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to vijaya bhasker

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My dear Vijaya Bhasker,

i have really taken more than 5 hrs to write 1566 post, i pain

stackingly( ihave deliberately used it ,though its real so that u

atleast read it) tried to analyse and give reply in egoless way as

much as possible, pls do not ask me

how u can do that(just kidding) my ego might have some way or the

other surfaced in my replies, i dont know , pls forgive me if i had

made any ego mistakes....

i really want you to understand that my mail has been in the spirtit

of a sincere and persistent well wisher,you have come to the group u

have decided to contribute to the group, i personally believe that

your intentions are good, and sincere i may be wrong, but i dont want

leave such a pleasent constructive belief,i dont know if you are

struck some where in the spritual path, i really want you to move

ahead, one step at the least.if it required me to debate, iam ready


debate with you

to what ever length it permits, provdided that GOD continues with

the current resources that i have, not for the sake of debate nor to

defeat you and prove my point but with a feeling that you are my own

in some way or the other.



i too was in a similar state some what when i was studying +2 modern

physics and beautiful enviorons on Nagarjuna sagar reservoir pushed


into this spritual ism feild, my college was on on the hill top and

the hill was adjacent to the reservoir. so lot of

hills,serenity,water, openskies grass and the modern physics and

my brain...

i thought that science knew everything abt the universe and its

origins(Modern physics stuff) and i tried to link nature 's

manifestation with the sciences theories

so a marraige was performed to science and spritualism by me, and the

first book i brought was FRJiITOF CAPRA'S 'The tao of physics' I

read all that stuff,

when i read ur first mail of particles and anti particles , i just

remembered that book, and after that i tried to read various physics

books and because my mathematics knowledge after 10 was zero so i

could nt get much ahead , but after 2.5 yrs -3 yrs of pain stacking

and persistent effort , i realised that

science didnt had the answers, as i had lot of Brahmin friends i was

making a parallel effort in spiritual side but not with that

intensity that i had on the science side, and on the way i caught up

with swami viveakanda, there was something in his speeches that

appealed to your inner heart, he really had the fire, that impressed

me, his thinking and slowly i begin to reason as to how he became


that, how could he generate so much fire in his speeches, then it


me to the concept of Guru, then i figured out Guru is necessary and


the other side i was concluding that science was more limited and the

solutions i needed were

more in the spritual side than in the science side so that day id

ecided to devote my life to get a Guru learn all the knowledge, and

dropped the idea of doing phd, basically i felt that doing phd i


discover few drops of ocean(knwoledge) but i wanted the whole ocean,

so i felt that it was hard to get a Guru in this age... but i was not

knwowing how to search for one, in the nights when i used to look


the clear starry sky i was awed by its beauty , i always used to

wonder what was the neccessity for GOD to create stars which are in


way linked directly to us, is it just to beautify or does it have


than that, all these

thoughts used to tease me of my incapacities and my ignorance ,i


few times asking for lords help to explain all this, and i would be

humble student, i wanted to learn desperately,ebach glance at the

nature was making my determination to become more strong , that i

should devote my life to finding all truths of universe, so i started

to search for Guru, then my friend came across Dr Narain Dutt

shrimaliji and happened to read his literature, which i was


and later met him and discovered sadguru and love(heart). for which

iam always indebted to for ever.



if you wish to debate things with me, iam happy if it helps you , but

we will do 1 or 2 questions at a time, i really wont have this much

time, and if its 1 or 2 questions other people will be willing to

observe and chip in if they require,

once again i wish ur family good things, pls dont feel bad if your

wife is pregnant, pls dont be the way u were in mail, have and love

and faith in Lord, you will have a great child(please dont mind , i

had a good intention, if you mind ill take it back) .


good wishes and take care

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