. the only

thing is that i believe that the first sadhna at least should be

started and done not as a prayog but with devotion for a few months if

needed until it gives you the desired success in material/spiritual

life, and then should be stopped with a proper sankalp for a few days

before going to the next.




good wishes

aum namah shivaya


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