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Kundalini Jaagran

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Hi Everyone,


Thinking that experiences can be of help to someone i am

posting these experiences. While reading "Mantra Rahasya" written by Pujya

Gurudev and i promised my myself to awaken my kundalini in this birth

itself. From that day onwards i started controlling my desires and tried to

live as pious life as possible as this is one of the major requirements for

Kundalini jaagran.


Then one day i got in to a fight

with one of my friends and i realised that i can't do anything and i

realised i am not devoted in all to Pujya Gurudev. Next day i prayed during

meditation to Pujya Gurudev to awaken my kundalini so that i become all pure

and be devoted to him and love him truly. And when i was reciting Guru

Mantra a spark ignited in my Muladhar Chakra. I felt as if the flame was

ignited and that day i was in peace. A peace whic i have never encountered

before. From that onwards i used to wait for mornings to come and jump in to

meditation to experince that joy.


After that i decided to go Guru Poornima Shivir of 1997

which was held in Hyderabad. I planned to go home and while returning to

bangalore i will atend the shivir in Hyderabad. When i was in home i was

thnking of coimng to shivir eagerly. I felt that some force is pulling heart

and becokning me. I was all set for going to shivir whatever may happen.


I arrived in Hyderabad and met some of the great

disciples of Pujya Gurudev each one had there own sadana experiences. Their

ventures in to sadhana field was surprising me a lot and how close they were

to Pujya Gurudev. Then the shivir began and Pujya Gurudev said devote every

second of these 3 days to me chant guru mantra every second. I did just that

i was reciting guru mantra all the time and eating food only once in night.

I was avoiding water too as i have some problem with urinary system i have

to occasionally go to urine. Then to my suprise Pujya Gurdev announced to

give Kundalini sadhana and at that time one of the greatest disciples of

Pujya Gurudev who hosted that shivir prayed to Pujya Gurudev to impart

diksha to us saying that we households will find it very difficult to do a

daily mantra jap of 21 or 51 malas. Pujya Gurudev accepted his prayer for

giving dikshaas. I was overjoyed. i had only 500 Rs left with me. i rushed

to my new friends for money. They gave me Rs 300/- and i was all set for

taking diksha. There was very long queue there for Diksha and Pujya Gurudev

was givng diksha one after one unperturbed. He stood all the time there i

think something like 3 hours giving part of his divine energy one by one to

us wihtout rest until all were done. I guess he was bit tired and never let

that show up on his face or in any of his actions. And then he asked for the

bhajans to be played.


I was doing bhajans with all devotion and and a tear

for Pujya gurudev fell from my eyes. thinking of the hardships that he had

went through in gettings sadhnas and dikshaas from rishi munis a tear fell

down from my eyes. Then after that he started giving pravachan. I don't know

when a sudden surge of very great force started to rush through my body. All

nerves in my body were on fire. I couldn't control my body. i felt as if

someone is twisting my face in every possible way with all force. I didn't

knew what was happening. My fingers took a shape of fist i wasn't able to

open them no matter how hard i tried. My legs started paining a lot and

started rising above ground. I feared i will fly away. Energy was rushing

violently through all my body. i realised something within me is at rest but

my body is not. And all this time Gurudev was giving pravachan as if nothin

was happening. I don't if he was aware of what was happening to me. Then

knowing not what to do i remembered that nothing is more greater than Guru

Mantra. then with what all concentration i had i put it together to recite

Guru Mantra and i was reciting just like a little child who doens't know how

to speak. And within seconds all the energies in my body came to halt and

concentarted and started flowing like a pacified river towards sushumna. It

was flowing through some passage right between the eye brows. It was flowing

through some hurdle. When pravachan was over i got up but still energy in my

hands was flowing like anything and my hands were still out of my control.

That energy flow lasted for more than 1 hour even after i started roaming

around here and there chanting Guru Mantra.


After all this i realised i still have

some bad and negative thoughts. I was disturbed i was thinking that aftr

kundalini gets awakenend one becomes all pure but i still wasn't. And after

all these years i realised that it was something like the initiation and

setting of the process but still lot of work needs to be done before i

reacvh my destination. From that day onwards my life changed completely.



Jai Gurudev




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