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My Dear Friend Kanishk,


You can try wearing "Narayan Raksha Kavach" or Try any placing of the "

Tantrakot Nariyal" at your house by proper ritual.Consult for details at

Siddhashram .You should also attach your & your wife horo with your mail as you

seem to facing multiple problems.







Kanishk Chakravarty

tantra group

Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:08 PM


dear friends,

i am sending my horoscope and my specifications :


Name= kanishk chakravarty


Place is: Purnia,Bihar,India 25.49 N, 87.31 E

Time is : 7:00 am exactly




Charan =4


B i r t h D a t e# : 03-03-1977B i r t h D a y # : ThursdayB i r t h

T i m e# : 07:00:00

Y o n i : MESH

G a n a : DEVY u n j a : MADYAN a d i : MADYAV a r n a : BRAHMINH a n s a k : VARI



my horoscope is attached.....


my enquiry is about the Rahu in the 8th house......it seems to be giving many

bad results regarding health and im suffering from an evil

spirit(Pishach)(Pret) ......it has been bothering me since 4 years.........ive

shown many people

It also gives me many problems regarding people trying to do black magic over me.....


ive heard that this problem is there in people with kundli's having Rahu and

Harshal in the 8th place.....

what else problems can it cause........


and what about Uranus in th 8th, Neptune in the 9th, Pluto in the 7th......see

in my horoscope attached....

what effect do these have on me...and pluto on my wife..??



can you tell me about these also





kanishkJay Gurudev

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, "Kanishk Chakravarty" <kanishk@a...> wrote:

> please Sir, Could u tell me as soon as possible......cause im very

worried over here and stay half of the time in anxiety,........but im

a great devotee of god........

> Its my early girlfriends boy friend who is responsible for this

Pishach, and ive heard that my horoscope says "death of spouse after

marriage",........is everything fine for my father....?"


> regards,

> kanishk

> Dear kanishk,

for personal reasons, I have decided to leave issp and was just in the

process of removing this page from my book marks when I saw your

query. First, I am not an astrologer. But still you have a good

horoscope. You have an exalted venus in the first house which gives a

mahapurush yog. (but please do not be so easily convinced that you are

a mahapurush by it…) just like do not panic seeing rahu in the 8th.

you also have an exalted mars and a swagrahi moon. And a budhaditya

yog in the 12th. Jupiter and venus exchange houses too which gives a

rajyog of kind limited by the fact that venus is also the ruler of

8th. I have a friend with rahu in the 8th, and she is very happily

married with no problems whatso ever. Rahu and ketu are shadow

planets. They take on the nature of the lord of the house and

nakshtara they are placed in you have just started the mahadasha of


I am an advocator of self help. Appeasing venus will give you good

results. But I believe in two things

1) fasting. So if you choose to do that, fast for mahalakshmi as

she presides over venus too ohn Fridays shri yantra pooja will help

you. .Not the kind that general hindus keep. I.e. mummy prepares

delicacies, and beta watches a movie with a coke in hand in the name

of fasting. And chats away to glory on phone.

2) Fasting means self control. So wake up early, do not laze or

sit idle, talk less and on Fridays ie work hard through out the day

at something, and try to find your own weak points, and use some self


2) chanting


just a few additions to it

wear white, sit on a white mat preferably woolen. And try to finish a

minimum count of 16000 minimum, but I advocate chanting this mantra

for 6 months to get wonderful results. Remember concentration and

devotion. This is perfectly allowed, and the rule is adhikasya labham

adhikam. And do not forget to chant 1 mala guru mantra before and

after. Rahu these days has moved to tauras, so venus mantra will be

doubly effective. Venus is right now in aquarius-start the moment it

enters pisces this Friday is good enough. If you do not have the

samagri, take saftik mala from anywhere and draw the yantra with

chandan on a small siver plate

but do whatever you do yourself and with devotion…

iof in addition to it, you can chant 1 mala of maha mriyunjaya a day

NOW NOW NOW NOW NOWshivratri is coming!!! with a rudraksh mala for

every single day and pray to shiv ji for cure, i can promise you you

will be cured of your fears and piscach badha much faster than you




Please do not read non sensical web pages, and confuse your mind.

There is no such thing as venus in first so this this this and rahu in

the 8th so this this this.

This is dangerous, it will lead to all kinds of confusions and fears.


Good wishes

Good bye to all

Love to all and



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just 2 small comments,

if you cannot start this friday start next. this is really a good

period to start. do not loose it. venus is the lord of your 8th and

sitting in the first. and you are running mahadasha of venus. this is

causing you all this mental anxiety and stress. venus stays in a house

barely for 20 -23 days. so is it a great time to start mahamrityunjay.

i would also advocate buying the cassette mahamrityunjaya by shubha

mudgal and playing it on and off on a walkman when you feel like.

again this is the perfect time for it. as this time is called shiv

kalp--NOW!!!. all sadhnas pertaining to shiv give fast results, and

mahamrityunjaya works wonders in pret badha, tantra badha.


also a note for chanting guru mantra. i started chanting guru mantra

much before i tok guru diksha, and it is perfectly allowed. no body at

Gurudham objected to it. just accept GURUDEV mentally as your GURU and



good luck!



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Dear kanishk,

I wrote a mail, but this silly page disappears the moment you do

something else. I went to your horoscope I had generated to check

something, and lo!!

So, I take trouble to finish what I started and type again.

Now to your questions one by one.


Yes i used to do Mahamrityunjaya with a real

rudraksha of 5,6,and 7 mukhi 108 beads......which i

was given by a sadhu

It had a great effect on the pret badha but......then


went into bad habits......then it came back.......


kanishk, whatever you do, please do not give this up. It is very

fortunate that a sadhu gave you a rudraksh mala. Use it, and chant

atleast 1 mala of mahamrityunjaya a day. You can make it 3 or 5 too.

More than that may get impractical. Two things combine to give

results: intensity and repitition. So try to slowly increase your

concentration. Do not worry. It happens on it's own slowly.


BUT the rule is the same amount of jap daily at the same time at the

same place. Set aside an aasan for jap. I use a large cushion. It is

comfortable to sit on you know. You can wear white for this too. Apart

from wearing clean clothes try not to wear them for other purposes. So

set aside say a t shirt and shorts or a kurta pyjama. And take them

off after jap. There are reasons for all this but I wish to

concentrate on answering your mail as I am doing it the second time



yes i am a big devotee of shivji and vishnuji

good, these things come from prev lives..


another i have a big problem with lust......i just


seem to control it....is it with also some graha.....


yes, dear sir. This is also due to venus. You really have a strong

venus. GOOD in some ways actually. I am jealous! What I had gone back

to check was that venus is also your atamakaraka. It represents your

soul. So working on it's mantra will help you even more. venus

naturally represents things on the material plane. Surely sex. That is

why I suggested combining it with some other mantra too.

Now are you inclined to take GURU diksha? If yes, I suggest you send

your picture to gurudham and chant GURU mantra 1 mala before and

after. If not, even then it is a good thing to say a mental pranaam to

all sages that lived before and seek their blessings.

BUT I must admit, I am eccentric and different and so is my advice. SO

I am against gem therapy wear this or that yantra. Or even take this

or that diksha. So I can only advocate what I do myself and nothing

else. GOD and your Guru should be unaffected by whether or not you

have money in your purse. There is no sunstitute for devotion. While

money alone can do nothing. Devotion alone will work wonders. So try

just devotion.

OK , so for your mind. This comes from Vivekananda not me…

Chant 1 mala aum loud and aloud before you start your chanting it will

really help.

One more tip from yogananda this time. "Before retiring at night, wipe

with a cold wet towel all body openings hands feet navel back of neck

face etc. and do so regularly. During times of bodily excitement draw

six to 10 deep breaths and exhale them deeply"

Then, chant a mantra say mrityunjaya, visualize lord shiva. Tell him

your problem unashamedly and exactly what you thought, and seek help.

Think something else and let go. I will also advocate doing this

whenever you find your minfd thinking of rahu and pret badha etc. tell

yourself that you are under GOD's protection and no harm will come to

you. Do this repeatedly. Minds are not bought in the market. They have

to be painstakingly manufactured.


lord what should i do?


Try to perform a 40 day ritual of your chant. This is magic number

that is recommended in all religions. Hindus, muslims and Sikhs. If

for any reason your chant breaks restart it again till you can do 40

days non stop. Do not make celibacy an issue with it, as this is your

weak point. We all have ours. Mine is talking….

But try to stay celibate say. One day a week. No movies, no love

songs. Just play chants, and talk less. This is also a fast in itself.

BUT do remember not to laze and work hard at something. If Fridays are

difficult, choose anyday according to convenience. Thursday is the

next best for you.

Staying hungry is one way of fasting. There are many others.

and another problem i cant control my mind......it is

very very chanchal...i cant control it...my reasoning

power is good but my mind is very chanchal

this is one of my biggest problems.....please suggest

something for it.....cause when i do jap and

worship...then it wanders......it seems impossible to

control it.


I know, mine is bad too.. Chanting itself will slowly help you.

Chanting aum more and more will help. You are an emotional guy? I got

an answer from my younger brother when he gave his 12th exams. He said

you have to keep trying. Bring your mind back again and again to the

problem at hand, and do not give up. In a month or two, You will be

surprised with the results. I just checked the pallets that have

something to do with your mind. BUT will not tell you yet. First

finish an honest 4o day ritual. If you feel it has helped you, send me

a personal mail, and I will let you know.

BUT be honest and do whatever you do with devotion and sincerity. Do

not worry so much about concentration. First start doing things at


So good luck!


jai gurudev


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--- Thanks anu for the tips.........yes i am a very very

emotional person....!!

good, I am on my way to become an astrologer. Actually, I am taking an

oath never to think about it again. I am going to take deep breaths

and think something else...it is a total waste of time. I open

everyone's horoscope and try to understand it… and have not read a

single book on it!


I even cry sometimes when i feel that someones

feelings are hurt........


and why do you do such things in the first place that people cry??


Sometimes thoughts like Shivji and Parvati kaam

krida(sex) type thoughts come even when i dont want

them to come.....then shivji is bound to get angry...


oh boy, I never thought this way all my life! It is an unhealthy

curiosity to know what other people are doing in their bed rooms-even

GODS! Everyone has a right to privacy. Seriously speaking kanishk,

shivji has created you me, your mind , my mind and the act as well

thoughts of sex. The fact that you can admit such things on discussion

lists shows that you are honest and also accept yourself whatever you

may think. This is a good sign.... as I said, you have a good

horoscope. since he made a faulty piece he has no right to

complain..!! it is not your fault at all. do not worry brother, GODS

are not so limited. Least of all shivji. He knows all truths in any

case and is truth himself. I suggest that you do not panick, accept

them and ignore them. Try to replace it with some other thought. Say

concentrate on shiv ji's feet and bow your head on them. imagine

yourself as a baby in his lap? You can also think of both of them as

small children. May be that will help? Whatever appeals to you. They

will stop coming as you progress. These are obstructions coming from

your past karma. One day, it will bear out and you will kind your

heart filled with divine elixir.

what am i supposed to do........? i mean that kind of

thought is disrespectful then what am i supposed to


i cant seem to control my mind for those thoughts not

to come....

do not stop them, change them into something else. BUT do not let them

stop you from praying or chanting. I told you celibacy is not the rule

for you. Just do something..!! chanting GURU mantra and chetna

+gayatri will also help you.

and yes, do chant. Kanishk you can have a great time ahead if you play

your cards well...your venus is also vargottam. (something!) my venus

mahasdasha will come only when I am 80, and I have to keep myself

active and young to enjoy the results then.

What about my fees, kanishk? Surely you do not expect me to give such

precious advice for free? OK here is the charge. You will not go to

this site and that site, and try to understand your horoscope and

stress yourself! And make yourself panicky about rahu ketu...

JUST DO NOT THINK ABOUT ASTROLOGY. you will get the ideas of pret

badha out of your head.

Believe me GOD is much stronger than all this and he exists! And it is

really unfair to think that this new boyfriend of your ex girlfriend

is doing rituals on you.........I have feeling it your imagination.

OK,OK if it is not, fine, I am sorry.


So will you pay my fees?


so very good bye to all of you, and lots of love too to all of you..

GOOD BYE, god bless and jai gurudev


ps: there is going to be no astrology section at least for the next 7

or 8 months on Sadhak.maybe more... I am busy, and my brother ashish

has relieved me of the work…

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dear friends,

i am sending my horoscope and my specifications :


Name= kanishk chakravarty


Place is: Purnia,Bihar,India 25.49 N, 87.31 E

Time is : 7:00 am exactly




Charan =4


B i r t h D a t e# : 03-03-1977B i r t h D a y # : ThursdayB i r t h

T i m e# : 07:00:00

Y o n i : MESH

G a n a : DEVY u n j a : MADYAN a d i : MADYAV a r n a : BRAHMINH a n s a k : VARI



my horoscope is attached.....


my enquiry is about the Rahu in the 8th house......it seems to be giving many

bad results regarding health and im suffering from an evil

spirit(Pishach)(Pret) ......it has been bothering me since 4 years.........ive

shown many people

It also gives me many problems regarding people trying to do black magic over me.....


ive heard that this problem is there in people with kundli's having Rahu and

Harshal in the 8th place.....

what else problems can it cause........


and what about Uranus in th 8th, Neptune in the 9th, Pluto in the 7th......see

in my horoscope attached....

what effect do these have on me...and pluto on my wife..??



can you tell me about these also






Attachment: (image/jpeg) myhoro.JPG [not stored]

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Oh my GOD!! i have got so many requests to see horoscopes, but i am no

astrologer. please do not send your horoscopes to me. i am not capable

of doing any good. i am a fraud. kanishk you got me in trouble. BUT

you do as i say, please. please chant venus mantra and mah

mrityunjaya. also, i will suggest atleast 1 mala guru mantra befre

and after both of them


jai gurudev


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er...thanks...but i had a girl friend with whom i was going to get

problems....but we broke off since she was involved in sexual relations with

other people.....

si im alone now.........can you tell me only about my horoscope....?



Wednesday, February 27, 2002 1:20 AM

Re: query...

My Dear Friend Kanishk,

You can try wearing "Narayan Raksha Kavach" or Try any placing of the "

Tantrakot Nariyal" at your house by proper ritual.Consult for details at

Siddhashram .You should also attach your & your wife horo with your mail as you

seem to facing multiple problems.




Kanishk Chakravarty

tantra group

Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:08 PM


dear friends,

i am sending my horoscope and my specifications :

Name= kanishk chakravarty

Place is: Purnia,Bihar,India 25.49 N, 87.31 E

Time is : 7:00 am exactly



Charan =4

B i r t h D a t e# : 03-03-1977B i r t h D a y # : ThursdayB i r t h

T i m e# : 07:00:00

Y o n i : MESH

G a n a : DEVY u n j a : MADYAN a d i : MADYAV a r n a : BRAHMINH a n s a k : VARI

my horoscope is attached.....

my enquiry is about the Rahu in the 8th house......it seems to be giving many

bad results regarding health and im suffering from an evil

spirit(Pishach)(Pret) ......it has been bothering me since 4 years.........ive

shown many people

It also gives me many problems regarding people trying to do black magic over me.....

ive heard that this problem is there in people with kundli's having Rahu and

Harshal in the 8th place.....

what else problems can it cause........

and what about Uranus in th 8th, Neptune in the 9th, Pluto in the 7th......see

in my horoscope attached....

what effect do these have on me...and pluto on my wife..??

can you tell me about these also



kanishkJay Gurudev Terms of

Service. Jay Gurudev Terms of


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please Sir, Could u tell me as soon as possible......cause im very worried over

here and stay half of the time in anxiety,........but im a great devotee of


Its my early girlfriends boy friend who is responsible for this Pishach, and ive

heard that my horoscope says "death of spouse after marriage",........is

everything fine for my father....?"





Wednesday, February 27, 2002 1:20 AM

Re: query...

My Dear Friend Kanishk,

You can try wearing "Narayan Raksha Kavach" or Try any placing of the "

Tantrakot Nariyal" at your house by proper ritual.Consult for details at

Siddhashram .You should also attach your & your wife horo with your mail as you

seem to facing multiple problems.




Kanishk Chakravarty

tantra group

Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:08 PM


dear friends,

i am sending my horoscope and my specifications :

Name= kanishk chakravarty

Place is: Purnia,Bihar,India 25.49 N, 87.31 E

Time is : 7:00 am exactly



Charan =4

B i r t h D a t e# : 03-03-1977B i r t h D a y # : ThursdayB i r t h

T i m e# : 07:00:00

Y o n i : MESH

G a n a : DEVY u n j a : MADYAN a d i : MADYAV a r n a : BRAHMINH a n s a k : VARI

my horoscope is attached.....

my enquiry is about the Rahu in the 8th house......it seems to be giving many

bad results regarding health and im suffering from an evil

spirit(Pishach)(Pret) ......it has been bothering me since 4 years.........ive

shown many people

It also gives me many problems regarding people trying to do black magic over me.....

ive heard that this problem is there in people with kundli's having Rahu and

Harshal in the 8th place.....

what else problems can it cause........

and what about Uranus in th 8th, Neptune in the 9th, Pluto in the 7th......see

in my horoscope attached....

what effect do these have on me...and pluto on my wife..??

can you tell me about these also



kanishkJay Gurudev Terms of

Service. Jay Gurudev Terms of


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Yes i used to do Mahamrityunjaya with a real rudraksha of 5,6,and 7 mukhi 108

beads......which i was given by a sadhu

It had a great effect on the pret badha but......then i went into bad

habits......then it came back.......

yes i am a big devotee of shivji and vishnuji

another i have a big problem with lust......i just cant seem to control it....is

it with also some graha.....what should i do?

and another problem i cant control my mind......it is very very chanchal...i

cant control it...my reasoning power is good but my mind is very chanchal

this is one of my biggest problems.....please suggest something for it.....cause

when i do jap and worship...then it wanders......it seems impossible to control






Wednesday, February 27, 2002 3:16 AM

Re: query...

--just 2 small comments,if you cannot start this friday start next. this is

really a good period to start. do not loose it. venus is the lord of your 8th

and sitting in the first. and you are running mahadasha of venus. this is

causing you all this mental anxiety and stress. venus stays in a house barely

for 20 -23 days. so is it a great time to start mahamrityunjay. i would also

advocate buying the cassette mahamrityunjaya by shubha mudgal and playing it on

and off on a walkman when you feel like. again this is the perfect time for it.

as this time is called shiv kalp--NOW!!!. all sadhnas pertaining to shiv give

fast results, and mahamrityunjaya works wonders in pret badha, tantra

badha.also a note for chanting guru mantra. i started chanting guru mantra much

before i tok guru diksha, and it is perfectly allowed. no body at Gurudham

objected to it. just accept GURUDEV mentally as your GURU and start. good

luck!jaigurudevanuJay Gurudev

Terms of Service.

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Thanks anu for the tips.........yes i am a very very emotional person....!!

I even cry sometimes when i feel that someones feelings are hurt........


Another question , frankly, if im worshipping Shivji then sexual thoughts come

to my mind then, shivji is bound to get angry with me.

Sometimes thoughts like Shivji and Parvati kaam krida(sex) type thoughts come

even when i dont want them to come.....then shivji is bound to get angry...


what am i supposed to do........? i mean that kind of thought is disrespectful

then what am i supposed to do.....??

i cant seem to control my mind for those thoughts not to come....

Dear kanishk,I wrote a mail, but this silly page disappears the moment you

do something else. I went to your horoscope I had generated to check something,

and lo!!So, I take trouble to finish what I started and type again.Now to your

questions one by one. Yes i used to do Mahamrityunjaya with a real

rudraksha of 5,6,and 7 mukhi 108 beads......which i was given

by a sadhu It had a great effect on the pret badha but......then

i went into bad habits......then it came back.......

kanishk, whatever you do, please do not give this up. It is very fortunate that

a sadhu gave you a rudraksh mala. Use it, and chant atleast 1 mala of

mahamrityunjaya a day. You can make it 3 or 5 too. More than that may get

impractical. Two things combine to give results: intensity and repitition. So

try to slowly increase your concentration. Do not worry. It happens on it's own

slowly.BUT the rule is the same amount of jap daily at the same time at the same

place. Set aside an aasan for jap. I use a large cushion. It is comfortable to

sit on you know. You can wear white for this too. Apart from wearing clean

clothes try not to wear them for other purposes. So set aside say a t shirt and

shorts or a kurta pyjama. And take them off after jap. There are reasons for all

this but I wish to concentrate on answering your mail as I am doing it the

second time already!yes i am a big devotee of shivji and vishnujigood, these

things come from prev lives.. another i have a

big problem with lust......i just cant seem to control it....is

it with also some graha.....yes, dear sir. This is also due to venus. You

really have a strong venus. GOOD in some ways actually. I am jealous! What I

had gone back to check was that venus is also your atamakaraka. It represents

your soul. So working on it's mantra will help you even more. venus naturally

represents things on the material plane. Surely sex. That is why I suggested

combining it with some other mantra too. Now are you inclined to take GURU

diksha? If yes, I suggest you send your picture to gurudham and chant GURU

mantra 1 mala before and after. If not, even then it is a good thing to say a

mental pranaam to all sages that lived before and seek their blessings. BUT I

must admit, I am eccentric and different and so is my advice. SO I am against

gem therapy wear this or that yantra. Or even take this or that diksha. So I

can only advocate what I do myself and nothing else. GOD and your Guru should

be unaffected by whether or not you have money in your purse. There is no

sunstitute for devotion. While money alone can do nothing. Devotion alone will

work wonders. So try just devotion.OK , so for your mind. This comes from

Vivekananda not me…Chant 1 mala aum loud and aloud before you start your

chanting it will really help. One more tip from yogananda this time. "Before

retiring at night, wipe with a cold wet towel all body openings hands feet

navel back of neck face etc. and do so regularly. During times of bodily

excitement draw six to 10 deep breaths and exhale them deeply" Then, chant a

mantra say mrityunjaya, visualize lord shiva. Tell him your problem

unashamedly and exactly what you thought, and seek help. Think something else

and let go. I will also advocate doing this whenever you find your minfd

thinking of rahu and pret badha etc. tell yourself that you are under GOD's

protection and no harm will come to you. Do this repeatedly. Minds are not

bought in the market. They have to be painstakingly manufactured.lord what

should i do?Try to perform a 40 day ritual of your chant. This is

magic number that is recommended in all religions. Hindus, muslims and Sikhs.

If for any reason your chant breaks restart it again till you can do 40 days

non stop. Do not make celibacy an issue with it, as this is your weak point. We

all have ours. Mine is talking….But try to stay celibate say. One day a week. No

movies, no love songs. Just play chants, and talk less. This is also a fast in

itself. BUT do remember not to laze and work hard at something. If Fridays are

difficult, choose anyday according to convenience. Thursday is the next best

for you.Staying hungry is one way of fasting. There are many others.

and another problem i cant control my mind......it is very

very chanchal...i cant control it...my reasoning power is good

but my mind is very chanchal this is one of my biggest

problems.....please suggest something for it.....cause when i do

jap and worship...then it wanders......it seems impossible to

control it.I know, mine is bad too.. Chanting itself will slowly help

you. Chanting aum more and more will help. You are an emotional guy? I got an

answer from my younger brother when he gave his 12th exams. He said you have to

keep trying. Bring your mind back again and again to the problem at hand, and do

not give up. In a month or two, You will be surprised with the results. I just

checked the pallets that have something to do with your mind. BUT will not tell

you yet. First finish an honest 4o day ritual. If you feel it has helped you,

send me a personal mail, and I will let you know.BUT be honest and do whatever

you do with devotion and sincerity. Do not worry so much about concentration.

First start doing things at all.So good luck!jai gurudevanuJay GurudevYour use

of is subject to the

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venus gets into pisces (your first house)on the 4th march and stays

there till 27th march. this is a good time for everyone to get venus

on their side. but more so for you. even after that it spends

approximately the same time in aries (quite ok) and then goes to it's

own house-tauras. good!.

rahu moved to tauras i think 4 days ago, and ketu to scorpio. will

stay there for 1.5 years. some consider this to be exaltation position

for them. to make mr rahu listen to you, get venus on your side too.

and similarly for mr ketu--mars.

these days mars is also in aries (good!), and it is a good time to get

him on your side if needed. jupiter will move to cancer (it's house of

exaltation) in june and stay there for an year. please do not forget

to appease it in thaT YEAR evryone. it is a natural benefic, but can

give troubles too, ask me coming from venus clan. similarly, kanishk

(JUPITER CLAN) though exalted venus is lord of your 3rd and 8th, it

has some mean streaK. this position of jupiter comes once in 12 years.

do not loose it. all pushya nakshatra days every month will be a

wonderful gajkesari yogs. use them well!

saturn moves to gemini again --june,july--a friend's house (but less

friendly than venus).

so just to scare you all

the following moon people are starting/in their sade saati.

tauras--last 2.5 years

gemini--last 5 years

cancer--7.5 years.

will not comment on dhaiyas... but everyone does well to do their

little bit when major planets move. it can really save a lot of

trouble later.


kanishk, without arguing start chanting maha mrityunjaya now, and do

not worry what you think, and continue with 1 mala a day for the next

7.5 -8 years, without getting too upset if you miss it on a day or

two, even if you do nothing else. there is nothing to panic but there

can be some difficulties in life if you do not. though jupiter's

transit is in your favor.

right now saturn and rahu combine in tauras--your 8th house. and uncle

saturn also is not deeply in love with you. so be careful. but uncle

mars is very much on your side in your horoscope-so good!

if you were my real brother, and not chanting, i would give a

screaming if not a thrashing.


so an early happy birthday(3rd march) have a great time. and good


good wishes and bye




ps: next winter with jupiter exalted, and saturn too in an OK house.

plus rahu ketu too in their exaltation positions is a good time to get

married, or for any major start like a new business or one more baby.

but choose the right ascendant!! get fast moving planets like mercury,

moon , venus, sun mars in good positions and it is a wow!! so, mccoy,

you work hard at chanting right now to get "this girl" to agree, and

others should work hard at other things....


good bye, and good luck to all


jai gurudev


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kanishk in order to control these emotions you have to first a wish from

within that you really want to do this. Will is the most important thing

here next comes the tools which can help you do this. Guru Mantra will help

you a great deal. In one of the articles it was mentioned that chanting of

Guru Mantra removes such thoughts and in turn generated pure love. From my

own experience i can say tbat Guru Mantra helps a lot in achieving this but

most imp is our will.


"God helps those who help themselves"


Regular mantra japa along with the will to have pure thoughts will help in

this. Results will not be in short time but will come as you go along. Once

love generates in your heart for everyone at that time you will never think

about such thougths. Percieve all the goddesses as your mother. Daily pray

to them like a child. Try to read the stories where they have exemplified

their role as mother to all humanity. Read the stories of their piousness

and greatness.



Bit of philosphical thinking can also help you.


What is the importance of physical body ?

What is physical pleasure ?

What do we get from physical pleasure ?

What are the limitations and disadvantages of physical pleasure ?

Where will physical pleasure lead us to ?

What is the ultimate goal of each living being ? Will getting caught in

physical pleasure help in achieving this ?



Yogis have said that the pleasure that you achieve during "Sambhog" is

similar to that experienced in Samadhi.

Physical pleasure is short lived, crude and drains energy and takes us

closer to death. Failing to understand it may lead

in to obession which may be followed by crimes. Dwelling on such thougths

ruins mental strength and power to think.

Many a times guilty feelings arise in one which lead to depression and

results in loss of confidence. One looses focus

and the focus of what one wants to do in life also gets blurred. Meaning

let these feelings rule and you for sure that your

life on earth at sometime will be hell. One becomes a slave.


In comparison experience of samadhi makes you a giganic personality and

is permanent. Its controlled and one is able to

feel it with all love and harmony. It helps in understanding every living

being and to live with them happily. It energizes us

in a controlled and pacifying manner and makes our life full of fun and

laughter. Thinking gets focussed to its finest

capability and mental strength which can move mountains. It generates

confidence and gives meaning to life.






>devi_bhagat [devi_bhagat]

>Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:51 PM


> Re: query...



>--- Thanks anu for the tips.........yes i am a very very

> emotional person....!!

>good, I am on my way to become an astrologer. Actually, I am taking an

>oath never to think about it again. I am going to take deep breaths

>and think something else...it is a total waste of time. I open

>everyone's horoscope and try to understand it... and have not read a

>single book on it!


> I even cry sometimes when i feel that someones

> feelings are hurt........


>and why do you do such things in the first place that people cry??


> Sometimes thoughts like Shivji and Parvati kaam

> krida(sex) type thoughts come even when i dont want

> them to come.....then shivji is bound to get angry...


>oh boy, I never thought this way all my life! It is an unhealthy

>curiosity to know what other people are doing in their bed rooms-even

>GODS! Everyone has a right to privacy. Seriously speaking kanishk,

>shivji has created you me, your mind , my mind and the act as well

>thoughts of sex. The fact that you can admit such things on discussion

>lists shows that you are honest and also accept yourself whatever you

>may think. This is a good sign.... as I said, you have a good

>horoscope. since he made a faulty piece he has no right to

>complain..!! it is not your fault at all. do not worry brother, GODS

>are not so limited. Least of all shivji. He knows all truths in any

>case and is truth himself. I suggest that you do not panick, accept

>them and ignore them. Try to replace it with some other thought. Say

>concentrate on shiv ji's feet and bow your head on them. imagine

>yourself as a baby in his lap? You can also think of both of them as

>small children. May be that will help? Whatever appeals to you. They

>will stop coming as you progress. These are obstructions coming from

>your past karma. One day, it will bear out and you will kind your

>heart filled with divine elixir.

> what am i supposed to do........? i mean that kind of

> thought is disrespectful then what am i supposed to

> do.....??

> i cant seem to control my mind for those thoughts not

> to come....

>do not stop them, change them into something else. BUT do not let them

>stop you from praying or chanting. I told you celibacy is not the rule

>for you. Just do something..!! chanting GURU mantra and chetna

>+gayatri will also help you.

>and yes, do chant. Kanishk you can have a great time ahead if you play

>your cards well...your venus is also vargottam. (something!) my venus

>mahasdasha will come only when I am 80, and I have to keep myself

>active and young to enjoy the results then.

>What about my fees, kanishk? Surely you do not expect me to give such

>precious advice for free? OK here is the charge. You will not go to

>this site and that site, and try to understand your horoscope and

>stress yourself! And make yourself panicky about rahu ketu...

>JUST DO NOT THINK ABOUT ASTROLOGY. you will get the ideas of pret

>badha out of your head.

>Believe me GOD is much stronger than all this and he exists! And it is

>really unfair to think that this new boyfriend of your ex girlfriend

>is doing rituals on you.........I have feeling it your imagination.

>OK,OK if it is not, fine, I am sorry.


>So will you pay my fees?


>so very good bye to all of you, and lots of love too to all of you..

>GOOD BYE, god bless and jai gurudev


>ps: there is going to be no astrology section at least for the next 7

>or 8 months on Sadhak.maybe more... I am busy, and my brother ashish

>has relieved me of the work...




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>Jay Gurudev






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i just remembered Paranayama will be of great help in controlling such




>Goel, Anurag (CORP, GEITC) [anurag.goel]

>Sunday, March 03, 2002 4:30 PM


>RE: Re: query...




>kanishk in order to control these emotions you have to first a

>wish from

>within that you really want to do this.




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Dear Friend:


Your comments are really wonderful, and I'd just like to add a

certain point to it....


According to my opinion, in reality there's no such thing as a "pure

thought" or "impure thought". Every thought is created in the causal

body, so the thought of prayers, rituals, etc. have no higher place

in the creation of Maya Shakti than the thoughts of crematorium

grounds, skulls, bones etc. Of course, thoughts may be classified as

Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic, and it's always good to have sattvic

thoughts. However, even Sattvic thoughts are a bondage when it comes

to liberation. And the Tamo Guna has an equal place and equal right

in the realm of Maya Shakti as the Sattva Guna. Our goal is to

transcend all the three Gunas and become firmly established in the

state of "Nirguna", where our consciousness is firmly centered in

the pure divine bliss, with realization through direct experience

that the three Gunas are not a part of us, but more like a "dress"

we wear appropriate for the situation. Great souls like King Janaka,

Sadguru Dattatreya, Tailanga Swami and others are wonderful examples

of such realized beings.


So, perhaps a really good idea is to pray sincerely to

God/Brahman/Ishvar to help us get firmly established in the Nirguna

consciousness, rising above all the three gunas, and deriving our

satisfaction from the infinite bliss resulting from god-communion,

without identifying ourselves with any of the three Gunas.


You might like to check out a really good book "Aghora: At the Left

Hand of God" by Robert Svoboda, which expounds the teachings of

Aghori Vimalananda. It gives a really wonderful insight into

the "left side" so to speak, and after reading it, your way of

thinking might never be the same again :-)


Good luck and God be with you always!


In Divine Friendship





, "Goel, Anurag (CORP, GEITC)"

<anurag.goel@g...> wrote:


> kanishk in order to control these emotions you have to first a

wish from

> within that you really want to do this. Will is the most important


> here next comes the tools which can help you do this. Guru Mantra

will help

> you a great deal. In one of the articles it was mentioned that

chanting of

> Guru Mantra removes such thoughts and in turn generated pure love.

>From my

> own experience i can say tbat Guru Mantra helps a lot in achieving

this but

> most imp is our will.


> "God helps those who help themselves"


> Regular mantra japa along with the will to have pure thoughts will

help in

> this. Results will not be in short time but will come as you go

along. Once

> love generates in your heart for everyone at that time you will

never think

> about such thougths. Percieve all the goddesses as your mother.

Daily pray

> to them like a child. Try to read the stories where they have


> their role as mother to all humanity. Read the stories of their


> and greatness.



> Bit of philosphical thinking can also help you.


> What is the importance of physical body ?

> What is physical pleasure ?

> What do we get from physical pleasure ?

> What are the limitations and disadvantages of physical pleasure ?

> Where will physical pleasure lead us to ?

> What is the ultimate goal of each living being ? Will getting

caught in

> physical pleasure help in achieving this ?



> Yogis have said that the pleasure that you achieve

during "Sambhog" is

> similar to that experienced in Samadhi.

> Physical pleasure is short lived, crude and drains energy and

takes us

> closer to death. Failing to understand it may lead

> in to obession which may be followed by crimes. Dwelling on

such thougths

> ruins mental strength and power to think.

> Many a times guilty feelings arise in one which lead to

depression and

> results in loss of confidence. One looses focus

> and the focus of what one wants to do in life also gets

blurred. Meaning

> let these feelings rule and you for sure that your

> life on earth at sometime will be hell. One becomes a slave.


> In comparison experience of samadhi makes you a giganic

personality and

> is permanent. Its controlled and one is able to

> feel it with all love and harmony. It helps in understanding

every living

> being and to live with them happily. It energizes us

> in a controlled and pacifying manner and makes our life full of

fun and

> laughter. Thinking gets focussed to its finest

> capability and mental strength which can move mountains. It


> confidence and gives meaning to life.



> Anurag



> >

> >devi_bhagat [devi_bhagat]

> >Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:51 PM

> >

> > Re: query...

> >

> >

> >--- Thanks anu for the tips.........yes i am a very very

> > emotional person....!!

> >good, I am on my way to become an astrologer. Actually, I am

taking an

> >oath never to think about it again. I am going to take deep


> >and think something else...it is a total waste of time. I open

> >everyone's horoscope and try to understand it... and have not

read a

> >single book on it!

> >

> > I even cry sometimes when i feel that someones

> > feelings are hurt........

> >

> >and why do you do such things in the first place that people cry??

> >

> > Sometimes thoughts like Shivji and Parvati kaam

> > krida(sex) type thoughts come even when i dont


> > them to come.....then shivji is bound to get


> >

> >oh boy, I never thought this way all my life! It is an unhealthy

> >curiosity to know what other people are doing in their bed rooms-


> >GODS! Everyone has a right to privacy. Seriously speaking


> >shivji has created you me, your mind , my mind and the act as


> >thoughts of sex. The fact that you can admit such things on


> >lists shows that you are honest and also accept yourself whatever


> >may think. This is a good sign.... as I said, you have a good

> >horoscope. since he made a faulty piece he has no right to

> >complain..!! it is not your fault at all. do not worry brother,


> >are not so limited. Least of all shivji. He knows all truths in


> >case and is truth himself. I suggest that you do not panick,


> >them and ignore them. Try to replace it with some other thought.


> >concentrate on shiv ji's feet and bow your head on them. imagine

> >yourself as a baby in his lap? You can also think of both of them


> >small children. May be that will help? Whatever appeals to you.


> >will stop coming as you progress. These are obstructions coming


> >your past karma. One day, it will bear out and you will kind your

> >heart filled with divine elixir.

> > what am i supposed to do........? i mean that

kind of

> > thought is disrespectful then what am i supposed


> > do.....??

> > i cant seem to control my mind for those thoughts


> > to come....

> >do not stop them, change them into something else. BUT do not let


> >stop you from praying or chanting. I told you celibacy is not the


> >for you. Just do something..!! chanting GURU mantra and chetna

> >+gayatri will also help you.

> >and yes, do chant. Kanishk you can have a great time ahead if you


> >your cards well...your venus is also vargottam. (something!) my


> >mahasdasha will come only when I am 80, and I have to keep myself

> >active and young to enjoy the results then.

> >What about my fees, kanishk? Surely you do not expect me to give


> >precious advice for free? OK here is the charge. You will not go


> >this site and that site, and try to understand your horoscope and

> >stress yourself! And make yourself panicky about rahu ketu...

> >JUST DO NOT THINK ABOUT ASTROLOGY. you will get the ideas of pret

> >badha out of your head.

> >Believe me GOD is much stronger than all this and he exists! And

it is

> >really unfair to think that this new boyfriend of your ex


> >is doing rituals on you.........I have feeling it your


> >OK,OK if it is not, fine, I am sorry.

> >

> >So will you pay my fees?

> >

> >so very good bye to all of you, and lots of love too to all of


> >GOOD BYE, god bless and jai gurudev

> >anu

> >ps: there is going to be no astrology section at least for the

next 7

> >or 8 months on Sadhak.maybe more... I am busy, and my brother


> >has relieved me of the work...

> >

> >

> >

> >------------------------ Sponsor

> >---------------------~-->

> >Buy Stock for $4.

> >No Minimums.

> >FREE Money 2002.

> >http://us.click./BgmYkB/VovDAA/ySSFAA/wpWolB/TM

> >------------------------------

> >------~->

> >

> >Jay Gurudev

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> >

> >





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Thanks, youre right, if love generates.......then ill treat all goddeses as my

mothers.....true i used to.....yet sometimes...it comes as bad as

insanity........i think it is because of fear of god.......

Whenever i think of god....i try not to think of that white elephant...at that

time itself the thought comes.......one of my friends who used to go for

vipasshana...his guru told him the same thing that "if you think that you wont

think of that white elephant, then you immediately tend to think of it"....he

said "dont surpress your mind .....but let it go wherever it wants.....and

generate love about gods not fear"


Goel, Anurag (CORP, GEITC)

Sunday, March 03, 2002 3:00 AM

RE: Re: query...

kanishk in order to control these emotions you have to first a wish fromwithin

that you really want to do this. Will is the most important thinghere next

comes the tools which can help you do this. Guru Mantra will helpyou a great

deal. In one of the articles it was mentioned that chanting ofGuru Mantra

removes such thoughts and in turn generated pure love. From myown experience i

can say tbat Guru Mantra helps a lot in achieving this butmost imp is our will.

"God helps those who help themselves" Regular mantra japa

along with the will to have pure thoughts will help inthis. Results will not be

in short time but will come as you go along. Oncelove generates in your heart

for everyone at that time you will never thinkabout such thougths. Percieve all

the goddesses as your mother. Daily prayto them like a child. Try to read the

stories where they have exemplifiedtheir role as mother to all humanity. Read

the stories of their piousnessand greatness. Bit of philosphical thinking can

also help you. What is the importance of physical body ? What is physical

pleasure ? What do we get from physical pleasure ? What are the limitations

and disadvantages of physical pleasure ? Where will physical pleasure lead us

to ? What is the ultimate goal of each living being ? Will getting caught

inphysical pleasure help in achieving this ? Yogis have said that the

pleasure that you achieve during "Sambhog" issimilar to that experienced in

Samadhi. Physical pleasure is short lived, crude and drains energy and takes

uscloser to death. Failing to understand it may lead in to obession which

may be followed by crimes. Dwelling on such thougthsruins mental strength and

power to think. Many a times guilty feelings arise in one which lead to

depression andresults in loss of confidence. One looses focus and the focus

of what one wants to do in life also gets blurred. Meaninglet these feelings

rule and you for sure that your life on earth at sometime will be hell. One

becomes a slave. In comparison experience of samadhi makes you a giganic

personality andis permanent. Its controlled and one is able to feel it

with all love and harmony. It helps in understanding every livingbeing and to

live with them happily. It energizes us in a controlled and pacifying manner

and makes our life full of fun andlaughter. Thinking gets focussed to its finest

capability and mental strength which can move mountains. It

generatesconfidence and gives meaning to life. Anurag>-----Original

Message----->devi_bhagat [devi_bhagat ]>Wednesday,

February 27, 2002 9:51 PM>> Re:

query...>>>--- Thanks anu for the tips.........yes i am a very very>

emotional person....!! >good, I am on my way to become an astrologer.

Actually, I am taking an >oath never to think about it again. I am going to

take deep breaths >and think something else...it is a total waste of time. I

open >everyone's horoscope and try to understand it... and have not read a

>single book on it!>> I even cry sometimes when i feel that

someones> feelings are hurt........> >and why do

you do such things in the first place that people cry??>>

Sometimes thoughts like Shivji and Parvati kaam> krida(sex) type

thoughts come even when i dont want> them to come.....then shivji

is bound to get angry...> >oh boy, I never thought this way all

my life! It is an unhealthy >curiosity to know what other people are doing in

their bed rooms-even >GODS! Everyone has a right to privacy. Seriously speaking

kanishk, >shivji has created you me, your mind , my mind and the act as well

>thoughts of sex. The fact that you can admit such things on discussion >lists

shows that you are honest and also accept yourself whatever you >may think.

This is a good sign.... as I said, you have a good >horoscope. since he made a

faulty piece he has no right to >complain..!! it is not your fault at all. do

not worry brother, GODS >are not so limited. Least of all shivji. He knows all

truths in any >case and is truth himself. I suggest that you do not panick,

accept >them and ignore them. Try to replace it with some other thought. Say

>concentrate on shiv ji's feet and bow your head on them. imagine >yourself as

a baby in his lap? You can also think of both of them as >small children. May

be that will help? Whatever appeals to you. They >will stop coming as you

progress. These are obstructions coming from >your past karma. One day, it will

bear out and you will kind your >heart filled with divine elixir. >

what am i supposed to do........? i mean that kind of> thought

is disrespectful then what am i supposed to> do.....??>

i cant seem to control my mind for those thoughts not> to

come....>do not stop them, change them into something else. BUT do not let them

>stop you from praying or chanting. I told you celibacy is not the rule >for

you. Just do something..!! chanting GURU mantra and chetna >+gayatri will also

help you.>and yes, do chant. Kanishk you can have a great time ahead if you

play >your cards well...your venus is also vargottam. (something!) my venus

>mahasdasha will come only when I am 80, and I have to keep myself >active and

young to enjoy the results then.>What about my fees, kanishk? Surely you do not

expect me to give such >precious advice for free? OK here is the charge. You

will not go to >this site and that site, and try to understand your horoscope

and >stress yourself! And make yourself panicky about rahu ketu...>JUST DO NOT

THINK ABOUT ASTROLOGY. you will get the ideas of pret >badha out of your

head.>Believe me GOD is much stronger than all this and he exists! And it is

>really unfair to think that this new boyfriend of your ex girlfriend >is doing

rituals on you.........I have feeling it your imagination. >OK,OK if it is not,

fine, I am sorry. >>So will you pay my fees?>>so very good bye to all of you,

and lots of love too to all of you..>GOOD BYE, god bless and jai

gurudev>anu>ps: there is going to be no astrology section at least for the next

7 >or 8 months on Sadhak.maybe more... I am busy, and my brother ashish >has

relieved me of the work...>>>>------------------------ Sponsor

>---------------------~-->>Buy Stock for $4.>No Minimums.>FREE Money


Gurudev>>>> >>Your use of is subject to



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recipient,you are notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this

communication is strictly Prohibited. If you have received this message by

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delete the message from your system."Jay GurudevYour use of is

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thanks mukund



Sunday, March 03, 2002 11:44 AM

Re: query...

Dear Friend:Your comments are really wonderful, and I'd just like to add a

certain point to it....According to my opinion, in reality there's no such

thing as a "pure thought" or "impure thought". Every thought is created in the

causal body, so the thought of prayers, rituals, etc. have no higher place in

the creation of Maya Shakti than the thoughts of crematorium grounds, skulls,

bones etc. Of course, thoughts may be classified as Sattvic, Rajasic and

Tamasic, and it's always good to have sattvic thoughts. However, even Sattvic

thoughts are a bondage when it comes to liberation. And the Tamo Guna has an

equal place and equal right in the realm of Maya Shakti as the Sattva Guna. Our

goal is to transcend all the three Gunas and become firmly established in the

state of "Nirguna", where our consciousness is firmly centered in the pure

divine bliss, with realization through direct experience that the three Gunas

are not a part of us, but more like a "dress" we wear appropriate for the

situation. Great souls like King Janaka, Sadguru Dattatreya, Tailanga Swami and

others are wonderful examples of such realized beings. So, perhaps a really good

idea is to pray sincerely to God/Brahman/Ishvar to help us get firmly

established in the Nirguna consciousness, rising above all the three gunas, and

deriving our satisfaction from the infinite bliss resulting from god-communion,

without identifying ourselves with any of the three Gunas.You might like to

check out a really good book "Aghora: At the Left Hand of God" by Robert

Svoboda, which expounds the teachings of Aghori Vimalananda. It gives a really

wonderful insight into the "left side" so to speak, and after reading it, your

way of thinking might never be the same again :-)Good luck and God be with you

always!In Divine Friendship-Mukund, "Goel, Anurag (CORP,

GEITC)" <anurag.goel@g...> wrote:> > kanishk in order to control these emotions

you have to first a wish from> within that you really want to do this. Will is

the most important thing> here next comes the tools which can help you do this.

Guru Mantra will help> you a great deal. In one of the articles it was mentioned

that chanting of> Guru Mantra removes such thoughts and in turn generated pure

love. >From my> own experience i can say tbat Guru Mantra helps a lot in

achieving this but> most imp is our will. > > "God helps

those who help themselves" > > Regular mantra japa along with the will to have

pure thoughts will help in> this. Results will not be in short time but will

come as you go along. Once> love generates in your heart for everyone at that

time you will never think> about such thougths. Percieve all the goddesses as

your mother. Daily pray> to them like a child. Try to read the stories where

they have exemplified> their role as mother to all humanity. Read the stories

of their piousness> and greatness. > > > Bit of philosphical thinking can also

help you.> > What is the importance of physical body ? > What is physical

pleasure ?> What do we get from physical pleasure ?> What are the

limitations and disadvantages of physical pleasure ?> Where will physical

pleasure lead us to ?> What is the ultimate goal of each living being ? Will

getting caught in> physical pleasure help in achieving this ?> > > Yogis

have said that the pleasure that you achieve during "Sambhog" is> similar to

that experienced in Samadhi. > Physical pleasure is short lived, crude and

drains energy and takes us> closer to death. Failing to understand it may lead

> in to obession which may be followed by crimes. Dwelling on such

thougths> ruins mental strength and power to think.> Many a times guilty

feelings arise in one which lead to depression and> results in loss of

confidence. One looses focus > and the focus of what one wants to do in life

also gets blurred. Meaning> let these feelings rule and you for sure that your >

life on earth at sometime will be hell. One becomes a slave. > > In

comparison experience of samadhi makes you a giganic personality and> is

permanent. Its controlled and one is able to > feel it with all love and

harmony. It helps in understanding every living> being and to live with them

happily. It energizes us > in a controlled and pacifying manner and makes

our life full of fun and> laughter. Thinking gets focussed to its finest>

capability and mental strength which can move mountains. It generates>

confidence and gives meaning to life. > > > Anurag> > > >-----Original

Message-----> >devi_bhagat [devi_bhagat]> >Wednesday,

February 27, 2002 9:51 PM> >> > Re:

query...> >> >> >--- Thanks anu for the tips.........yes i am a very very> >

emotional person....!! > >good, I am on my way to become an

astrologer. Actually, I am taking an > >oath never to think about it again. I

am going to take deep breaths > >and think something else...it is a total waste

of time. I open > >everyone's horoscope and try to understand it... and have not

read a > >single book on it!> >> > I even cry sometimes when i

feel that someones> > feelings are hurt........> >

> >and why do you do such things in the first place that people cry??> >> >

Sometimes thoughts like Shivji and Parvati kaam> >

krida(sex) type thoughts come even when i dont want> > them to

come.....then shivji is bound to get angry...> > > >oh boy, I

never thought this way all my life! It is an unhealthy > >curiosity to know

what other people are doing in their bed rooms-even > >GODS! Everyone has a

right to privacy. Seriously speaking kanishk, > >shivji has created you me,

your mind , my mind and the act as well > >thoughts of sex. The fact that you

can admit such things on discussion > >lists shows that you are honest and also

accept yourself whatever you > >may think. This is a good sign.... as I said,

you have a good > >horoscope. since he made a faulty piece he has no right to >

>complain..!! it is not your fault at all. do not worry brother, GODS > >are not

so limited. Least of all shivji. He knows all truths in any > >case and is truth

himself. I suggest that you do not panick, accept > >them and ignore them. Try

to replace it with some other thought. Say > >concentrate on shiv ji's feet and

bow your head on them. imagine > >yourself as a baby in his lap? You can also

think of both of them as > >small children. May be that will help? Whatever

appeals to you. They > >will stop coming as you progress. These are

obstructions coming from > >your past karma. One day, it will bear out and you

will kind your > >heart filled with divine elixir. > > what am i

supposed to do........? i mean that kind of> > thought is

disrespectful then what am i supposed to> > do.....??> >

i cant seem to control my mind for those thoughts not> >

to come....> >do not stop them, change them into something else. BUT do not let

them > >stop you from praying or chanting. I told you celibacy is not the rule >

>for you. Just do something..!! chanting GURU mantra and chetna > >+gayatri will

also help you.> >and yes, do chant. Kanishk you can have a great time ahead if

you play > >your cards well...your venus is also vargottam. (something!) my

venus > >mahasdasha will come only when I am 80, and I have to keep myself >

>active and young to enjoy the results then.> >What about my fees, kanishk?

Surely you do not expect me to give such > >precious advice for free? OK here

is the charge. You will not go to > >this site and that site, and try to

understand your horoscope and > >stress yourself! And make yourself panicky

about rahu ketu...> >JUST DO NOT THINK ABOUT ASTROLOGY. you will get the ideas

of pret > >badha out of your head.> >Believe me GOD is much stronger than all

this and he exists! And it is > >really unfair to think that this new boyfriend

of your ex girlfriend > >is doing rituals on you.........I have feeling it your

imagination. > >OK,OK if it is not, fine, I am sorry. > >> >So will you pay my

fees?> >> >so very good bye to all of you, and lots of love too to all of

you..> >GOOD BYE, god bless and jai gurudev> >anu> >ps: there is going to be no

astrology section at least for the next 7 > >or 8 months on Sadhak.maybe more...

I am busy, and my brother ashish > >has relieved me of the work...> >> >> >>

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