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Selfless Love

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Can there be selfless love?

We often hear people talk about the love of the mother and son. Is that

selfless love?

We hear about the love between Meera and Krishna. Is that selfless love?


What is love? How can we achieve love? Can it be defined?


Each person experiences some kind of a love or the other some time or

the other in his/her life. It need not be love as in between a male and

a female (includes relationships between mother son etc), it can be love

for money, love for self, love for status, love for power, love to kill…

anything can be defined as love from the lovers perspective.


Krishna is said to have enticed a lot of gopikas – around 16000 of them.

What kind of love is that?

In how many ways can people interpret love?

My love for my work can be treated as an obsession from my wife. Can we

call love as an obsession? Is there any difference in them? Are they

just some play of words? Where did these words come from? Who started

love? Is it the same person who started hate? Why do we have these

diverse feelings? Why should one have love or hate? Why do some people

love to hate while others hate to love?


It is said that we can attain the ultimate spiritual uplift if we love

others selflessly. But are we not being selfish in trying to attain this

spiritual uplift? What is meant by being selfish? Is it the desire of a

person to achieve self satisfaction, affecting a lot of people in the

process? Then will the thought of doing deeds to attain spiritual uplift

helping others be considered as a selfless act?

What is it that we are gaining from this “selfless” act? Are we gaining

some good will from the person whom we help? Is it the happiness of the

thought, under the belief that a good deed will take us closer to our

spiritual self? Is it a psychological orientation towards the belief

that each time we help others; it will in turn do a good deed for us?

Are we not expecting something in return for that? What is this


What do we attain my performing a pooja/prayers? Is it another

psychological orientation of the belief imbibed in us that doing

pooja/prayers, we will be pleasing god? What exactly happens here? What

kind of transference takes place that we feel good about so much? Is

this a mental makeup or some kind of involuntary self hypnosis, which

makes us feel good about it? What is it in us who makes us think in this

direction? Is it our mind? Is it our soul? Is it the soul which makes us

feel things and make our complex body function in a nice and proper

manner till it is spoiled by our habits and old age?

What is our true age? Are we the age of the body we are currently in or

are we the age of the soul which is occupying this body? Does the soul

grow old?

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Don’t blind people

have soul? So, even if we loose a limb or all limbs, we still are alive.

We are termed alive till we are considered clinically dead. So where

does the soul go after that? Is this not a constant question which

everyone asks – about after life? Or does our life start after death? Is

our life here in our bodies some kind of a transition state like that of

a caterpillar that does nothing but eat, eat and eat; to become still

and captivated in a cocoon, to ultimately discard the shell and emerge

as a beautiful butterfly?

Is our body the cocoon and our soul the butterfly?

Can we actually “feel” this knowledge of this butterfly within us and be

sure that it is the butterfly of our soul?


There are a lot of thoughts in my mind about the body and the soul. I

have experienced this lightlessness of the body and this feeling of

floating in the air and flying like the bird in the sky. I am often

confused about what I feel as it becomes difficult to take this in a

stride that I have experienced these things before. My mind is clouded

by various thoughts about my feelings about these things as I often tend

to relate this with some kind of psychological feeling. There is no one

here who has been able to answer or talk in a proper manner about the

true nature of the term “spirituality”.

What I have noticed is that there is no one who is confidant about what

is said. All depend on the guru without telling or even explaining why

this guru is needed. Everyone wants to realize what they truly are, but

why do they want to realize this? What will they get out of this? Is

this a selfless realization? Is this entire soul search another major

deviation to keep our mind free from these mental tensions? To give us

our presumed peace while our body suffers the brunt of the world and

nature – working among people, growing old etc? Why? Why? Why?


Why are gods so human in nature – at least they way they are depicted?

If I consider Lord Shiva, he is the only god who, with his family been

publicized in so many ways and forms. Kamasutra was written based on

Shiva and Parvati’s union in the form of Shiva Linga. So most gods have

been given a human attribute. Or have humans been given gods attributes?

So who is the first human or who is the first god?


If we are to evolve on a continuous basis, and each phase of evolution

has brought in its own phase of changes, then why do we still follow

such old scriptures? Is it because we don’t have any values? Or is it

because we are very lazy/scared to make better ones? Do the scriptures

actually have such great values or is it that it simply appeals to us

that we feel it is good and valuable? Is it some kind of an accepted

cult/club which specializes in holding these old values and traditions

to continue the growth and consistency of the cult/club? Or is it that

we humans have not evolved out of present form of homosapeians and thus

still follow the old scriptures?


Can we get all these answers from selfless love? Is selfless love

defined? Can it be defined?


I know that there will be answers for these questions in some form or

the other, in some context or the other, some reason or the other, based

on beliefs, personal experiences etc. But can I believe that-that is the

truth? Will my acceptance of the answers based on my belief be the

actual satisfaction? Is my belief actually the actual belief? Or is it

again a belief which is born out of a social acceptance? What is the

ultimate true belief or true truth?


Vijay Bhaskar





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Namaste Sri Vijay Bhasker!


You hold an altogether literal intrepretation of many

of our so called scriptures- they are not literal but

allegorical. I put a post called The Divine Lover- and

suggested that most of them are versed in a veil that

you can understand only if you have the insightful



Talking and thinking of soul, one must have the soul

faculties for it. You are no doubt a mature soul

compared to most people for otherwise you would not

have such cogitations. But apparently the road to full

soul maturity is very long, and tedious and full of

precipices on either side. You make a wrong turn and

there is a steep fall. That is why you need a teacher

for that.


The journey to Rome starts with a single step; can you

tell me if you can concentrate for a single minute on

a single object without any obtruding thoughts. If so

this is a great achievement and now you should try for

10 minutes. If you cannot, brother you have a long way

to go for how can one read Shakespeare without

learning the alphabet??


I will reply in detail later as I too am preoccupied

with work.


Aum Namasivaya,





--- Vijay <thesoulstealer wrote:

> My Thoughts:


> Can there be selfless love?

> We often hear people talk about the love of the

> mother and son. Is that

> selfless love?

> We hear about the love between Meera and Krishna. Is

> that selfless love?


> What is love? How can we achieve love? Can it be

> defined?


> Each person experiences some kind of a love or the

> other some time or

> the other in his/her life. It need not be love as in

> between a male and

> a female (includes relationships between mother son

> etc), it can be love

> for money, love for self, love for status, love for

> power, love to kill…

> anything can be defined as love from the lovers

> perspective.


> Krishna is said to have enticed a lot of gopikas –

> around 16000 of them.

> What kind of love is that?

> In how many ways can people interpret love?

> My love for my work can be treated as an obsession

> from my wife. Can we

> call love as an obsession? Is there any difference

> in them? Are they

> just some play of words? Where did these words come

> from? Who started

> love? Is it the same person who started hate? Why do

> we have these

> diverse feelings? Why should one have love or hate?

> Why do some people

> love to hate while others hate to love?


> It is said that we can attain the ultimate spiritual

> uplift if we love

> others selflessly. But are we not being selfish in

> trying to attain this

> spiritual uplift? What is meant by being selfish? Is

> it the desire of a

> person to achieve self satisfaction, affecting a lot

> of people in the

> process? Then will the thought of doing deeds to

> attain spiritual uplift

> helping others be considered as a selfless act?

> What is it that we are gaining from this “selfless”

> act? Are we gaining

> some good will from the person whom we help? Is it

> the happiness of the

> thought, under the belief that a good deed will take

> us closer to our

> spiritual self? Is it a psychological orientation

> towards the belief

> that each time we help others; it will in turn do a

> good deed for us?

> Are we not expecting something in return for that?

> What is this

> “something”?

> What do we attain my performing a pooja/prayers? Is

> it another

> psychological orientation of the belief imbibed in

> us that doing

> pooja/prayers, we will be pleasing god? What exactly

> happens here? What

> kind of transference takes place that we feel good

> about so much? Is

> this a mental makeup or some kind of involuntary

> self hypnosis, which

> makes us feel good about it? What is it in us who

> makes us think in this

> direction? Is it our mind? Is it our soul? Is it the

> soul which makes us

> feel things and make our complex body function in a

> nice and proper

> manner till it is spoiled by our habits and old age?


> What is our true age? Are we the age of the body we

> are currently in or

> are we the age of the soul which is occupying this

> body? Does the soul

> grow old?

> It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul.

> Don’t blind people

> have soul? So, even if we loose a limb or all limbs,

> we still are alive.

> We are termed alive till we are considered

> clinically dead. So where

> does the soul go after that? Is this not a constant

> question which

> everyone asks – about after life? Or does our life

> start after death? Is

> our life here in our bodies some kind of a

> transition state like that of

> a caterpillar that does nothing but eat, eat and

> eat; to become still

> and captivated in a cocoon, to ultimately discard

> the shell and emerge

> as a beautiful butterfly?

> Is our body the cocoon and our soul the butterfly?

> Can we actually “feel” this knowledge of this

> butterfly within us and be

> sure that it is the butterfly of our soul?


> There are a lot of thoughts in my mind about the

> body and the soul. I

> have experienced this lightlessness of the body and

> this feeling of

> floating in the air and flying like the bird in the

> sky. I am often

> confused about what I feel as it becomes difficult

> to take this in a

> stride that I have experienced these things before.

> My mind is clouded

> by various thoughts about my feelings about these

> things as I often tend

> to relate this with some kind of psychological

> feeling. There is no one

> here who has been able to answer or talk in a proper

> manner about the

> true nature of the term “spirituality”.

> What I have noticed is that there is no one who is

> confidant about what

> is said. All depend on the guru without telling or

> even explaining why

> this guru is needed. Everyone wants to realize what

> they truly are, but

> why do they want to realize this? What will they get

> out of this? Is

> this a selfless realization? Is this entire soul

> search another major

> deviation to keep our mind free from these mental

> tensions? To give us

> our presumed peace while our body suffers the brunt

> of the world and

> nature – working among people, growing old etc? Why?

> Why? Why?


> Why are gods so human in nature – at least they way

> they are depicted?

> If I consider Lord Shiva, he is the only god who,

> with his family been

> publicized in so many ways and forms. Kamasutra was

> written based on

> Shiva and Parvati’s union in the form of Shiva

> Linga. So most gods have

> been given a human attribute. Or have humans been

> given gods attributes?

> So who is the first human or who is the first god?


> If we are to evolve on a continuous basis, and each

> phase of evolution

> has brought in its own phase of changes, then why do

> we still follow

> such old scriptures? Is it because we don’t have any

> values? Or is it

> because we are very lazy/scared to make better ones?

> Do the scriptures

> actually have such great values or is it that it

> simply appeals to us

> that we feel it is good and valuable? Is it some

> kind of an accepted

> cult/club which specializes in holding these old

> values and traditions

> to continue the growth and consistency of the

> cult/club? Or is it that

> we humans have not evolved out of present form of

> homosapeians and thus

> still follow the old scriptures?


> Can we get all these answers from selfless love? Is

> selfless love

> defined? Can it be defined?


> I know that there will be answers for these

> questions in some form or

> the other, in some context or the other, some reason

> or the other, based

> on beliefs, personal experiences etc. But can I

> believe that-that is the

> truth? Will my acceptance of the answers based on my

> belief be the

> actual satisfaction? Is my belief actually the

> actual belief? Or is it

> again a belief which is born out of a social

> acceptance? What is the

> ultimate true belief or true truth?


> Vijay Bhaskar






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Dear vijay,


Thanks for the inputs.

I am actually looking for answers for a lot of things. What i have

mailed is just a small portion of it.


I have tried my level best not to interpret the scriptures literally.

For example, in your mail, the "divine lover" what you have mentioned

is worthy.

There is also another intrepretation of the same concept of the



Our bodies contain a lot of feelings and nerve centres.

Scientifically, there are around 16000 odd such nerve points, which

control our emotions and our behaviour. Krishna is supposed to have

mastered all these nerve centres to the perfection. But to make the

layman understand, it is said that they are gopikas and etc etc.

Arjuna was his best deciple. He too followed krishan my marrying so

many. Can he not be considered as a worht desiple, as he to tried to

understand the control of nerves?


I do agree with you that it is difficult to concentrate on one object

for a long time. But all of us do concentrate like that without our

knowledge. For example,


Kamasutra is the science of making love. OSHO preaches this as one of

the ways to attain tatva. Why is this so?

This is the only act where all our nerve points and feelings are

concentrated on one bodily function. Is that not a concentration?

What is shivalinga? is that not the symbol of concentration?


Concentration is not the main problem. The problem is to understand

why we have to concnetrate and on what!


It sure is nice to interact an issue like spirituality. I am

constantly searching for the truth. All the feedback i get leads me

one step closer to more questions for which i seek more answers. I

persume maybe wrongly or rightly, that the more I have the

persistance towards the quest of soul, I more I shall get closer to

the self. After all are we not interacting with eachother in a

similar manner? We breath the same air, share the same form of

bodies, but are considered as individuals. is that what life has to

offer us?

My quest is to communicate - through our thoughts through our souls

and less and less by these physical means.


Do mail me.


Vijay Bhaskar




> Namaste Sri Vijay Bhasker!


> You hold an altogether literal intrepretation of many

> of our so called scriptures- they are not literal but

> allegorical. I put a post called The Divine Lover- and

> suggested that most of them are versed in a veil that

> you can understand only if you have the insightful

> intelligence.


> Talking and thinking of soul, one must have the soul

> faculties for it. You are no doubt a mature soul

> compared to most people for otherwise you would not

> have such cogitations. But apparently the road to full

> soul maturity is very long, and tedious and full of

> precipices on either side. You make a wrong turn and

> there is a steep fall. That is why you need a teacher

> for that.


> The journey to Rome starts with a single step; can you

> tell me if you can concentrate for a single minute on

> a single object without any obtruding thoughts. If so

> this is a great achievement and now you should try for

> 10 minutes. If you cannot, brother you have a long way

> to go for how can one read Shakespeare without

> learning the alphabet??


> I will reply in detail later as I too am preoccupied

> with work.


> Aum Namasivaya,

> Vijay


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--- thesoulstealer <thesoulstealer wrote:

> Dear vijay,

> Scientifically, there are around 16000 odd such

> nerve points, which

> control our emotions and our behaviour. Krishna is

> supposed to have

> mastered all these nerve centres to the perfection.

> But to make the

> layman understand, it is said that they are gopikas

> and etc etc.

> Arjuna was his best deciple. He too followed krishan

> my marrying so

> many. Can he not be considered as a worht desiple,

> as he to tried to

> understand the control of nerves?




I do not know where you got the number 16000.

According to the philosophy of Yoga, there are 72000

nadis in the body. I would suggest a good book called

?"" - the book is by Anna Wise(I forget the name) and

it gives a useful information on why believing

something totally ludicrous would be beneficial to

you- something about brain waves and all.


> I do agree with you that it is difficult to

> concentrate on one object

> for a long time. But all of us do concentrate like

> that without our

> knowledge. For example,


> Kamasutra is the science of making love. OSHO

> preaches this as one of

> the ways to attain tatva. Why is this so?

> This is the only act where all our nerve points and

> feelings are

> concentrated on one bodily function. Is that not a

> concentration?

> What is shivalinga? is that not the symbol of

> concentration?


I beg to disagree. Osho is a Vamachari and so looks at

everything from the point of view of sex and looks at

everything in a sexual light. I will not comment

further on this but in my definition, concentration

means being able to put your mind where you want to

put it, not where it wants to go; just the act of

being concentrated in particular situation is no

different from an animal brain(eg a cow is likely not

to think of anything else while it is eating grass

just its brain is so underdeveloped).



> Concentration is not the main problem. The problem

> is to understand

> why we have to concnetrate and on what!


Concentration is indeed the main problem because if

you have good concentration, answers get revealed to

you. So once you have good concentration, you can then

concentrate on what to concentrate:-). As I mentioned

before, one has to learn the alphabet before studying

literature. I would suggest that you read a good

translation of Yogasutras by Patanjali( like Swami

Venkesananda, this is availabe on the web). He

explains why you have to concentrate and on what...


> It sure is nice to interact an issue like

> spirituality. I am

> constantly searching for the truth. All the feedback

> i get leads me

> one step closer to more questions for which i seek

> more answers. I

> persume maybe wrongly or rightly, that the more I

> have the

> persistance towards the quest of soul, I more I

> shall get closer to

> the self. After all are we not interacting with

> eachother in a

> similar manner? We breath the same air, share the

> same form of

> bodies, but are considered as individuals. is that

> what life has to

> offer us?


Same here. Noone is absolutely right or wrong.

Everyone learns from everybody else. Some teach you

what to do, others teach you what not to do.

> My quest is to communicate - through our thoughts

> through our souls

> and less and less by these physical means.


This is one of the byproducts of yoga(read Patanjali).

When you are sufficiently developed, mental telepathy

will convey all you want convey.


Aum Namasivyaa,



> Do mail me.


> Vijay Bhaskar




> >

> > Namaste Sri Vijay Bhasker!

> >

> > You hold an altogether literal intrepretation of

> many

> > of our so called scriptures- they are not literal

> but

> > allegorical. I put a post called The Divine Lover-

> and

> > suggested that most of them are versed in a veil

> that

> > you can understand only if you have the insightful

> > intelligence.

> >

> > Talking and thinking of soul, one must have the

> soul

> > faculties for it. You are no doubt a mature soul

> > compared to most people for otherwise you would

> not

> > have such cogitations. But apparently the road to

> full

> > soul maturity is very long, and tedious and full

> of

> > precipices on either side. You make a wrong turn

> and

> > there is a steep fall. That is why you need a

> teacher

> > for that.

> >

> > The journey to Rome starts with a single step; can

> you

> > tell me if you can concentrate for a single minute

> on

> > a single object without any obtruding thoughts. If

> so

> > this is a great achievement and now you should try

> for

> > 10 minutes. If you cannot, brother you have a long

> way

> > to go for how can one read Shakespeare without

> > learning the alphabet??

> >

> > I will reply in detail later as I too am

> preoccupied

> > with work.

> >

> > Aum Namasivaya,

> > Vijay

> >








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to Vijay from Vijay,


Interesting set of information. I find it very strange but the facts

are huge. All I can understand here is how much one has to learn to

achieve a good amount of knowledge.


We in this quest of spirituality at least have to learn a lot. It is

not easy to convince others with little or limited knowledge. This

group with people like you sure make it a very interesting place to

learn new things about life and spirituality - not to mention our

vedic history and its interpretations.


I really am enjoying these little escapades with life.


I have to thank one and all in this group for the kind of knowledge

sharing which goes on.


Vijay bhaskar

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dear vijay,


> >

> > I do agree with you that it is difficult to

> > concentrate on one object

> > for a long time. But all of us do concentrate like

> > that without our

> > knowledge. For example,

> >

> > Kamasutra is the science of making love. OSHO

> > preaches this as one of

> > the ways to attain tatva. Why is this so?

> > This is the only act where all our nerve points and

> > feelings are

> > concentrated on one bodily function. Is that not a

> > concentration?

> > What is shivalinga? is that not the symbol of

> > concentration?


> I beg to disagree. Osho is a Vamachari and so looks at

> everything from the point of view of sex and looks at

> everything in a sexual light. I will not comment

> further on this but in my definition, concentration

> means being able to put your mind where you want to

> put it, not where it wants to go;

>just the act of

> being concentrated in particular situation is no

> different from an animal brain(eg a cow is likely not

> to think of anything else while it is eating grass

> just its brain is so underdeveloped).



the cow example is the perfect,way of descibing osho's philosophy

i was looking for such a powerful exmple,nice that u gave the point,

at one place sivananda tells that animals are skilled then ordinary

mortals like us,take cat/fox /some animal see their hunting skills

which we in normal mode cant match until we develop our faculties,

the answer he gives is that animals do their act with full

concentration becos they dont have the ego factor(only human beings

have) due to lack of this ego factor causes the animals not to

subject to law of karma that is the reason tiger can hunt whenever it

pleases and wherever it pleases without accruing bad karma for killing

other animals


but animals lack the faculty for mediating and merging into the Lord

we should not forget that beyond concentration one has to mediatate

too to become the divine, that is the reason u may see raksahas/bad

tantriks who get boons by power of concentration/sadhana are not




why did u leave ur Guru subaramiam(www.Gurudeva.org)( forgive me if i

got the name of the Guru wrong) and searching for a new one



aum namasivaya


jai Gurudev

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