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Dear birendra_m, you have never offended me. Please be at peace. Thanks

for the message and you are completely right, we all act two ways at

diferent times. Thanks for contributing all your knowledge here.

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> you have never offended me.


u r right eve_69. birendra_m is only sane person in this group.

others r only interested in own promotion. they think only they r

disciple of pujya sadgurudevji and when they cud not defy birendra_ms

aura they falsly blamed him. in 1 year they only wished to prove that

only they r devoted to pujya sadgurudevji. 1s astrologer 1 wish to

build site for pujya sadgurudevji 1s kundalini awake. they r frauds.

we sud kick them out.

> Thanks for contributing all your knowledge here.


u r a messenger of god. may pujya sadgurudevji bless u. im hidden or

they throw me out.

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Dear immunaned,

You can say anything in birendra ji's defence. You can also say

anything to me or ashish.


.. 1s astrologer 1 wish to

build site for pujya

sadgurudevji 1s kundalini awake. they r frauds.



But, please do not say a single word about anurag. Anurag is a very

pious and devoted person, one of the true disciples of guruji. and he

is not someone who will lie about kundakini awakening.


we sud kick them out.



.. may pujya sadgurudevji bless u.

im hidden or they throw me out.

No, dear brother. You are as free to voice your opinions as anyone

else. If you prefer to do so in hiding, it is your choice.

Good wishes,

Jai gurudev



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Dear Imunnamed (I wish I knew your real name)

> birendra_m is only sane person in this group.


Biru is a sane person and so are Anurag, Anu, Charanjit, Arvind and

all others.

> 1s astrologer, 1s kundalini awake


Please, I request you, DO NOT SAY such things for Anurag and Anu.

They are nice people and very much devoted to our guruji.

> 1 wish to build site for pujya sadgurudevji


That one is me. Please, help me understand how do I become a fraud by

willing a make a website dedicated to guruji. I never asked for

money; I did not get anything like fame etc. Moreover, even if I

wish, I can't make money from Sadhak. Come on, my financial position

is good; I don't need to be a fraud.

> we sud kick them out.


Please, don't bother. I would leave myself if you wish. I had already

left. I returned just to complete my duty of apologizing to Biru.

> im hidden or they throw me out.


Nobody is going to throw you out as long as you do not insult Guruji.

> they think only they r disciple of pujya sadgurudevji


I never claimed that. Moreover, this is what Biru has said more than

once. Clearly, you intend to create a rift between me and Biru. Sorry

dear, you'll fail this time. Due to my ignorance, I suspected Biru

once and I am not going to do it ever again.


Thanks and have a nice day.



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Dear eve_69

> you have never offended me. Please be at peace. Thanks

> for the message and you are completely right, we all act two ways at

> diferent times. Thanks for contributing all your knowledge here.



you are a good soul, be active and keep contributing.

This group is not a sectarian one.



God bless you.

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oh dear one!


> u r right eve_69. birendra_m is only sane person in this group.

> others r only interested in own promotion.


you have empathised lot with me,i feel lot flatterd,



but i see your point,which in a way is true but not entirely, i see

where you are going,

i believe that you are really devoted to Gurudev, which is very good

to hear.


good or bad,they all are dear to me,and i consider them to be my very

own, iam only interested in their well being and none else.


iam personally and publically aware of their good qualities.i am no

different from them.


child lives in the present , isee them having a lot of playful

attitude , which is very true. i have full faith and belief in their



you can see their replies, i personally feel that they were humble

and caring and child like in their innocent"convicted" replies.



> 1s astrologer 1 wish to



actually anu always wished to be called as an astrolger , i think

this is a consolation for her. some one is referring to her as an

astrolger.though she may look visibly angry over this mail , i bet

inside she might be feeling happy abt being referred to as an



> build site for pujya sadgurudevji 1s kundalini awake. they r


> we sud kick them out.


my dear one, the word kick is very destructive to me, i dont thik

this is a competiton where people ahve to perform without

mistakes and punished for doing that ,



i would like to post a article on this whenever i get some time,

i have to type it so it will be usually someweekend, look for the


'criticism ' on this list in future,


to me is a like a school where we learn from our mistakes

(expereinces) as to how to live in harmony. we all are imperfect and

we have to learn as we go,

no one needs to be kicked out.

was sage valmiki not a thief? one realised soul said


an environment makes a good or bad person, so a theif if he lives in

btw sages will become a sage , that is the power of sangha



yogandas says environemnt is very powerful than will in shaping once

destiny, so i beleive that peopel good or bad aslong as they are sane

are our very own and have to be given a good environment for them to

learn and grow.


if i do some wrong and i realise my mistake i defently want an

environment where people encourage me rather than taunt me for my


so also this place should be the same way , as long as i am there i

will try to ensure that it happens.



> > Thanks for contributing all your knowledge here.


> u r a messenger of god. may pujya sadgurudevji bless u.


dont compare me with such big things,messanger of Gods are very pure

they directly get communication from lord as to what they should do,

iam nowher near that,

regarding promotion,

from day 1 when i got my Gurudev, i was only interested in my


love aspect of spiritualism rather than mantra /tantra sadhanas,

so all my articles are basically in that direction, my Gurudev never

stressed me to do any sadhanas, but my freinds who came along me were

advised to different sadhanas, i dont knwo what plans God has for me,

i have a different perspective to Lord than the other members,


if you would ask me to post on tantras/puju/astrolgy i cant do that,



so others are doing what ever they are goood at,

i beleive that they contribution is in good spirts and within the

limitation of their own capabilites.


i basically see not much difference between me and them, for ex i

would be a flop business man, people would decieve me very easily due

to my nature, but ashish is doing business he has to be very tough

and smart, so what ever he does i see that in this light.so i really

dont have any complaints.


> im hidden or

> they throw me out.





now i understand why kings when praised gave away RICH gifts.

i am interested to know who you are? and i respect your devotion to

Sadgurudev, if you are interested u can communicate me to my personal

email id birendra_m and i promise that i will keep the

identity of urs a secret just between both of us.


i care u.




my reply may be incomplete or incoherent, i am not having time to

reply pls bear this without minding it.


Take care

Jai Gurudev.

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