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, Amit Shrestha <amit_enigma> wrote:


> jay gurudev,

> @anu didi, i was not ignoring your idea but i was

following your weighty statement that u did post some months earlier

viz " first practice then preach" so


dear amit,

yes it is true. i too am trying to so. i really think i am not in

aposition to guide anyone on anything. Wthe day practice efore you

preach becomes areality for me, i will be a totally changed person.


@vishal i guess, according to what i have read, right brain=

imagination and left brain= logic, and women use right brain most so

do lefthanded people, painters etc. Correct me if i am wrong.


yes that is true. right part has to do with emotions, and subconscious

more. But all right handed people use their left brain more than the

left one. Right brain has to do with order, structure. left part more

with chaos perhaps. all subconcious has to do with right part.


for month now, (and i am fed up of it),whenever i sit to chant

mantras (almost any) the right part of my brain, right ear come under

tremendous pressure. this also happens when i lie in bed am not yet

asleep. i discussed this in GURudham,, but nodody either understood

it, or gave an explanation or cure. rarely i also feel the same

pressure on the left side.

then i remembered this right left theory--my personal explanation

these days is that probably i have some confusions/ problems

pertaining to the subconscious. i will be very happy to see this

feeling go. any suggestion comments are welcome.


> and as for om chanting , a saint has said that though it gives

max benifits it also leads to teevra bairagya and so should be mixed

with other mantras while chanting. unless if ur a sanyasi.


i guess you all are right. i have never done it so cannot answer.

perhaps something as light as 15 minutes a day will be good combined

with other mantras. still i believe that it attacks all negative

esteem/personality problems fastest.






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