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Jai Gurudev


Dear all,


What I have noticed is that most of the people here are more

interested in knowing about what the different sadhanas are and what

benifits they give.. but where is the quest for the self?


Is this because most of the people here already know the self? If so

I sure am sorry to have sent this mail.. but if it is not so.. then

where are the questions about self and how to get to know the self?


This group has more to get solutions of the worldly problems. i do

understand that it is a part of life.. but how does one aim to solve

the material problem with spirituality without understanding the

essence of spirituality?



Jai Gurudev

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pls give me some time to reply, lot of things to catch up



, "thesoulstealer" <thesoulstealer> wrote:

> Jai Gurudev


> Dear all,


> What I have noticed is that most of the people here are more

> interested in knowing about what the different sadhanas are and what

> benifits they give.. but where is the quest for the self?


> Is this because most of the people here already know the self? If so

> I sure am sorry to have sent this mail.. but if it is not so.. then

> where are the questions about self and how to get to know the self?


> This group has more to get solutions of the worldly problems. i do

> understand that it is a part of life.. but how does one aim to solve

> the material problem with spirituality without understanding the

> essence of spirituality?



> Jai Gurudev

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--What I have noticed is that most of the people here are more

interested in knowing about what the different sadhnas are and what

benefits they give.. but where is the quest for the self?



you cannot force the quest for self, either it is there or it not

there. if it is not there why pretend? i believe that GOD should have

known what he was doing when he created me. i am sure while creating

me, he would have thought about how to get me back, it is not my


You know, brother, i have spent unknowingly quite a lot of time in

this philosophy business, but it is the driest and the most boring way

of getting to GOD. what happens is this most people (atleast i) have

very little real pure satva in them. they hide their tamsikta in this

quest for self, and higher ideals and morals.


Vivekanda gives a clear example of arjun refusing to fight (i think

complete works vol I but am not sure), he interprets it as a fear of

the large army ahead of him, which he hides behind my relatives,

my dear ones etc.. i fully agree with that interpretation. he was not

being satvik in refusing to fight.


have you heard the simple bhajan


main gyaan ki baaton me khoya

aur karamheen ban kar soya



have you wondered why dharma comes before arth kaam and moksh??

people living in the material world, will not even be able to enjoy

arth and kaam if they are not following their own dharma. while the

gyaanis sit and discuss where is the goal and what is it, and

whether it is this or that, or here or there, or positive or neutral.

the karma yogi simply arrives there. whether i do sadhnas for for my

wealth ,or my moksha. the net result is the same.


my personal conclusion is that while members bother a lot about eating

a microgram of egg in a biscuit, or not shaving, not this that, get

up at brahmamahurat etc nobody will achieve success in

their sadhnas until they are following the path of their dharma.

dharma is simply doing the duty in life in which you are placed

honestly and sincerely. even if it is done with pride and for selfish

gains. because selflessness is difficult to practice, if you can do it

great! the point is that it has been heard so often that it has lost

it's impact. if you think you will forego some of your duties to do

sadhnas, forget about success. if you forego pleasures of any kind

(netsurfing, TV!!??) it will produce fast results. we worry so much

about doing good deeds, but forget that doing our basic

duties is the best deed.


you know, a simple realization can liberate us mortals from the bonds

of karma. because all karma good and bad has to be burnt out before we

realize the self. i heard from the mouth of a very illuminated soul

that if you want to give any one any gyaan for his welfare and wish

him good it will produce effect only if in that giving there is no

stench of your ego-- ahem chi boo an ho. otherwise, it will be wasted.

if you think that these words from your mouth are coming from an

inspiration deep within they will definitely produce the desired



in those words lies the secret of liberation.

so in essence while we live selfishly 24 hers, start by living 15

minutes unselfishly. try to do good deeds. in the begining if you are

facing serious problems in your life you will still hope to impress

GOD by this activity. let it continue, and do not give up if you find

your happiness. if not in this life, after 5 lives it will become a

subconscious habit, and you will loose the selfish motive part. when

making a small donation try to think that GOD is helping this person

to through you and you are merely an instrument, be grateful that he

chose you.



but how does one aim to solve the material problem with spirituality

without understanding the essence of spirituality?


that is where we are being "duped" into spirituality. people come with

a desire to solve material problems. but what do you think they are

doing when you chant mantras? you are awakening your spiritual side.

without it being awakened to an extent no success even material will

come to the person.


so the motive is more important than the actual action. here e.g. all

members are asked to do prachaar of patrika and they do so. there can

be various motives


1) they are my GURU's orders, no questions.-- i strongly doubt if

this nachiketa kind breed



2) i have found something good, and i want to share it with others to

help them. -good motive--

will give them positive results


3)i will do prachaar even if i am not convinced of something yet just

because it will help me in my sadhnas -- result a selfish negative

karma added to their disadvantage. we will happily do

prachaar but will not chant single mala for GUJRAT quake victims e.g.

GURUJi never tells us to do that, GURUji only askd to make magazine




Is this because most of the people here already know

the self? If so I sure am sorry to have sent this mail.. but if it is

not so.. then where are the questions about self and how to get to

know the self?


my conclusion for myself is : i am not interested in moksha even 1 %.

i am also not interested in going to siddhashram. i am also not

interested in being one with GOD. i am here to live my life,

and i have not chosen the path of a saint, a sadhu. i want to immerse

myself in so much activity that everything else is forgotten, even if

the activity is directed towards selfish ends, it is better than

being akarmanya.. i realize that making it unselfish will help me, and

i will try. i will try to lead as moral a life as is possible within

my human limits, accepting that i am not above mistakes, however,

if i make any, i will try to correct myself in the future, simply

because negative karma produces pain (Selfish motive).. if i can

follow the path of dharma as much as i can, enjoy arth and kaam by

doing sadhnas if needed, moksha will take care of itself. i cannot

seek what i do not understand. i cannot do it under (what i call peer

pressure), just because others are seeking it, or believe they should.

i will happily return to earth again and again till the desire for

life is there.

if it ever takes the shape of virakti, i will give up the world, but

right now it i very far for me. so

honesty is better than hypocrisy.



This group has more to get solutions of the worldly problems. i do

understand that it is a part of life.. but how does one aim to solve

the material problem with spirituality without understanding the

essence of spirituality?



by the way in typing this mail, i am running away from my own dharma.

that is why practicing is a lot more important than preaching and


good wishes,



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Namaste Anu!


What a truly inspiring mail. For a long time I was a

an armchair philospher who read a lot and could speak

a lot(like some Marxists commentators)- it did not

lead me anywhere other than to build a large ego

structure. I thought that yantras, mantras and yajnas

were for lesser mortals. These concepts are further

reinforced by some pseudo Vedantist thinkers that all

that matters is the self(who themselves were in great

dubiosity as to what the self is). And to make matters

worse, the people who you usually see as having a

prolific interest in mantras etc is a village bumpkin

who is an absolute caricature and utterly uninspiring.

How then can you expect young people to have interest

in Hindu ideals when there are no role models around

to follows.


But every once there comes a person- a satguru who is

like the sun dispelling darkness and suddenly ego self

dries out- and you are dumbfounded as well as

confounded; and suddenly you realise that you are an

empty vessel making a lot of noise. So in my opinion,

unless there is the guidance of a self realised guru,

everthing looks topsy turvy. So Vijay Bhasker, find

someone who can lead you; if you do self-intropsection

yourself, it is like going in circles. All of the

puranas- I dont know if the stories in them are

correct or not but they are only a tool that will lead

you somewhere(I will write later on this). To learn to

use this tool you need a guru.


Most people who claim to be self seekers have deep

emotional issues and the self is the last thing that

they are really interested in. If not, you would be

living in a cave in Rishikes because that is where

someone with intense vairagya would be.


Since Vijay Bhasker, you appear to be of a scientific

mind, I will give you an instance of how ignorant we

are- today in neurophysiology, the study of brain

waves(frequency of vibration of the brain) has made

great strides. There are 4 waves beta(this is where

most people are), alpha, theta and delta. Beta is when

you are really not in good state, when you are in beta

problem solving becomes difficult ....


The next is alpha- this is where most meditators are

and when you are in this region you are at the peak of

your performance, you get a lot of insights etc.


The next is theta- this is an even deeper state that

advanced meditators can go into and you get even

bigger insights.


Delta is a really deep state- this is where you in the

deepest sleep.


Now I am sure that everybody has the experience of

having a difficult problem to solve and you are

spending days trying to solve the problem. After many

many days, suddently you get a tremendous insight and

the solution to the problem is revealed to you.(most

great scientific insights are discovered this way). At

this moment, if you look at the brain wave pattern, it

would be what is called "whole mind pattern" where

there is a certain combination of alpha, beta, theta

and delta. The patterns opens a gate to your

unconscious mind and you can tap into the knowledge of

your superconscious mind. Being in this state gives

you immense joy(the joy does not come from having

solved the problem at hand).


Now this "whole mind pattern" which most people very

rarely get, saints and yogis are always in this

state!! And if you ask why there are not solving

scientific mysteries which they could easily do

so,they have bigger fish to catch. So just think about

how ignorant we are. And there is an even bigger brain

wave pattern, this is called the awakened mind

pattern; this happens when the yogi is in samadhi.

This is really out of reach for the average human



So taken in a sense, all religions teaching appear to

be contradictory and does not make sense. You need

someone who has reached the end of his journey to

coach you just the same a kid goes to school to learn.

How would you feel if the kid says to the teacher- all

what you teaching you is nonsense, I know much more

than you do...:-)


Please dont misunderstand me, I dont mean to

pontificate. I am also a kid who is need of a teacher

but I know that I am kid not the teacher.


Aum Namasivaya


--- devi_bhagat <devi_bhagat wrote:

> --What I have noticed is that most of the people

> here are more

> interested in knowing about what the different

> sadhnas are and what

> benefits they give.. but where is the quest for the

> self?



> you cannot force the quest for self, either it is

> there or it not

> there. if it is not there why pretend? i believe

> that GOD should have

> known what he was doing when he created me. i am

> sure while creating

> me, he would have thought about how to get me back,

> it is not my

> problem....

> You know, brother, i have spent unknowingly quite a

> lot of time in

> this philosophy business, but it is the driest and

> the most boring way

> of getting to GOD. what happens is this most people

> (atleast i) have

> very little real pure satva in them. they hide their

> tamsikta in this

> quest for self, and higher ideals and morals.


> Vivekanda gives a clear example of arjun refusing to

> fight (i think

> complete works vol I but am not sure), he interprets

> it as a fear of

> the large army ahead of him, which he hides behind

> my relatives,

> my dear ones etc.. i fully agree with that

> interpretation. he was not

> being satvik in refusing to fight.


> have you heard the simple bhajan


> main gyaan ki baaton me khoya

> aur karamheen ban kar soya



> have you wondered why dharma comes before arth kaam

> and moksh??

> people living in the material world, will not even

> be able to enjoy

> arth and kaam if they are not following their own

> dharma. while the

> gyaanis sit and discuss where is the goal and what

> is it, and

> whether it is this or that, or here or there, or

> positive or neutral.

> the karma yogi simply arrives there. whether i do

> sadhnas for for my

> wealth ,or my moksha. the net result is the same.


> my personal conclusion is that while members bother

> a lot about eating

> a microgram of egg in a biscuit, or not shaving,

> not this that, get

> up at brahmamahurat etc nobody will achieve success

> in

> their sadhnas until they are following the path of

> their dharma.

> dharma is simply doing the duty in life in which you

> are placed

> honestly and sincerely. even if it is done with

> pride and for selfish

> gains. because selflessness is difficult to

> practice, if you can do it

> great! the point is that it has been heard so often

> that it has lost

> it's impact. if you think you will forego some of

> your duties to do

> sadhnas, forget about success. if you forego

> pleasures of any kind

> (netsurfing, TV!!??) it will produce fast results.

> we worry so much

> about doing good deeds, but forget that doing our

> basic

> duties is the best deed.


> you know, a simple realization can liberate us

> mortals from the bonds

> of karma. because all karma good and bad has to be

> burnt out before we

> realize the self. i heard from the mouth of a very

> illuminated soul

> that if you want to give any one any gyaan for his

> welfare and wish

> him good it will produce effect only if in that

> giving there is no

> stench of your ego-- ahem chi boo an ho. otherwise,

> it will be wasted.

> if you think that these words from your mouth are

> coming from an

> inspiration deep within they will definitely produce

> the desired

> results.


> in those words lies the secret of liberation.

> so in essence while we live selfishly 24 hers, start

> by living 15

> minutes unselfishly. try to do good deeds. in the

> begining if you are

> facing serious problems in your life you will still

> hope to impress

> GOD by this activity. let it continue, and do not

> give up if you find

> your happiness. if not in this life, after 5 lives

> it will become a

> subconscious habit, and you will loose the selfish

> motive part. when

> making a small donation try to think that GOD is

> helping this person

> to through you and you are merely an instrument, be

> grateful that he

> chose you.



> but how does one aim to solve the material problem

> with spirituality

> without understanding the essence of spirituality?


> that is where we are being "duped" into

> spirituality. people come with

> a desire to solve material problems. but what do you

> think they are

> doing when you chant mantras? you are awakening your

> spiritual side.

> without it being awakened to an extent no success

> even material will

> come to the person.


> so the motive is more important than the actual

> action. here e.g. all

> members are asked to do prachaar of patrika and they

> do so. there can

> be various motives


> 1) they are my GURU's orders, no questions.-- i

> strongly doubt if

> this nachiketa kind breed

> exists.


> 2) i have found something good, and i want to share

> it with others to

> help them. -good motive--

> will give them positive results


> 3)i will do prachaar even if i am not convinced of

> something yet just

> because it will help me in my sadhnas -- result a

> selfish negative

> karma added to their disadvantage. we will happily

> do

> prachaar but will not chant single mala for GUJRAT

> quake victims e.g.

> GURUJi never tells us to do that, GURUji only askd

> to make magazine

> members...



> Is this because most of the people

> here already know

> the self? If so I sure am sorry to have sent this

> mail.. but if it is

> not so.. then where are the questions about self

> and how to get to

> know the self?


> my conclusion for myself is : i am not interested in

> moksha even 1 %.

> i am also not interested in going to siddhashram. i

> am also not

> interested in being one with GOD. i am here to live

> my life,

> and i have not chosen the path of a saint, a sadhu.

> i want to immerse

> myself in so much activity that everything else is

> forgotten, even if

> the activity is directed towards selfish ends, it is

> better than

> being akarmanya.. i realize that making it unselfish

> will help me, and

> i will try. i will try to lead as moral a life as

> is possible within

> my human limits, accepting that i am not above

> mistakes, however,

> if i make any, i will try to correct myself in the

> future, simply

> because negative karma produces pain (Selfish

> motive).. if i can

> follow the path of dharma as much as i can, enjoy

> arth and kaam by

> doing sadhnas if needed, moksha will take care of

> itself. i cannot

> seek what i do not understand. i cannot do it under

> (what i call peer

> pressure), just because others are seeking it, or

> believe

=== message truncated ===





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, Yoga man <childofdevi> wrote:



> Namaste Anu!


the truth is that i am only good at talking. i have yet to implement

my own "teachings". that is where the whole problem comes in. i will

the day i am strong enough only open my mouth after implementing whati

say. meanwhile i will pass this wisdom on to sadhak, it has not come

easily to me. after a lot of problems and a lot of analysis i have

reached three conclusions by the grace of god. i wrote this to a


i am going to post them on sadhak now


jai gurudev

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