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A Sadhu and a Bichhu

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Jay Gurudev

Dear Brother and Sister


Kind Attn : Ashish & Birender


Once upon a time there was a Sadhu doing something near a river.

Suddenly he saw there that a Bichu has fallen in the water and trying

to come out from water but was unable to do so. So the Sadhu come

forward to help him. So he take a stick and tried to take him out but

with stick he was unable to help that Bichu. So he finally used his

hand to pull him from the water. So he put his hand under the bichu

to hold him on his palm but as soon as he was able to take him out

the Bichu has just cut in his fingure. The Sadhu was just shaken his

hand due to pain and the Bichu again fall down in the water. Sadhu

again tried to save him but the next time also the same thing

happened with Sadhu. This all has gone for few times. A persons

passing from there was seeing all this. He finally come to Sadhu and

requested that, if the Bichu is biting you again and again and then

why are you taking him out again and again. Just leave him.


The Sadhu replied that when the Bichu can't leave his basics of

biting somebody how can I leave my basic of helping everybody. If he

is determined to bite I am determined to save him. And after few

tried the Sadhu was really able to save the Bichu from water.



I have intenionly mentioned this story for Ashish and Birender. Both

of you are Sadhu for me. And we all want you guys to remain as Sadhu

only. We all face so many good and bad experience daily. But it is

upto us that what we remember most. So may appeal to both of you is

that PLEASE CLOSE THIS CHAPTER and start any new thing.


Both of you are our brother and Bhartvarsa cannot bear the loss of

two great souls. Brothers you have to show path to so many peoples

and if you peoples keep doing like this, Guruji will never forgive


very bad that we are wasting our time in these unproductive

activities. So please come into normal routine. Nobody is blaming

anybody, so just start your next day with fresh mood.


Jay Gurudev


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Dear Charanjit,


yes i too remember this story told by Gurudev.


> I have intenionly mentioned this story for Ashish and Birender.


> of you are Sadhu for me. And we all want you guys to remain as




all those who are devoted/dedicated to Beloved Gurudev/God are

potential sadhus.



> only. We all face so many good and bad experience daily. But it is

> upto us that what we remember most. So may appeal to both of you


> that PLEASE CLOSE THIS CHAPTER and start any new thing.



charanjit, i want to clear a confusion for you,ashish was referring


some other best friend,its not me, i was just trying to patch them

up, becos i feel that ashish likes his best friend very mcuh.



> Both of you are our brother and Bhartvarsa cannot bear the loss of

> two great souls. Brothers you have to show path to so many peoples

> and if you peoples keep doing like this, Guruji will never forgive





charanjit, once again iam reiterating, there is nothing between me

against ashish, i wanted that he learn something from the exprience

few months back and i wrote a mail in that direction, when he

apologised for what he has done, though i never wanted it, i felt that

he has done his part and i too learned some lessons on my part,

so i never had grudge againist ashish till now. i became bit angry.


the best friend he was referring was not me. i hope its clear for you

and for others who became similarly confused.



> I am really feeling

> very bad that we are wasting our time in these unproductive

> activities.




charanjit pls do not mind what iam writing now, i really felt good

that this thing happened, and we all learnt lessons, if this things

dont happen how are we going to learn, if a child feels afraid of

fallling and stops to walk than how can he walk in his life.

But does the child stop, No he is not aware of it, ,even he falls he

still starts to walk


so we should learn from the children this behaviour.


>So please come into normal routine. Nobody is blaming

> anybody, so just start your next day with fresh mood.



True, we should walk on, we shoul fall, but still learn the lessons

that nature wanted us to teach and walk on with the childish

enthusiasm and spirit.





Jai Gurudev

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dear charanjit,

> Brothers you have to show path to so many peoples

> and if you peoples keep doing like this,


we all have the responsiblity wihtin our own capicities to do what

ever we can to do to others, think of others as your own in some way

or the other responsiblity comes at ones own pace

>Guruji will never forgive

> us.


Lord/Gurudev is filled with love and grace, i personally believe that

God dosent have the word "PUNISHMENT" in his dictionary, he only


Its not God that punishes, its ourselves, by our constrained way of

thinking dominated by selfishness and ego, we punish ourselves, Lord

is ever willing to forgive always its on us to turn towards him in

sincerity and humility.


If God has any role, its basically that of a "REDEEMER" its our own

karmas and ignorace that we suffer.






jai Gurudev

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