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Initiation and self effort

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Jai Gurudev





A Bhakta will be initiated by a Bhakta saint in the path of devotion.

A Jnani will initiate a

student of Vedanta in the Mahavakyas. A Hatha Yogi or Raja Yogi can

initiate another in his

particular path. But, a sage of perfect Realisation, a Purna Jnani or

Purna Yogi, can give initiation in

any particular path. A sage or saint like Sri Sankara or Madhusudhana

Sarasvati can initiate a

Sadhaka, in any particular path for which the aspirant is fit. The

Guru will find out by close study of

the aspirant his tastes, temperaments and capacity, and decide for

him the most suitable path. If his

heart is impure, the teacher will prescribe selfless service for a

number of years. Then the Guru will

find out for what particular path the student is fit and initiate him

in that.

Initiation does not mean reciting a Mantra into another's ears. If

Rama is influenced by the

thoughts of Krishna, the former has got initiation already from the

latter. If an aspirant treads the

path of truth after studying the books written by a saint, and

imbibes his teachings, that saint has

already become his Guru.




Just as you can give an orange to aman, so also, spiritual power can

be transmitted by one to

another. This method of transmitting spiritual powers is termed Sakti-

Sanchara. In Sakti-Sanchara,

a certain spiritual vibration of the Satguru is actually transferred

to the mind of the disciple.

Spiritual power is transmitted by the Guru to the proper disciple

whom he considers fit for

Sakti-Sanchara. The Guru can transform the disciple by a look, a

touch, a thought or a word or


Sakti-Sanchara comes through Parampara. It is a hidden mystic

science. It is handed down

from the Guru to the disciple.

Lord Jesus, through touch, transmitted his spiritual power to some of

his disciples. A

disciple of Samartha Ramdas transmitted his power to that dancing

girl's daughter who was very

passionate towards him. This disciple gazed at her and gave her

Samadhi. Her passion vanished.

She became very religious and spiritual. Lord Krishna touched the

blind eyes of Suradas. The inner

eye of Suradas was opened. He had Bhava-Samadhi. Lord Gauranga,

through his touch, produced


divine intoxication in many people and converted them to his side.

Atheists even danced in ecstasy

in the streets by his touch and sang songs of Hari.

The disciple should not rest satisfied with the transmission of power

from the Guru. He will

have to struggle hard in Sadhana for further perfection and

attainments. Sri Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa touched Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda had super

conscious experience.

He struggled hard for seven years more, even after the touch, for

attaining perfection.




Realisation cannot come to you as a miracle done by your Guru. Lord

Buddha, Lord Jesus,

Rama Tirtha have all done Sadhana. Lord Krishna asks Arjuna to

develop Vairagya and Abhyasa.

He did not say to him, "I will give you Mukti now." Therefore,

abandon the wrong notion that your

Guru will give you Samadhi and Mukti. Strive, purify, meditate and


Guru-Kripa, grace of the Guru, is very necessary. That does not mean

that the disciple

should sit idle. He must do rigid Purushartha, spiritual practices.

The whole work must be done by

the student. Nowadays, people want a drop of water from the Kamandalu

of a Sannyasin and desire

to enter into Samadhi immediately. They are not prepared to undergo

any Sadhana for purification

and Self-realisation. They want a magic pill to push them into

Samadhi. If you have got such

delusion, give it up immediately.

Guru and Sastras can show you the path and remove your doubts.

Anubhava of Aparoksha

kind or direct intuitive knowledge is left for your own experience. A

hungry man will have to eat for

himself. He who has a severe itching will have to scratch for himself.

No doubt, Guru's blessings can do everything. How can one have his

blessings? By

pleasing the Guru. A Guru can be pleased with his disciple only if

the latter carries out his spiritual

instructions implicitly. Carefully follow, therefore, the

instructions of the Guru. Act up to his

instructions. Then only will you deserve his blessings, and then

alone his blessings can do



Jai Gurudev

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