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It looks like I am one of the few outsiders at this newsgroup. I liked

Osho's writings but I don't come to this group for Osho knowledge. I really

am mostly interested in the sadhanas as taught by the guru and his magazine.

I wonder, did I hear that the founder has left this often miserable world?

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Yes, that


I wonder, did I hear that the

founder has left this often

miserable world?


yes , that is right. Gurudev passed away in july 97. we are all

novices, so you may not meet many experienced people here-at least

not the ones who talk. And everyone has their own views and approaches

as we are all individuals. What suits you and your inclinatios you

will have to discover yourself.

After much fumbling and confusion, I have been able to point out that

the first priority is to ask yourself why are you doing this and what

do you expect from this.

I.e. target the specific issue (assuming it is material) and define

exactly what you wish to accomplish.


Then, depending on your choice time available constraints you can

follow etc choose a deity and a mantra. You can very well contact

Gurudham for guidance, diksha etc. I have some personal reservations

about this issue, which are not to be discussed in public forums or

perhaps anywhere, only do not overdo it. I.e. choose a mantra and a

deity if needed after some guidance and then stick to it till your

problem is solved. I have not personally met anyone who turned his

life around by chanting some mantra for 3 days. The reason is that we

are very inexperienced as well lack the spiritual purity to succeed in

such simplistic missions. Also for a starter chanting gayatri, chetna

and guru mantra for a few days is a very good idea. Ie before you

start any sadhana. You will find them on the site.

The result you achieve depends on two things 1) repetition and 2)

concentration or intensity. Since all of us have limited time, working

on concentration from starting is a good idea. The simplest thing for

a starter to do is to place a picture of the deity and look at it

while chanting. I personally prefer a picture in which the deity too

looks at me otherwise I feel like a fool trying to draw attention from

someone who is ignoring me!!


One very serious pitfall of Hinduism is being lost in the maze of

sadhanas/deities mantras. I have made this mistake and see many others

making it. So once you have identified the problem you wish to

address, and the means (deity +mantra), just stop reading the magazine

and books for a while. Do not even look at them! And just stick to

whatever you have chosen until it gives results. Being confused

between this deity and that one, this sadhana and that one makes a

person loose focus and brings the results down to zero.


The other thing to stick to is

At the same place, at the same time daily. So do not starts something

that is over ambitious. If you cannot wake up early sit in the evening

or night. But as far as possible do not change these. In fact I think

new people need not worry at all about things like mahurat etc. they

should first practice sitting at all, and work on their minds. It is

like an artist practicing before the show. Because in the beginning

with weak willed people like me the chant may break etc. so if it

does, do not be defeated and restart it.


Devotion is of utmost importance. As is having faith.


There are some restrictions to be followed like vegetarianism, no

drinking etc. as the idea is to cleanse. Without being a policeman on

yourself follow as much as you can. Only be very careful about these

with high level sadhanas like baglamukhi etc..otherwise do as much as

you can. Instead of focusing on not this and not that, focus on do

this and do that. Talking lesser helps. As does constantly chanting

something. Or any form of prayer.


Positive thought is important, so remember to mentally mould your

negative thoughts into a positive one. Of course we cannot do it all

the time but the more the better.


I think, eve, we should talk of everything. Rather than focusing on

talk osho or not talk osho people should just talk what they wish to.

There should be a lot of activity and participation. The best way to

stop a topic that does not interest you is to start a new one. Several

parallel things can be talked simultaneously. In short there should

be life in this group-the good side of it. I guess we came across as a

silly bunch to you. Sorry for that!

And yes, a public apology this time for my unnecessary curtness to you

about the april fool thing. As I said, you were right, we were wrong.


Good wishes,



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