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Swami Parmahamsa Yoganandji 's Birthday

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jai Gurudev

dear all,



Paramhansa Yogananda was born in India January 5, 1893. He came to

America in 1920 to begin the work his guru sent him to share.


so lets remember HIM by understanding his work and teachings....


iam posting an article written by him and providing links for more



in autobography of yogi he tells abt his own birth as given below



i was born in the last decade of the nineteenth century, and passed

my first eight years at Gorakhpur. This was my birthplace in the

united Provinces of northeastern India. We were eight children: four

boys and four girls. I, Mukunda Lal Ghosh3, was the second son

and the fourth child.


Father and Mother were Bengalis, of the Kshatriya caste. Both

were blessed with saintly nature. Their mutual love, tranquil and

dignified, never expressed itself frivolously. A perfect parental

harmony was the calm center for the revolving tumult of eight young







A room may be in darkness for thousands of years, but if a light is

brought into it, in that very instant the darkness vanishes. So is it

with sin. You cannot drive sin out of the mind any more than you can

beat darkness out of a room with a stick. By concentration on

delusion, indeed, you may only increase its

hold on your mind. Bring in the light of God, however, through

deep meditation and devotion, and the darkness will vanish as

though it had never been.

If one thinks of sin as breaking God's commandments, the

thought then arises of God's anger and stern judgment. But the

Lord is our very own! We are His children. Why should He judge

us? It is we, rather, who judge ourselves when we imagine that

anything we do is beyond forgiveness. But if we understand sin

as error, we realize that our errors can be rectified.


Never be afraid of God. Tell Him the things you've done wrong.

Remind Him that you are His child. That is much better than

whining, 'Lord, I am a sinner! I am a sinner!' You are made in

His image. Pray, then, 'Well, Lord, I have made mistakes, but

once I know You, there can be no more temptation for me.'


Give to God not only the good that you do, but also the bad. I

do not mean that you should deliberately do things that are

wrong. But when you cannot help yourself, because of habits

that are too strong, tell your mind that God is performing those

actions through you.


It is He, after all, who has dreamed your existence. You have

merely hypnotized yourself with the thought of your

weaknesses. If you make the Lord responsible for them, it will

help you to break the false hold they have on your imagination.

You'll find it easier, then, to recognize in yourself the perfect

image of God.




for more articles go to this link .i strongly suggest it





for online edition of autobiography of yogi go to this site





Jai Gurudev

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Here is another short paragraph from his book"How to

talk with God" by Yogananda Paramahamsa


God is moved by love alone


The average man prays to God with his mind only, not

with all the fervor of his heart. Such prayers are too

weak to bring any response. We should speak to the

Divine Spirit with confidence and with a feeling of

closeness, as to a father or a morhter. Our

relationship with God should be one of unconditional

love. More than in any other relationship we may

rightfully and naturally demand a reply from Spirit in

Its aspect as the Divine Mother. God is constranied to

answer such an appeal for the essence of a mother is

love and forgiveness of her child,no matter how great

a sinner he may be. The relationship between mother

and child is the most beautiful form of human love

that the Lord has given us.


Aum Namasivyaa,





--- birendra_m <birendra_m wrote:

> jai Gurudev

> dear all,



> Paramhansa Yogananda was born in India January 5,

> 1893. He came to

> America in 1920 to begin the work his guru sent him

> to share.


> so lets remember HIM by understanding his work and

> teachings....


> iam posting an article written by him and providing

> links for more

> articles


> in autobography of yogi he tells abt his own birth

> as given below


> "

> i was born in the last decade of the nineteenth

> century, and passed

> my first eight years at Gorakhpur. This was my

> birthplace in the

> united Provinces of northeastern India. We were

> eight children: four

> boys and four girls. I, Mukunda Lal Ghosh3, was the

> second son

> and the fourth child.


> Father and Mother were Bengalis, of the Kshatriya

> caste. Both

> were blessed with saintly nature. Their mutual love,

> tranquil and

> dignified, never expressed itself frivolously. A

> perfect parental

> harmony was the calm center for the revolving tumult

> of eight young

> lives."


> "




> A room may be in darkness for thousands of years,

> but if a light is

> brought into it, in that very instant the darkness

> vanishes. So is it

> with sin. You cannot drive sin out of the mind any

> more than you can

> beat darkness out of a room with a stick. By

> concentration on

> delusion, indeed, you may only increase its

> hold on your mind. Bring in the light of God,

> however, through

> deep meditation and devotion, and the darkness will

> vanish as

> though it had never been.

> If one thinks of sin as breaking God's commandments,

> the

> thought then arises of God's anger and stern

> judgment. But the

> Lord is our very own! We are His children. Why

> should He judge

> us? It is we, rather, who judge ourselves when we

> imagine that

> anything we do is beyond forgiveness. But if we

> understand sin

> as error, we realize that our errors can be

> rectified.


> Never be afraid of God. Tell Him the things you've

> done wrong.

> Remind Him that you are His child. That is much

> better than

> whining, 'Lord, I am a sinner! I am a sinner!' You

> are made in

> His image. Pray, then, 'Well, Lord, I have made

> mistakes, but

> once I know You, there can be no more temptation for

> me.'


> Give to God not only the good that you do, but also

> the bad. I

> do not mean that you should deliberately do things

> that are

> wrong. But when you cannot help yourself, because of

> habits

> that are too strong, tell your mind that God is

> performing those

> actions through you.


> It is He, after all, who has dreamed your existence.

> You have

> merely hypnotized yourself with the thought of your

> weaknesses. If you make the Lord responsible for

> them, it will

> help you to break the false hold they have on your

> imagination.

> You'll find it easier, then, to recognize in

> yourself the perfect

> image of God.

> "



> for more articles go to this link .i strongly

> suggest it








> for online edition of autobiography of yogi go to

> this site


> http://www.crystalclarity.com/yogananda/


> affectionately

> Jai Gurudev








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